Postal services

Lezárva Kiadva: 2 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Lezárva Kiszállításkor fizetve

I need to send a package of documents to someone in NYC. The freelancer will then add three money orders to the package and one return envelope to his address. (I will add these costs to the total fee) He will then receive some documents back, which he will scan and email to me. He will also forward the document to me by regular post.

Paralegal Services Shipping

Projektazonosító: #38827364

A projektről

1 ajánlat Utoljára aktív: 1 hónapja

Hely: Nueva York, Estados Unidos

1 szabadúszó tett átlagosan $235 árajánlatot erre a munkára


I can assist with your document handling and mailing needs in NYC with precision and reliability. I will ensure the package is received, carefully add the money orders and return envelope, and promptly send it to the d Továbbiak

$235 USD 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)