Investigator's Brochure Development for Phase 1 Trial

Lezárva Kiadva: a múlt héten Kiszállításkor fizetve
Lezárva Kiszállításkor fizetve

I need an Investigator's Brochure tailored for regulatory authorities. The brochure should cover the following sections:

- Introduction

- Non-clinical Studies


- Physical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical properties

- Formulation

The brochure is for a clinical trial currently in Phase 1. (wearability study). The product is a transdermal patch

Ideal candidates for this project are freelancers with experience in clinical trial documentation, particularly Investigator's Brochures, and a strong understanding of regulatory requirements. Knowledge in CMC and non-clinical studies is crucial.

This transdermal product is a medical device

Egészségügyi írás Projektmenedzsment Investigation Medical Research

Projektazonosító: #39040120

A projektről

26 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: a múlt héten

26 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 970£ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hi. With my diverse skill set and extensive experience in medical research and regulatory compliance, I am well-positioned to develop a comprehensive Investigator's Brochure for your Phase 1 trial. My proficiency in da Továbbiak

£750 GBP 3 napon belül
(42 vélemény)

Hi there, I understand the critical role an Investigator’s Brochure plays in advancing clinical trials, particularly during Phase 1, where precision and clarity are paramount. With extensive experience in regulatory d Továbbiak

£750 GBP 1 napon belül
(31 vélemény)

Having collaborated with a multitude of clients over the years, I have developed a keen understanding of their needs and preferences. Moreover, my degree in Business Management has equipped me with the necessary skills Továbbiak

£750 GBP 1 napon belül
(27 vélemény)

Hi! With my experience in technical documentation, I can help create a comprehensive Investigator's Brochure that meets regulatory standards. I have worked on many similar projects, particularly in clinical trial phas Továbbiak

£750 GBP 7 napon belül
(7 vélemény)

Hi, I will create a customized Investigator's Brochure for your Phase 1 clinical trial, focusing on the wearability study for a transdermal patch. The brochure will cover all necessary sections, including Introduction Továbbiak

£1125 GBP 7 napon belül
(4 vélemény)

Hi, I am an experienced medical writer specializing in clinical trial documentation, including Investigator’s Brochures tailored for regulatory authorities. I can create a comprehensive and professional brochure for y Továbbiak

£750 GBP 1 napon belül
(1 Visszajelzés)

Hello, I am excited about the opportunity to develop an Investigator's Brochure tailored for your Phase 1 trial of the transdermal patch. With extensive experience in clinical trial documentation and a deep understand Továbbiak

£750 GBP 1 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

As an experienced medical writer, I am well-versed in creating comprehensive, regulator-friendly clinical trial documentation. I understand the importance of an exceptional Investigator's Brochure in not only satisfyin Továbbiak

£750 GBP 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hello, I have meticulously reviewed your project requirements for developing an Investigator's Brochure for the Phase 1 Trial of a transdermal patch. With a focus on regulatory compliance, the brochure will encompass Továbbiak

£800 GBP 1 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hi there, I’m excited to help create your Investigator’s Brochure for the Phase 1 clinical trial. With experience in clinical trial documentation and a strong understanding of regulatory requirements, I’ll ensure the Továbbiak

£750 GBP 1 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

I'm a medical doctor and writer. I understand the main aim of the brochure is to introduce the product to authorities to achieve approval for initiating clinical trials. I will tailor a well-written and elaborate broch Továbbiak

£1125 GBP 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)