I would like to possibly look at converting Magento Community into my ERP System.

Törölve Kiadva: Feb 9, 2015 Kiszállításkor fizetve
Törölve Kiszállításkor fizetve

Im looking at possibly converting magento community into my erp system. This would mean the following would need to be added and configured.

- Event Calender

- Work Order Module

- Support Contract Module

- Some work flows built

- Vendor Module

- Purchase Orders

- All Carts Created Become A Quote

- Sales Orders Are Turned To Invoices

- Would like to accept payments over the phone which means I would need the ability of receiving a pyament on a invoice in the backend

- Need Support Ticket Module

- Customers Should Be Able To View Support Tickets In their portal

- Need the ability of managing subscriptions in the backend also

The main purpose is to consolidate all systems

This is just an idea right now but if the price becomes right I will start moving forward

Grafikai tervezés HTML Magento PHP Webdesign

Projektazonosító: #7110825

A projektről

29 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: Feb 9, 2015

29 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 661$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hello, Here are Magento Experts , 1. Easy access on IMs like Gtalk, Skype, Yahoo and MSN 2. Excellent Communication Skills 3. Immediate response to concerns and queries 4. Payments linked to delivery miles Továbbiak

$736 USD 18 napon belül
(164 vélemény)

Hi there, I have gone through with your project details, all your requirements are clear to me. I would like to offer our services for your project. We have designed similar & complex ERP systems in past As we have be Továbbiak

$462 USD 10 napon belül
(68 vélemény)

Hi! Greetings! I have gone through your description. We have an integrated team of web professionals, creative designers to get your website done on time and so glad to bid on this project as we have tremendo Továbbiak

$620 USD 25 napon belül
(98 vélemény)

Hello Employer, Could you please let me know what all these module will include and what will be the flow of the website. I am well versed with MAGENTO and have done variety of projects on same. Look forward t Továbbiak

$747 USD 12 napon belül
(17 vélemény)

Hello There, Thanks for sharing your requirements with us. We are very much interested in doing the project as we are very much experienced in website design and development. We are expert in every CSS,PHP,HTML5,CMS/fr Továbbiak

$515 USD 10 napon belül
(32 vélemény)

Hi , we suggest you to think about integrating Odoo , using open ERP bridge to couple Odoo with your existing magento store. Where you will gain access to the following things, - Event Calender - Work Order Module Továbbiak

$722 USD 15 napon belül
(1 Visszajelzés)

Dear Sir, I'm expert in Graphic Design, HTML, Magento, PHP, Website Design i think i can do your work please give me one chance i will satisfied you thanks.

$250 USD 5 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hello and thank you for considering my bid If you would like high quality work with a fast turn around for a fair price, contact me. You won't be disappointed. My husband and I enjoy working on all kinds of pri Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hi, Hope all is well. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce to our recent start up software company based in India. "Pure Imagination". Since we have recently started the only thing which we have Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(0 vélemény)