Online web project

Lezárva Kiadva: Jul 14, 2015 Kiszállításkor fizetve
Lezárva Kiszállításkor fizetve

I am looking for someone who can create four JSP responsive pages(only the Front end-UI part only) . Technologies (HTML5, CSS3, Jquery/AngularJS, Java Script, JSP). The total width of each page is 1280.

Page 1 (LoginPage), Something like facebook, which has login and register page together: [login to view URL], Color scheme is ocean blue. All the pages must have common header/footer page fragments.

a. Login Button

b. Register button - Registration page, will provide the field names

c. Facebook integration

[login to view URL] 2 (Forgot Password) Forgot password something like facebook [login to view URL] have the same loginModule (with username/password fields and Login functionality with validation). There must be a forgot email address text field in the center of the page, email validation required.

[login to view URL] entry page - (Add new record page )

[login to view URL] 4 (Record List) Record List page . Lists all the records submitted through add new record page.

We will need to perform client side validation, add logo(I will provide it), other minor tweaks.

AngularJS CSS HTML5 jQuery / Prototype JSP

Projektazonosító: #8066351

A projektről

17 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: Aug 20, 2015

17 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 44$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Eagerly looking forward for this project. Kindly have a look at our portfolio and we could take it from there.

$111 USD 15 napon belül
(31 vélemény)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$55 USD 1 napon belül
(3 vélemény)

Hi bro, I can start this right now. Please come over chat and give me the details of your project. I can do this in time. Thank you

$55 USD 3 napon belül
(4 vélemény)

I am ready to work on your Online web project as per the requirement , message me i am available 24/7 online Továbbiak

$39 USD 1 napon belül
(5 vélemény)

I've had numerous experience dealing with validation on websites and skilled and familiar with JAVA's J2EE. I can use the technologies that come with it such as the Server-Side Includes which expedites the use of the h Továbbiak

$30 USD 4 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

my minds revolves around the project details through out the clock. i shock myself that i involve myself completely into the project details

$30 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hi Sir, We are team of web developers based in Chennai. Ready to start development of the website immediately. You can rely on us since we have the habit of genuinely delivering the complete source code of the projec Továbbiak

$37 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hi, I have read your project description and understood most of it. I have few questions before I can start working on this project. It would be great if we can chat and address these small queries. I have 6 years of Továbbiak

$36 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

I have a versatile skill set but my biggest talent lies in website development. I have created multiple websites that are responsive and work on all devices. Four web pages is generally the standard for all website app Továbbiak

$37 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$25 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$42 USD 4 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

I can quickly and efficiently develop the script to meet the clients' milestones of four (4) web pages as described in the proposal. I have the necessary experience in html, CSS, c#, javascript, and php to do an exemp Továbbiak

$37 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$37 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)