Online web project
$25-40 USD
Kiszállításkor fizetve
I am looking for someone who can create four JSP responsive pages(only the Front end-UI part only) . Technologies (HTML5, CSS3, Jquery/AngularJS, Java Script, JSP). The total width of each page is 1280.
Page 1 (LoginPage), Something like facebook, which has login and register page together: [login to view URL], Color scheme is ocean blue. All the pages must have common header/footer page fragments.
a. Login Button
b. Register button - Registration page, will provide the field names
c. Facebook integration
[login to view URL] 2 (Forgot Password) Forgot password something like facebook [login to view URL] have the same loginModule (with username/password fields and Login functionality with validation). There must be a forgot email address text field in the center of the page, email validation required.
[login to view URL] entry page - (Add new record page )
[login to view URL] 4 (Record List) Record List page . Lists all the records submitted through add new record page.
We will need to perform client side validation, add logo(I will provide it), other minor tweaks.
Projektazonosító: #8066351
A projektről
17 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 44$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára
Eagerly looking forward for this project. Kindly have a look at our portfolio and we could take it from there.
Hi bro, I can start this right now. Please come over chat and give me the details of your project. I can do this in time. Thank you
my minds revolves around the project details through out the clock. i shock myself that i involve myself completely into the project details
I have a versatile skill set but my biggest talent lies in website development. I have created multiple websites that are responsive and work on all devices. Four web pages is generally the standard for all website app Továbbiak
I can quickly and efficiently develop the script to meet the clients' milestones of four (4) web pages as described in the proposal. I have the necessary experience in html, CSS, c#, javascript, and php to do an exemp Továbbiak