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    2,000 zen cart paypal setup munkát találtunk

    Tapasztalt front-end fejlesztőt keresünk, UNAS alapú projekt megvalósításához. A honlap célja információs (új márka bevezetése), webshop funkcióval kiegészítve. Design és funkcionalitás: - A designt mi adjuk, az első tervek itt láthatók: - A funkcionalitásban nem kell több, mint amit egy átlagos UNAS template tud. - A back-end bekötést a rendszergazdánk elvégzi, ténylegesen a site-build, amire szükségünk van. Szükséges ismeretek: - Site-build (referencia portfoliót kérünk megosztani) - Unas tapasztalat - Magyar nyelv Időzítés: - A projekt azo...

    €465 Average bid
    €465 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    ...pluginba -Legyen egy kimásolható linkje a felhasználónak a profilban vagy a menüsorban (menüben jobb lenne), -Profilban egy referall előzmények rész, ki rendelt alóla és mennyi jutalékot kapott, és ugyanez kellene ha a meghívottjának a meghívottjai is rendelt, azt is láthathassa (ilyen mlm struktúra lenne) -kifizetési beállítások megadása profil oldalon: Szerintem egyelőre csak banki utalás (esetleg paypal), itt az összeg megadásával kérvényezhetne kifizetést, amit az adminnak fel kell dolgoznia, vagyis valamilyen módon beérkezne hozzánk, -Valahol legyenek beá...

    €212 Average bid
    €212 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Olyan személyt,személyeket keresek akik egy cég webshopjának folyamatos fejlesztésében részt tudnak venni! Fontos, hogy az illető(k) nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek az Open Cart és a web(kereskedelem) terén. Feladatok: ckeditor, termék szűrő, termékadatlap és más feladatok.

    €1046 Average bid
    €1046 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Sziasztok, lenne egy projektem ahova szükségem lenne egy steam authenticate-re és egy paypal integrációra. Egy weboldalra kéne felrakni egy steam logint és ha az adott felhasználó be van jelentkezve egy gombnyomásra tudjon beállított értékeket utalni paypalon, majd ha a tranzakció sikeres volt akkor egy adatbázisban az eddigi értékét növelje +annyival amennyit utalt ----- [ENG] Hi, I would have a project where I would need a steam authenticate and a paypal integration. You should put a steam login on a website and if the given user is logged in, you can transfer the set values on paypal at the touch of a button, then if the transaction...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Hello, szeretnék egy magento webáruházat. Autófelszerelési cuccokat, olajokat, alkatrészeket stb árulok majd benne. Feladat: oldalon a tárhelyen a magento 2 alap konfigurálása, a készen kapott grafikai főoldal grafikai elemeinek elhelyezése, paypal fizetőkapu beüzemelése, dpd vagy dhl futárszolgálattal való összekapcsolás.

    €249 Average bid
    €249 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Akkor írj ha tudsz magyarul, akkor írj ha ismered a Shopware-t. Feladat: Shopware webshop alap installáció, TecDoc plugin installáció, PostFinance és PayPal installáció, Nem fontos: grafikai elemek, nem része a projektnek a grafikai elemek elkészítése.

    €737 Average bid
    €737 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Magyarországon működő Cs-cart Multivendor programozót keresünk hosszútávú együttműködésre induló webáruházunkhoz.

    €36 / hr Average bid
    €36 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Cs-cart multivendor
    Véget ért left

    Cs-cart multivendor webáruház fejlesztőt keresek Magyarországon. Cégünk magyarországi céggel szeretne leszerződni.

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Cs-Cart fejlesztéshez keresünk programozót, a webáruház vállalatirányítási rendszerrel történő összekapcsolásához, szinkronizáláshoz.

    €1246 Average bid
    €1246 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Wordpress alapú ingatlanos oldalon lenne pár megoldandó feladatunk. Houzez ( (), vagy Wp Residence () sablonnal kellene megoldani az alábbiakat: - Barionos bankkártyás fizetési illesztés. Különböző Membership csomagok vannak, amikért különböző mennyiségű ingatlant tölthetnek fel. Mindkét sablonba Paypal, Stripe, illetve 2checkout van integrálva. - Számlázó program illesztés. - Regisztráció SMS megerősítéssel. - Az ingatlanhoz feltöltött virtuális túra megtekintése csak regisztrációval legyen lehetséges.

    €161 Average bid
    €161 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    Videó vágó stúdió wifi hálózatának beállítása IP blokkolással illetve Chromcast beállítása. A későbbiekben karbantartási munkák elvégzése.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    9 árajánlat
    Weboldal programozás
    Véget ért left

    - Webshop létrehozása - SEO, UX/UI szabályok betartásával - Termék konfigurátor programozása (java) - több variálható színű elemből álló termé konfigurátorának létrehozása, kezelőfelülettel - DHL api integráció - Paypal és egyéb fizetési modul - Feliratkozás hírlevélre - Bármely CMS de WP a preferált - A terveket mi biztosítjuk

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Meglévő joomla alapú honlapom átalakítására keresek szakembert. Oldal neve: Változtatások: paypal és skrill fizetés korszerűbb beágyazása, facebook átirányítás modernizálása. Az oldal összképének modernizálása.

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...tulajdonosok letrehozhatjak a versenyuket, es a fotosok online bekuldhetik a munkajukat es fizethetik a reszveteli dijat. 3 modul lenne: - fotoverseny tulaj (beallithatja a kulonbozo verseny reszleteit, kategoriakat, dijakat, stb) - fotos (aki palyazhat a kulonbozo dijakra es feltoltheti / elkuldheti a fotoit, fizetheti a reszveteli dijat) - admin (hogy mi atlassuk az egesz rendszert) A fizetes paypal adaptive payment rendszerrel menne. A beallitasok es a kulonbozo formok nagy reszet en mar megcsinaltam egy form creatorral, tehat azokat oda tudom adni ugy ahogy vannak. A honlapnak kb igy kellene funkcionalnia, ez hasonlo csak filmekkel: Legyszi regisztralj be es nezd meg, es kuldj egy ajanlatot hogy kb mennyi ido es penzert csinalnad meg! En tokre orulnek, ha egyutt

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...

    €127 Average bid
    €127 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...

    €745 Average bid
    €745 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    PSD to Wordpress
    Véget ért left

    Szia Zsolt,nnKis Robert vagyok, Angliaban elo web designer, developer. Senior-kent dolgozom egy nagy promocios es marketing cegnel, emellett a sajat vallalkozasomat egyengetem. nKeresek, lehetoleg hosszutavra, egy megbizhato es kreativ tarsat, aki az altalam megtervezett grafikai terveket atirja magas szintu Worpress...templatbe a jelenlegi es a leendo ugyfeleim a gyorsasag, inkabb a magas minoseg a cel. Egyelore 5 dizajn var meglositasra a kovetkezo hetekre, honapokra ha meg tudunk egyezni. A kozeli jovoben pedig egy nagyobb lelegzetu, hoszabb projectben is erdekelt vagyok amiben dolgozhatnank egyutt. nElvarasaim: Wordpress, HTM5, CSS3, responsive, WP pluginek ismerete, integracioja. nFizetes Paypal : Skype, telefonnnElore is koszonom:nKiss Robert

    €10 Average bid
    €10 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...MIAS, and INbreast datasets to train the model. Evaluate the model’s performance using the following metrics: Accuracy: Achieve up to 95%. Recall/Sensitivity: Achieve up to 95%. Specificity: Achieve up to 95%. Precision. F1 Score. Note: Implement the project using Python with GPU Tensorflow on native-Windows (local environment lab) Note: 1. Preparing the Environment Steps: Install libraries: Setup the work environment: Use Jupyter Notebook 2. Collect data Steps: Get a database like CBIS-DDSM, MIAS and INbreast. Upload data to the working folder. Organise files by categories: benign/: images of benign tumors. malignant/: images of malignant tumors. normal/: normal images. 3. Read and explore the data 4. Preprocess the data (Data Preprocessing) Steps: Image scaling: No...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    My websites, and , are having issues that need immediate attention. Key Issues: - Both sites have broken links and pages, primarily on the homepage. - The CDN is not set properly, leading to further complications. - The hosting for Triphazer has not b...have broken links and pages, primarily on the homepage. - The CDN is not set properly, leading to further complications. - The hosting for Triphazer has not been identified. Potential Server Migration: - Depending on the findings, a move to a new server may be necessary. Ideal Candidate: - Should have proven experience in website troubleshooting, repair, and optimization. - Familiarity with CDN setup and server migration is a plus. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail are a must.

    €422 Average bid
    €422 licitátlag
    61 árajánlat

    ...them to their cart, and securely complete transactions. The design will be responsive, user-friendly, and optimized for performance and SEO. Project Goals Create a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate e-commerce platform. Implement a secure and efficient shopping experience. Optimize for SEO, performance, and mobile responsiveness. Ensure secure payment processing and user data protection. Integrate order management and inventory tracking. Key Features 1. Website Design & UI/UX Custom WordPress theme (or modification of a premium theme). Responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop users. Intuitive navigation and search functionality. High-quality product images and descriptions. 2. WooCommerce Integration Product listing with categories, tags, and filters. Shopping ...

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    I am experiencing issues with importing an integrated component library into Altium Designer 21. I need an experienced Altium designer user who can guide me on how to import the integrated library into my work space and help me solve the warnings and errors associated with the import process. Specific Issues I Encounter: - Fatal Error: Library...Encounter: - Fatal Error: Library Importer indicating that a specified folder does not exist. - Warning: Part Choice mapping in the library indicating a parameter has not been selected. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Altium Designer 21. - Proficient in handling component libraries. - Excellent problem-solving skills related to library import process. - Strong understanding of library setup, mapping parameters, and final integrat...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr licitátlag
    12 árajánlat
    Senior Fullstack Developer
    6 nap left

    ...expertise in frontend libraries like React/React Native. Strong experience with backend frameworks such as Node.js, , Nest.js. Solid understanding of GraphQL API design and development. Expertise in relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) and familiarity with NoSQL databases (Redis, MongoDB, etc.). Experience working with AWS hosting services (RDS, Lambda, S3, R53, EC2). Strong grasp of system setup and DevOps, including nginx, git, Docker. Proficiency in writing unit, integration, and acceptance tests using tools like Mocha, Jest. Experience with CI/CD pipelines (GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or similar). Understanding of site security principles (CSRF, XSS, etc.). Soft Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent verbal and written communication abilities. Abili...

    €2165 Average bid
    €2165 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm in the process of setting up a home video production of me p...position ad set up my mics for playing primarily for creating YouTube content. I need some expert help with the setup of my microphones and audio interfaces, and suggestions for additional equipment. Please provide recommendations for specific equipment. The budget for additional equipment is between $500 and $1000. I do not require assistance with acoustics and soundproofing, just the equipment setup. I prefer both studio and live performance microphone sound. The studio size is medium, between 151 and 300 square feet. Please also include recommendations for video recording equipment. The video quality should be basic HD. I already have a Zoom Q8n-4k. I am looking to use a multi-mic setup for b...

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    ...Mechanism: • New tokens minted when fiat is deposited. • Tokens burned upon redemption for fiat. • Oracle Integration: Fetch real-time USD value to avoid price volatility. 4. Security & Compliance • Security audits (CertiK, OpenZeppelin). • KYC/AML integration with third-party providers. • Multi-signature wallets for fund security. 5. Payment & Exchange Integration • Fiat on/off ramps (Stripe, PayPal, Bank API). • DEX & CEX listing (Uniswap, Binance, Coinbase). Required Developer Skills • Solidity, , Hardhat/Truffle (Smart Contracts) • Node.js, Python (Backend Development) • React.js, (Frontend Development) • IPFS, AWS, Firebase (Decentralized Storage & Hosting) • Security Protocols ...

    €302 Average bid
    €302 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to build a Laravel ecommerce website integrated with React.js. This platform will be interactive, user-friendly, and efficient with the following requirements: Payment Gateways: - Integration of PayPal, Stripe, and Atlan for seamless transactions. Key Features: - Product Search and Filtering: A robust search engine with filtering options for ease of product accessibility. - User Reviews and Ratings: A section for customer feedback to promote transparency and trust. - Wishlist Functionality: Allow users to save their favorite products for future purchases. User Roles: - Admin: Full access to all site features for monitoring and management. - Vendor: Limited access for product posting and order management. - Customer: Basic access f...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Football tickets catcher
    6 nap left

    Hello! I'm looking for a talented dev for create a browser automation tickets catcher for the website. The script should be update page, checking tickets and add to the cart, send notifications. Key Features: - Multithreading setup with undetected browser feature - Selection of ticket categories and quantities - Adjustable page refresh intervals - Automatic addition of tickets to the cart - Notifications Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python and its frameworks. - Experience with multithreading and handling concurrency. - Async coding. - Ability to bypass website protections (e.g. capcha solving/other) - Knowledge in web scraping and automation. - GUI development. - Creating browser extensions. - Database management. What i want, like this one~:

    €240 Average bid
    €240 licitátlag
    96 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to build an e-commerce website for my brand, specializing in digital products. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A user-friendly shopping cart is essential for seamless product selection and purchase. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and reliable payment gateway integration is a must to ensure smooth transactions. - User Account Management: The site should facilitate user registration, login, and account management for personalized shopping experiences. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in building e-commerce websites. - Proficient in integrating secure payment gateways. - Skilled in creating intuitive user account management systems. - Knowledgeable about e-commerce best practices for selling digital products. Your exper...

    €124 Average bid
    €124 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional who can help me set up my local macOS environment to work with Docker and phpMyAdmin. Key Requirements: - Configure my Docker setup to work with phpMyAdmin. - Ensure it's connected to the correct database. - If necessary, create a Docker image for phpMyAdmin. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Docker. - Proficient in configuring phpMyAdmin. - Strong understanding of macOS system. - Excellent problem-solving skills. You're the right fit if you can ensure a seamless setup, enabling me to easily access phpMyAdmin through my localhost. Your expertise will save me a lot of time and frustration. Looking forward to your bids.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    Freelancer Task: Azure MS SQL Database & Data Pipeline Setup Project Scope The freelancer will deploy a cloud-based Microsoft Azure SQL Database, set up an automated data pipeline for Excel uploads, and provide a management interface for querying the data. Requirements 1. Azure SQL Database Setup Deploy an Azure SQL Database (PaaS) instance. Create three tables using data from provided Excel sheets. Define appropriate data types, constraints, and indexing for optimised performance. Provide SQL scripts for table creation and initial data import. 2. Azure Virtual Machine (VM) for Management Provision an Azure Virtual Machine (Windows-based) to serve as a management server. Install and configure Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for querying the database. Ensur...

    €683 Average bid
    €683 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a freelancer to develop a professional and corporate styled web page for my satellite TV business, akin to DirectTV. The primary goal of thi...Comparison Charts: Interactive comparison charts to help potential customers understand the differences between our products. - Frequently Asked Questions: A comprehensive FAQ section to address common customer queries. The ideal candidate for this project should possess strong web development skills, particularly in creating SEO friendly sites. Experience in e-commerce is a plus, as a shopping cart feature may also be incorporated for sales tracking and conversion purposes. A knack for professional and corporate design styles is essential to align with our brand image. Please integrate All in One SEO for comprehensive ...

    €389 Average bid
    €389 licitátlag
    136 árajánlat

    We are looking for an experienced Weweb/Xano builder to assist our team in setting up two independent web apps that feed into and from shared databases (users, properties,...consists of two English-speaking persons with rudimentary no-code knowledge and no prior build experience. Your task will be to set up the respective architecture for each platform so that we may develop our no-code skills on the projects and fine-tune the UI and functionalities of the platforms. We intend to deploy MVP versions of both platforms simultaneously by June/July 2025. After the initial setup, your further assistance will be required on an ad hoc basis. Please refer to the attached UI designs to get an idea of the work scope. (These images do not represent the full project scope due to upload size li...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    ...service offerings - A comprehensive 'Contact Us' section - Employee profiles complete with certificates - A feature for employers to post jobs - Employees profile and Certificate - Comparison and search filter by salary, country, experience, gender, age, location - An interactive chat function for interviews between employees and employers - A secure payment gateway that accepts Visa/Master cards, PayPal, and Alipay - Three multi-language wmpl- Thai, English, Chinese, Myanmar The site needs to accommodate three user roles: job seekers, employers, and site administrators. The ideal candidate will have experience with eCommerce sites and job boards, and will be proficient with setting up secure payment gateways. Understanding of UX/UI principles is a plus. Please provide...

    €159 Average bid
    €159 licitátlag
    100 árajánlat

    ...products in an appealing way. - Checkout Pages: The final step in the customer journey should be seamless and straightforward, reflecting a modern layout. - Search Functionality: Improve the search feature to provide faster and more accurate results. - Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure that the web app is fully responsive and provides a seamless experience on all devices. - Shopping Cart: Modernize and optimize the shopping cart for quick and efficient use. - User Account Pages: Redesign user account pages to make them more user-friendly and feature-rich. - Payment Gateway Integration: Ensure secure and efficient payment processing with updated payment methods. - SEO Optimization: Improve on-page SEO to enhance search engine visibility and rankings. - Security Enhancements: Im...

    €176 Average bid
    €176 licitátlag
    56 árajánlat

    I need a casual and engaging video editor for both my YouTube and TikTok content. I also require assistance in creating a Facebook page for my business, primarily aimed at promoting our products/services. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in video editing for YouTube and TikTok - Able to edit in a casual and engaging style - Experience in setting up professional Facebook business pages - Understanding of social media marketing and promotion - Knowledge of SEO best practices for YouTube and Facebook - Understanding of content strategy for social media platforms - Experience with graphic design for social media assets - Experience in managing Facebook ad campaigns - Ability to provide fast and responsive communication

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    38 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a tool that fully automates messaging on specific platforms: Android, Apple, and Laptop. Key Features: - Trigger-based automated messaging - Duplicate message detection - Autopilot operation post-setup - Key detection for appropriate messaging - Smart scheduling for optimal message timing - Optional: AI-powered responses for dynamic conversations - User behavior tracking for system adaptation This tool will mainly handle messaging automation, with interactions spanning customer support inquiries, sales follow-ups, and general information requests. The ideal candidate for this project would be proficient in: - Software development and integration - AI and machine learning - Natural language processing Experience with creating simil...

    €106 Average bid
    €106 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    ...will be to engage decision-makers, articulate our value proposition, and lock in appointments for our client's sales team to take further. - Requirements: • Fluency in CZECH or SLOVAKIAN (native or bilingual, NO accent) • Ability to work independently • Strong record in meeting or exceeding call targets • proficiency, for tracking and follow-up activities Ideally, you'll have your own setup to make calls and track progress. I'm looking for someone with the confidence and competence to represent us professionally and push our business growth. In order to apply, Please define your CZECH or SLOVAKIAN language experience: how long have you used it in daily life / similar telemarketing projects? Describe your recent experience with similar...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    E-commerce Shopify Website Design
    6 nap left

    ...Functionality: Allow customers to add products to a wishlist for future purchase considerations. - Advanced Search Filters: Include advanced search filters to help users easily find products by category, price range, ratings, etc. - Mobile Optimization: Ensure the website is fully optimized for mobile devices to enhance the shopping experience on smartphones and tablets. - Abandoned Cart Recovery: Implement an abandoned cart recovery system to remind customers to complete their purchases. - Product Recommendations: Display product recommendations based on customer browsing and purchase history to increase cross-selling. - Guest Checkout: Allow customers to make purchases without creating an account for a quicker checkout process. - Social Media Integration: Integrate with ...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    37 árajánlat
    Elegant Shopify Store Design
    6 nap left

    ...provide a seamless user experience across all devices. - Implement SEO optimization to improve search engine ranking and increase organic traffic. - Integrate social media platforms to enhance marketing and customer engagement. - Add live chat support to provide real-time assistance to customers. - Set up multiple payment gateways to offer customers a variety of payment options. - Set up abandoned cart recovery system to increase conversion rates by reminding customers of unpurchased items. - Provide a shipping calculator to help customers estimate shipping costs before checkout. - Offer customizable themes to allow clients to personalize the look and feel of their store. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong portfolio of classic and elegant designs, with pro...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    i have 3 VPS servers. You need to create master-master replication of database server and files (realtime).  You also need to setup plesk panel trial with mariadb 10.x

    €19 Average bid
    €19 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    ...schedule. However, if a customer visits the Schedule page, then they should see all available classes listed. - The course badges (icons) appear at the correct size on the Classes page, but they are too large when viewed on the Event page or on the Schedule page. I’m not sure how to adjust this… - My global header/menu is okay, but I want better control over the placement of the shopping cart icon/button and the Contact button. The width is too variable depending on the width of the browser, so I want this to be more consistent. • As stated previously, the main goal is to make it easy for customers to find the course they want, learn more detail about each class, and ultimately purchase the training. • I want to successfully run at least...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr licitátlag
    154 árajánlat

    I require assistance with configuring my Windows Server 2016. Key tasks involve setting up an auto radial PPPoE dialer to initiate on system boot and during network disconnections, as well as enabling multiple users to access a single user account without logging off. Key Tasks: - Configuring an auto radial PPPoE dialer on a Windows Server 2016. This will need to start at system boot and during any network disconnections. - Setting up a system that allows two users to access the same account without needing to log off. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Windows Server 2016 - Knowledge of PPPoE dialer applications - Previous work with user account management and network configuration - Problem-solving skills to troubleshoot potential connectivity issues - Ability to ...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    PLEASE READ BEFORE PLACING A BID. -------------------------------------------------------------- I have a functional Zabbix 7.2 setup and need expert assistance to implement comprehensive monitoring for both cPanel and DirectAdmin servers. The hosts are already added to Zabbix (active/passive agent), but I require a tailored configuration to ensure robust and visually appealing monitoring. Scope of Work Your responsibilities will include: Items: Configure metrics collection (e.g., CPU usage, memory utilization, disk activity, etc.). Triggers: Set up thresholds and alerts based on best practices. Graphs: Build intuitive and detailed visualizations for key metrics. Dashboards: Design sleek, professional dashboards for a clear overview of server health. Discovery Rules: Automate th...

    €66 Average bid
    €66 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    Whatsapp in app payment No redirection Reference i have I've set up an auto-reply feature for my WhatsApp Business account, and I need some enhancements. Specifically, whenever a user selects '100' from a list, a payment link for 100rs via Razorpay should be sent. Key Requirements: - Modification of current auto-reply setup to include sending payment links. - Payment links should be sent in-app, via WhatsApp, whenever '100' is selected from the list by a user. - The auto-reply message includes text and an image, so the freelancer needs to be able to integrate this with the multimedia element of the reply. - Experience with Razorpay is a plus, but not necessary. The WhatsApp Business API is already configured, so this project will focus on enhancing the...

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm in search of a skilled Odoo developer who can efficiently set up the Inventory Management, POS, and CRM apps tailored for my company. Key Responsibilities: - Create a robust system for tracking our physical goods in the inventory - Establish a Point of Sale system - Set up a Customer Relationship Management application I...candidates should have: - Proven experience with Odoo implementation and customization - Strong understanding of Inventory Management, POS, and CRM systems - Ability to tailor these systems to meet specific company needs Please note, while I primarily need an inventory tracking system, the specifics of the functionalities may be discussed later. Your expertise will be crucial in advising on the best setup and features to include, especially for the in...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Hello, Please be aware that you must speak fluent English to do this job, your bid price must be your final price for the job, I will own any work that I have paid for and I do not want this work listing in your portfolio. Thank you. I started my business nearly 10 years ago using Zoho Books only. I have since started using Zoho One and enabled the CRM. I have setup Zoho Books to synchronise with the Zoho CRM. However, the sync is only working one way. I want my team to start transitioning to using Zoho CRM as the main application that we use to do business and not Zoho Books. So when a new account is created in Zoho CRM, I need it to sync to Zoho Books immediately. I need this to work for every user profile. What is currently happening is that when I create a new customer in Z...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled web and app developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce application for both iOS and Android and website. Key Features: - Implement a robust product search and filter system - Design an intuitive shopping cart and seamless checkout process - Integrate an interactive user reviews and ratings system - Integrate multiple secure payment gateways - Implement push notifications for order updates and promotions - Allow users to add items to a wishlist for future purchase - Develop a robust user authentication and registration system - Enable real-time order tracking for users - Support for applying coupons and discounts - Integrate social media sharing and login options - Develop an easy-to-use inventory management system for sellers - Create an analytic...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    Set up a CRM system ClickUp for our start-up insurance brokerage on our ClickUp account. The CRM system must have the ability to - (PHASE 1) - capture inbound quotation requests (= leads) submitted from our Wix website ; - capture inbound leads manually as received by phone or email; - track leads submitted to insurers for quoting; - track inbound leads submitted to clients; - follow up on outbound leads until a deal is closed (= insurance policy) or cancelled; - administer and track insurance policies - create a record on a 3rd-party integrated database for each list (leads, policies, claims, users, properties, insurers) (PHASE 2) - communicate with the client via pre-fabbed mails to adjust his policy according to custom data input by admin; - capture inbound insurance claims submi...

    €514 Average bid
    €514 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat
    UI Welcome Screen/Dashboard Design
    6 nap left

    I'm in need of a UI/UX designer with a strong background in data visualization to create a welcome screen/dashboard for my application. Key Responsibilities: - Design a welcome screen/dashboard that primarily serves the purpose of data visualization. - Incorporate charts and graphs as well as tables into the design. We have the live platform setup with the data we need, but would like fresh eyes to create a new layout and design elements that we can deploy throughout the application. Tiles, buttons, other elements are needed. Current desktop and mobile view is attached, we’d like the main sections to display as charts, but then open/drill down in page with the list view details. We have a full in house development team in house building this, but I’d like to e...

    €547 Average bid
    €547 licitátlag
    189 árajánlat

    ...handled and compliant with relevant regulations. Key Responsibilities: - Drafting and reviewing franchise agreements - Ensuring compliance with all necessary legal and regulatory requirements - Providing ongoing legal support throughout the franchise setup process In addition, I am interested in implementing a robust online marketing strategy and telesales approach to promote the franchise. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in franchise law - Strong background in legal compliance - Proven track record in franchise setup - Expertise in digital marketing - Experience in implementing telesales strategies We have developed the most advanced MLS (Multi Listing System) for Real Estate Agents in Europe and certainly in Spain. We have over 80,000 properties a...

    €375 Average bid
    €375 licitátlag
    25 árajánlat

    I'm in the market for an out-of-the-box Learning Management System (LMS) with complete source code for both web and mobile platforms. Key Features: - User & Course Management - Progress Tracking & Certification - Video, PDF, and Quiz Support - Payment Integration (specifically with Paypal) - Full Mobile Compatibility (both iOS and Android) The system must be ready for immediate deployment and come with comprehensive source code and documentation. Please include demo links or screenshots in your bid for review.

    €262 Average bid
    €262 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat