Wordpress ai assistantmunkák
Élő videó közvetítése , AI alkalmazása • Mobile application. • Live video streaming! • Watermark on all videos and images! • Protection against saving and screenshots! • AI-powered translation in private messages into the user’s native language! • Fast website performance with the ability to handle high traffic efficiently. • Option for users to upload 4K videos! • AI-based recommendations: personalized content suggestions for both fans and creators. • Light and dark themes. • Content moderation: automated moderation to ensure compliance with the rules. • Data protection: compliance with GDPR and other regulations. • Two-factor authentication to enhance account se...
Adott egy WP oldal, rajta egy DIVI template. Ennek a bővítése az elsődleges feladat. Az általam megadott szövegekkel feltöltve. Ötletekre nyitott vagyok. A téma: kaputechnika. Az oldal magyar nyelvű.
3 db logó kontúrvágási előkészítése vágóvonal ráhelyezése 30 percen belül (S.o.S) Ai, pdf
Need a set of 10 banner (psd, ai, jpg and png) with mixing the attached pictures and adding our logo on it with some texts. These banners are going to be placed on a website, advertising different sales like Black Friday, Cyber weekend or Christmas sale. The texts on the banners should be editable. Dimension of the banners: 3020x1600 px 1. Cyber weekend Texts to be on the banner: Cyber hétvége Használja a cyber kupont a 15.000 Ft-os kedvezményért Pictures to be used: 15, 20, 24 2. Black Friday Texts to be on the banner: Black Friday Minden elemes bútorösszeállításra 25.000 Ft kedvezmény a black kuponkóddal Pictures to be used: 6, 7, 22 3. Black November Texts to be on the banner: ...
Légy tagja a csapatunknak! WordPress fejlesztő állást kínálunk – WordPress távmunka állás lehetőség- Müncheni székhelyű cégünk keres tapasztalt WordPress fejlesztőt Magyarországon. Egyedi WordPress témák, vállalati weboldalak, e-kereskedelem, webes alkalmazások, böngészős játékok fejlesztésével foglalkozunk. Te vagy az ideális jelölt, ha: WordPress weboldal fejlesztésben legalább 2 év tapasztalattal rendelkezel legalább 2 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezel HTML / CSS / JS Készítettél önállóan WordPres...
Mobil applikáció és webalkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk fejlesztőket/programozókat. Az alkalmazás egy folyam...keresünk fejlesztőket/programozókat. Az alkalmazás egy folyamatosan bővülő adatbázis adatai alapján végezne különböző összehasonlításokat, elemzéseket. A termékekről különböző ismérvek alapján rangsorokat, ajánlásokat tenne. Szükséges képességek lehetnek: felhő szolgáltatások ismerete, BigData, Android és iOS webapp fejlesztés, webfejlsztés (PHP, SQL, JS, HTML5, Python) adatvizualizáció, UX/UI dizájn, ...
Keresünk egy virtuális asszisztenst, aki segítene ActiveCampaign email marketing folyamatok beállításában és maintenance-ében. Feladatok: - automatizációk beállítása - havi hírlevelek feltöltése és kiküldése - adatbázis menedzsment Rólad: - dolgoztál már az Active Campaign toolban (vagy hasonló email marketinges toolban, de AC óriási előny) - odafigyelsz a részletekre az adminisztráció során - jól kommunikálsz írásban - folyékonyan beszélsz angolul
Egy JSON apiból adatot lekérve (meccsek) egy naptárat készíteni, ezek frissüljenek, az eredményeket automatikusan kérje, majd írja be. Wordpressbe felhasználhatóvá tenni.
Egy WordPress weboldalnál domain csere után a Filterable Portfolio Modulban nem működik a filteres menü + a képek nem töltődnek be, rejtélyes mintázat szerint, pl. cache törlés után először igen, aztán nem. Bármelyik menüre kattintva ezt adja: . Részletes infók vannak a problémáról. Ha valaki meg tudná oldani, nem építeném újra. Egyszerű weboldal, de a portfólió a fő tartalom.
A DiabTrend startup cukorbetegeknek fejleszt AI alapú, algoritmussal kiegészített alkalmazást iOS és Android okostelefonokra. Csapatunkba keresünk az alábbi szempontok alapján Senior Marketing Managert. Feladatok, munkák: - B2C online marketing stratégia építése és kivitelezése - A stratégia megvalósításának folyamatos monitorozása, felelve a célkitűzések teljesítéséért, a marketingre fordítható források hatékony felhasználásáért - Digitális marketing kampányok, reklámok, hirdetések megtervezése, lét...
Magyar senior fejlesztőt keresünk. Startup vállakozásunk angol nyelvű landing page-t szeretne létrehozni. Vannak fotók, angol szöveg, templete.
A weboldal hibáinak kijavítása, új oldalak/funkciók létrehozása, illetve karbantartás lenne a feladat.
Szeretnék egy olyan wordpress plugint, ami képes kezelni a netu.tv-re feltöltött videókat. Szeretném, ha portfóliót, vagy galériát tudnék vele csinálni, és ha megjelenik egy videó, arra rákattintva lightboxban előjönne a film. Tudnia kell kezelni a linket, tehát kell, hogy onnan tudja folytatni a videót, ahol korábban abba hagyta (ezt a netu tudja) illetve a videóhoz csatolt feliratot is kell, hogy kezelni tudja. Lényegében azt szeretném, hogy a pluginnal lehessen videógalériát létrehozni, amire ha rákattintunk, akkor lightboxban a beágyazott netu.tv-s videó jelenne meg.
ANGOL! Nyelvű webshopomhoz keresek Virtuális Asszisztenst. Tökéletes angol nyelvtudás szükséges! Főbb feladatkörök: - ügyfélszolgálat (emailekre válaszolni) - közösségi média kezelése (FB , IG) - Néha cikket írni - termékleírások - hírlevél kezelése (mailchimp) Jelenleg a webshop még nem üzemel, szeretnék előtte mindent átnézetni valakivel aki magasabb szinten beszéli / használja az Angolt mint én.
Wordpress alapú honlapok elkészítésére keresek munkatársat. Feladatok: WP telepítés, az oldal felépítése az esetek többségében Divi sablonnal, Arculat kialakítása a kapott instrukciók, minták alapján. A kapott szöveges és képi tartalom feltöltése, oldalak, menüpontok létrehozása. Pluginok telepítése és beállítása (pl.: Yoast SEO, WPML, Woocommerce) Esetlegesen egyszerű logo tervezése. Mellékelve néhány oldal, ami mintaként szolgál.
Szükségünk van valakire, aki segít a munkaerő toborzásában.
Wordpress alapú webshop programozási nehézségeit kellene megoldani, kecskeméti találkozóponttal. Magyar nyelvtudás szükséges.
...message header, the word for decades, file a document template. The name Hrkitna (refrigerators integrated system company) and Nhannicom building huge cooling Stores and Nagerha our clients visual identity must contain quality component include: + A Logo + business letterhead card + company + A word to use in our contracts and must provide all the design in Adobe Illustrator format a document template .AI. Logo should be the slogan is simple, elegant, clean and neat look. Should inspire confidence seriousness and highlights the severity of cold warehouse. The need for professional and eye-catching. Contains Alylonen or Thelah only. Business card will be double-sided with the details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the ph...
Witam Chodzi o zainstalowanie wordpressa na serwerze, wgranie szablonu i wprowadzenie treści z psd. Proszę o koszt takiej operacji.
Meglévő Wordpress webáruház továbbfejlesztéséhez keresek gyakorlott programozót. Pl. különböző payment lehetőségek integrálása, weboldal betöltési sebességének javítása, új részegységek kiépítése szakmai szempontok (SEO, Usability, stb.) figyelembevételével. Webáruház elérhetősége:
1. ütem -WordPress telepítés a megbízó szerverére -WordPress multidomain konfiguráció (7 domain) -az alábbi WordPress designok telepítése (5 domainhoz) (2 domainhoz) 2. ütem Fél vagy egy napos személyes oktatás Budapesten (Wordpress használata) 3. ütem Adatfeltöltés - (erre nem kérünk ajánlatot, mi csináljuk) 4. ütem A fejlesztést egy ideiglenes aldomain alatt (teszt szerveren) kell elvégezni. Tartalom feltöltés után át kell tenni az éles szerverre. Az 1., 2., 4.-es ütem árára és határidejére k&e...
Telepített wordpress és studiopress metro. Kezdeti konfigurációra lenne szükségem hogy pontosan úgy nézzen ki mint az alábbi linken lévő demo:
Want to create realistic talking head videos of people saying quotes. Some historical characters from pictures, some AI generated pictures. AI Voice AI/from image or based on the real image visuals. vidoes 10-30 sec long I'm looking for a talented freelancer who can create engaging AI-generated videos for educational content. The videos will primarily be used on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Requirements: - Experience in video creation, particularly using AI-generated images - Understanding of educational content delivery - Knowledge of social media video specifications and trends The freelancer will be provided with AI-generated images, and their task will be to create a video that uses these images in a compelling...
For Shalimar Experience: - Prior experience in a similar role is preferred - Familiarity with time zone differences and managing schedules accordingly
Project Overview The web application will serve as an AI-powered, interactive dashboard that provides real-time data and predictive insights to both city authorities and citizens. The goal is to optimize sustainability efforts, improve resource management, and enhance urban livability. Key Features AI-Driven Air Quality Forecasting: Real-time air quality monitoring and forecasting using AI/ML models. Alerts for citizens and authorities when air quality deteriorates. Smart Traffic Flow Optimization: Real-time traffic monitoring and optimization using AI. Suggestions for alternate routes to reduce congestion. Water Leak Detection & Smart Irrigation: Detect water leaks in the city’s infrastructure. Optimize water usage through smart irrigation sy...
I'm seeking skilled professionals to refine and troubleshoot the Outer Layers (SpeechRecognition and SpeechGeneration) of my Digital Assistant. The Brain is structured into four layers - two inner and two outer. While I will be hiring separate experts for the inner layers and the GUI/system commands, your primary focus will be on the Outer Layers. Key Responsibilities: - Improve the SpeechRecognition component to provide an alternative to Google STT and enhance speaker identification accuracy. - Upgrade the SpeechGeneration component to synthesize more natural speech, integrate emotional cues, and troubleshoot minor existing issues. Collaboration with other freelancers may be required, but the Inner and Outer layers function independently, allowing for upgrades without major...
...dell’account Instagram e Facebook del mio studio di yoga. Di cosa ho bisogno? - Creazione di un piano editoriale coerente e strategico - Supporto con idee creative per post e stories - Programmazione e pubblicazione dei contenuti (Meta Business Suite o simili) - Integrazione dei nostri eventi nel piano editoriale Cosa farò io? - Scriverò personalmente le didascalie - Risponderò ai commenti e ai messaggi Requisiti fondamentali: - Esperienza dimostrabile nella crescita di account social (portfolio con case studies o dati di crescita richiesti) - Ottima conoscenza di Instagram e Facebook - Capacità di sviluppare strategie di contenuto efficaci - Familiarità con tool di programmazione post - Ottima conoscenza de...
AI-Powered Online Therapy Platform – Technical Brief Project Name: AI-Powered Online Therapy Platform Project Objective: This project aims to develop an AI-powered therapy platform where users can engage in text-based and voice-based therapy sessions with an AI therapist using ChatGPT API. The platform will be available on both web and mobile, allowing users to receive therapy support either for free with limitations or through a premium membership model. 1. Technology Stack Frontend (Web & Mobile) React.js or (For web application) React Native or Flutter (For mobile app) Tailwind CSS or Material UI (For UI design) Backend Node.js + or Python (FastAPI / Flask) PostgreSQL or Firebase (For user data & session management) Redis or Memcached (For ...
I need an AI agent trained that can handle customer data requests, particularly focusing on economic and demographic modeling data stored in our dbs. The ideal candidate should have experience in: - AI training, particularly in customer service context - Data analysis and modeling - Charting data in a clear, concise manner The data available for training includes: - User interaction data - User demographic data - Global economic and demographic data The primary functionality of the AI agent will be to take customer inputs and find and chart relevant data. Therefore, experience with customer service AI and data visualization is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Don't be generic in your response - ...
I'm seeking a data expert to optimize the inner layers of my Digital Assistant, specifically the GATOR and RAG components. Your primary tasks will involve refining the web crawling and data retrieval systems, improving data relevance, retrieval speed, and conducting comprehensive testing and debugging. Key Responsibilities: - Upgrade web crawl and scrape algorithms - Optimize data storage and retrieval processes - Enhance the inner layers for maximum speed and accuracy - Fully test and debug the inner layers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data clustering and recursive semantic retrieval - Extensive experience with web crawling - Strong problem-solving skills for debugging complex systems - Familiarity with Scrapy and BeautifulSoup Goals: - Achieve improved data relevance t...
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to enhance the functionality of my existing website, boldline.au. This website is related to design, drafting, and engineering services, so prior experience with similar websites is essential. Key Objectives: - Improve Navigation Simplicity: The site needs to be easy to navigate for all users, regardless of their tech-savvy level. - Boost Page Load Speed: The site should load quickly to provide a smooth user experience and improve SEO rankings. - Enhance Mobile Responsiveness: With a growing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, the site must be fully responsive and functional on all screen sizes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress development - Experience with designing and enhancing engineering-relat...
I'm hosting a graphi...the award. Key Requirements: - Vectorization should match the style of the provided PDF - Colorized vector image is welcome but not required. - Final vectorized illustrations are intended for print materials - Deliverable format for the completed vectorizations is PDF - Vectorized illustrations must be delivered in high-resolution suitable for printing. - Provide the editable source files (e.g., AI or EPS) along with the final PDF. Ideal candidates for this project should possess excellent graphic design skills, particularly in vectorization, and have a keen eye for detail to ensure consistency with the provided style. Experience in creating designs for print materials is also highly desirable. The deadline for the contest and final deliverables is 1 w...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
I have an AI file for a poster that is partially created. The content (pictures and text) are in it, but I need help making it aesthetically pleasing. I am open to creativity in terms of style, so designers with a unique perspective are encouraged to apply. - It needs to be designed in a way that it captures attention and effectively communicates the intended messages. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and other graphic design software. - Strong understanding of typography and layout. - Ability to create visually appealing designs and blend multiple components together. - Experience in designing posters or similar materials.
I have a small landing page with 4-5 small sections, and I need to convert that into pixel-perfect, responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. I am only looking for a design-to-HTML conversion expert, not a mixed-skill developer. Must be completed by today (7th Feb). Thanks.
...The core of the experience will be an AI-powered chatbot coach, offering personalized guidance. Core Features Interactive CBT- Based Exercises for burnout management. Story-driven scenarios to simulate workplace challenges. AI-Powered Chatbot Coach with player-selectable personalities. Daily Check-ins & Progress Tracking to monitor stress levels. Cloud-based AI Model to allow continuous updates and refinements. Gamification Elements including rewards, achievements, and progress milestones. Community Support Features such as discussion forums and peer groups. 2. User Experience & Flow 2.1. Onboarding Process User Registration & Profile Setup Email, password, and basic demographic questions. Option to complete a ...
Kazmo Genetics LLC - VA Instructions for Lab Outreach via HubSpot Overview As a Virtual Assistant (VA) for Kazmo Genetics LLC, your role is to: ✅ Send 30-50 outreach emails to AABB-accredited labs via HubSpot CRM ✅ Log all responses and track communications inside HubSpot ✅ Maintain a spreadsheet to track outreach progress ✅ Ensure all information is updated accurately ⚠ You do not need to follow up with labs. Only send the first email and track responses You will send emails 1 day and the follows the next. This is a 2 day project .
I'm looking for a research assistant who can help me with writing about Black health epistemologies in relation to access to healthcare in Canada. The project will focus on understanding how this issue has evolved over time and what the implications are for the future. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong research and writing skills - Understanding of Black health epistemologies - Familiarity with healthcare access issues in Canada - Ability to conduct literature reviews and analyze data
We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: Excellent English communication skills are a must.
My WordPress site is facing plugin conflicts and is slow, leading to a poor user experience. I need a professional who can not only fix these issues but also enhance the UI/UX and redesign some layout aspects of the site. Additionally, I want to integrate my Shopify store into this WordPress website. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose and fix plugin conflicts and speed issues - Implement regular maintenance tasks - Enhance the UI/UX of the site - Redesign certain layout aspects - Integrate Shopify into the WordPress site Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress troubleshooting and maintenance - Proficiency in UI/UX design and layout redesign - Prior experience with Shopify integration - Strong understanding of website speed optimization techniques - E...
We are seeking a proficient freelance Multilingual AI System Developer to create an advanced cold calling and inbound calling system with seamless integrations for email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling. The AI system will cater to our real estate and construction businesses, enhancing lead generation, qualification, and appointment setting processes with multilingual capabilities. **Key Tasks:** 1. Develop a multilingual AI system to manage outbound and inbound calls for the real estate and construction industries. 2. Integrate email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling functionalities into the AI system to facilitate communication and appointment management across multiple languages. 3. Design tailored scripts for outbound calls to identify potential p...
I want to change from to without affecting the SEO too badly. To be considered for this project, BRIEFLY tell me how you will approach this transition in one sentence. (This project is also to troubleshoot three minor issues on the site first: image upload error, blog thumbnail proportions and deleting one element from homepage.) I ignore all auto bids, ai bids and copy/paste proposals. Let me know if you're available to do this right now. No going to sleep until it's done.
...palette is dusty pinks, emerald green, and will consider colors from the roaring 20s time period. - Please consider how to best convey the desired luxury feel through the design elements and overall aesthetic. - The logo should be versatile enough to be used on various mediums such as packaging, signage, and digital platforms. - The final design should be delivered in a vector file format (e.g., .ai, .eps) for maximum versatility. - I need an IP agreement with it. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly within the Art Deco style. - Strong understanding of brand messaging and visual communication. - Ability to work with specific design elements and color palettes. - Portfolio showcasing high-end, luxury-focused design work. The logo should ...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
I'm looking for a talented web designer to help me redesign my WordPress website. The primary goal of this project is to refresh the visual design of the site into a contemporary, minimalist aesthetic. Key Aspects: - Update the current visual design to a modern and minimalist style. - Provide creative suggestions and solutions, as I currently do not have specific websites for inspiration. - Improve the overall user experience through visual enhancements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with WordPress. - Strong portfolio of modern and minimalist web designs. - Excellent understanding of user experience principles. - Creative thinker with the ability to provide design suggestions. - Experience with SEO best practices. Please include samples of your pr...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a resume builder website for me. The site should allow users to select fr...to input their personal and professional information. - Download as PDF: A seamless process for users to download their resumes in a universally accepted format. - AI Resume Builder: An AI system that can automatically generate resumes based on user inputs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with implementing AI systems in web applications. - Skills in creating user-friendly, intuitive interfaces. - Knowledge in PDF generation from web applications. Your past experience with similar projects will be a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work with AI and ...
We have a WordPress site where we need the data from our contact forms converted into a JSon file. This file will be used for importing into our company database. Forms specifications: - Type: Contact forms - Fields: Our contact forms include Name, Email, Subject, and Message The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong skills in JavaScript and JSON - Experience with database management and data importation - Ability to create custom data structures The JSON file needs to be structured in a custom way that is unique to our database requirements.
I’m seeking a detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to support my Amazon FBA wholesale business. The role focuses on managing listing optimization, advertisement campaigns, and case follow-ups to ensure smooth operations and drive sales growth. Key Responsibilities: Listing Creation & Optimization: Crafting and refining product listings to maximize visibility and conversions. Ensuring product details align with SEO best practices for Amazon. Ad Campaign Management: Setting up and managing PPC campaigns to boost product sales. Monitoring ad performance and making data-driven adjustments. Case Follow-Up: Handling case resolutions with Amazon Seller Support. Addressing listing issues, policy compliance, or account health concerns. Ideal Candidate Qualities: In-depth knowledge ...
I'm seeking an experienced frontend developer proficient in Remix. Your primary task will be enhancing the frontend of my AI SaaS platform. Your expertise should encompass handling: - Real-time updates: The platform needs to relay information without delays. - Interactive data visualizations: You will need to create engaging and informative visual representations of data. - Image and video handling: The platform will have multimedia content that needs to be seamlessly integrated. Ideal candidates will possess a strong background in frontend development, particularly with the Remix framework. Experience with developing for AI SaaS platforms will be a significant advantage. Your role is crucial in delivering a smooth and interactive user experience.