Windows xp aws ec2munkák
I am looking for a programmer for the following task: Creating a Windows-based software capable of collecting the data of all the clubs at the address " ", which creates a TXT file with the data of all the clubs on the website in the following resolution: CLUB NAME; CONTACT NAME; PHONE NUMBER; EMAIL ADDRESS;
Olyan fejlesztőt keresek, aki tud nekem olyan programot írni, ami egy meglévő adatbázisból képes arcot felismerni IP kamerán keresztül. Legyen képes egyidejűleg legalább 5-6 kamerát kezelni. Tudjon API-n keresztül csatlakozni adatbázisokhoz. Teljesen új forráskóddal kell rendelkeznie. Windows alapú programnak kell lennie.
Nyilt forraskodu videoelemzo programot szeretnek szemelyre szabni windows-ra. Gopro video file-okbol szeretnenk tavolsagadatokat kinyerni.
Ez a SpeakBoard magyar szövegfelolvasó program "portable" kivitelben működött XP SP2 és Win7 operációs rendszeren. Valami miatt azonban a frissen installált Win7-en sem indul el többé. Felvillan a statusbar-ban de utána azonnal összeomlik. A Win10 felolvasója ehhez képest nagyon gyenge, alig használható, ehhez képest. A jelenleg kapható magyar felolvasó pogramok sem tudják mindazt mint ez a SpeakBoard. Árajánlatot kérek a SpeakBoard program kompatibilitási problémájának megoldására. A jelentkezőnek elküldöm a SpeakBoard portable programot, mert 73MB mérete miatt it...
Rövid leírás: Interneten keresztül távvezérelt, 2 feladatot ellátó, automatikusan készenlétben álló szoftver megírása. A szoftver 2 részből, a távvezérlőből és a vezérelt részből áll, melyeknél: 1.) A vezérelt szoftvernek PowerPC architektúrán, OSX 10.5.8 rendszeren; 2.) A vezérlő szoftvernek Windows XP vagy magasabb verziójú, Android 8 vagy magasabb verziójú, és Debian disztribúciójú Linux rendszereken kell futnia. A programnak a következő képpen kell működnie: A programnak minden rendszerinduláskor, kivétel n&e...
Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten ...munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: Re...
Logo to WISIOO brand WISIOO is a window with minimal frames, our partner is a well-known producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in i...
Vállalkozás megrendeléseinek követéséhez, majd a raktárkészlet követéséhez szeretnénk egy C#-ben írt, MySQL-t használó Windows-os programot. A megrendeléseknél kezelni kell a fizetés megtörténtét és a beérkezett tételeket: a tételek érkezhetnek több részletben is. A tételek mennyiségén és egységárán felül a mennyiségi egység is változhat, a megrendelés összegénél pedig a pénznem lehet EUR / HUF. Ezek aztán raktárba kerülnek, raktárhelységek között &...
egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .
HP Enterprise ML10, Intel Xeon 4 processzoros, 8GB RAM, 2db 1TB HDD. (esetleg tükrözve?), 1 LAN csatl. windows server instalálása, programok telepítése - Firmwarek frissítése, RAID tömb beállítása (tükrözés), szerver beállítások optimalizálása, - Windows 2016 Standard szerver telepítése, távoli elérés beállítása - Fájlkiszolgáló beállítása, egyéb biztonsági beállítások, felhasználók felvétele
Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó program bővítése Magyar nyelven.
Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó meglévő program bővítése.
Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Robotot kellene programozni amely hirdetésfigyelőként azonnal elküldi egy adott oldalról az újonnan megjelenő szamomra releváns hirdetéseket.
Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Java Applikáció programozásról, fejlesztésről lenne szó Android, iOS és Windows felületre.
Windows Java Selfie box szoftverét szeretném egy projektbe lefejlesztetni. Adott egy pc, digitális fényképező és egy foto nyomtató. A selfiző odamegy a dobozhoz, megnyomja a start gombot. Készül harom fotó. Ezek a fotók felkerülnek egy képeslapra. A kepeslapot negy részre osztjuk. A bal felső sarok szabadon módosíthatónak kell lennie. Ode kerülhet egy esemény név, céglogó. A másik három területre felkerülnek a frissen készített fotók. A képeslapnak van egy szabadon valasztható háttere. Valaki tud ebben segíteni? Üdv: Jandy
Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Szükségem lenne Facebook és Slacksocial integrációra,annak érdekében, hogy multi postingot tudjunk végezni egy FB oldal kapcsán!
Hello! Erdeklodni szeretnek, hogy tudnal-e olyan windows desktop applikaciot irni, ami kulonbozo poker kliensekbol nyitja meg a poker asztalokat?Van egy kliens, amit QT kodolast hasznal es injection-t kene alkalmazni. koszi David
Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepci...tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kó...
Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)
Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv isme...
...variations (e.g., Canny, Depth, or Flow-based guidance). 3. Integration & Optimization • Combine the warping model and diffusion model for end-to-end processing. • Ensure fast inference speed (using optimization techniques like TensorRT, ONNX, or model distillation). 4. Deployment (Optional) • Package the solution into a FastAPI/Flask service with an API for image upload & processing. • Deploy on AWS, GCP, or a local GPU server. Required Skills: • Deep Learning & Computer Vision: PyTorch, TensorFlow • Image Warping & Optical Flow: TPS, RAFT, Dense Warping Fields • Diffusion Models & ControlNet: Stable Diffusion, Diffusers Library • API Development (Optional): FastAPI, Flask, Docker Project Timeline & Budg...
I'm a beginner looking to learn AWS with a focus on EC2 and S3 basics, IAM and security, and VPC and networking. I prefer a tutor who can provide a hands-on learning experience. Experience in teaching AWS at a beginner level is essential. I am particularly interested in learning about EC2 and S3 setup.
I need a proficient web developer to help build a Windows-compatible Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Shoutout, my referral networking platform. The goal of the MVP is to assess user demand for the platform and to give my self personally a way to send, track, and reward referrals between me and my sphere of influence. I've prepared a pitch deck and a visual guide for the desktop version, but the design and UI are largely flexible. Your insights and expertise in crafting a functional and user-friendly design that complements your programming process will be highly valued. Key Features: - User dashboard for managing referrals and networking - Referral submission & tracking system - Referral marketplace for local business connections - Inbox & notifications for r...
I'm encountering an 'Access Denied' message while trying to save a DXF file in QCAD. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in troubleshooting QCAD software - Experience with DXF files - Able to rectify 'Access Denied' issues The troubleshooting will be for QCAD running on a Windows operating system. I have already tried saving the file to different directories. The file and folder permissions for the directories haven't been checked yet. Attempting to run QCAD as an administrator has not been tried yet. Please check and modify the file and folder permissions. Please assist with running QCAD as an administrator. This project requires investigating any other system configurations or settings like those unknown to you that could be relevant." ...
I need a professional to install MCP tolls into Claude on my Windows 11 laptop. Claude should have full access to all my files and the internet. Requirements: - Configure Claude to process all my documents and spreadsheets stored locally and on OneDrive. - Ensure Claude can access the internet and online civil litigation databases. - Facilitate Claude's ability to process all my data without size limitations. This project does not necessitate any specific security measures. Therefore, I do not require encryption of data or user authentication protocols. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows 11 - Experience with Claude and MCP tolls - Knowledge in configuring AI for data processing - Familiarity with civil litigation databases would be a plus. The project should be...
I'm seeking a senior full-stack developer to collaborate with me on crafting top-notch SaaS applications. Your ...requirements: - Database management - API development - Authentication mechanisms Ideal Candidate: - You possess a strong expertise in , TRPC, TypeScript, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. - You have solid backend knowledge including APIs, databases, and authentication. - You demonstrate the ability to work independently and take ownership of projects. Desirable Qualifications: - Experience with AWS, Vercel, CI/CD, and Docker. - Previous work in a startup or fast-paced project environment. This position offers flexible working hours, whether you prefer full-time or part-time. The work is remote. Please send your resume along with your GitHub profile to [Your Contac...
I'm facing connectivity issues on my server that need immediate attention. The problems primarily arise when adding and removing users. Key Tasks: - Diagnose and fix connectivity issues - Ensure stable connection when modifying user access Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in server management and troubleshooting - Prior experience with connectivity issues - Quick response time and ability t...that need immediate attention. The problems primarily arise when adding and removing users. Key Tasks: - Diagnose and fix connectivity issues - Ensure stable connection when modifying user access Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in server management and troubleshooting - Prior experience with connectivity issues - Quick response time and ability to work under pressure The server is running on ...
...Collaborate with domain experts to validate OCR outputs and image captions for accuracy. Ensure compliance with applicable data handling and privacy standards. Required Qualifications: Technical Skills: Proficiency in Python and familiarity with libraries for NLP (spaCy, transformers), computer vision (OpenCV, PyTorch), and PDF processing (PyMuPDF, Camelot). Experience with OCR technologies (Tesseract, AWS Textract) and vision-language models (GPT-4V, CLIP). Knowledge of LLM fine-tuning (using Hugging Face) and experience with vector databases (FAISS, Pinecone). Data Engineering: Ability to design scalable pipelines for multimodal data (text + images). Expertise in deduplication strategies and robust metadata management. Education: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in...
...(Automated responses for common queries) Live agent support (Users can chat with real assistants) Task & request management (Users can submit requests for various services) Subscription model (Basic & premium tiers) User profile management (Preferences, transaction history, saved preferences) Push notifications (Alerts & task updates) 2. Cloud Backend & API Serverless backend (Firebase Functions / AWS Lambda) User & agent management system AI query processing (Handle user queries, categorize tasks) Payment processing (Stripe API for subscriptions & transactions) Secure data storage (User profiles, chat logs, transaction history) 3. AI & Personalization AI chatbot (Handles task automation & recommendations) User profile learning (Basic personaliza...
I'm in need of a talented developer or team to create a comprehensive remote desktop application. This app should cater to both Windows and macOS systems, addressing various needs from remote work and collaboration to IT support and personal device access. Key Features: - File Transfer: The ability to send and receive files seamlessly during a remote session. - Screen Sharing: A robust screen sharing functionality for collaborative tasks and troubleshooting purposes. - Multiple Monitor Support: The app should be capable of handling sessions involving multiple monitors. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in cross-platform software development, particularly for Windows and macOS. - Previous experience creating remote desktop applications or similar software. - Strong understandi...
...issue with my Spring/Thymeleaf/HTMX application, which uses JasperReports for PDF rendering. The application works perfectly in my local environment, allowing me to view byte[] reports in a modal. However, once deployed on AWS, the application fails to display the report correctly, instead triggering a download of an empty PDF. I need someone who has experience with this specific issue - particularly with JasperReports version 6.x. Please ensure you have the following skills and experience: - Proven experience with Spring, Thymeleaf, HTMX and JasperReports - Familiarity with AWS deployment and configuration - Expertise in PDF rendering - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues Your ability to diagnose and fix this problem is crucial. If you have done this bef...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up my AWS on a Site-to-Site VPN connection. The primary purpose of this setup is to enable secure and reliable access to my EC2 instances. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS and Site-to-Site VPN configuration. - Ability to ensure secure data transfer and remote access to AWS resources. - Experience in accessing EC2 instances through a VPN. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Windows application that scrapes data from e-commerce websites and updates it in a CSV file. Key Responsibilities: - The app should monitor and record product prices, stock levels, and sale prices. - Data should be sourced from various e-commerce websites. - Updated data should be formatted and saved in a CSV file. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows application development. - Experience with web scraping tools and techniques. - Familiarity with data formatting and file handling, particularly CSV files.
Need is this CloudTrail working and sending logs to CloudWatch. CloudWatch Logs capturing events and with alarms configured. auditd and inotify installed and sending logs to CloudWatch. An automated daily report sent to my email. The objective is to receive daily reports of everything that is done within the server and website
Estoy buscando un experto en infraestructura tecnológica que me ayude a c...infraestructura tecnológica que me ayude a configurar un servidor de archivos FTP en un sistema Windows Server 2022. Este servidor tiene como propósito principal proveer acceso de archivos a usuarios. Las tareas específicas incluyen: - Configurar el servidor FTP para permitir acceso de lectura y escritura a los usuarios. - Implementar un Certificado SSL de una autoridad de certificación (CA) para asegurar la comunicación. - Apuntar un subdominio a este servidor. Idealmente, el profesional que busco debe tener una sólida experiencia en la configuración de servidores y en la implementación de certificados de seguridad. También es fundamen...
I'm seeking an experienced web app developer who can create a comprehensive job portal app. The app will need to have both a robust backend, utilizing AWS, and a user-friendly frontend. We have an existing frontend which currently runs on NextJS application. We need to develop the backend. Core Features: - Job Posting and Searching: The primary function of the app is to facilitate job postings and allow users to search for jobs. Additional Features: - Automated Matching of Jobs and Candidates: Implement an intelligent algorithm that matches jobs with potential candidates based on their profiles and preferences. - Advanced Filtering Options: Create a system that allows users to filter job searches based on various parameters like location, salary, job type, etc. - Email Notifi...
Hi Lalith, I've recently established a finance company that will deal with products that are customized as per the investor's risk profile. I have created a basic structure for my website on AWS as a PoC using React. Now I want to hire a web developer who can develop the website on front end and back end leaving the business logic models in my hand. Is this something that you can cater to ?
I'm seeking an experienced IT professional to guide me through setting up a Microsoft Remote Desktop connection between two Windows PCs. One of the computers is on a different network. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Windows operating systems - Proficiency in Microsoft Remote Desktop - Previous experience in setting up remote desktop connections over different networks - Excellent communication skills for clear, step-by-step guidance Please note, I am not particularly tech-savvy, so patience and clear instructions will be highly appreciated. The step-by-step guidance should be provided via a phone call.
... Tech Stack & Programming Languages Frontend (3D & User Interaction): React.js, , , WebGL Backend (AI Processing & API Integration): Node.js (), Python (FastAPI, Django) AI & Computer Vision: OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyTorch, NVIDIA CUDA AR/VR Technologies: Unity 3D, WebXR API, Google ARCore, Apple ARKit APIs & Integrations: Stripe API (for payments) Cloud Hosting: AWS S3, Google Cloud, Firebase Leasing Cost & Subscription Plans Plan Monthly Cost Features Included Target Audience Basic AI Virtual Tour $/month Smartphone 360° Tour, AI Narration, Basic Image Enhancement Independent Realtors Pro AI Virtual Tour Suite $/month Voice Navigation, AR Customization, AI Investment Analysis Mid-Sized Agencies Enterprise AI Virtual Tour API $/mont...
I'm seeking a professional to configure a Windows-based remote desktop connection with administrator access. This setup is primarily for data access and management. Key Responsibilities: - Configure a secure, reliable remote desktop connection. - Ensure the connection has administrator access. - Optimize the setup for efficient data access and management. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with Windows remote desktop configurations. - Strong understanding of data management processes. - Excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any potential issues. - Ability to ensure a secure setup to protect sensitive data. Please configure the remote desktop setup using Windows 11 Pro. The remote desktop setup should be optimized for managing a small amount of ...
I am looking for a skilled professional who can assist with using Python and Terraform. The project involves automating infrastructure on the cloud, specifically AWS Key Responsibilities: - Automate cloud-based infrastructure using Terraform - Process data using Python - Ensure efficient and streamlined operations Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in Python - Extensive experience with Terraform - Familiarity with AWS - Background in data processing Please bid if you have the relevant experience and skills. The expected timeline for this project is less than 1 month. The project will involve ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes for data handling. The expected volume of data to be processed is small. Provide regular progress updates during the automation process. Pr...
We are looking for a comprehensive and robust POS (Point of Sale) system for our retail store, which must seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce to synchronise our physical and online store operations. The system should be app-based (not web-based) and compatible with Windows, iOS, and Android. Key Features & Responsibilities 1. Sales & Transaction Management • Develop a user-friendly POS system that ensures smooth transaction processing. • Provide a clean and intuitive interface for fast and efficient checkout. • Multi-currency support for international transactions. • Accept payments via SumUp and Stripe card readers. • Display clear pricing information ...
I'm...Experience: - Proficiency in React/JS and Python. - Extensive experience with Shopify integration. - In-depth knowledge of AWS services for deployment and hosting. This includes setting up a dev/prod environment in AWS EC2, utilizing AWS S3 for storage, and AWS Lambda for serverless functions. - Familiarity with setting up a comprehensive AWS environment. Additionally, there's no immediate need for third-party service integration beyond Shopify. However, the ideal freelancer would also have experience with payment gateways, email marketing tools, and analytics tools, should the need arise in the future. Please note that the project requires full utilization of all AWS services for optimum performance and reliability. Plea...
I'm seeking a professional to design a spacious farm café layout measuring 6m by 9m. This café will consist of an L-shaped shelter area with the rest designated as an outdoor platform. The interior of the café will need to include a kitchen, counter, and tables/chairs for customers. The outdoor platform will be utilized to serve customers. Key Design Features: - Full see-through glass doors and windows to create a welcoming and open feel. - A natural 'farm-to-table' aesthetic in the décor, incorporating potted plants and herbs. - A modern and neat look, while maintaining the farm-to-table theme. Ambiance: The overall vibe of the café should be calm and serene. Materials: The main structure and furnishings can incorporate with wood...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can create a robust e-commerce site for me on AWS cloud. Key Requirements: - Setting up a shopping cart - Integrating a secure payment gateway (the site is intended for selling digital products initially, with plans to expand into merchandise) - Future-proofing the site with a scalable product management system Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with e-commerce web development - Proficiency in AWS setup and management - Strong skills in integrating payment gateways and shopping carts Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm in search of an OpenSearch specialist to tackle a specific challenge. If you have experience in implementation, advanced configuration and search optimization, this job is for you...Optimize indexes, mappings and queries for high performance. - Implement security with authentication and access control. - Configure monitoring and alerts to ensure stability. - Validate that the setup complies with best practices for scalability. ? Requirements: - Proven experience with OpenSearch and/or Elasticsearch. - Knowledge in cluster administration and performance tuning. - Experience with AWS and VPS. - Ability to document the setup and provide support to our team. ? If you're interested, please send me your proposal with examples of previous work and an estimated timeframe to ...
...Performance Secure login/authentication for sellers & admins. Fast-loading reseller pages with caching (CDN preferred). Scalable architecture to handle thousands of sellers. Preferred Tech Stack (Flexible, Based on Developer's Expertise) Backend: PHP (Laravel), Node.js, or Python (Django). Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, or standard templating with Bootstrap. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or similar cloud solutions. Payment Gateway (for the main shop only): Stripe, PayPal, or Klarna. Open to suggestions on the best approach based on scalability and ease of management. Additional Notes Looking for an experienced developer/team with proven experience in multi-seller platforms or custom e-commerce solutions. Please share relevant past pro...