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Szűrés erre:
    Munka státusza
    2,000 using phone camera windows munkát találtunk

    Adottak az alábbi eszközök: - Raspberry Pi 4B - Raspberry Iqaudio codec zero - Raspberry camera module 3 A programnak az alábbiakat kell teljesítenie: GPIO porton keresztül érzékelt jel (nyomógomb) hatására elindul az alábbi folyamat: hangfájl lejátszása -> kamera + mikrofon elindítása (videorögzítés). A jel megszakadása esetén a folyamat alaphelyzetbe áll. A videofájlokat külön külön elmenti.

    €246 Average bid
    €246 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Címkigyűjtő szoftver
    Véget ért left

    I am looking for a programmer for the following task: Creating a Windows-based software capable of collecting the data of all the clubs at the address " ", which creates a TXT file with the data of all the clubs on the website in the following resolution: CLUB NAME; CONTACT NAME; PHONE NUMBER; EMAIL ADDRESS;

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Arcfelismerő program
    Véget ért left

    Olyan fejlesztőt keresek, aki tud nekem olyan programot írni, ami egy meglévő adatbázisból képes arcot felismerni IP kamerán keresztül. Legyen képes egyidejűleg legalább 5-6 kamerát kezelni. Tudjon API-n keresztül csatlakozni adatbázisokhoz. Teljesen új forráskóddal kell rendelkeznie. Windows alapú programnak kell lennie.

    €909 Average bid
    €909 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    Nyilt forraskodu videoelemzo programot szeretnek szemelyre szabni windows-ra. Gopro video file-okbol szeretnenk tavolsagadatokat kinyerni.

    €525 Average bid
    €525 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Rövid leírás: Interneten keresztül távvezérelt, 2 feladatot ellátó, automatikusan készenlétben álló szoftver megírása. A szoftver 2 részből, a távvezérlőből és a vezérelt részből áll, melyeknél: 1.) A vezérelt szoftvernek PowerPC architektúrán, OSX 10.5.8 rendszeren; 2.) A vezérlő szoftvernek Windows XP vagy magasabb verziójú, Android 8 vagy magasabb verziójú, és Debian disztribúciójú Linux rendszereken kell futnia. A programnak a következő képpen kell működnie: A programnak minden rendszerinduláskor, kivétel nél...

    €240 - €719
    €240 - €719
    0 árajánlat

    Create an android background service which unlocks the phone if certain criteria are met. Read the attached file for more details.

    €2417 Average bid
    €2417 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logó tervezés
    Véget ért left

    Logo to WISIOO brand WISIOO is a window with minimal frames, our partner is a well-known producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in i...

    €94 Average bid
    37 pályamű

    Hey, we're looking for phone salesman, you will be calling existing customers. No previous experiences required. Salary is 50% fixed per hour, the rest is 4% commission from sales, work hours are also flexible. If a person is speaking english it's a plus, otherwise it's not necessary. We're looking for Hungarian native speakers only! Send your applications to jaka@ or contact me here :) // Sziasztok. Magyar ügyfélszolgálati munkatársat keresünk hideghívásokhoz. Magyar embereket, nem magyar tudásal. Eladás a már meglévő ügyfelek számára értendő, otthoni munkavégzés lehetősége. Jelentekezéseteket várjuk angol nyelven a jaka@ ema...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Vállalkozás megrendeléseinek követéséhez, majd a raktárkészlet követéséhez szeretnénk egy C#-ben írt, MySQL-t használó Windows-os programot. A megrendeléseknél kezelni kell a fizetés megtörténtét és a beérkezett tételeket: a tételek érkezhetnek több részletben is. A tételek mennyiségén és egységárán felül a mennyiségi egység is változhat, a megrendelés összegénél pedig a pénznem lehet EUR / HUF. Ezek aztán raktárba kerülnek, raktárhelységek között &...

    €507 Average bid
    €507 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .

    €496 Average bid
    €496 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    szerver instalálás
    Véget ért left

    HP Enterprise ML10, Intel Xeon 4 processzoros, 8GB RAM, 2db 1TB HDD. (esetleg tükrözve?), 1 LAN csatl. windows server instalálása, programok telepítése - Firmwarek frissítése, RAID tömb beállítása (tükrözés), szerver beállítások optimalizálása, - Windows 2016 Standard szerver telepítése, távoli elérés beállítása - Fájlkiszolgáló beállítása, egyéb biztonsági beállítások, felhasználók felvétele

    €114 Average bid
    €114 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása -- 2
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó program bővítése Magyar nyelven.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó meglévő program bővítése.

    €534 Average bid
    €534 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Robotot kellene programozni amely hirdetésfigyelőként azonnal elküldi egy adott oldalról az újonnan megjelenő szamomra releváns hirdetéseket.

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
    Véget ért left

    Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Java Applikáció programozásról, fejlesztésről lenne szó Android, iOS és Windows felületre.

    €234 Average bid
    €234 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
    Véget ért left

    Windows Java Selfie box szoftverét szeretném egy projektbe lefejlesztetni. Adott egy pc, digitális fényképező és egy foto nyomtató. A selfiző odamegy a dobozhoz, megnyomja a start gombot. Készül harom fotó. Ezek a fotók felkerülnek egy képeslapra. A kepeslapot negy részre osztjuk. A bal felső sarok szabadon módosíthatónak kell lennie. Ode kerülhet egy esemény név, céglogó. A másik három területre felkerülnek a frissen készített fotók. A képeslapnak van egy szabadon valasztható háttere. Valaki tud ebben segíteni? Üdv: Jandy

    €149 Average bid
    €149 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Szükségem lenne Facebook és Slacksocial integrációra,annak érdekében, hogy multi postingot tudjunk végezni egy FB oldal kapcsán!

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 árajánlat

    I'm very rookie in OpenGL programing, and skeletal animation under Android, therefore I would like to ask you to develop the following module for my project: I started with jPCT-AE and Bones API, but if you have another option, feel free to use it. I need an activity with a GLSurfaceView which the following features: 1.: Should import a fully rigged 3d object model from a Collada (.dae) file, which exported out from Blender (Human male body) 2.: It should be able to create keyframes from external files (the file format is not fixed, you can use your own one), and create an infite animation from it. 3.: Apply the animation to the previously imported 3d object and then play the animation in a GLSrufaceView.

    €232 Average bid
    €232 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Hello! Erdeklodni szeretnek, hogy tudnal-e olyan windows desktop applikaciot irni, ami kulonbozo poker kliensekbol nyitja meg a poker asztalokat?Van egy kliens, amit QT kodolast hasznal es injection-t kene alkalmazni. koszi David

    €959 Average bid
    €959 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!

    €10659459 Average bid
    €10659459 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    ...provide all the design in Adobe Illustrator format a document template .AI. Logo should be the slogan is simple, elegant, clean and neat look. Should inspire confidence seriousness and highlights the severity of cold warehouse. The need for professional and eye-catching. Contains Alylonen or Thelah only. Business card will be double-sided with the details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the physical vertical design should match the color theme logo / business card. Templates (for business card and letterhead) Is attached to design templates for your design in Adobe Illustrator format. You must delete all DESCRIPTIONS GUIDE / instructions TEXT. Prefer to write the company name in Arabic (ثلاجات المنظومة المتكاملة ) Please...

    €421 Average bid
    €421 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepci...tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kó...

    €2250 Average bid
    €2250 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Write some Software
    Véget ért left

    Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)

    €36 / hr Average bid
    €36 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv isme...

    €704 Average bid
    €704 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Data Entry - repost
    Véget ért left

    I will provide names, address, phone, email, etc. etc on a pdf file. I need the information put in an excel spread sheet under company, contact, phone, mobile, fax, email, address, city, state, ID each set will be given a specific ID. some names an email will need to be entered There are approximately 500 or so names. maybe less maybe more one set will be on the internet to scrape the other are on pdf.

    €120 Average bid
    €120 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    ...communication. · Phone Numbers: Contact numbers for representatives. · Comments: Notes or additional information about the company. · Communication Periodicity: The default time interval for scheduled communications (e.g., every 2 weeks). Communication Method Management Admins should define the available communication methods in the system. Each method should include: · Name: E.g., "Visit" or "LinkedIn Post." · Description: E.g., "Visit to company premises." · Sequence: Determines the order of communication (e.g., LinkedIn Post → LinkedIn Message → Email → Phone Call → Other). · Mandatory Flag: Indicates whether a communication method is mandatory in the sequence. By default,...

    €11 Average bid
    €11 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in network security and OpenVPN setup. The primary objective is to enable secure remote access through RDP using a newly configured OpenVPN server on my Windows machine. Key requirements: - Full installation and configuration of OpenVPN - Ensuring top-notch security for remote access - Potentially providing advice on best practices for secure RDP usage Your expertise in setting up and securing OpenVPN with RDP will be invaluable for this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a professional chauffeur to provide high-end, luxury car services primarily for airport transfers and corporate travel. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct airport transfers in a punctual and professional manner. - Provide chauffeur services for corporate events and meetings. Booking System: - Clients will book services via phone reservation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience as a professional chauffeur, particularly with luxury cars. - Excellent driving record and understanding of the local area. - Strong interpersonal skills for client interactions. - Experience with corporate travel preferred.

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr licitátlag
    131 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a genuine, unedited selfie video recorded in Greek, lasting between 30 to 50 seconds. The purpose of the video is marketing material for my course "Money Smart: Navigating Tomorrow's Financial Challenges". It should convey excitement and be suitable for social media. You don't need prior experience for this job, but you should be able to: - Express real emotions comfortably on camera - Ensure good lighting for clear video quality Please note the following rules: - Record with one hand - Avoid reading directly from a script; instead, memorize a short script and add your own enthusiasm and personal touch - Read instructions correctly Your bid should reflect a budget of $25 and a timeline of 1-2 days.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Camera Legacy
    6 nap left

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a modern, sleek, and innovative logo for my multimedia company, Camera Legacy. - Design Aesthetic: The logo should reflect a creative edge consistent with the multimedia industry. The preferred color palette includes shades of blue, white, and gray, which should convey a professional yet dynamic look. - Logo Type: I am interested in a combination logo (text and symbol). The text should be 'Camera Legacy' and the font should be clean, contemporary, and easy to read. - Symbolism: The logo should incorporate elements representing multimedia, specifically using symbols of a camera or lens. - Usability: The logo will be used across various platforms - digital, print, and merchandise. Ideal candi...

    €10 Average bid
    137 pályamű

    ...Responsibilities: Research Companies: Identify businesses within our target industries. Find Key Contacts: Locate the marketing professional (e.g., Marketing Manager, Marketing Director, CMO). If no marketing person is listed, find the primary decision-maker (e.g., Owner, General Manager, CEO). Collect Accurate Contact Information: Full Name Position Company Name Email Address (must be valid and verified) Phone Number (if available) Deliver leads in an organized Google Sheet or CRM (template provided). Ensure leads meet the following criteria: Based in New England (close to boston). Relevant industry (e.g., real estate, athletic brands, resorts, or tech products). What We’re Looking For: Proven experience in B2B lead generation or contact research. Strong understanding o...

    €970 Average bid
    €970 licitátlag
    51 árajánlat
    Cobol Work
    9 nap left

    Cobol program emulating in Windows 11

    €7 Average bid
    €7 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I am seeking legal counsel regarding a serious issue with our HOA President. The president is not providing access to complete financial records despite multiple formal requests, and has installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president ...

    €875 Average bid
    €875 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    I need a lawyer to help me file a lawsuit against our HOA president who has been abusing their power. I have a strong case with plenty of documented proof as well as several witness statements. am seeking legal counsel regarding a serious issue with our HOA President. The president is not providing access to complete financial records despite multiple formal requests, and has installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provid...

    €1613 Average bid
    €1613 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a developer to help create a support ticket system, akin to Zendesk or Freshdesk, using Blazor MAUI Hybrid Apps with C# and .NET 8. This will include: - A Windows desktop, Android, iOS, and Mac agent interface. - A Web Admin interface for myself, the admin. The coding architecture will be provided by me, and we'll work together on the development. This system must include: - Multi-channel support (email, chat, social media). - Automated ticket routing and assignment. - Knowledge base integration. User roles: Admin, Agent, and Customer. In addition to the support ticket system, I also need a Blazor Web App based website to showcase and sell this service, with the primary goal of generating sales leads. Ideal skills for this project include: - Exten...

    €240 Average bid
    €240 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned web developer with a strong background in Django and Python to build a comprehensive customer service contact website, akin to Core Features: - **Company Directory**: A detailed directory spanning various industries. - **Contact Information**: Regularly updated contact details for each company, which include phone numbers, email addresses, live chat options, and social media links. - **Best Contact Methods**: Insightful guidance on optimal ways to contact a company's customer service, factoring in wait times and effectiveness. - **User Reviews and Ratings**: An interactive section enabling users to share their experiences and rate different companies' customer service. - **Search Functionality**: An efficient search tool to help u...

    €134 Average bid
    €134 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat

    Seeking a talented developer to create a freelance application for both iOS and Android focused on the Saudi market. Key Features: - User profiles and ratings - Job posting and bidding - In-app messaging User Authentication: - Phone number verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iOS and Android app development - Experience in creating freelance platforms - Knowledge of user verification systems, specifically phone number verification. - Understanding of the Saudi market and freelance industry The developer should have a proven track record of creating user-friendly, secure and efficient applications. The goal is to have an application that not only meets the basic requirements but also provides a seamless experience for the users.

    €993 Average bid
    €993 licitátlag
    108 árajánlat

    ...this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important fie...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a designer to create minimalist-style mockups for a phone cover. The mockups should be in a back view only, adhering to a sleek, uncluttered aesthetic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design skills with a focus on minimalist style - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop - Experience in creating product mockups - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    €55 / hr Average bid
    €55 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat
    Troubleshoot Next.js App on Docker
    6 nap left

    I need assistance troubleshooting an app using and Docker containers on my local Windows machine. There's a simple issue in its configuration that I can't identify. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in - Experienced with Docker, Auth0 - Knowledgeable in Windows OS Please reach out if you can help.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    ...operational insights. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a data collection system to capture textual information related to bioprinting protocols and user agreement verifications. - Design a secure and efficient system for transferring this data to AWS. - Ensure the software can support predictive analysis of the collected data. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with C++ and Windows executable software. - Proven track record with AWS cloud services. - Strong understanding of predictive data analysis. - Experience with software creating and implementing API key systems for user authentication. I'm looking for someone who can not only complete this task, but can also contribute ideas to enhance the project's overall scope and potential. Your input wi...

    €52 / hr Average bid
    €52 / hr licitátlag
    61 árajánlat

    I am looking for an expert in telephony and VoIP to set up a call forwarding system that enables: Incoming calls: Redirect calls from a USA number to a French number...purchase of local French numbers. Therefore, an alternative call forwarding solution is needed. Objectives: Propose a reliable solution compatible with Twilio or an alternative service. Ensure optimal call quality at minimal cost. Required Skills: Expertise in VoIP and telephony integration (Twilio or similar services). Experience with international call forwarding. Knowledge of French and USA phone number specifics. Deliverables: System setup and configuration. Documentation or user support materials. Timeline: Project to be completed as soon as possible. Note: I am open to your recommendations for achieving th...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    ...needs (majority of the work will be on this platform). •Integrate (Go High Level) with to ensure seamless data transfer. •Extract client data from and import it into •Create automations and workflows in to optimize client management processes. •Provide live hourly screen-sharing sessions to collaborate and explain the process (camera not required). Required Skills and Qualifications: •Proven experience working with and •Strong expertise in CRM setup, customization, and management. •Familiarity with open APIs and ability to leverage them for potential integrations ( supports open APIs). •Advanced problem-solving skills with an eye for detail. •Clear communication skills in English.

    €8 / hr Average bid
    Kiemelt Sürgős
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an expert in battery state of charge (SOC) estimation, specifically utilizing the Kalman filtering method. The goal is to achieve an estimation accuracy within the 3-5% range. Key requirements: - Proficient in Kalman filtering - Experience with lithium-ion battery SOC estimation - Ability to work with voltage and current measurements The data available for this project consists of voltage and current measurements. If you have the right skills and experience, I look forward to your proposal.

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a Python expert to create a script that will independently detect "mobs" in Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the game. - It should have the ability to move independently. - If possible, I would like the ability to manage several accounts simultaneously. Detection Method: - The script should use image recognition to detect the mobs. Platform Compatibility: - The script must be compatible with Windows. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience with Minecraft scripting. - Knowledge of image recognition techniques. - Ability to create scripts that can operate ...

    €115 Average bid
    €115 licitátlag
    70 árajánlat

    ...real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, Laravel. Designing and building web applications using Laravel and other platforms. Converting PSDs into pixel perfect responsive Laravel and custom PHP sites. Resolving cross-browser compatibility issues. Writing ...

    €1036 Average bid
    €1036 licitátlag
    42 árajánlat

    I am looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive food delivery application using the following technologies: Frontend: React Native with Expo Backend: with Prisma The application will include the following features: Application Features Customer Features: Authentication: Login and register using email or phone number. Support for social login (e.g., Google). Browse Restaurants and Stores: View nearby restaurants based on geolocation. Filter restaurants by category (e.g., Fast Food, Desserts, Drinks). See restaurant ratings and previous reviews. Menu: Browse menus with images, descriptions, and prices. Search functionality to find specific dishes or restaurants. Cart and Checkout: Add items to the cart and modify quantities. View order details, inc...

    €1094 Average bid
    €1094 licitátlag
    146 árajánlat
    Voice Recording Australian Accent
    6 nap left

    Please write the answer to this question at the top of bid "what is the capital of Australia?" I'm looking for native speakers of English with Australian Accents to help with a voice recording project. No equipment needed, just a mobile phone. For people in Australia, Hourly Rate Based on Australian minimum wage. For expats, roughly similar rates. Please write "I have an Australian Accent and can start now" Please write "I can do 2 hours of voice recording for _____usd"

    €91 Average bid
    €91 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    ...that demonstrate and work through the basic maths concepts +, -, x, / and decimals. Those videos show my hands solving equations whilst I commentate on what is happening. There is the potential to create videos to cover the rest of elementary/primary curriculum (and beyond) using Montessori materials. I am knowledgeable in theories of learning, the problems with our current education system as well as the theoretical application of the Montessori Method. I would be able to prepare videos with me speaking directly to camera or interviewing people if wished. I am looking for a partnership with a skilled freelancer to monetise my skills and these educational videos. The videos will be useful to any home based learning. The videos are narrated in English by me and conseq...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr licitátlag
    19 árajánlat
    Short CGI Video Creation
    6 nap left

    ...towering in full view. The camera zooms in as the statue’s torch glimmers faintly. • Focus: A hand reaches out, lifting the Namah coffee mug from the table. Scene 5: The Sip That Ignites • Visuals: The person (a silhouette to keep it universal) takes a deliberate sip of the coffee. As they lower the mug, the torch of the Statue of Liberty suddenly bursts into a vibrant, radiant glow, symbolizing strength and brilliance. • Sound Effect: A warm, resonant hum as the torch’s brightness intensifies. • Narration/Caption: “Namah—strength in every sip, brilliance in every moment.” Scene 6: A Lasting Impression • Visuals: The yacht sails past the Statue of Liberty, leaving ripples in the water. The Statue’s torch remains ...

    €252 Average bid
    €252 licitátlag
    33 árajánlat