Turnkey amazon storemunkák
...times 4 mm or 4000 in the usage so use this as unit. So the source data structure: There is the room, the room contains all the objects. The objects are the cabinets. The objects contains all the items, which are the parts of the objects, e.g. side of a cabinet, or shelf or anything. Important: • The color of an item is resolved with a picture now. • For data importing we are using React Redux Store, so just define a useStates and when we are implementing we will resolve the remaining. • The size, rotation and position for the items are tricky, because it can happen that there is 36 items and you have to create a function which gives you back the values as a matrix not in string. You can use our util functions or you can define by yourself. Here is how we de...
Hello Everyone, We have an old webshop which is were poor. We would like to offer to our customer better why we would like to test a new one. There are 21 days to free testing. We would like to see is it going to work at all. There is the API link for the new shop: I will provide the API link of the old web store upon request. The old websop has about +200k products. THX, Best Regards Klm
Creating an auto betting bot with betfair api for my own basketball strategy,test it and store all the earnings and losts in a database like.
Egészség támogató programjaink (méregtelenítés, fogyás, testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított a programok ...testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított...
A feladat: Meglévő - jele...hosszú távú tervekkel. Olyan freelancereket keresünk első sorban, akik Magyarországon tevékenykednek. Teszt eszközök megléte előny, de nem követelmény. Ügynökségekkel egyelőre nem szeretnénk dolgozni. Budget: a megadott budget kizárólag a jelen projectre vonatkozik, konkrét összegről privátban tudunk egyeztetni a kapott ajánlat alapján. We have a mobile app, which is already in the app store for a while, but the technology behind it makes it quite hard to improve it so as a first step we would like to find someone who rewrites the exact same application in any modern technology (be it native language...
Kedves Attila, Érdeklődnék, hogy van-e szabad kapacitásod egy viszonylag egyszerűbb munka elvégzéséhez? Shopify - összekötésre lenne szükségem, de nem az app-store-ban található alkalmazás segítségével. Szeretném az exportált Shopify rendelés adatokat a tömeges számlázójába feltölteni csv formátumban. És az xls-ből csv-be konvertálást szeretném tömegesen elvégezni. Remélem érthető, ahogy leírtam! :) A projektjeim között megtalálod, mire is van szükségem! Üdv, Péter
We're looking for a developer to develop a javascript based ...different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the browser side without editing. (floorplan not editable view) The editor must be responsive and mobile-friendly...
Kedves Attila! Röviden összefoglalom, mihez keresnék szakértő segítséget. Van egy ötletem mobilapplikációra, amely - szintén az oldal segítségével - fejlesztés alatt áll. Ne gondolj nagyszabású projektre, ez az első appom. Étkezéshez kapacsolódik, de nem a fogyás témakörében. Szeretnék az appnak egy találó nevet adni, és ehhez igazítani a leírást is. Ehhez keresek egy ASO (App Store Optimization) szakembert - mindenképp magyarul beszélőt. (Bár többen állítják, hogy nem szükséges a nyelv ismerete, nem pozitívak a...
IMPORTANT - please only apply if you are capable of keyword research and ASO work in HUNGARIAN language! Name of the applicatication is the most important. In Hungarian: Magyar mobilapplikációhoz lenne szükségem olyan személyre, aki ASO, azaz app store optimalizációt tudna nekem készíteni. Az applikáció egészségügyhöz kapcsolódik. Elsősorban az applikáció nevét lenne jó együtt kitalálni.
[HUNGARIAN DEVELOPERS ONLY] Folyamatban lévő projekhez keresünk: - AngularJS - Frontend és backend fejlesztőt - Angular JS - PHP - MariaDB - Jquery - CSS - Kulcs-Soft szinkron - VPS - Java server Kereskedelemmel foglalkozó cég vállalatirányítási rendszerével összekötött webáruházának fejlesztéséhez keresünk magas tudással rendelkező (Nem Junior) fejlesztőt. A projektnél egyaránt működhet az alkalmazotti, illetve az alvállalkozói jogviszony is.
A Gravity R&D egy 2007-ben alakult magyar B2B startup: Ajánlórendszerek fejlesztésével foglalkozunk, hazai és nemzetközi ügyfeleink részére. Vagyis olyan algoritmusokat fejlesztünk, mint amivel az Amazon kitalálja mit fognak venni legközelebb a felhasználók, vagy mint amivel a Google kitalálja mire akarsz épp keresni Tapasztalt Front-end fejlesztőt keresünk. A projekt: kis és közepes site-ok részére fejlesztett ajánlórendszer irányítópultjának továbbfejlesztése, webalkalmazás fejlesztése (pl.: statisztikák megjelenítése, adatfolyam szerkesztő, in...
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androidos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal rendelkező programozót! Cégünk egy vásárl...melynek alapja egy okostelefonos alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' n&ea...
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...
Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!
Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felületen le...
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz m&aacu...
Tisztelt Hölgyem, Uram! Meglévő androidos alkalmazásunkhoz keresünk hosszú távra, hozzáértő fejlesztői csapatot. Béta állapotú alkalmazásunk a következő címen érhető el: (Felhasználónév: , PIN: 1234) Az applikáció minden funkciójához kész API-t biztosítunk. Mivel a minőség mellett, kiemelten f...Szükségünk lenne tehát egy olyan fejlesztésre, hogy 30 percenként a háttérben futó alkalmazás lekérje az illető hely adatát, majd ennek függvényében esetlegesen egy Push üzenetet kapjon. (Természetesen ehhez ...
...Gather product information such as title, price, availability on different platforms, and customer reviews. Fetch trending products from platforms like TikTok and Instagram and find their purchase links if available on subscribed affiliate websites. Automated Posting & Categorization: Post product details to designated Telegram and Discord channels. Ensure posts include the product title, price (Amazon and other platforms), and a review link from our discussion thread on Discord. Categorize posts based on product type, availability (e.g., India-only products), or platform source. Automatically post trending products if available on our subscribed affiliate websites. Customization & Control: Option to edit product details before posting. Ability to set posting sch...
I have a unity game and i want to reskin it normally to publish on play store anyone help me with this work i can pay max 15$ if anyone interested please bid and read carefully then bid on my project
I'm facing a critical issue with email sending from my Magento 2 store. Initially, emails were failing due to SMTP connection timeouts, specifically when attempting to connect via port 587. The error message indicated that the server was rejecting the SMTP connection, which strongly suggests that my hosting provider, DigitalOcean, has blocked outbound SMTP traffic. - Currently using the built-in Magento email service. - I've contacted DigitalOcean support about the blocked port 587, but there's been no conclusion yet. - Unfortunately, I do not have any email logs or error messages to share for further diagnosis. I'm looking for a professional who can help diagnose and fix this issue as soon as possible. Experience with Magento 2 and troubleshooting SMTP issues...
I'm seeking guidance on the App Store approval process for my iOS B2B app. I have an organization account with Apple Developer and all necessary metadata and assets are ready for submission. Your expertise in navigating the approval process will be invaluable. Ideally, you should have extensive experience with iOS app publishing, particularly in the B2B sector.
My iOS app is fully developed and tested. I have a ready-to-use Apple Developer account and all necessary app information and assets prepared for submission. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in iOS app deployment - Familiar with App Store submission guidelines - Excellent attention to detail
My iOS app is fully developed and tested, and I need a proficient iOS developer to assist in uploading it to the App Store. Key details: - The app has been optimized for the store. - All necessary app store assets are ready. Ideal skills for this job: - Extensive experience in iOS app development - Proficient in App Store submission process - Knowledgeable about App Store requirements and guidelines Please bid if you can help me public the app successfully.
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in Shopify to create a vibrant and engaging online store for my physical goods. The aesthetic of the site should be fun and colorful, appealing to a wide range of customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify platform - Strong background in web design - Experience in e-commerce website development - Ability to create fun and colorful designs - Understanding of user-friendly and intuitive UI/UX design principles
I have a fully compliant Fantasy Cricket app that's ready for the Apple App Store. The app is built in Flutter, and I have all the necessary resources for publication. Key Details: - Apple Developer Account is set up - All required licenses are acquired - Complete app code is available - All app metadata is prepared and ready for submission The app includes functional in-app purchases and subscriptions. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Flutter - Extensive experience with Apple App Store - Proficient in app publication process - Familiarity with in-app purchases setup - Knowledge of Apple’s app guidelines
I'm seeking a seasoned professional who can assist me in publishing my thoroughly tested Fantasy Cricket app on the Apple App Store. The app is developed in Flutter and is ready for launch. Key Requirements: - Expert in Flutter and iOS app deployment - Familiar with Apple App Store guidelines - Ability to handle the entire publishing process The following resources are at your disposal: - An Apple Developer Account - All necessary licenses - Complete app code - Fully prepared app store assets (app icon, screenshots, description) My only concern is ensuring the app is published smoothly and correctly. I have handled testing and app store asset preparation myself. Please reach out if you have the relevant experience.
I just opened my store and I need customers to purchase from there the link is
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer who can create a outstanding coloring book cover. The cover will be published on Amazon KDP, so it should adhere to their specifications and standards. Requirements for cover design: - containing a title "100 Mosaics Quest Color By Number - Mystery Curiosities" - containing a some of photos that I have provided to show what is inside of the book - information that each design contain 3600 squares of 4x4mm (not necessary) - compliant with Amazon KDP publishing requirements - at the back of the cover should be color palette that I've provided For Additional information I provide a subtitle of the book: "Color, Relax & Unveil Stunning Designs | Pixel Art Coloring Book for Adults and Teens" There is...
I'm seeking an experienced ad marketer to help boost sales in my game account store. This professional will create and manage effective paid ad campaigns primarily on Meta Ads and Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement paid ad campaigns to boost sales - Target experienced gamers, my primary customer base - Achieve high ROI through efficient audience targeting Requirements: - Proven experience in paid advertising, particularly on Meta Ads and Google Ads - Strong understanding of the game account marketplace - Ability to analyze and optimize campaign performance from a data-driven perspective The budget for this project is flexible, and I'm open to a long-term collaboration if the results meet expectations. Please include samples of your previous work in...
...if not the largest and first of it's kind in modern history because it involves a third party music distribution service CD Baby (who seems to think they had my permission even though they know better (and yes this too can easily be supported by the evidence I have gathered) and every major digital platform they claim to represent and this includes but is certainly not limited too Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, Spotify, Tidal, Pandora and etc... - My case is privacy rights case; my property was published and sold globally without my permission An Ideal Candidate: - A seasoned intellectual property lawyer with a focus on copyright - Proven experience dealing with international lawsuits and corporates law - Strong background in the entertainment, music, publish...
... user-friendly platform. Our WordPress site recently transitioned to Elementor with MasterStudy for courses, but we need a more streamlined solution that integrates courses, e-commerce, and multimedia. Scope of Work: Website Redesign: Modern, responsive, fast, and easy to navigate. Course & Membership Integration: Improve online course experience and bundling. E-Commerce: Develop an online store for kits, merchandise, and digital products. Club Listings & Media: Showcase clubs with photos, videos, and testimonials. SEO & Marketing: Optimize site for search rankings and lead generation. Third-Party Integrations: Email marketing, social media, and potential CRM connections. Ideal Candidate: Expert in WordPress, Elementor, e-learning (MasterStudy, LearnDash), and e-...
...**create and manage multiple pages** - Save and load individual pages in **JSON format** - Edit and preview each page separately - **Build and publish all pages** as a final step 3. **JSON-Based Data Storage** - The builder should **store page configurations in JSON format** - Each block’s settings (text, image, size, etc.) should be included in the JSON structure - Enable saving and loading of JSON from **server or local storage** 4. **Custom Component Support** - Users should be able to **add new UI components** - JSON should store the component’s configuration for reuse - **Dynamic data binding using props** should be supported - Example: Users can add `MyCustomButton` and configure its color, text, and behavior 5. **Real-Tim...
...e-commerce store (WooCommerce or similar) ✔ Mobile-friendly, modern, and professional design ✔ Secure payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, etc.) ✔ Mandatory fields for valid email and phone number at checkout ✔ Backend admin panel for order management ✔ Basic SEO optimization ✔ Speed-optimized and user-friendly UI/UX Order Fulfillment Process: ✔ Orders will be manually processed on our side ✔ Once fulfilled, the eSIM details will be emailed to the customer Additional Notes: ✔ Freelancer should provide a full deployment guide or offer to deploy on our hosting ✔ Open to recommendations for design and performance enhancements ✔ Budget-friendly, with a focus on scalability Detailed Overview of the Project 1. Project Objective The goal is to develop a WordPress-based e-co...
...King - The Frozen City" (15 min) ? Project Overview: I want to create a 15-minute cinematic, AI-generated live-action-style YouTube video based on my provided script — "Shaktimaan vs Frost King: The Frozen City." The video should feature AI-generated characters (Shaktimaan & Frost King), AI voiceovers, music, and full video editing to create a realistic superhero showdown. I am looking for a turnkey solution — you handle everything from start to finish, and deliver a ready-to-upload 15-minute video. ? Project Requirements: ✅ Characters & Style: Shaktimaan (Indian superhero) in modernized costume, Mukesh Khanna face, but AI-generated. Frost King (like a royal ice king with a crown, glowing blue eyes, and a cape) — reference image will be...
...Rehub theme and the AAWP (Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin) on my WordPress site. Now, I need assistance in setting it up so that my users can dynamically search for Amazon products through the existing Rehub search bars on my site. Key Requirements: - Users should have the ability to conduct a dynamic search. - The search results should primarily return product boxes and comparison tables. - The comparison tables should include specific product details like price, ratings, and specifications. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Rehub theme. - Experienced with AAWP (Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin). - Knowledge in setting up dynamic search functionality. - Ability to prioritize and filter search results. Please bid if you can help me enhance my Amaz...
I need two Word documents converted for Amazon Kindle compatibility. This includes both hardcover and softcover formats. The project involves: - Converting documents to 6 x 9 inches and 7 x 10 inches sizes. - Adjusting text size and line spacing as per Kindle specifications. - Creating a Table of Contents. - Potentially adjusting text and the book cover. and deliver in a printable PDF as per Kindle specifications The ideal freelancer is someone with experience in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) formatting. You will need to deliver the documents in two sizes, and the book cover as a printable PDF meeting KDP requirements. Also deliver me blank word template. No payment will be released until Softcover has been accepted by Kindle
I'm looking for an experienced Java modder to create a GUI for an in-game store on my Minecraft Forge server (version 1.20.1). This store should be accessible and functional within the game itself. Key Requirements: - The store should allow item purchasing. - The store needs to have different categories for various types of items. - The categories should include, but not be limited to: Consumables, Cosmetics, Game Enhancements, Cases, and Privileges (like a 'donate status'). - A website bundle to accompany the store is also necessary. the ability to purchase privilege sets separately Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Java and Minecraft modding. - Previous experience creating in-game stores or simila...
I'm seeking a Magento 2 e-commerce specialist to assist in setting up my online store. Key Responsibilities: 1. Functionality: - Set up essential features: registration, login, cart, and checkout. - Test filters and search functionality. - Integrate with the PayPal payment system. 2. Design and UX: - Install a theme. - Conduct usability tests across desktop, tablet, and smartphone. 3. Admin Panel: - Familiarize with the admin panel: managing products, orders, and users etc. - Assess customization and settings options. 4. Security: - Implement fundamental security measures: SSL certificate, and protection against hacking attempts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Profound knowledge in Magento 2. - Expertise in UX/UI design, particularly with modern a...
...reflecting the Armorsteel brand (attached is some past designs) while still aligning with craft beer aesthetics. The two labels should be visually similar but should differentiate between the Lager and Hazy IPA (e.g., slight colour variations or iconography). Ensure the white border around the label is maintained as per print specifications. The design should be engaging, modern, and stand out on a store shelf while maintaining a premium, high-quality feel. Resources: We are partnering with Colab Brewing, and their website can serve as inspiration for the label design: Deliverables: Two high-resolution print-ready label designs (Lager & Hazy IPA) Files should be submitted in .ai / .eps / .pdf formats with outlined fonts and embedded images A brief explanation of the
I'm in need of a professional Shopify developer to build an E-commerce store that sells physical packing supplies. Key aspects of the project include: - Designing a user-friendly and responsive website that can handle a variety of packing products. - Implementing secure payment gateways and effective shipping options. - Optimizing the site for SEO to boost visibility. - The layout should be based off and we will provide the graphics/designs Ideal candidates for the job should: - Have prior experience in Shopify store development, particularly for physical goods. - Possess strong web design skills. - Be knowledgeable about e-commerce best practices and SEO strategies
I need a professional to finalize my Shopify store and link it to payment methods for Europe and Mexico.
...the expert to collect data on room rates, room types, and any additional charges or fees associated with the rooms. The data should be collected on a daily basis for the next one year, starting from today's date. The expert should use web scraping techniques to collect the data from the hotel websites and Booking.com. They should be able to extract the relevant information from the websites and store it in a structured format for analysis. The expert should also be able to analyse the data and provide insights into the trends in hotel prices over the next one year. They should be able to identify any patterns or anomalies in the data and provide recommendations for how hotels can adjust their pricing strategies to maximize revenue. The expert should deliver the data in a ...
...Application 1. Introduction This Statement of Work (SOW) outlines the scope, objectives, deliverables, and responsibilities for integrating Azure Blob Storage into the application. The objective is to enhance the application's storage capabilities by leveraging Azure Blob Storage for efficient data storage, retrieval, and management. 2. Objectives Implement Azure Blob Storage to store and manage files securely. Enable scalable and cost-effective data storage for the application. Ensure seamless integration with existing application architecture. Provide access control and security measures compliant with industry standards. Deliver a solution that supports high availability and disaster recovery. 3. Scope of Work 3.1 Planning & Design Assess curre...
Rank T-shirts ORGANICALLY Amazon Merch On Demand By someone who makes tshirts and ranks themselves Is there no one that knows about and understands Merch On Demand by Amazon? *If you are not an expert in tshirt ranking for Merch on Demand don't reply *If you use ads, link building or talk about products, storefront, FBA don't reply This is Results based I'm in urgent need of a professional who can ORGANICALLY Rank my T-shirts on the first page of MERCH IN DEMAND BY AMAZON. This role specifically focuses on Amazon Merch on Demand for T-shirts and does not involve ads or link building or products. Must be organic and be an expert with Amazon A10 Algorithm and can guarantee to rank on first page Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing listin...
I'm looking for an experienced marketer who can manage and run successful ads for my international print-on-demand and dropshipping store. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of achieving great Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) at low ad costs. Skills & Experience Required: - Expertise in international e-commerce marketing, particularly with print-on-demand and dropshipping - Proficiency in managing and optimizing ads on various platforms - Ability to achieve high ROAS with minimal ad expenditure - Strong understanding of target market demographics and ad platform specifics Please contact me if you can help me kickstart this venture.
I'm looking for an experienced app developer to create a food delivery app. This app should primarily cater to the following functions and features: - Food Delivery: The main purpose of the app is to facilitate food delivery from a variety of sources. - Diverse Delivery Opti...Diverse Delivery Options: The app should support delivery from restaurants as well as grocery stores. - Real-Time Tracking: A crucial feature of this app is the ability to offer real-time tracking of deliveries. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in developing delivery apps, with particular emphasis on real-time tracking features. Experience in integrating with restaurant and grocery store APIs will also be highly beneficial. Please include examples of similar projects you've complet...
I'm launching a print-on-demand e-commerce store in India and need a talented T-shirt designer. The goal is to create unique, trendy, and eye-catching T-shirt designs tailored for the Indian market. You should ideally have: - A strong portfolio of T-shirt designs. - An understanding of the Indian market and its trends. - Ability to create designs that are both unique and appealing. Please note, the answers to the questions regarding my target audience, design style, and preferred themes have been skipped. Therefore, I am open to your suggestions and creativity.