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2,000 software business model ppt munkát találtunk

Partnert keresünk arra, hogy professzionális leíró anyagokat hozzon létre a jelenlegi termékeinkből és folyamatainkból, ill. ebből akár kézikönyveket is létrehozzon.

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr licitátlag
18 árajánlat
€9 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Német központú, kis szoftvercég vagyunk, két saját, webalapú termékünk van, a codeBeamer ALM és az Intland Retina. Feladatok: - Retina teljes felhasználói és adminisztrátori dokumentáció elkészítése - codeBeamer meglévő dokumentáció újrastrukturálása, javítása A feladathoz szükséges anyagok publikusan elérhetőek, heti egy konzultáció lehetséges a technikai csapatokkal. Fizetés euroban, a leszállított anyag alapján történik. Feltételek: - anyanyelvi szintű angol nyelvtudás - legalább 2-3 év műszaki sza...

€3837 Average bid
€3837 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

A működés olyan lenne, mint a oldalon, csak nem a szavakat kell megszámolni hanem a karaktereket. Mi php-ra gondolunk, de bármilyen más megoldás működhet, ha az futtatható a wpx-es szerveren. A legnépszerűbb szöveges dokumentum formátumokat kell támogatnia. Office fájlok (dox,xls,ppt), pdf. A design-al természetesen nem kell foglalkozni.

€319 Average bid
€319 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

kb. 100.000 karakter tartalom lektorálása és kiegészítés. Fájl formátum: PPT, módosításokat más színben kell jelölni.

€88 Average bid
€88 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
€6 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

A jövőben szeretném beindítani masszázs vállalkozásomat és ehhez szeretnék egy egyedi és profi logot valamint névjegyet. Mandala stílusban gondolkozom, azonban minden új, kreatív megoldásra, ötletre nyitott vagyok. Élénk színekre gondoltam, de nem túl erősekre. Olyan összhatásra ami egyszerre áraszt nyugalmat és profizmust. Segítség képen leírok pár masszázst, amit végezni fogok. Thai masszázs, svéd masszázs, láb masszázs, fej masszázs, relax masszázs.

€22 Average bid
€22 licitátlag
16 árajánlat

Linux Python

€298 Average bid
€298 licitátlag
5 árajánlat
Write some software
Véget ért left

Linux Python

€399 Average bid
€399 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Write some Software
Véget ért left

Reconfigure BizTalk

€3147 - €5244
€3147 - €5244
0 árajánlat
Business writting
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Szeretnek egy Rovid Uzleti Tervet 8-10 oldalban ha ugyerzed hogy alakamas vagy a feladatra varom vissza jelzesedet hogy megbeszeljuk a reszleteket

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr licitátlag
3 árajánlat
software engineering
Véget ért left


€105 Average bid
€105 licitátlag
13 árajánlat

Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Egyéb, vagy nem tudom I need a Bitcoin earning android app. Users click on buttons which generate admob profits. In return they get bitcoin from app owner.

€491 Average bid
€491 licitátlag
5 árajánlat


€138 Average bid
€138 licitátlag
8 árajánlat
Write some software
Véget ért left

Linux Python

€29 Average bid
€29 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
Write some Software
Véget ért left

lamp (linux apache MySQL Python)

€174 Average bid
€174 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
Write some software
Véget ért left

Linux Python

€849 Average bid
€849 licitátlag
13 árajánlat
Desenvolver um Software
Véget ért left

PHP, C#, Python. ...........................................

€95 Average bid
€95 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Linux Python

€1890 Average bid
€1890 licitátlag
11 árajánlat

I'm very rookie in OpenGL programing, and skeletal animation under Android, therefore I would like to ask you to develop the following module for my project: I started with jPCT-AE and Bones API, but if you have another option, feel free to use it. I need an activity with a GLSurfaceView which the following features: 1.: Should import a fully rigged 3d object model from a Collada (.dae) file, which exported out from Blender (Human male body) 2.: It should be able to create keyframes from external files (the file format is not fixed, you can use your own one), and create an infite animation from it. 3.: Apply the animation to the previously imported 3d object and then play the animation in a GLSrufaceView.

€224 Average bid
€224 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
€63 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

budapest airport case study

€88 Average bid
€88 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Write some Software
Véget ért left

Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)

€35 / hr Average bid
€35 / hr licitátlag
7 árajánlat
pazzia three dee model
Véget ért left

complete interior rendering

€93 Average bid
€93 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv ismerete, l...

€681 Average bid
€681 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

We are seeking an experienced AI/ML Developer or VoIP Engineer to build a hybrid AI-powered call center solution (on-prem + cloud) that can handle LLM-powered voice interactions. Project Scope: • Call Flow Architecture: 1. Customer speaks (Incoming call through SIP/VoIP). AI-powered voice applications. • Strong knowledge of VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and FreeSWITCH. • Experience working with STT, TTS, and LLMs (Mistral, GPT-4, etc.). • Ability to build scalable, real-time systems. • Familiarity with both cloud and on-prem deployment. How to Apply: ✅ Share relevant past projects (especially voice bot/AI call center). ✅ Briefly explain how you’d implement this hybrid model. ✅ Provide a rough cost estimate. Looking forward to building this AI-powere...

€3584 Average bid
€3584 licitátlag
11 árajánlat

? Hiring a Freelance Developer for a Billing & Accounting Software Project We are looking for a freelance software developer to build a billing and accounting platform for businesses. The ideal candidate should have experience in React, Electron, and PouchDB for a seamless offline-first desktop application experience. Required Skills: ✅ React.js & (For cross-platform desktop app) ✅ PouchDB & CouchDB (For offline-first database functionality) ✅ Full-Stack Development (Frontend + Backend) ✅ Database Management (pouchdb and MongoDB) ✅ API Integration & Cloud Syncing ✅ Experience in Accounting/Billing Systems (Preferred) Project Overview: The goal is to develop a fast, offline-capable, and feature-rich software for invoicing, expense tracking, and f...

€400 - €801
€400 - €801
0 árajánlat

I'm seeking a creative designer to craft a 9 feet wide by 5 feet tall banner for my indoor golf simulator and entertainment business. The design must be created in Adobe Illustrator and should highlight: - Our diverse entertainment options - The availability of event space - Our new ownership The banner can utilize a mixed background of text, images, and design elements. You may use provided images as part of the background or simply text with icons and other design components. Your creativity is crucial for a visually appealing design, so I'm open to your expert suggestions. Please refer to the business's website for inspiration and feel free to ask any questions or request clarification. Ideal candidates should have prior experience with large format design, a s...

€46 Average bid
Garantált Rejtett
0 pályamű

We need to create the file for the flyer 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" and create a new business card. The design for the flyer is already done need to make some changes only. don't have the electronic file

€64 Average bid
€64 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I am looking for a thermal and structural simulation of a wood heater. I have a comprehensive 3D model of the stove which I can provide. The simulation should focus on the following: - Prolonged Heat Exposure: Evaluating how the stove's construction interacts with intense heat over extended periods of time. - Firebox: The primary area of concern is the firebox, where I am particularly interested in understanding the origin of potential stress cracks. The simulation has take into account the properties of the vermiculite lining, but rather concentrate solely on the metal components of the stove. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in thermal and structural simulation software - Experience with 3D modelling - Understanding of material properties under ...

€121 Average bid
€121 licitátlag
17 árajánlat

Job Title: 3D Designer Needed for Life-Size Springfield 1795 Musket Model (STL for 3D Printing) Project Overview: I’m looking for an experienced 3D designer to create a life-size, highly detailed 3D model of the Springfield Arsenal Musket Model 1795 for 3D printing. The final model should be historically accurate, printable in sections, and optimized for FDM 3D printing. Design Requirements: • Historical Accuracy: • Must closely resemble the original Springfield 1795 musket, including: • Stock shape and proportions • Flintlock mechanism • Barrel and ramrod details • Can be a non-functional display model (no moving parts required). • Full-Scale (Life-Size): • Approximate length: ~59 inches (150 cm). ...

€110 Average bid
€110 licitátlag
29 árajánlat

I'm in need of an experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key Requirements: - Proficient in developing automation software or bots - Extensive experience with Windows OS and Web applications - Capable of handling tasks related to file management, data entry and workflow scheduling Ideal Skills: - Strong programming skills - Experience with task automation software - Familiarity with Windows OS and various web applications - Excellent problem-solving skills

€429 Average bid
€429 licitátlag
59 árajánlat

I'm seeking a telemarketer to reach out to a database of nursing and care homes to introduce my new software product. The primary aim of these calls is to collect feedback on the product and its potential use in these facilities. Key Aspects: - Contacting nursing and care homes via phone - Introducing the software and gathering their input Skills and Experience: - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Prior experience in telemarketing, preferably in the healthcare or software industry - Ability to listen, record and relay feedback accurately - Proficient in using a simple call script and improvising if necessary

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Hi Ted, thanks so much for giving us this opportunity, we will deliver quality work.

€371 Average bid
€371 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm seeking a professional to hunt potential eBay clients for my business in the United States. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in client acquisition - Familiarity with eBay's business model - Excellent communication skills - Proficiency in using diverse outreach methods Note: The specific industry focus and geographic area can be discussed.

€92 Average bid
€92 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

I need a coffee vending machine developed based on an existing model. This would involve replicating both hardware and software components of the original machine. Key Requirements: - Development of both hardware and software - Use of an embedded system platform - Replication of the design, functions, features, and user interface of the existing machine Ideal Skills: - Hardware and software engineering experience - Proficiency in embedded systems - Experience in designing and developing vending machines

€3546 Average bid
€3546 licitátlag
9 árajánlat

I am seeking a talented game developer to bring my vision of "Buzz Bomb Jigging", a mobile fishing game, to life. Key Requirements: - Expertise in iOS and Android game development. - Experience with integrating in-app purchases and ads in a free-to-play model. - Ability to create engaging, cartoonish graphics. - Skill in crafting a captivating single-player campaign. - Proficiency in designing a level-based progression system. Game Overview: The game simulates vertical jigging, a popular fishing technique. Players will drop their lures into the water, jig them up and down, and attempt to hook various fish species. The game combines realistic fishing mechanics with an engaging progression system, tournaments, and customization options. Ideal Skills: - Game Development -...

€688 Average bid
€688 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
Tech Lead for Software Development
6 nap left

I am seeking a technology lead with a strong focus on Software Development. The ideal candidate will possess crucial skills in Full Stack Development, Mobile App Development, and DevOps. Key areas of experience should include: - Web Technologies - Android/iOS - Cross-Platform A deep understanding and hands-on experience with these platforms and ecosystems is essential. In addition to technical prowess, the ideal candidate will be a strategic thinker, able to lead and inspire a team of developers to deliver high-quality software solutions. Strong communication skills and a collaborative spirit are key for this role.

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr licitátlag
20 árajánlat

I'm seeking a proficient software developer with experience in crafting Android applications. The project involves developing comprehensive vending software that controls the machine from the motherboard. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a full-fledged vending software for Android. - Ensure the software is capable of managing all aspects of the vending machine. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android application development. - Prior experience with creating vending machine software. - Knowledge of interfacing software with hardware. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

€2137 Average bid
€2137 licitátlag
33 árajánlat

Small industrial multi tenant building to detail, model and foundations, Slab on grade, CRS Stud walls, OWSJ . Fire walls to be CMU. Preliminary drawings available to qualified Freelancers. NO auto bids, no contact, Must have portfolio on this site. 7 days maximum turnaround.

€270 Average bid
€270 licitátlag
35 árajánlat

Hello, I need someone to retrieve the business data of Google Business Listings. This would involve: 1. Searching on Google the business address I will provide. (their are thousands to be done) 2. Ensuring that the Business Name, address, phone number, opening hours, business rating and business type is visible. 3. Take a screenshot of the listing and save it in a folder to be shared with me later. 4. If the business cannot be found by searching the name, address or phone number, please mark it on the Google Sheets List. The basic steps are: 1. Enter address 2. Search 3. Screenshot and save. 4. Next listing There are approximately 10000 Listings to be done. All the businesses are in the Sydney Australia area. I will provide more informati...

€17 Average bid
€17 licitátlag
33 árajánlat

I'm in search of a competent team to develop comprehensive logistics software for me. Key Functions: - The software should cover all aspects of logistics operations and reporting. - Key functionalities must include Inventory Management, Shipment Tracking, and Route Optimization. - The primary purpose of this software is to automate daily logistics operations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing logistics software is a must. - Strong understanding of inventory management systems, shipment tracking mechanisms, and route optimization tools. - Excellent software development skills with a focus on automation. - Ability to create comprehensive reporting systems within the software. Please provide examples of similar p...

€1117 Average bid
€1117 licitátlag
23 árajánlat

Client has prvided me images of the parts and assembly to be done in Solidworks.

€74 Average bid
€74 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm seeking an expert in deep learning for a project involving image data augmentation and classification. The project utilizes Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for data augmentation and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for classification. Key components of the project include: - Using GANs to augment image data - Employing a CNN for classific...- Employing a CNN for classification purposes Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed in deep learning techniques, particularly with GANs and CNNs. Experience with image data is crucial. While I have no specific preference for the deep learning framework, proficiency in TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras will be an added advantage. Your expertise will help enhance the quality of the model and improve its classific...

€131 Average bid
€131 licitátlag
14 árajánlat

...and detailed proposed architecture. - The primary aim of this paper is to elucidate the intricacies of the model architecture and bring out their results. - A thorough explanation of the detailed algorithmic steps alongside relevant mathematical derivations is essential. - The paper should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender systems - Expertise in cryptocurrency data analysis - Strong technical writing skills - Ability to break down complex concepts into comprehensible segments. Please note, the paper needs to extensively compare model performance and not delve into practical application scenarios. However, thi...

€79 Average bid
€79 licitátlag
12 árajánlat AI trading bot for automatic trading on the Bybit platform. The project involves: 1. Market Data Collection: Collecting market data (prices, volumes, etc.) using free APIs or other available sources. Integrating the Bybit API for executing buy/sell trades. 2. AI Indicator Creation: Using any popular AI/ML library in Python (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, etc.) to train a model. The model should analyze market data and make buy/sell decisions based on signals generated by the AI. The required accuracy should be 97% in predicting market direction (buy/sell). 3. Trade Automation: Creating a mechanism that will automatically execute trades on Bybit based on signals generated by the AI. The bot should open a position if the AI indicator signals "bu...

€679 Average bid
€679 licitátlag
37 árajánlat

...while maintaining the application's intended functionality and flow. Core Functionalities Admin login and User login A login/register form with fields like username, password etc. for user and admin login You can either use a proper login framework or just use a simple HTML form with username and password (we are not concerned with how secure the login or the app is) The app must have a suitable model to store and differentiate all types of users Admin Dashboard - for the Admin The admin should be added, whenever a new database is created The admin creates/edits/deletes a subject The admin creates/edits/deletes a chapter under the subject The admin will create a new quiz under a chapter Each quiz contains a set of questions (MCQ - only one option correct) The admin can sea...

€16 Average bid
€16 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Hi, I have an object I would like to model using Thermica/systema. the object is exposed to the sub and needs to be calculated the temperature distribution over time (a cycle 24 hours). deliverables: 1. the file with the model that works on thermica. 2. explain what you did. Thanks

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm seeking dedicated business development and customer success representatives for an exciting opportunity with an innovative education platform. The platform is dedicated to helping individuals eat better and move more – a truly impactful cause! Key Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on Sales Outreach: You'll be engaging potential users and partners, spreading the word about our platform's benefits and unique features. - Social Media Outreach: We prefer strategies centered around Social Media. Leveraging these platforms to connect with potential users is key. - Prioritized Platforms: Your outreach efforts should primarily focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in a similar role, particularly within t...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr licitátlag
24 árajánlat