Site translate arabic englishmunkák


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    2,000 site translate arabic english munkát találtunk
    €32 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Tapasztalt front-end fejlesztőt keresünk, UNAS alapú projekt megvalós...honlap célja információs (új márka bevezetése), webshop funkcióval kiegészítve. Design és funkcionalitás: - A designt mi adjuk, az első tervek itt láthatók: - A funkcionalitásban nem kell több, mint amit egy átlagos UNAS template tud. - A back-end bekötést a rendszergazdánk elvégzi, ténylegesen a site-build, amire szükségünk van. Szükséges ismeretek: - Site-build (referencia portfoliót kérünk megosztani) - Unas tapasztalat - Magyar nyelv Időzítés: - A projekt azonnali kezd&eacut...

    €468 Average bid
    €468 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    Meglevo oldalon aprobb modositasok, szallitasi dijaknal a limit beallitasa, hogy ne ajalja fel orokke az ingyenes lehetoseget, Oldal betoltesi sebesseg javitasa optimalizalasa. Termek bokszok atalakitasa.

    €192 Average bid
    €192 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    Fordítást vállalok angol nyelvről magyar nyelvre

    €14 Average bid
    €14 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    Márkás sportszerek leírásait kellene magyarra fordítani. Összesen 6358 szó / 37467 karakter.

    €135 Average bid
    €135 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    Python 2.7.13 Django1.10.3 Mysql 5.7.17

    €168 Average bid
    €168 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    Egy Budapesti székhelyű vállalat keres fordítót vagy fordítókat, angolról magyar és magyarról angolra fordítani, főleg az Európai unióhoz kapcsolódó szövegeket és újságcikkek fordításáról van szó. Hosszútávú munkalehetőség jó fizetés, euróban, otthoni munkavégzésre is van lehetőség. Jelentkezéshez küldje el önéletrajzát és csatolmányban talál 10 szöveget, kettőt fordítson le és küldje el jelentkezése mellé, ezek alapján válasszuk ki a legalkalmasabb jelentkezőket...

    €17820 Average bid
    €17820 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    Fordítókat keresünk YouTube csatornás projectekre, heti szinten 2-3 fordítás (3 teljes oldal 1 fordítás) maga a videó 10-12 perces. Project-re kérek ajánlatot, nem óradíjat, mert nem tudom mennyi idő lefordítani, véleményem szerint 2-3 óra lehet, elég egyszerű szövegek, hosszban vannak megkötések, hogy a felirat ne legyen túl hosszú/túl rövid a videón. Minden project 24 órán belül kell hogy elkészüljön, több embert is keresünk, hogy tudjunk folyamatosan feltölteni.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 licitátlag
    32 árajánlat

    Van egy niche weboldal az elavult Weaver II témában, hogy zökkenőmentesen mozdulok a jelenlegi Divi témához. Az elmozdulás alatt nem szabad leállni. Engedélyem van a wordpressre telepített Divi témára, és az oldal a megosztott Inmotion tárhelyen van. A végeredménynek mindenképpen működnie kell, anélkül, hogy a webhely szerkezetét és funkcionalitását megváltoztatná. Ez egy egyszerű weboldal, amelybe bejegyzések, oldalak, képmédia, widgetek és plug-inek találhatók a közösségi médiában, a SEO-bővítményekben stb. Nincs e-mail lista.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    Körülbelül 800 oldalnyi magyar dokumentum már elkészült angol fordítását kellene elolvasni, és egy hivatalos nyilatkozatot írni, hogy a fordítás az eredetivel megegyezik. Oldalankénti hitelesítésre nincs szükség. Az iratok külföldi hatóság számára készültek, egy bevándorlásügyi eljárásban lesznek felhasználva. 80%-uk magyar hatósági irat, de vannak köztük magánlevelek, sajtócikkek és más szövegek is. The already finished translation of around 800 pages of Hungarian documents need to be reviewed, and an official affidavit prod...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    A karakterszám az ismétlődések levonásával értendő, azaz olyan fordítót keresünk, aki tudja használni a Tradost. 3db PDF használati utasításról van szó. A határidő május 15. 12:00. A projekt során elvárjuk, hogy a fordító rendszeresen pontos jelentést adjon az aktuális készültségi szintről. Azon jelentkezők akik kitöltik az alábbi tes...aki tudja használni a Tradost. 3db PDF használati utasításról van szó. A határidő május 15. 12:00. A projekt során elvárjuk, hogy a fordító rendszeresen pontos jelentést adjon a...

    €299 Average bid
    €299 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    Kedves Fordítók! A csatolt EXCEL fájlok angolról magyarra fordítására keresünk fordítókat. Mindkét fájl 2 részre van osztva, így összesen 4 fordítható szövegrészlet van, ezeket az Excel fájlokon belül színkódokkal jelöltük (Sárga, Szürke, Kék, Zöld). Az Excel fájlok a csatolt Word dokumentumokból lettek kiexportálva. A Word dokumentumokon belül nem kell fordítani, azokat csak referenciaként küldjük, hogy láthassák egyben is a szöveget. A tényleges fordítást az Excel fájlokon belül kell elvé...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat
    okrisztina translate
    Véget ért left

    okrisztina translate - okrisztina translate

    €23 Average bid
    €23 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Site Survey app
    Véget ért left

    Cordova-ban kellene fejleszteni. 1-2 hónap. Ott kell lenni a Budaepsti helyszínen

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Informatikai rendszer rövid (3 oldalas) működési leírásának fordítása angol nyelvre.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat
    Translate Something
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Jelentkezők! iOS platformra fejlesztett játékunk fordításához keresünk embereket az alábbi területekre: -lengyel -román -cseh -görög ASO alapszintű ismerete előny. Feladatok: - 3-5 név alternatíva, hogy tesztelhessük kereső optimalizálásra - Meglévő magyar leírás lefordítása - Kulcsszavak írása, kevésbé releváns szavakat is (későbbi helyettesítéshez) (összesen 100 karakter kerül be, 200-300 karaktert várunk) Cégünk régóta vezeti a magyar mobilpiacot, hosszú távú kapcsolatra építünk, megfelelő ...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Check emails

    €581 Average bid
    €581 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    We need logo, business card design, message header, the word for decades, file a document template. The name Hrkitna (refrigerators integrated system company) and Nhannicom building huge cooling St...details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the physical vertical design should match the color theme logo / business card. Templates (for business card and letterhead) Is attached to design templates for your design in Adobe Illustrator format. You must delete all DESCRIPTIONS GUIDE / instructions TEXT. Prefer to write the company name in Arabic (ثلاجات المنظومة المتكاملة ) Please provide some suggestions for beautiful design of the identity of the company. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to working with you

    €425 Average bid
    €425 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    Página 232 Página 287

    €48 Average bid
    €48 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat


    €29 Average bid
    €29 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Redesign XXX site
    Véget ért left

    Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor ne húzza b...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Re-design XXX site
    Véget ért left

    Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor ne húzz...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled animator to create a small animation of my D&D party as if it were the opening credits of an animated show. Similar to that of the show Vox Machina The style should be: - Fantasy and mystical The characters included in the animation will be: - Ranger - Druid - Monk...mystical The characters included in the animation will be: - Ranger - Druid - Monk - Bard - Sorcerer - Paladin I would like the animation to encompass: - Battles and combat - Exploration and travel - Character interactions and bonding Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in animation, particularly in the fantasy genre. - Experience with character-driven storytelling. - Ability to translate DnD elements into an engaging animated sequence. I’m happy to provide refer...

    €179 Average bid
    €179 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a developer proficient in Astra to build a workshop registration and payment website. Key Features: - The site will feature a variety of workshops, including educational, creative arts, and fitness. - User roles are yet to be defined, but the site should have the capability for students, professionals, and hobbyists to register for workshops. - The site must support multiple payment options including Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, and UPI. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in website development with Astra. - Prior experience with building registration and payment systems is highly desirable. - Understanding and experience with various payment gateways, including UPI, would be a plus.

    €236 Average bid
    €236 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat
    Professional Redraw of My Site Plan
    6 nap left

    I have a site layout that needs to be redrawn by a professional draftsman. Key Requirements: - Redrawing of my scaled layout - Detailed site plan with landscaping - Inclusion of building footprints Final Deliverable: - A highly detailed site plan in PDF format Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience in site plan drafting - Ability to work with detailed landscaping Your expertise will help enhance the professionalism of my site plan.

    €16 Average bid
    €16 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    Título: Desarrollo de Sistema POS Multi-Instalación con API Intermedia y Sincronización en Tiempo Real Descripción del Proyecto: Estoy buscando un desarrollador experimentado para crear un sistema POS (Punto de Venta) multi-instalación con sincronización en tiempo real entre tiendas independientes y un sistema central a través de una API intermedia segura. Cada tienda deberá operar en su propio servidor, con su código y base de datos independientes, mientras se mantiene la conexión con el sistema central para sincronización de ventas, compras e inventarios. El sistema también debe permitir que las tiendas funcionen offline, sincronizando las transacciones una vez que se restablezca la conexión. Re...

    €520 Average bid
    €520 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    remove malware from wordpress site

    €91 Average bid
    €91 licitátlag
    43 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer and SEO specialist to help me reconstruct my personal site and improve its search engine visibility. The main goal of my site is to engage with like-minded people who share my interests in books, photography, AI, branding, design, and writing. The parts of the site that need reconstruction include: - Homepage - About Me section - Blog section - Pages on Books, AI, Photographs, Ideas, CX The design style I'm aiming for is 'Professional and sleek'. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Expertise in web development and SEO - Previous experience in site reconstruction - Ability to create a professional and sleek design - Understanding of engaging content for like-minded individuals - Knowl...

    €99 Average bid
    €99 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat
    Personal Site Reconstruction & SEO
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer and SEO specialist to help me reconstruct my personal site and improve its search engine visibility. The main goal of my site is to engage with like-minded people who share my interests in books, photography, AI, branding, design, and writing. The parts of the site that need reconstruction include: - Homepage - About Me section - Blog section - Pages on Books, AI, Photographs, Ideas, CX The design style I'm aiming for is 'Professional and sleek'. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Expertise in web development and SEO - Previous experience in site reconstruction - Ability to create a professional and sleek design - Understanding of engaging content for like-minded individuals - Knowl...

    €121 Average bid
    €121 licitátlag
    68 árajánlat

    Additional 150 products added to site

    €387 Average bid
    €387 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I am looking for a talented artist who can create cartoon-style illustrations of me and my boyfriend in various dungeon adventure scenarios. This is a special gift for us, as we're both big fans of Dungeons and Dragons. Ideal scenarios could include: - Battling monsters - Exploring a of Dungeons and Dragons. Ideal scenarios could include: - Battling monsters - Exploring a mystical cave - Casting spells The drawings should be set in a classic dungeon adventure style, with plenty of detail and imagination. The artist should have a good understanding of both cartoon art and fantasy settings. This project will require creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to translate our likenesses into a cartoonish style. Please include examples of similar work in your ...

    €84 Average bid
    €84 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer fluent in WordPress to help me build a simple yet striking static website. The primary purpose of this site is to serve as a portfolio, so an eye-catching design is a must. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Corporate-styled WordPress portfolio site - Incorporate provided content into the website - Design a simple, static website with a professional, corporate aesthetic - Include crucial sections: About Us, Services, Contact Us Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with designing corporate-style websites - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to create eye-catching yet simple designs I will provide all the necessary content. Your task will be to transform i...

    €177 Average bid
    €177 licitátlag
    57 árajánlat

    I need a speedy turnaround on a simple, professional and corporate styled 4-page WordPress website for my driveaway company. The pages should include Home, About Us, Services, and Contact. Key Requirements: - Pages: Home, About Us, Services, Contact - Style: Professional and corporate - Functionalities: Contact form and driver application form Ideal Skills: - WordPress proficiency - Experience in creating corporate-styled websites - Knowledge in implementing simple forms on WordPress

    €31 Average bid
    €31 licitátlag
    51 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a Native American English speaker for project discussions. The primary focus will be on project requirements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native American English speaker - Excellent communication skills - Prior experience in project discussions - Able to understand and articulate project requirements clearly

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr licitátlag
    25 árajánlat

    ...skilled web developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce site from scratch. The site should be equipped with all standard features typical of leading E-commerce platforms. Key Requirements: - Shopping Cart: Seamless integration and functionality for a user-friendly shopping experience. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and reliable payment processing systems. - User Account Creation: Easy sign-up and login processes for customers, with account management features. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, with a focus on E-commerce sites. - Experience working with a variety of payment gateways. - Strong understanding of user experience and interface design. Please note that I haven't chosen a specific platform for this site, so you will need to...

    €102 Average bid
    €102 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a comprehensive e-commerce website on Wix. This site should cater to a wide range of functionalities, not just the typical online store features. Below are the essential components and features: - Product Catalog: A well-organized, user-friendly display of our products. - Shopping Cart: An efficient, seamless shopping cart experience. - User Reviews: A section for customer feedback on products. - Raffles and Lotteries: An interactive, engaging element to our e-commerce site. - Dynamic Pricing: A feature to adjust product prices based on certain parameters. - Crypto Integration: This is a crucial aspect of the project. The site should incorporate our own crypto token into the purchasing process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Wix - ...

    €827 - €1654
    €827 - €1654
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a business/corporate website for me. I have a general idea of the design and branding, but will need your expertise to bring it to life. I want to open a online shopping brand in Italy Ideal skills and experience...seeking a professional web developer to create a business/corporate website for me. I have a general idea of the design and branding, but will need your expertise to bring it to life. I want to open a online shopping brand in Italy Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating corporate websites - Ability to translate design ideas into functional websites - Good communication skills to discuss and refine design ideas - SEO know...

    €2101 Average bid
    €2101 licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    My WordPress website, , needs immediate troubleshooting. Key Issues: 1. The site’s header needs to be optimized for a smoother initial load - it currently shows unformatted for a half-second before the styling kicks in: 2. Some users can't see the AFC description text in the element loop grid on this page: Given that I use Elementor and standard Elementor features, I need someone with a deep understanding of both WordPress and Elementor. Troubleshooting experience is essential, as is familiarity with ACF/Elementor. Your knowledge will help diagnose and solve these issues swiftly, ensuring a seamless experience for all visitors.

    €126 Average bid
    €126 licitátlag
    67 árajánlat

    My WordPress site has been experiencing issues with its Google search results. Specifically, the website description that appears in search results is incorrect. I suspect that there may be a vulnerability in my site that is causing this. The key aspects of this project are: - Conduct a comprehensive security audit of my WordPress site to identify any potential vulnerabilities. - Diagnose and rectify the issue causing the incorrect website description in Google search results. Skills and experience ideal for this project include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with WordPress. - Proven track record in website security checking and SEO fixing. - Familiarity with various WordPress plugins. - Strong problem-solving skills.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional to develop and integrate a cart system into my existing website. This system is aimed at handling service purchases. The cart will need to be compatible with Knack and incorporate specific functionalities such as discount codes, multiple payment options and subscription plans. Basically, the cart must collect info when the user add product and services and until press on go to checkout. Then the info must be ransferred to Knack, were me manage the payment and the order. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a cart system that supports service purchases. - Ensure system integration with Knack and my existing website. - Implement features like discount codes, various payment methods and subscription plans. The ideal candidate should be experienced in e-commer...

    €192 Average bid
    €192 licitátlag
    99 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented Python developer with experience in creating AI applications, specifically for Mid Journey, for a web-based E-commerce application. The developer should be able to translate my vision into a functional, user-friendly platform. Ideal skills include: - Proficient in Python - Experience with AI and Mid Journey applications - Web-based application development - E-commerce platform knowledge - Strong problem-solving capabilities

    €137 Average bid
    €137 licitátlag
    52 árajánlat
    Professional Services Marketing PDF
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a professional and formal Marketing PDF that primarily informs clients about our s...looking for a professional and formal Marketing PDF that primarily informs clients about our services. This document will be crucial in communicating the specifics of our offerings, so it needs to be clear, concise, and well-structured. The ideal freelancer for this project should possess: - Exceptional content writing skills - Experience in creating professional marketing materials - Ability to translate complex service details into easily comprehensible content The PDF should be focused on detailing our services, with a strong emphasis on professionalism and formality throughout. If you have a knack for creating compelling and informative marketing documents, I would love to...

    €329 Average bid
    €329 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I'm looking to create a unique social media platform specifically tailored for journalists. The site would allow users to: - Create and showcase their professional portfolios - Network with other journalists and media outlets - Gain subscribers and potential employers The platform should be user-friendly, secure, and robust enough to handle a large user base. It should also have features that promote interaction and engagement among users. Ideal candidates for this project would have a strong background in social media platform development, and a good understanding of the needs and dynamics of the journalism industry. Experience with portfolio-centric website development would be a significant plus. Please note that I haven't provided specific answers to some of the ...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    Integrated Optical Store and Eye Clinic Management System Project Overview: This project involves establishing a luxurious optical store on the ground floor (focused on premium eyewear sales) and an eye clinic on the second floor...integrated features. • Scalability: Future-proof system that can adapt to expansions, such as new branches or services. Technology Requirements: • Cloud-based infrastructure for scalability and accessibility. • APIs for integration with insurance providers, diagnostic equipment, and payment gateways. • Secure payment gateway for online and in-store transactions. • Multi-language support (English and Arabic). • Unified mobile application available on App Store and Google Play, ensuring seamless functionality an...

    €8057 Average bid
    €8057 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat

    I'm in need of an SEO specialist who can significantly increase the traffic to my new website, primarily by attracting new visitors through content marketing. Your role will focus on enhancing the site's visibility and search engine ranking, with the ultimate aim of boosting the number of unique visitors to the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective SEO strategies to improve the website's search engine ranking and online visibility. - Develop and execute a content marketing plan aimed at attracting new visitors. - Monitor, analyze and report on website traffic and SEO performance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and content marketing. - Strong understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking strategies. - Excellent content creation and mark...

    €1857 Average bid
    €1857 licitátlag
    88 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented writer to help me craft my autobiography into both a printed book and an e-book. The book should be written in a first-person narrative style, should be written in a first-person narrative style, capturing my personal voice and experiences. The level of detail should be a mix of high-level overviews of key events, alongside more detailed accounts of both my personal and professional life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills - Experience with autobiography writing or ghostwriting - Ability to translate personal experiences into engaging narrative - Familiarity with both print and e-book formats - Strong understanding of first-person narrative style - Ability to balance high-level overviews with de...

    €1109 Average bid
    €1109 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a professional translator who can translate legal documents from Spanish to English, specifically contracts. This is a low-budget opportunity with a salary under 90 USD, so it would be ideal for someone looking to gain experience or build their portfolio in legal translation. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in both Spanish and English - Experience in translating legal documents, particularly contracts - Understanding of legal terminology in both languages - Attention to detail and ability to maintain the original document's meaning and tone

    €371 Average bid
    €371 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    ... We are launching our Circular economy App Soon and an Social Media & Influencer Manager is crucial for executing our launch strategy. ? What we’re looking for: ✅ Someone who can turn ideas into viral influencer campaigns and creative content. ✅ Experience managing influencers and social media in B2C campaigns. ✅ Interest or knowledge in sustainability and the circular economy. ✅ Fluent in English and Spanish. Your main responsibilities: Define and execute both influencer marketing and social media strategies. Manage day-to-day operations with the team, influencers, and content creators: outreach, negotiation, contracts, and campaign execution. Track campaign performance, analyze data, and optimize strategies based on results. Create and schedule engaging ...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can translate a historical dataset, currently in English, into German, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese. The dataset primarily focuses on economic data, so a background or understanding of economic terminology and concepts would be beneficial.

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr licitátlag
    24 árajánlat