Setting pmo india project management officemunkák
Why choose us? Experience: With over 10 years of experience in project management, we have a team of skilled and experienced writers and consultants who can help you understand the objectives of your project and develop the most suitable strategy. Customized solutions: We understand that every client is unique, and therefore we tailor each project to their specific needs. Based on individual requirements, we create an optimal project description that supports the achievement of successful results. Quality and precision: We prioritize delivering excellent quality work and meeting deadlines. Our project writing is based on thorough research and accurate information gathering to ensure the highest level of quality. Flexibility: We are flexible in ...
Újonnan indult barkács kiskereskedelmi webáruház kiszervezett marketingesét keressük. A Főbb feladatok: - Árazás figyelése - Akciók, csomag ajánlatok összeállítása (grafikai munkákat megcsináljuk) - Social media (FB, Insta, stb) postok összeállítása - Link építés - PPC management - Cím adatbázis építése - DM - Remarketing - Analytics követése és reagálás Tehát nem csak PPC kiszervezésről van szó hanem a teljes marketing tevékenységet szeretnénk átadni. Magyar nyelv ismerete szükséges
...⁃ hírlevél megírása brief és saját ötletek alapján Amit elvárunk: • aktuális trendek ismerete és folyamatos kutatása • szofisztikált, gazdag szókincs • kiváló helyesírás • saját ötletek, tettrekészség • ownership szemlélet • folyékony angol nyelvtudás (szóban és írásban egyaránt) • folyékony német nyelvtudás (szóban és írásban egyaránt) Amit kínálunk: ⁃ próbaidő után rugalmas home office lehetőség ⁃ hosszútávú munkalehe...
I'm searching for IBM Cognos TM1 supporter for occasional failure management and development.
Google és Facebook hirdetések kezelésében jártas szakembert keresünk nagy márkák kampányainak kezelésére teljes munkaidőben. Irodáink Budapesten és Veszprémben vannak, de a home office sem ismeretlen számunkra.
...irányításában, technológiai döntések meghozásában is számítanánk Rád. Startupunk jelenleg számos projekten dolgozik. Mit kínálunk? • Szakmai kihívást jelentő, érdekes feladatok • Megfelelő bérezés • Év végi bónusz • Távmunka • Rész- vagy teljes munkaidő • Rugalmas beosztás • Scrum módszertan Követelmények: • Általános szoftverfejlesztői ismeretek • Javascript ismeretek • React ismeretek • State management toolok ismerete • Backend modellek és megoldások ismerete (MVC, REST API) • PHP ...
Sziasztok, STRICTLY JUST HUNGARIAN APPLICANTS, please ! Turisztikai csapathoz, online marketingben tapasztalt partnert keresünk, home office munkavégzéssel. További részletek és jelentkezés:
Pozíció leírása A budapesti székhelyű Leonet Holdings Keresk...functions • Javascript ismeretek • Váltózó definíciós kifejezések között különbségek (const, let, var) • Hoisting • Callback, closure • Következő generációs nyelvi elemek használata (arrow function, rest) React ismeretek • Props és state használati különbségek • Functional component fogalma • Controlled component fogalma • Lifecycle függvények használata • Komponensekre bontás • Redux vagy más state management tool használata • Re-render optimalizálás...
Keresünk valakit, aki egy Office online tanfolyam forgatókönyvének a megírását vállalná.
...megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - ...
A működés olyan lenne, mint a oldalon, csak nem a szavakat kell megszámolni hanem a karaktereket. Mi php-ra gondolunk, de bármilyen más megoldás működhet, ha az futtatható a wpx-es szerveren. A legnépszerűbb szöveges dokumentum formátumokat kell támogatnia. Office fájlok (dox,xls,ppt), pdf. A design-al természetesen nem kell foglalkozni. development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring Security, - Spring data, Thyemeleaf) - REST - JPA Munkavégzés helye: Budapest, 3. kerület Our company deals with Junior Programmer training, where our trainers are mainly freelancer developers. What we offer: - flexible working hours (up to 1-2 times a week, but full-time work) - start-up, youthful, cheerful office - competitive salary - youthful, good-looking team Knowledge required for work: - Basic programming skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring data, Thyemeleaf) - REST - JPA Place...
...Költségvetések, #4 Jelentések/beállítások melyeket vízszintes képernyő elmozdítással lehet váltani. A karikák a különböző Ikonok helyét jelzik. Kiadás widget felületen is működhetne: Számla => pl. készpénz (+dátum), Kiadás (+leírás) (Ezt nem tartalmazza a .pdf) ENG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To manage a private customer's own / family budget. Jar-type cash management, revenue and expenses. Its basic task is to distribute the variable amount of time and amount of incoming money into different units by a predetermined percentage distribution. Also, units split i...
Videó vágó stúdió wifi hálózatának beállítása IP blokkolással illetve Chromcast beállítása. A későbbiekben karbantartási munkák elvégzése.
A szaktudás amit keresünk - churn folyamatok, rendszerek. A feladat - churn kezelés megalapozása a szervezetben; lehetséges opciók felvázolása > döntés előkészítés; folyamatok kidolgozása; technológiai támogatásra lehetőségek felmérése; szervezet beoktatása
HR tanácsadó cég vagyunk. Főbb területeink: Keresés-kiválasztás és szervezetfejlesztés (tréing és coaching). Szervezetfejlesztési, tréning, coaching tevékenységekkel foglalkozó divíónk számára szeretnénk olyan tanulás támogató rendszert (LMS) fejlesztetni amely együttműködik a jelenlegi keresés-kiválasztási és ügyfélmenedzsment rendszerünk főbb elemeivel (beléptetés, hozzáférési szintek, belső projekt adminisztráció, jogosultsági rendszer) de önálló rendszerként képes ügyfelek ig&...
Email marketing beállítása - kezelése, részletek privát üzenetben. Setting up email marketing client for automated emails. Details in private
Incident management software Django frontend-del, MS SQL Server adatbázissal, .NET vékonykliens ticketing üzenetek előnézetéhez, REST API
Megahost wordpress template-re web design tervezése. Az oldal WHMCS backend rendszerre épül.
Fiatal, dinamikus és innovatív, kreatív gondolkodású webfejlesztőt keresek, aki összetettebb projektet is képes megvalósítani, fejleszteni, továbbgondolni és a kitűzött célokat kihívásnak tekinti. Elvárások: - Kreatív problémamegoldó gondolkodás - Szakmai tapasztalat, vagy annak megszerzésére irányuló éhség - Hard working hozzáállás - Széleskörű programozói ismeret - Nem elrugaszkodott és irreális árazás Cserébe: - Hosszútávú együttműködés és további projektek - Vers...
Svájci nemzetközi turisztikai válllalkozás terjeszkedéséhez keresek franchise partnereket a következő országokban:Thaiföld, Malájzia, Vietnám, Indonézia, Szingapúr, Arab Emírségek, India, Kína, Kazahsztán, Törökország, Oroszország, Olaszország, Gibraltár, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Németország, Nagy-Britannia, Dél-Afrika, Kanada, KolumbiaA célom az ,hogy megtaláljam azokat az embereket, akiknek a segítségével megtudom nyitni az adott országok piacát, akik minél szélesebb körben tudják tájékoztatni a tömeg...
Svájci nemzetközi turisztikai válllalkozás terjeszkedéséhez keresek franchise partnereket a következő országokban: Thaiföld, Malájzia, Vietnám, Indonézia, Szingapúr, Arab Emírségek, India, Kína, Kazahsztán, Törökország, Oroszország, Olaszország, Gibraltár, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Németország, Nagy-Britannia, Dél-Afrika, Kanada, Kolumbia A célom az ,hogy megtaláljam azokat az embereket, akiknek a segítségével megtudom nyitni az adott országok piacát, akik minél szélesebb körben tudják tájékoztatni a tö...
Svájci nemzetközi turisztikai válllalkozás terjeszkedéséhez keresek franchise partnereket a következő országokban: Thaiföld, Malájzia, Vietnám, Indonézia, Szingapúr, Arab Emírségek, India, Kína, Kazahsztán, Törökország, Oroszország, Olaszország, Gibraltár, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Németország, Nagy-Britannia, Dél-Afrika, Kanada, Kolumbia A célom az ,hogy megtaláljam azokat az embereket, akiknek a segítségével megtudom nyitni az adott országok piacát, akik minél szélesebb körben tudják tájékoztatni a t&oum...
1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET ...fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztő...
Otthonról végezhtő számítógépes munka. Tapasztalatom van a LINUX programban, Open Office alatt végezhető szövegszerkesztésben (KÖMAL folyóirat).
...Typescript, AWS server , Also ( Tailwind CSS , And Capacitor ) for Application Platform Overview: 1. Social Media Functionality: Users can connect, post requirements, and engage with others in a social-style interface. 2. Freelancing Ecosystem: A requirement posting and bidding system. 3. Multi-Platform Access: Available on both web and mobile applications. 4. Target Markets: Initial launch focused on India, Canada, and the USA. Required Services: 1) Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 2) Amazon Web Services Optimization 3) Technical SEO 3) Content Strategy 4) Blog module 5) Monthly posting of 10 blogs with 3/5 key words in each blog post 6) User Acquisition Strategy Ideal Candidate: 1) Proficient in handling SEO for MERN stack websites. 2) Experienced in making code-leve...
I'm seeking a proactive social media community manager who can help enhance my brand's presence across multiple platforms. The responsibilities primarily include: - Engaging with Followers: Building a relationship with our audience is crucial. You should be able to respond to comments, messages and posts i...Hashtag Research: To increase our content's visibility, you'll need to conduct thorough hashtag research and implement it strategically. The platforms you'll be focusing on include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, X, Reddit, Quora, Tiktok, Youtube, Pinterest, and Threads. Ideal skills for this job include strong communication skills, digital marketing expertise, and experience with influencer management. A background in content creation and a knack for h...
Project Overview: Develop a Downstream Oil and Gas Operations Dashboard on Notion Project Title: Build a Comprehensive Downstream Oil and Gas Operations Dashboard on Notion Description: I am looking for an experienced freelancer to help me design and develop a dynamic and user-friendly dashboard on Notion tailored to track and manage downstream oil and gas operations. The dashboard will serve as a centralized platform to monitor key processes, performance metrics, and data related to refining, distribution, and marketing activities. Scope of Work: 1. Dashboard Design: Create a visually appealing and intuitive layout for the dashboard. Organize sections for refining, logistics, compliance, and marketing metrics. 2. Data Integration: Set up a structure to input, organ...
...content creation and community management, with a focus on producing engaging images, graphics, and videos alongside compelling text posts. We have two facebook accounts and one twitter account. Focus: Attract huge followers, drive post engagements, drive contents to earnings. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a content strategy that aligns with our brand identity and engages our audience - Create high-quality images, graphics and videos to capture audience attention - Write engaging text posts that encourage interaction and drive conversation - Monitor community engagement, respond to comments and messages in a timely manner Ideal skills include: - Strong knowledge of Facebook and Twitter and its trends - Proven experience in social media management - Exc...
...encrypted emails using S/MIME encryption from my M365 account via Outlook Desktop. Key Requirements: - Configure S/MIME encryption for email security - Ensure compatibility with multiple email providers, like Gmail and Yahoo - Set up automatic generation and management of encryption keys Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Outlook Desktop - Previous experience with S/MIME encryption set up - Knowledge of cross-platform email encryption compatibility - Familiarity with automated system configuration and management I have a C# Outlook Addin. I have the E5 M365 license so I am able to use encryption. I can use the manual Encrypt option in the Outlook Ribbon and it works,. MSFT brands auto-decrypt emails. Non-MSFT brands must click a button to ...
...Research: • Identify relevant keywords that resonate with potential clients in the blue-collar industry. 3. A/B Testing: • Conduct A/B tests on ad variations (headlines, descriptions, and images) to determine optimal performance. 4. Quality Score Improvement: • Optimize keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to enhance the Quality Score, lower costs per click, and improve ad placement. 5. Budget Management: • Ensure efficient use of the ad budget to maximize ROI. 6. Tracking and Analytics: • Set up and monitor tracking systems to measure performance and inform data-driven decisions. 7. Optimization: • Continuously refine ads, keywords, and targeting to achieve better results over time. 8. Content Creation: • Develop compelling, high-q...
Web UI Development: - Sign in, Sign up, Verify OTP, Thank you Screen - Dashboard - Workspace for new users - Workspace for old users when projects are created - Favorite Workspace - Trash projects - Billing - Setting - Help & Support - Popup & filters (Where necessary)
I am seeking a dedicated full-time e-commerce manager seeking a dedicated full-time e-commerce manager for my luxury eyewear brand in India. The candidate should be capable of handling end-to-end Shopify product uploads, SEO, and performance marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Manage Shopify product uploads from start to finish - Implement effective SEO strategies to boost brand visibility - Develop and execute performance marketing strategies to drive sales Ideal Candidate: - Mid-level professional with 3-5 years of experience - Proficient in Shopify product management, SEO, and Performance marketing - Experience with e-commerce platforms and digital marketing - Prior experience in the luxury retail industry is a plus Please note, bids from outside of India...
Job Description: We are looking for a committed, energetic, and proactive Domestic and Personal Assistant to join our family in Canada. This role is ideal for someone who enjoys working in a family-oriented and dynamic environment, with skills in household management and childcare. Responsibilities: - Clean and organize the house. - Cook healthy and balanced meals. - Play and engage in activities with the children. - Optional: Provide massages (a plus). - Assist with other personal and household tasks as needed. Requirements: - This opening is only for women. - Must be willing to live in Canada (Support will be provided). - Spanish or English speaker. - Be athletic and in good physical shape. - Willingness to travel anywhere as needed. Benefits: - Housing provided. - Compet...
I'm looking for a virtual personal assistant to work 40 hours a week on research, social media management, email communications and occassionally writing documents for me. They must be able to get on a zoom or google meet with me once a week so I can discuss the weeks tasks and deliverables and give the personal assistant time to ask questions about anything. Must be a self starter and able to get tasks completed without me telling them every single day what to do. You must be proficient with Notion Notes. Design skills is a plus!
... scalable platform that integrates an advanced AI model (e.g., Google GenAI or another leading large language model) for natural language understanding and generation, along with a Python-powered service for producing dynamic animations or images. Key Requirements & Technologies Agentic Framework & Model Context Protocol Strong familiarity with agentic frameworks for AI-driven conversation management. Ability to maintain conversational state and context across multiple user queries. Experience with GraphRAG or similar retrieval-augmented generation techniques is a plus. AI Backend (Node.js + ) Development of a “Unified AI Agent” that interfaces with the chosen advanced AI model for audio input/output and text-based conversation. Proficiency with Node.js () ...
Job Title: Flutter Developer Needed for Semi-Locking Mobile App Project Job Description: We are looking for a skilled Flutter developer to create a mobile application that will be pre-installed on devices sold on EMI plans. The application will implement a semi-lock mechanism, restricting access to certain apps on the mobile device when EMI payments are missed. The project also includes integration with a backend server and implementing real-time updates using APIs or Firebase. Key Responsibilities: Develop a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter. Implement a semi-lock feature to disable specific apps on EMI default (requires platform-specific code for Android and iOS). Integrate with a backend server for real-time EMI status synchronization and notifications. Wor...
I'm looking for a developer experienced with Facebook Ads and Pixel. The goal of this campaign is lead generation, specifically targeting contact form submissions. I already have a landing page prepared for this campaign. Your tasks will include: - Setting up the Facebook Ads for lead generation (Ads already exist - just need to add pixel etc) - Integrating Facebook Pixel to track conversions from a contact form on the landing page - Ensuring the setup is optimized for maximizing lead generation Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with Facebook Ads and Pixel - Understanding of lead generation strategies - Ability to optimize ad setups for maximum effectiveness Please only apply if you can demonstrate relevant experience.
I'm seeking an expert to help design my WordPress personal blog, which primarily shares personal stories, recipes, and reviews. I a...minimalist design style, so a keen eye for clean, uncluttered aesthetics is essential. I already have the Soledad theme and use Elementor and plugins but I need someone to help me finish the job and optimize it for accessibility and monetization. Key Requirements: - WordPress and Elementor design experience is a must. - Familiarity with accessibility standards and practices. - Proven track record in setting up blogs for monetization, especially with Google AdSense. - Ability to create a minimalist, yet engaging design. Freelancers with a portfolio of similar projects will be preferred. Your input will be invaluable in helping my blog reach its ...
I'm looking to develop a comprehensive platform that merges 's client-focu...comprehensive platform that merges 's client-focused booking system with 's backend management tools. The platform needs to encompass: - Project workflows - Financial tools (Invoicing, Expense tracking, Financial reporting) - Automation for DEAP submissions - Client portals - Assessor dashboards - Customizable profile pages The highest priority for me is a user-friendly design. The platform should also facilitate secure payment processing, integrated solely for Credit/Debit Card transactions, and adhere to GDPR compliance. Skills and experience in designing intuitive interfaces, implementing secure payment systems, and ensuring data protection compliance are essential for this ...
I'm seeking a seasoned React.js developer to create a robust social networking site. Key features will include: - User Profiles: Each user should be able to create and manage their own profile. - Messaging System: An integrated messaging system for user communication. - Event Creation and Management: Users should be able to create and manage events. In terms of user authentication, the platform will require: - Email and Password Login: Standard login procedure. - Two-Factor Authentication: To ensure enhanced security. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in developing interactive, user-centric web applications and be proficient in implementing secure login systems. Experience in creating social networking sites will be a significant advantage.
I'm a beginner looking to set up my personal e-commerce website on Bluehost. I need an experienced web developer to guide me through the entire process - from domain and hosting setup to installing and configuring the e-commerce platform, as well as design and customization. The goal is to empower me to manage the website independently in the future. Key Responsibilities: - Train me on setting up and managing my e-commerce website - Assist with domain and hosting setup - Help with installing and configuring the e-commerce platform - Guide on design and customization Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Bluehost - Proficiency in various e-commerce systems - Web development expertise - Excellent instructional skills Please quote your price based on the estimated number of...
I need a freelancer who can manage my TikTok account. Key responsibilities will include: - Creating engaging and entertaining content - Responding to comments in a humorous tone - Editing videos to enhance their appeal - Managing paid traffic and promotional efforts Ideal skills and e...freelancer who can manage my TikTok account. Key responsibilities will include: - Creating engaging and entertaining content - Responding to comments in a humorous tone - Editing videos to enhance their appeal - Managing paid traffic and promotional efforts Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience with TikTok content creation - Video editing skills - Social media management experience - Familiarity with paid traffic management on social platforms - Ability to engage with audience i...
...ensuring comprehension of class topics, and preparing for quizzes/exams. In addition to subject-specific tutoring, we would like the tutor to work on helping the student develop better organizational and time management skills. The tutor should provide strategies to keep the student on track with assignments, improve study habits, and ensure overall academic success. Key Responsibilities: Daily review and explanation of homework in Algebra and occasional help with English, US History & Biology Prepare the student for quizzes, tests, and exams. Provide organizational and time management support. Occasionally assist on weekends when additional support is needed. Requirements: Previous experience tutoring high school students in the USA, especially in Math and English....
I'm seeking a professional to assist in setting up a Google Search campaign focused on boosting my website traffic. The project should be conducted over Zoom, allowing me to learn how to manage the campaign independently and create future ones. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Google Ads, particularly Search Campaigns. - Proven track record of increasing website traffic through Google Ads. - Excellent communication skills for effective teaching over Zoom. - Familiarity with keyword-based campaigns and ability to strategize around a pre-existing list of keywords.
I'm looking for a text-based database-like list of daily job openings, specifically focused on remote tech positions in India and the United States. Key Requirements: - Each job listing should include the job title, company, and location, as well as the application link or contact information. - The job listings need to be updated on a daily basis. - The focus is solely on the tech industry. Ideal Skills: - Data collection and curation - Familiarity with the tech job market - Attention to detail - Ability to provide data in a clean, text-based format
...Experience with httpclient requests - Proven track record in API scraping - Familiarity with captcha bypass techniques - Able to implement encoding and decoding features. Please note, this project does not require development for Android or Web, its focus is solely on a Desktop application. - key scraping api app and web top level and androad app - Web Scraping: The app should have web scraping capabilities, specifically for gathering availability information from different websites. - Session Management: Implement a robust session manager to handle multiple user sessions effectively. - Cookie Management: A cookie manager is necessary for maintaining user states and preferences. - JWT: The application should incorporate JSON Web Tokens for secure data transmissi... supported, with potential for scale. - Additional features like sales reporting, customer management, and employee time tracking are required. - A hybrid user interface (touchscreen-friendly with keyboard and mouse options) for the cashier side. - Custom, role-based access control for different users, beyond just basic cashier vs manager permissions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in software development, particularly with Windows-based applications. - Proven track record in developing POS software. - Familiarity with creating role-based access control systems. - Ability to develop hybrid user interfaces. - Experience with implementing features such as sales reporting, customer management, and employee time tracking in software. Please include in your proposal e...
We are seeking a skilled and experienced professional to assist in setting up and managing our TikTok Shop account for our health-related product. We have attempted to set up the account three times previously, but each attempt resulted in violations. We need someone with a proven track record of successfully creating and managing TikTok Shop accounts, particularly for health and wellness products, while ensuring compliance with TikTok’s guidelines.
I'm looking to have a website built for SMPN 1 WAGIR. The primary function of this site will be ...Registration and Login: The site will have a secure section that requires users to register and log in. This could be used for parents, students, and teachers to access specific information and updates. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Experience in creating user-friendly, responsive, and informative websites. - Security: Knowledge of implementing secure login and registration systems. - Content Management: Ability to design a site that can easily be updated with news and information. The website will not be interactive in the sense of live chats or surveys, but it will need to be able to handle regular updates and potentially high traffic. Experience with similar projects would...