Save animation created 3ds max gifmunkák
Tapasztalt front-end fejlesztőt keresünk, UNAS alapú projekt megvalósításához. A honlap célja információs (új márka bevezetése), webshop funkcióval kiegészítve. Design és funkcionalitás: - A designt mi adjuk, az első tervek itt láthatók: - A funkcionalitásban nem kell több, amit egy átlagos UNAS template tud. - A back-end bekötést a rendszergazdánk elvégzi, ténylegesen a site-build, amire szükségünk van. Szükséges ismeretek: - Site-build (referencia portfoliót kérünk megosztani) - Unas tapasztalat - Magyar nyelv Időzítés: - A proj...
Egy működő weboldalon kellen sablont cserélni, kapcsolni hozzá egy webshopot amiben max 10 elem lesz és ehhez kapcsolni egy kártyás fizetési rendszert.
Adott egy motor, amit Adult Video Script-nek hívnak. Sajnos egyetlen nagyon fontos elemet kihagytak a fejlesztők ebből a motorból, mégpedig azt, hogy egy videót több kategóriába is fel lehessen tölteni, ( ne csak egybe). PHP és Smarty-n alapuló a cucc. Ha valaki meg tudja ezt oldani, annak adok FTP hozzáférést, és kipróbálhatja tudását :) Max költségkeret 30- 40 USD körül.
...kivitelezésre. A helyszíni munkavégzés heti 1-3 napot vesz igénybe. A feladatok elvégzésére vállalkozók, szabadúszók jelentkezését is szívesen várjuk. Elvárások: • Felsőfokú műszaki végzettség • Legalább 3 év tapasztalat multinacionális környezetben • Tárgyalóképes magyar és angol nyelvtudás Munkavégzés helye: Zalaegerszeg Feladatok: Elektromos, gáz-, sűrítettlevegő ellátás: • Tényleges max. fogyasztás ellenőrzése • Vállalkozókkal való együttműköd&ea...
Kizárólag magyar anyanyelvű és angolul jól tudó (csak olvasás) jelentkezőket várok (2-3 fő)! Ez egy max egy órás Skype/WhatsApp beszélgetés lenne (videó nélkül) Itt arról beszélgetnénk, hogy: Miért használod a Freelancert? Milyen más oldalon keresel még online munkát (esetleg UpWork, Guru, . . . )? Mi okoz nehézséget a keresésben? Használsz-e valamilyen külső alkalmazást a kereséshez? Mindig az összes projektet böngészed, vagy valamilyen módon szüröd a projektek? Milyen szűrési feltételeket használsz? (pl a munkaadó...
Magyar nyelven kellene egy brainstorming meetinget levezenyelni Zoom-on keresztul 10 fo szamara, max 1.5 oraban
Keresek webfejlesztőt Sopify alapú kozmetikai webshop elkészítéséhez. Kezdésként 2 termék, később max. 20. 6 nyelvű oldal (angol, német, spanyol, francia, olasz, lengyel). Magyar nyelven nem. Devizanem: euro.
Az én foglalkozásom szobafestő és szeretnék egy letisztult logót. A vállalkozás neve Dokumentumokhoz és reklámanyagokhoz lenne rá szükségem. Nem szeretnék nagyon szineset. Tetszene ha a fekete, szürke, narancs, citrom esetleg neon szinekből készülne, de max 2 db szin legyen. Köszönöm
jelenleg 200 követőm van legalabb 2000 et szeretnék akik AKTÍVAK!! max 1 EURO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're looking for they should be able to place tables of different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the browser side without editing. (floorplan not editable view) The editor must be responsive and mobile-friendly (inclu...
...designer who can design our dream logo that can represent our company for ages. We are an architect and construction company. Our field and speciality is the steel industrial hall planning and construction. Our name is ADAXIS | A and D comes from the owners first name's first letter. The AXIS refer to the building industry. We prefer the modern,clean,minimalist(?) design. I attached an old self created logo as a reference. Less sometimes is more! We want to hire the winner for later graphic design works aswell like company appearance design, business card design, website graphic design, AD banner design etc. Good luck! ------------------------------- Logó tervezőt keresünk aki megvalósítja álom logónkat ami hosszú é...
Szia, Heti hírlevél szövegírására keresek magyart (mert a téma Magyarországhoz kapcsolódik) aki nagyon jól tud írni angol nyelven. Kicsit lifestyle, kicsit magyar kultúra és tudomány, kicsit többet oktatás témájú. Havonta kellene megírni kb. 3-4 hírlevelet, max 1 A4-es oldal terjedelemben, linkekkel a különböző ajánlott külső tartalmakhoz. Megcélzott korosztály: 18-35. Csak erős angollal jelentkezz kérlek! Nincs semmilyen követelmény, de előny, ha kor szerint beleférnél a megcélzott korosztályba.
Diákmunkákkal foglalkozunk. Rövid, max egy perces videókat szeretnénk készíteni a munkáinkról. Kedv csinálás, a munka bemutatása, információ átadása lenne a cél.
Kedves Erika! Lakberendezéssel kapcsolatos blog írási projektemhez keresek együttműködőket. Többféle megoldáson gondolkodunk: - Nagyobb cikkek 1000-1500 szavasak - Sales jellegű, szórakoztató tartalmak (sok kép, és max. 500 szó) Első körben 2 nagy és 5 kisebb cikkre lenne szükségünk, ha az elvárásoknak megfelelő, akkor hosszabb távon is számítanánk a munkára. Mit gondolsz? Üdv, Gergő
Kedves Jszinek! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket! project description: Fight the Evil and save the World
Nyomtatott áramkör tervezéssel, gyártással és teszteléssel foglalkozó cég vagyunk. Ehhez a stílushoz keresek modern weblapot. Max 5 aloldallal. 1 darab kalkulátorral amit nem kell megírni, csak az apit kell használni, de a formot meg kell tervezni. 1 fajta termékünk van csak nyomtatott áramkör de több darab. Amennyiben nem csak design , úgy az ehhez kapcsolódó minden php/css/jquery etc munkákat is, mint admin felület etc. Üzenetben keress ha nem világos valami!
egy rendezvényhez (lótenyésztési szemle/bajnokság) szeretnék rövid spotot, (max 20 másodperc) animált filmet reklám/likevadászat/résztvevőtoborzás céljából. Társadalmi munkában történik a rendezvény szervezése, civil szervezet vagyunk sok pénzünk nincs, valamennyi nyilván van. Próbáljuk meg egyszerűen de szépen megoldani a projektet, hogy mindenki jól járjon. Aki lelkes, és szívesen áll jó célokhoz, olyat keresünk. Reklámfelületet, értelemszerűen biztosítunk.
I need a new website. I need you to design and build it. Info: Lencsés Guerriero Attila Dominik Szabó Leírás Sziasztok!! Szeretnénk bemutatni a DaleMT2 nevű szerverünket nektek! Ez egy PvM szerver, egyedi design-nal, egyedi fegyverekkel, vértekkel, pántokkal, BOSS-okkal, mountokkal, petekkel,runokkal, stb. Szerverünkön a max szint lv300. Nehéznek tűnik elérni ugye? De nem az! Lv260ig könnyebb fejlődés, aztán ütemesen lassul :) Szerverünk nyitásának várható időpontja: 2017. február. 16. Dolgozunk gőzerővel, hogy minél élveztesebbé tegyük nektek a szervert! Higyjétek el, megéri türelemmel lenn...
Készülő weboldalakon lenne szükség különböző kisebb php, html, css átalakításokra, javításokra (nem működő mobil menu, gombok, toggle, stb). A határidők: max 1-1.5 nap.
I'm very rookie in OpenGL programing, and skeletal animation under Android, therefore I would like to ask you to develop the following module for my project: I started with jPCT-AE and Bones API, but if you have another option, feel free to use it. I need an activity with a GLSurfaceView which the following features: 1.: Should import a fully rigged 3d object model from a Collada (.dae) file, which exported out from Blender (Human male body) 2.: It should be able to create keyframes from external files (the file format is not fixed, you can use your own one), and create an infite animation from it. 3.: Apply the animation to the previously imported 3d object and then play the animation in a GLSrufaceView.
Augmented reality-vel kombinált gyerekkönyveket készítünk, és ehhez a...mimikáját textúrából érdemes megoldani. Ebben az esetben külön textúra az arc, így optimálisabb az erőforrás kihasználása. Illetve ez pontosan mennyit tesz hozzá árban? Ami az időt illeti, lehető mielőbb kellene, de 1-2 héten belül. Kívánt formátum: fbx. Minden jog a miénk. További technikai kitételek, hogy kompatibilis legyen a szoftverünkkel: · Do not use textures, that are larger than 2048x2048 pixels · Try to use "power of two"-textures i.e. 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, ...
Egy egyszerű max. 2 perces videót szernénk csinálni amit a karrier oldalunkon használnánk, youtube-ra felötlve. Forgatókönyv röviden: a telephely rövid bemutatása, 2-3 kolléga rövid nyilatkozata, hogy miért jó nálunk dolgozni, végén CAT (Call to Action) add be Önéletrajzodat most! A forgatás helyszíne: Nagytarcsa, Csonka János u 1/a. A projektár tartalmazzon mindent: kiszállás, felvétel, vágás, felirat, feltöltés.
A WP 2012 sablonra szeretnék előzetes leírás alapján egy zárt Extranetet építeni. Az oldal külső felületén max 3 menüpont, belül pedig pluginekkel is kialakított "terület". Kellően védett weboldalt szeretnék kapni végeredményként. Több infó a csatolt PDF-ben
új, 3 tagú szolárium krém család címkéjének tervezése a címkén szerepelnie kell: - brand név: adott betűtípussal ld. melléklet - termékcsalád neve: "solissimo" tetszőleges betűtípussal - a három változat neve úm. "bronz" vagy "coffee" vagy "max" tetszőleges betűtípussal - a termék meghatározása: "solarium cream" tetszőleges betűtípussal a csomagolás tasakos, 12ml-es kiszerelés, aminek a mérete 14cm magas és 6cm széles A brand-nek van már szolikrém családja, de ehhez a logon kívül NE...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me post a 5-page PDF on LinkedIn without compromising its visual quality. The PDF was created using Canva and contains a balanced mix of text and images, alongside different fonts, images, transparencies, and shapes. Despite my efforts including compressing, optimizing, reducing size, flattening, and converting to images, the PDF always appears blurry when posted. The file size is well below LinkedIn's 100 MB limit. Key Requirements: - Help with posting the PDF on LinkedIn while maintaining high visual quality. - Potential reformatting of the PDF using other software if necessary. - Knowledge of LinkedIn's posting guidelines and best practices for visual content. If you're able to assist with this, I'd apprecia...
Needing an instagram story created for my new discord trading community. Our company name is "hawkeye investments network" or "hawkeye investments" for short. I need a promotional animated video announcing the launch of our new discord group. Within our discord group, we will have two financial analyst signaling when they enter and exit trades. We are a stock options trading community, We will also include educational content and other miscelanous tips within the discord community. I need the video to promote the launch of this discord channel. As we do not have the minimum requirement to post a link directly to our instagram stories, we need to have it include "link in bio." We have a logo, and want the story to include this same colorway. I am imag...
...clean, user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation. Key Pages: Homepage: Highlight featured products, promotions, and categories. Product Pages: Include high-quality images, descriptions, pricing, and reviews. Category Pages: Organize products into categories and subcategories. Cart and Checkout: Simplify the checkout process with minimal steps. User Account: Allow users to track orders, save payment methods, and manage addresses. Contact and Support: Provide customer service options (chat, email, phone). 4. Develop the Website Frontend Development: Create responsive and interactive UI components. Implement product filters, search functionality, and sorting options. Backend Development: Set up a database to store product details, user information, and orders. D...
I'm seeking a talented animator who can create a cartoonish 2D storyboard for a 7 minute animation. This project is designed for an adult audience, with a humorous tone. - Ideal Skills: Expertise in 2D animation and storytelling, with a strong ability to convey humor visually. - Required Experience: Prior work in creating storyboards for cartoonish animations aimed at adults. If you're capable of bringing this script to life in a engaging and humorous way, please let me know so I can share the script with you.
Needing an instagram story created for my new discord trading community. Our company name is "hawkeye investments network" or "hawkeye investments" for short. I need a promotional animated video announcing the launch of our new discord group. Within our discord group, we will have two financial analyst signaling when they enter and exit trades. We are a stock options trading community, We will also include educational content and other miscelanous tips within the discord community. I need the video to promote the launch of this discord channel. As we do not have the minimum requirement to post a link directly to our instagram stories, we need to have it include "link in bio." We have a logo, and want the story to include this same colorway. I am imag...
I need a fun, cartoonish 2D animation 30 second video to promote my upcoming juice business, THARBOOZZ. The video should illustrate the arrival of our juice cart at some nice view place and thar car, creating excitement for our mobile, fresh-juice service. Key aspects to include: - A depiction of our car and juice cart - An engaging portrayal of our business's imminent arrival - An emphasis on our energetic and fun service Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in creating cartoonish, 2D animation - Previous experience with creating promotional videos - Ability to convey excitement and energy through animation - Understanding of how to depict a mobile service in an engaging way.
Freelancer Project Posting: 2D Animation for Sign Post Order Flow We’re looking for a skilled 2D motion designer to create a clean, modern animation illustrating our signpost order flow for our homepage header. The animation should be smooth, engaging, and aligned with our brand aesthetic. Ideal Candidate: Strong experience in 2D motion graphics Proficient in After Effects, Toon Boom, or similar tools Familiar with Lottie files for web optimization (preferred) Experience working with , Node.js, and MongoDB environments (a plus) Portfolio showcasing clean, modern animations Ability to deliver high-quality work on schedule Project Details: Duration: 30-45 sec, looping seamlessly Format: MP4, GIF, Lottie JSON (optimized for web use) Resolution: Full HD (19...
...create a 15 to 25 second animation of a box-stacking machine designed in SolidWorks. This animation will serve as a technical demonstration, so it needs to be clear, precise, and convey the workings of the machine effectively. Key Requirements: - The animation should focus on detailed mechanical parts of the machine, showcasing its intricate workings and design. - It should employ multiple camera angles, providing a comprehensive view of the machine from different perspectives. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in SolidWorks and experience in creating animations from SolidWorks designs. - A strong understanding of mechanical systems, enabling them to accurately represent the workings of the machine. - Excellent skills in 3D anim...
*******IMPORTANT PLEASE READ************ IT MUST BE BUILT IN CANVA SO YOU CAN SHARE IT WITH ME AND I CAN MAKE EDITS MYSELF, AND USE THE NEW LOGOS AND THE CONTENT ATTACHED. DO NOT USE TEXT FROM THE OLD DECK BUT YOU CAN USE IMAGES ON ICONS I need a professional pitch deck that will attract investors to my growth stage business. The deck should comprehensively cover everything attac...that will attract investors to my growth stage business. The deck should comprehensively cover everything attached. I attached the old one for inspiration. our website is The ideal freelancer will have experience in creating pitch decks for funding, with a strong understanding of how to present a business's potential to investors. Please provide samples of pitch decks you've crea...
I have a Canva file with a phone frame and a video inside of that frame. It is on a white canvas background. When I download and add to my Elementor website, the video play area at the file's base appears. I need that whole white background and area at the bottom removed from the downloaded MP4. If that is not possible, I need guidance on alternative solutions. ...I welcome suggestions. Key Requirements: - Replace the white background with a transparent one. - Remove the video playing section or help with an alternative solution - No additional effects or edits to the video are needed? Based on capabilities. - The final video should be saved as an MP4. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software. - Experience with background removal. - Able to save and deliver in spe...
I'm in need of experienced 3D modelers and character designers who can create stylized 3D models for an animation/film project. These characters should not be realistic, but rather have a unique, stylized appeal. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio showcasing: - Previous work in animation/film - Creation of stylized characters - Skills in 3D modeling and character design - Create original nursery rhymes, background scores, and sound effects. - Provide voices for characters and songs. - Enhance lighting, colors, and effects - Finalize and edit the animation with transitions and effects * 3D Modelers & Character Designers Create characters, props, and environments in 3D. Skills: Autodesk Maya, Blender, ZBrush. * 3D Animators & Riggers Animat...
I need an experienced professional who can set up an AI voice agent on the Retell Ai platform, as well as create webhooks and integrate the system with Zapier. We are in need of an AI voice agent that picks up after hours phone calls. Key Tasks: - Setting up the AI voice a...setting up AI voice agents - Ability to connect to proprietary systems - Excellent understanding of CRM connectivity and management I expect this AI voice agent to manage calls effectively, ensuring minimal disruptions and seamless transitions to live agents when necessary. With the right professional, I believe we can create a highly functional and efficient AI voice agent. The prompts are already created so we just need help with adding the integrations and webhooks. The project should be completed within ...
...board will need to accommodate 5 or more audio channels. - All audio inputs, through, and outputs will be in parallel. - The design must be compatible with Phoenix Connectors. - The board dimensions should fit within standard 19-inch rack sizes. I'd like to request a quote for "A simple Phoenix Block PCB board . Using 6 in-line 45 degree angle 6 position blocks in 3 sets in parallel on board that max size 8 inches wide by 6 inches tall. 18 phoenix blocks total , with enough holes for stand offs to mount inside enclosure . Needs to be robust No active circuits. This will be used to buss 12 separate channels of balanced audio ( +, -, ground) to each of the 3 sets of 6 blocks Super simple Phoenix part # 1751516 277-8667-ND Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in P...
looking for an experienced Blender expert to create high-quality 3D animations and videos for our platform. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and animation skills. Responsibilities: Create professional 3D animations and video content using Blender Design and animate objects, scenes, and effects for marketing and promotional use Optimize models and animations for smooth rendering and performance Collaborate to bring creative ideas to life Deliver high-quality, engaging content that aligns with our brand
I need a skilled developer to create a series of cartoonish human characters for use in the Reallusion system. These characters should be designed with full-body movement capabilities. Key Requirements: - Design of cartoonish, human characters - Incorporation of full-body movement functionality - Expertise in developing for the Reallusion system Ideal Skills: - Character design - Animation - Proficiency in Reallusion software The characters will be used in various scenarios and should be able to move realistically throughout. The successful freelancer will be able to deliver high-quality, engaging characters that meet these specifications. The project involves creating 4-6 characters. Disney style
Creation of video animation of a Orthodontic Appliance, following Briefing and material shared. ( Work done in Jan 30th and Jan 31th and completed in Jan 31th ).
I am looking for a skilled animator to create a short promotional animation for social media. The animation should be visually engaging, dynamic, and effectively convey the brand's message. It will feature a fun and lively character with smooth motion and appealing design elements. sync, NFC for digital notes). Accessories such as erasable pens, detachable sticky notes, or embedded whiteboard-like sections. Multi-use sections (e.g., a writable planner, sketching area, goal-setting templates). (These are just an example) Deliverables: 3D design mockups or sketches of the proposed concept. Description of materials and usability features. A short video or animation (optional but preferred) to explain the working of the notebook. Ideal Freelancer: Experience in product design, industrial design, or stationery innovation. Ability to create detailed 3D renders or conceptual drawings. Understanding of sustainable materials and manufacturing processes. Creative thinker with a passion for eco-friendly and functional design. Timeline: Exp...
I'm in need of a seasoned web developer who can faithfully recreate the aesthetic and operational aspects of for my service-oriented business. The site...interface - Built on WordPress (preferred) or a similar CMS - User-friendly backend for effortless content updates - Comprehensive SEO optimization and swift loading times - Integration of forms, blog, and service pages - E-commerce functionality (if necessary) - Clean, professional UI/UX Timeline: Ideally, the project should be wrapped up within a week. Additional Notes: - If you've previously created similar websites, please share relevant portfolio pieces. - I'm open to enhancements, provided they preserve the fundamental design. - Exceptional communication skills are a must. I look forward to reviewing your ...
I'm seeking a talented motion graphics designer to create compelling 2D animations for marketing purposes. These animations will primarily be used on our website, so they need to be engaging, high-quality a...animations for marketing purposes. These animations will primarily be used on our website, so they need to be engaging, high-quality and able to convey our brand message effectively. I have attached a link providing an example of something I like.. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 2D animation - Experience in creating marketing materials - Understanding of web-based content requirements Experience: - Prior work with motion graphics for websites - Portfolio of 2D animation, especially for marketing - Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively
? Dann Clincy – Créateur Graphics 3D ? Vous cherchez un design unique, innovant et percutant en 3D ? ?✨ ? Dann Clincy, spécialiste en création graphique 3D, transforme vos idées en visuels époustouflants ! ✅ Modélisation 3D ✅ Animation et rendu ultra-réaliste ✅ Design de logo, objets, environnements et plus encore ? Faites passer votre projet à un niveau supérieur avec une touche de créativité et de précision ! ? Contactez-moi dès maintenant pour donner vie à vos idées ! #3DDesign #DannClincy #GraphicArtist #CréationVisuelle #Animation3D
...finalize the popup functionality. Most components within the editor are functioning as expected, but I have encountered challenges with implementing form fields. Specifically, I need these fields to visually resemble real input elements within the editor while supporting live updates, similar to other elements. Additionally, they should retain their settings when deselected and reselected. While the save/load functionality is largely implemented, some object types are causing issues during loading. also get the video field type to work correctly. also make sure the settings panel is fully functioning and storing all settings/loading settings. I am seeking assistance in refining these aspects of the editor to ensure seamless functionality. The entire plugin was built inhouse wi...
I'm seeking a skilled puppeteer and fabricator to create a unique, custom-designed hand puppet for me. I am hoping to have (4) Puppets created. One Hero Puppet which will be the most intricate, but the other 3 will be supporting characters. I would want full ownership over the look of the puppet to use in graphics, etc. Key requirements: - Expertise in puppet-making, specifically hand puppets. - Proficiency in working with fabric, ensuring the puppet is durable yet lightweight. - Ability to design and create a puppet that embodies a fantasy creature. - Prior experience in creating custom puppets is a plus. - Quick Turnaround I look forward to seeing your proposals and hopefully working with you on this exciting project!
I'm in need of a creative professional skilled in 3D animation and character design for an anime project. Key Responsibilities: - Design unique, compelling characters for an anime series. - Utilizing 3D animation techniques to bring the characters to life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in character design, particularly for anime. - Proficiency in 3D animation software. - Creative thinking and ability to work collaboratively. Please include a portfolio of your previous work, specifically any character design or 3D animation projects. Looking forward to seeing your creativity and skills!
I'm in need of a talented illustrator to design 5 main characters for a mobile application (alike to language learning app style). Key Requirements: - Experience in creating flat, cartoonish character illustrations, preferably for mobile apps. - A portfolio demonstrating similar work, especially in a cartoonish applications. - Flexible thinking and the ability to create diverse characters in a variety of positions - Experience in incorporating user feedback into character design iterations. Ideal Skills: - Character Design - Flat Design - Illustrator - Graphic Design - Flexible thinking - Creating cartoon characters for apps Optional skills (not required): - Knowledge and ability in character animation. - Connection to ADOBE character. - Creating a 3D model ...