Paypal pro recurring paymentsmunkák


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    2,000 paypal pro recurring payments munkát találtunk

    Webhelyem elkészítése elementor pro-ban (már vettem pro-t), Megvettem ezt a Mojuri nevű témát, de kiderült, hogy nem tudom elemorban szerkeszteni egy téma kategóriaoldalait és termékoldalait. tehát a semmiből kell megépíteni Pontosan ezt a témát kell másolnunk – a weboldalamra már feltöltöttet 1. kezdőlap az itt található 2. termékoldal https:// :// lájkold ezt a 3. kategóriás oldalt layout=full 4. blogbejegyzések 5. blogbejegyzés -Solo-is-awesome/

    €143 Average bid
    €143 licitátlag
    43 árajánlat
    Wordpress fejlesztö
    Véget ért left

    ...böngészős játékok fejlesztésével foglalkozunk. Te vagy az ideális jelölt, ha: WordPress weboldal fejlesztésben legalább 2 év tapasztalattal rendelkezel legalább 2 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezel HTML / CSS / JS Készítettél önállóan WordPress oldalt, referenciával rendelkezel Van tapasztalatod WordPress webáruházak kezelésében Legalább középfokú angol nyelvtudással rendelkezel Jártas vagy az ACF Pro / egyéni poszttípusokban PHP ismerettel rendelkezel GIT flow, Gulp / SASS ismerettel rendelkezel Előnyt jelen a VueJS ismerete ThreeJS / SVG animációs tapasz...

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    ...pluginba -Legyen egy kimásolható linkje a felhasználónak a profilban vagy a menüsorban (menüben jobb lenne), -Profilban egy referall előzmények rész, ki rendelt alóla és mennyi jutalékot kapott, és ugyanez kellene ha a meghívottjának a meghívottjai is rendelt, azt is láthathassa (ilyen mlm struktúra lenne) -kifizetési beállítások megadása profil oldalon: Szerintem egyelőre csak banki utalás (esetleg paypal), itt az összeg megadásával kérvényezhetne kifizetést, amit az adminnak fel kell dolgoznia, vagyis valamilyen módon beérkezne hozzánk, -Valahol legyenek beá...

    €212 Average bid
    €212 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Sziasztok, lenne egy projektem ahova szükségem lenne egy steam authenticate-re és egy paypal integrációra. Egy weboldalra kéne felrakni egy steam logint és ha az adott felhasználó be van jelentkezve egy gombnyomásra tudjon beállított értékeket utalni paypalon, majd ha a tranzakció sikeres volt akkor egy adatbázisban az eddigi értékét növelje +annyival amennyit utalt ----- [ENG] Hi, I would have a project where I would need a steam authenticate and a paypal integration. You should put a steam login on a website and if the given user is logged in, you can transfer the set values on paypal at the touch of a button, then if the transaction...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Hello, szeretnék egy magento webáruházat. Autófelszerelési cuccokat, olajokat, alkatrészeket stb árulok majd benne. Feladat: oldalon a tárhelyen a magento 2 alap konfigurálása, a készen kapott grafikai főoldal grafikai elemeinek elhelyezése, paypal fizetőkapu beüzemelése, dpd vagy dhl futárszolgálattal való összekapcsolás.

    €249 Average bid
    €249 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Akkor írj ha tudsz magyarul, akkor írj ha ismered a Shopware-t. Feladat: Shopware webshop alap installáció, TecDoc plugin installáció, PostFinance és PayPal installáció, Nem fontos: grafikai elemek, nem része a projektnek a grafikai elemek elkészítése.

    €737 Average bid
    €737 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Project for Andrea V.
    Véget ért left

    Szia Andrea, Nem tudom foglalkozol-e weboldal építéssel, nulláról. Wordpress-ben kellene egy nem túl bonyolult pár oldalasat csinálni, viszont van benne online recurring payment és Mailchimp e-mail lista feliratkozás. Köszi, Gábor

    €241 Average bid
    €241 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I need a SiteBuilder/Graphics pro Ihave a site but it is very old and ugly. Need to make it modern and responsive, to meet the needs of this year. It has a custom engine with Smarty, no need for WP or any other frameworks. SiteBuilder / grafika egyszerre kellene. Egy már meglévő de öreg és fapados oldal átalakítására keresnék embert, a cél a mai modern kornak megfelelő megjelenés, mind PC-n TAB-on és telón... Az oldal Smarty-t használ, atomokra van szedve, de segítségre van szükségem ahhoz, hogy jól is nézzen ki.

    €157 Average bid
    €157 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Szia egy videot kene megszerkeszteni , 4-gyen megyunk Romaba en majd bohockodok egy iphon 6s-el 4k ban meg egy DJI osmo mobile lesz segicsegemre 4k 24 fps ben fogok videozgatni meg a Filmic pro Es egy profi mint te kenne oszevagja es szint javitani mindent mi kell kiveve a hangot mert aszt vslami jo kis olasz zenere gondoltam alafestesnek szerintem egy ojan 1,5-2 oras lesz az anyag abol kenne egy 30 perc korul oszevagni . Kerdesem az hogy nagyabol menyi lene a bered ezert ? Koszi elore is .

    €30 Average bid
    €30 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy Houzez sablonnal () készített ingatlan hirdetési oldal fejlesztési munkáira keresek megfelelő embert az alábbiak szerint: - a oldalról való import (ingatlanok, ügynökségek) megvalósítása - Axel Pro számlázóval való összeköttetés - vannak különböző hirdetési csomagok, amelyeket automatikusan ki kellene számláztatni a kifizetésük után

    €154 Average bid
    €154 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Wordpress alapú ingatlanos oldalon lenne pár megoldandó feladatunk. Houzez ( (), vagy Wp Residence () sablonnal kellene megoldani az alábbiakat: - Barionos bankkártyás fizetési illesztés. Különböző Membership csomagok vannak, amikért különböző mennyiségű ingatlant tölthetnek fel. Mindkét sablonba Paypal, Stripe, illetve 2checkout van integrálva. - Számlázó program illesztés. - Regisztráció SMS megerősítéssel. - Az ingatlanhoz feltöltött virtuális túra megtekintése csak regisztrációval legyen lehetséges.

    €161 Average bid
    €161 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat
    Weboldal programozás
    Véget ért left

    - Webshop létrehozása - SEO, UX/UI szabályok betartásával - Termék konfigurátor programozása (java) - több variálható színű elemből álló termé konfigurátorának létrehozása, kezelőfelülettel - DHL api integráció - Paypal és egyéb fizetési modul - Feliratkozás hírlevélre - Bármely CMS de WP a preferált - A terveket mi biztosítjuk

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Wir brauchen qualitativ, individual deutsche Artikel über mehrer Tourist Lande (z.B.: Roma, Spanien, Türkei, Österreich). Ca.: 400-500 wort pro Artikel und einmal in der woche. Wir möchten Interessant Traum reisen erlebnisse texte. Die Deutsche Sprache ist Voraussetzung. Wenn Sie ist kreativ und mögen Sie auch das Reisen Tema, wir warten auf Ihre Angebot.

    €78 Average bid
    €78 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    ... Following text The Pro-dental interdental brushes 0.40mm have been scientifically designed to help remove plaqueand food particles from between teeth and can also help reduce bad breath. Clean arround braces, bridges and in the gaps between teeth. Approved and used by leading dental experts. Direction for use - Insert the brush gently into the space between the teeth at gum level. - When inserted gently move the brush backwards and forwards to remove plaque and debris. - Never force the brush into a space. - Rinse your mouth when you finish - Rinse brush in water after use Warning KEEP OUTMOF THE REACH OF CHILDREN - Undue force and continous bending of the wire at severe angles will lead to fracture of the wire and can cause injury. A Pro-dental...

    €43 Average bid
    €43 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    sample: ENG:I can send the full might want to script a different website design and automatic payments,admin panel % where to set how many days and how many receive os investment+% referral system HUN:Esetleg tudok küldeni teles weboldal scriptet szeretnék egy másik dizájnt és automatikus kifizetéseket admin panelt ahol beállítható hány % os befektetkést kapnak és hány napra+referral rendszert % os rendszerben

    €93 Average bid
    €93 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Meglévő joomla alapú honlapom átalakítására keresek szakembert. Oldal neve: Változtatások: paypal és skrill fizetés korszerűbb beágyazása, facebook átirányítás modernizálása. Az oldal összképének modernizálása.

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...tulajdonosok letrehozhatjak a versenyuket, es a fotosok online bekuldhetik a munkajukat es fizethetik a reszveteli dijat. 3 modul lenne: - fotoverseny tulaj (beallithatja a kulonbozo verseny reszleteit, kategoriakat, dijakat, stb) - fotos (aki palyazhat a kulonbozo dijakra es feltoltheti / elkuldheti a fotoit, fizetheti a reszveteli dijat) - admin (hogy mi atlassuk az egesz rendszert) A fizetes paypal adaptive payment rendszerrel menne. A beallitasok es a kulonbozo formok nagy reszet en mar megcsinaltam egy form creatorral, tehat azokat oda tudom adni ugy ahogy vannak. A honlapnak kb igy kellene funkcionalnia, ez hasonlo csak filmekkel: Legyszi regisztralj be es nezd meg, es kuldj egy ajanlatot hogy kb mennyi ido es penzert csinalnad meg! En tokre orulnek, ha egyutt

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    PSD to Wordpress
    Véget ért left

    Szia Zsolt,nnKis Robert vagyok, Angliaban elo web designer, developer. Senior-kent dolgozom egy nagy promocios es marketing cegnel, emellett a sajat vallalkozasomat egyengetem. nKeresek, lehetoleg hosszutavra, egy megbizhato es kreativ tarsat, aki az altalam megtervezett grafikai terveket atirja magas szintu Worpress...templatbe a jelenlegi es a leendo ugyfeleim a gyorsasag, inkabb a magas minoseg a cel. Egyelore 5 dizajn var meglositasra a kovetkezo hetekre, honapokra ha meg tudunk egyezni. A kozeli jovoben pedig egy nagyobb lelegzetu, hoszabb projectben is erdekelt vagyok amiben dolgozhatnank egyutt. nElvarasaim: Wordpress, HTM5, CSS3, responsive, WP pluginek ismerete, integracioja. nFizetes Paypal : Skype, telefonnnElore is koszonom:nKiss Robert

    €10 Average bid
    €10 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Test automation
    Véget ért left

    Folyamatos munkára keresek szakért?t a következ? tapasztalattal: Quicktest pro , Loadrunner . A szakért? feladata fenti alkalmazásokhoz szükséges script fejlesztés, hibajavítás. A munkavégzés helye nyelv ismerete kötelezo.

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...Mechanism: • New tokens minted when fiat is deposited. • Tokens burned upon redemption for fiat. • Oracle Integration: Fetch real-time USD value to avoid price volatility. 4. Security & Compliance • Security audits (CertiK, OpenZeppelin). • KYC/AML integration with third-party providers. • Multi-signature wallets for fund security. 5. Payment & Exchange Integration • Fiat on/off ramps (Stripe, PayPal, Bank API). • DEX & CEX listing (Uniswap, Binance, Coinbase). Required Developer Skills • Solidity, , Hardhat/Truffle (Smart Contracts) • Node.js, Python (Backend Development) • React.js, (Frontend Development) • IPFS, AWS, Firebase (Decentralized Storage & Hosting) • Security Protocols ...

    €302 Average bid
    €302 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    ...balances action, suspense, and deep emotional engagement. Develop intricate conflicts, compelling twists, and layered character dynamics. Revise and edit drafts based on feedback to ensure coherence and consistency across the series. Maintain deadline discipline and deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines. Compensation Negotiable based on experience and quality of work. Milestone-based payments per book or per word count. Long-term collaboration with potential for bonuses upon successful completion of each book. How to Apply If you are passionate about sci-fi/dystopian storytelling and want to collaborate on a long-term, engaging project, I’d love to hear from you! Please submit: Your resume or portfolio showcasing relevant experience. A writing sample (preferab...

    €440 Average bid
    €440 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to build a Laravel ecommerce website integrated with React.js. This platform will be interactive, user-friendly, and efficient with the following requirements: Payment Gateways: - Integration of PayPal, Stripe, and Atlan for seamless transactions. Key Features: - Product Search and Filtering: A robust search engine with filtering options for ease of product accessibility. - User Reviews and Ratings: A section for customer feedback to promote transparency and trust. - Wishlist Functionality: Allow users to save their favorite products for future purchases. User Roles: - Admin: Full access to all site features for monitoring and management. - Vendor: Limited access for product posting and order management. - Customer: Basic access f...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    ...with the word "Pending" in purple. o From the back office, if everything is okay, the administrator will click "OK" and the "Pending" status will change to "Payment Succeeded" in green, and the circle will stop. o The payment details will be archived in the "History" section, available for the customer with a clickable title on the header. o The history will show all details of in and out crypto payments with date, hour, and addresses (receiving and sending addresses) which can be changed from the back office. Handling Failures 9. Payment Failure: o If the payment is not okay, the administrator will send a pop-up explaining why the payment failed. o The "Pending" status will automatically change to "Withdraw Failed&...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 licitátlag
    57 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented video and audio editor for a short film, aimed at the entertainment sector. The project is performance-based and requires a keen eye for detail and a creative approach to editing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Strong audio editing skills - Prior experience with short films - Creative mindset with a passion for performance-based content - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me edit a personal project video. The video needs to be cut in a cinematic style, so experience and skills in creating high-quality, visually appealing edits is crucial. Ideal skills and experiences include: - Proficiency in video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc. - Prior experience editing personal projects into cinematic style videos. - Understanding of cinematic techniques such as pacing, transitions, and sound design. - Ability to work collaboratively and incorporate feedback.

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    ...service offerings - A comprehensive 'Contact Us' section - Employee profiles complete with certificates - A feature for employers to post jobs - Employees profile and Certificate - Comparison and search filter by salary, country, experience, gender, age, location - An interactive chat function for interviews between employees and employers - A secure payment gateway that accepts Visa/Master cards, PayPal, and Alipay - Three multi-language wmpl- Thai, English, Chinese, Myanmar The site needs to accommodate three user roles: job seekers, employers, and site administrators. The ideal candidate will have experience with eCommerce sites and job boards, and will be proficient with setting up secure payment gateways. Understanding of UX/UI principles is a plus. Please provide...

    €156 Average bid
    €156 licitátlag
    98 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create a middleware Shopify payment app for me. This app should connect my PSP REST API to facilitate payments via Knet, Mastercard, Visa, Amex, and Wallet on my Shopify stores. Key Requirements: - Payment Integration: The app must support various payment options including Knet, Mastercard and Visa, Amex, and Wallet. - Multi-Environment: The middleware app should function seamlessly across Development, Staging, and Production environments. - User Interface: A user-friendly interface for configuration is essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating middleware apps, preferably for Shopify. - Strong understanding of REST APIs and payment gateway integrations. - Ability to design intuitive user interfaces. I look f...

    €154 Average bid
    €154 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    ...of player and competition history archives. o Integration of Botola Pro 1 and 2 statistics (clubs, players, results, rankings, etc.).________________________________________ 5 - Transfer management o Creation of a table listing all transfers of Moroccan players or players of Moroccan origin. • Add a transfer history to the player's file to track his movements from club to club. ________________________________________ 6 - Multi-sport and compatibility o Activation and configuration of Sportspress for multiple sports (basketball, handball, futsal, etc.). o Checked WPML compatibility for content translation (teams, clubs, statistics, etc.).________________________________________ 7 - Moroccan league management (Botola Pro 1 & 2) o Detailed files for all ...

    €507 Average bid
    €507 licitátlag
    114 árajánlat
    E-commerce Shopify Website Design
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a professional to design a Shopify website for selling physical products. The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing and equipped with essential e-commerce features. Key Features: - Product Reviews: I want customers to have the ability to leave reviews on products. This feature will help to bu...understanding of e-commerce features. Prior experience with physical product e-commerce sites will be a plus. The design should follow a modern theme, featuring contemporary styles and bold visuals. There are no specific design or branding guidelines to follow. Please use a neutral and minimalist color scheme for the website design. advanced customization. Set up only Credit/Debit Card options for payments. The freelancer has creative freedom to suggest th...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    35 árajánlat

    ...proficient in both creating and modifying Elementor templates. - Have experience with customizing page layouts, adding new elements, and making styling adjustments. - Be able to incorporate scheduled events into the page design. Please provide examples of your previous Elementor work along with your bid. This is my site --> I am using these plugins: Elementor Pro ShopEngine WooCommerce The Events Calendar Design Spec 1. Steppingstone Solutions is a training company which prepares IT professionals for various certification exams. • Steppingstone Solutions has been in business since 2000. • This is a single person company… It’s just me. • Key services include certification training and custom courseware development.

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr licitátlag
    154 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented freelance designer who can create a professional and unique logo for our new venture in digital payments. The logo should be modern, sleek, and representative of innovation in the digital payments space. Key Deliverables: - A logo that embodies a spirit of modernity and innovation - High-quality versions suitable for use on our website Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in logo design, particularly for tech or finance sectors - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek designs - Ability to understand and represent abstract concepts visually Please note that the style and color scheme for the logo have not been predetermined, providing an opportunity for you to bring your creativity into play.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat

    I need a proficient web developer with experience in Stripe integration. My website, which provides accounting services, requires a Stripe account set up for processing payments. Key Requirements: - Set up a Stripe account and integrate it with my website - Ensure the integration allows for seamless payment processing for various accounting services offered on the site Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Stripe integration - Proficiency in web development, particularly with e-commerce capabilities - Knowledge of accounting services would be a plus

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr licitátlag
    105 árajánlat

    I'm in the market for an out-of-the-box Learning Management System (LMS) with complete source code for both web and mobile platforms. Key Features: - User & Course Management - Progress Tracking & Certification - Video, PDF, and Quiz Support - Payment Integration (specifically with Paypal) - Full Mobile Compatibility (both iOS and Android) The system must be ready for immediate deployment and come with comprehensive source code and documentation. Please include demo links or screenshots in your bid for review.

    €262 Average bid
    €262 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    ...Items: Enables the admin to manage all products, including adding, editing, deleting, searching, and filtering. Manage Customers: Provides tools to add, edit, delete, import/export customer details (Excel format), view related orders/payments, search and filter customers, and view all chats. Coupon Code Management: Allows the admin to create and manage coupon codes. Account Settings/Logout: Admin account settings for notifications, password changes, and logout. B. Order and Shipping Management: Manage Shipping: Provides tools to view related orders/payments, search and filter, and edit shipping rules. Order Management: Allows the admin to create, edit, cancel, approve, and decline orders, export order details, and view order history. Order Tracking and Shippin...

    €429 Average bid
    €429 licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    Sistema y APK del proyecto Rugby Pro: - Sistema de Rugby Pro - Actualización del sistema - Estructura del código (Cambios faltantes) - APK Android y IOS

    €4045 Average bid
    €4045 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Für unser kleines Startup suchen wir eine zuverlässige und strukturierte Unterstützung im Bereich E-Mail-Management. ### **Deine Aufgaben:** - Tägliche Bearbeitung und ...- Organisation und Strukturierung der E-Mail-Kommunikation ### **Das solltest du mitbringen:** - Erfahrung im E-Mail-Management oder einer ähnlichen administrativen Tätigkeit - Zuverlässigkeit und eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise - Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift - Selbstständiges Arbeiten und Diskretion ### **Rahmenbedingungen:** - **Zeitaufwand:** ca. 1–2 Stunden pro Tag - **Kommunikation:** ausschließlich per E-Mail - **Volumen:** 10–20 E-Mails täglich - **Vergütung:** Nach Absprache Ideal für Fr...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a fully functional e-commerce site for my Pooja store. The theme will be provided. Key features should include: - A user-friendly admin panel - Secure login/signup functionality - Integration of Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal as payment methods - A diverse range of product categories including Puja Kits, Incense Sticks, Idols and all pooja items - A product reviews feature Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with WordPress e-commerce development and excellent understanding of integrating various payment methods. Previous experience working with product review functionalities is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've undertaken in your proposal.

    €248 Average bid
    €248 licitátlag
    98 árajánlat

    ...fully functional, feature-rich e-commerce website on Shopify. Key requirements: - Design and UX should be intuitive and user-friendly. - Full eCommerce capabilities are a must. - Secure payment integration, Coupon/Discount system, and Live Chat are priority features. - All 50 products should be seamlessly integrated. - Speed optimization and basic SEO is needed. - Use of a premium theme with a pro-store design. - Implement sleek, classic and simple animations and transitions. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Shopify and e-commerce site development. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles. - Proven track record of implementing secure payment systems and interactive features. - Skills in SEO and speed optimization. - Ability to conduct produc...

    €201 Average bid
    €201 licitátlag
    138 árajánlat

    ...Features: 1. **Login Page** - User authentication through both mobile OTP and email. 2. **KYC Compliance** - Document verification process using passport and driver's license. 3. **Cross-Border Transfer** - Enabling remittances to family and friends outside the country. 4. **QR Scanner Integration** - Linking credit card payments via QR scanner. 5. **Comprehensive Dashboard** - - Options to pay with credit card, - Transfer money to self or others, - Bill payments, - Managing credit card. Additionally, an Admin dashboard on a web page is needed to track all transactions and assist the support team with queries. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Android and iOS app development. - Prior experience in developing payment applications. - Understa...

    €645 Average bid
    €645 licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    Business Analyst Needed: Complete Business & Technical Documentation for Influencer Marketing SaaS Platform – Existing Foundation Available ◉ Overview We are building a SaaS-based Influencer Marketing & Management Platform for Saudi Arabia & GCC markets. This platform will enable brands, agencies, and e-commerce businesses to discover influencers, manage campaigns, track ROI, process payments, and ensure compliance with local regulations (GCAM, VAT, PDPL). We already have a foundational business concept document that outlines the vision, target market, monetization strategies, technical considerations, and key operational workflows. The Business Analyst will not be starting from scratch but rather expanding, structuring, and refining the documentation to meet ind...

    €1089 Average bid
    €1089 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    I'm embarking on a service-oriented business and require comprehensive assistance from website creation to design. As a novice in this field, I aim to make my business accessible via a mobile applicati...this process and help me establish a strong online presence. The project should be completed within 3 months. The design should be colorful and vibrant. The mobile application should include an appointment booking system. Please include ongoing support and maintenance after the initial launch. The mobile app interface should be simple and intuitive. The mobile app should also support in-app payments for services. The mobile application should be developed for both android and IOS. Calendar sync and automated reminders. There should be a loyalty program integrated to reward re...

    €1000 Average bid
    €1000 licitátlag
    201 árajánlat

    Business Analyst Needed: Complete Business & Technical Documentation for Influencer Marketing SaaS Platform – Existing Foundation Available ? Overview We are building a SaaS-based Influencer Marketing & Management Platform for Saudi Arabia & GCC markets. This platform will enable brands, agencies, and e-commerce businesses to discover influencers, manage campaigns, track ROI, process payments, and ensure compliance with local regulations (GCAM, VAT, PDPL). We already have a foundational business concept document that outlines the vision, target market, monetization strategies, technical considerations, and key operational workflows. The Business Analyst will not be starting from scratch but rather expanding, structuring, and refining the documentation to meet ind...

    €547 Average bid
    €547 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat
    Server Memory Optimization
    6 nap left

    I'm issue with RAM usage on my dedicated server running Alma Linux 8. Each deployment of my Java Spring Boot web applications, which are run through Tomcat and Nginx, leads to an increment in RAM usage that never decreases. It's becoming critical as we are nearing the server's memory limit. What I need is a one-time solution to this issue, alongside a future-proof setup to prevent this from recurring. Key Requirements: - Expert in memory optimization - Familiar with Java Spring Boot, Tomcat, Nginx - Capable of setting up a sustainable solution - Experience with managing and optimizing Linux servers Please note that my understanding of JVM tuning and memory management is at a beginner level. Therefore, clear and simple explanations of the implemented solut...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled Video Editor with a strong creative vision. The primary focus will be editing content for my social media platforms, specifically Instagr...raw footage into polished, high-quality videos - Add effects, transitions, sound design, and color correction - Collaborate with the creative team to meet specific requirements - Ensure videos align with brand guidelines and objectives - Deliver projects on time and in multiple formats for various platforms Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve - Previous experience creating promotional, social media, and corporate content - Strong understanding of modern and sleek design aesthetics - Excellent time management skills and abi...

    €57 Average bid
    €57 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    Hi Iqra, I am pleased to hire you in regards our agreement for the whisky token sales campaign, where you've agreed to work on a commission-only basis, the terms are as follows: Commission per Sale: You'll receive between £1,200 to £2,000 for each whisky token sold. No Sales, No Commission: If no sales are...I am pleased to hire you in regards our agreement for the whisky token sales campaign, where you've agreed to work on a commission-only basis, the terms are as follows: Commission per Sale: You'll receive between £1,200 to £2,000 for each whisky token sold. No Sales, No Commission: If no sales are made, no commission will be paid. Payment Structure: Payments are made per successful sale, with no milestone payments based on sale...

    €10 Average bid
    €10 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    The goal is to streamline payment operations, enhance accuracy, and improve overall financial management within the ERP ecosystem. Objectives: - Automated Payment Processing: Enable automatic invoicing, scheduled payments, and real-time transaction tracking. - Security & Compliance: Implement encryption, fraud detection mechanisms, and compliance with financial regulations (e.g., PCI-DSS, GDPR, etc.). - Seamless ERP Integration: Ensure compatibility with existing financial and accounting modules within the ERP system. Expected Outcomes: - A fully functional and secure Payment Module within the ERP system. - Enhanced efficiency in financial transactions and reporting.

    €1263 Average bid
    €1263 licitátlag
    113 árajánlat

    ...event. Here is the text for the slides - {note the text in these brackets must run together to some degree} Slides are numbered in order This Valentines 14th Feb 2025 At Castle Del Mar {Free Dumplings Free Choc Strawbs With Every Drink From 7-8PM} DJ Jesse James DJ Eddy Limited Capacity 31 King St Newy Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar. - Experience with creating social media content, particularly for TikTok. - A strong understanding of pacing to match the music and the visuals. - Creative flair for adding visually appealing transitions, animations, and light effects. - link to our socials - Tik Tok Facebook and Instagram Your task is to make the video look cool and appealing to a pa...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat
    online liquidator auction
    6 nap left

    ...on freelancer/your server and souse code should be able to work with server . after that then milestone will be created and release you must test all functionality before presenting your work to me . Interac payment gateway. Interac Online allows you to pay for your purchases easily, directly from your bank account. # we want to be able to Accept interac payments direct from our site from all major banks and include international customers ..all payment to be link and deposit into our bank account . #1 admin login url ? features, make offer with money "meaning buyer can make payment with the amount they are offering . this money will credit to buyer account if offer rejected . control users acc ,all accounts , all sold items...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a complete accounting package that integrates seamlessly with inventory management and GST compliance. This software should cater to my business's specific requirements. Key Features: 1. Accounting: - Ledger management: I need an organized system to track all transactions. - Accounts payable/receivable: The software should help manage all incoming and outgoing payments. - Financial reporting: I need the software to generate insightful financial reports. 2. Inventory Management: - Stock tracking: The software should accurately monitor stock levels in real-time. - Order management: I need a system that can handle all incoming and outgoing orders efficiently. - Supplier management: The software should help manage relationships and transactio...

    €693 Average bid
    €693 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat