Outsourcing wordpress site codingmunkák
Minden adat már rendelkezésre áll, be van gyűjtve a lekódolandó ~100 db vizuális képi minta (szöveges értékelésekkel ellátva), azaz a hozzátartozó “eredményekkel”, melyeket Machine Learning kódolással kellene betanítani a gépnek, hogy a teszt végén kiderüljön, hogy mennyire fedik a végső eredmények, a szakemberek eredményeit. A többit privátban… Köszönettel, Ádám
Adott egy WP oldal, rajta egy DIVI template. Ennek a bővítése az elsődleges feladat. Az általam megadott szövegekkel feltöltve. Ötletekre nyitott vagyok. A téma: kaputechnika. Az oldal magyar nyelvű.
Tapasztalt front-end fejlesztőt keresünk, UNAS alapú projekt megvalós...honlap célja információs (új márka bevezetése), webshop funkcióval kiegészítve. Design és funkcionalitás: - A designt mi adjuk, az első tervek itt láthatók: - A funkcionalitásban nem kell több, mint amit egy átlagos UNAS template tud. - A back-end bekötést a rendszergazdánk elvégzi, ténylegesen a site-build, amire szükségünk van. Szükséges ismeretek: - Site-build (referencia portfoliót kérünk megosztani) - Unas tapasztalat - Magyar nyelv Időzítés: - A projekt azonnali kezd&eacut...
Meglevo oldalon aprobb modositasok, szallitasi dijaknal a limit beallitasa, hogy ne ajalja fel orokke az ingyenes lehetoseget, Oldal betoltesi sebesseg javitasa optimalizalasa. Termek bokszok atalakitasa.
Bővítmény ami kezeli a vásárlókat akiknek saját accontjuk van, amit felhasználhatnak egy mobil appon keresztül vásárlásra az üzletben, kezelhetik az accontjukat, egymásnak átutalhatnak az összegekből. Adminként feltölthetem az accontot és Kártyával a felhasználó is növelheti a balanc-ot
Légy tagja a csapatunknak! WordPress fejlesztő állást kínálunk – WordPress távmunka állás lehetőség- Müncheni székhelyű cégünk keres tapasztalt WordPress fejlesztőt Magyarországon. Egyedi WordPress témák, vállalati weboldalak, e-kereskedelem, webes alkalmazások, böngészős játékok fejlesztésével foglalkozunk. Te vagy az ideális jelölt, ha: WordPress weboldal fejlesztésben legalább 2 év tapasztalattal rendelkezel legalább 2 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezel HTML / CSS / JS Készítettél önállóan WordPres...
Egy JSON apiból adatot lekérve (meccsek) egy naptárat készíteni, ezek frissüljenek, az eredményeket automatikusan kérje, majd írja be. Wordpressbe felhasználhatóvá tenni.
Az oldalon egy foglalási rendszer üzemel, jelentkezőket kell a honlapon automatikusan megjeleníteni (foglaláskor megadott becenévvel)
Egy WordPress weboldalnál domain csere után a Filterable Portfolio Modulban nem működik a filteres menü + a képek nem töltődnek be, rejtélyes mintázat szerint, pl. cache törlés után először igen, aztán nem. Bármelyik menüre kattintva ezt adja: . Részletes infók vannak a problémáról. Ha valaki meg tudná oldani, nem építeném újra. Egyszerű weboldal, de a portfólió a fő tartalom.
Adott egy wordpress weboldal pluginokból. A pluginok önmagában nem elegendőek, ezért át kell őket alakítani. Több ilyen plugin is van, tehát több projektből áll a feladat.
A weboldal hibáinak kijavítása, új oldalak/funkciók létrehozása, illetve karbantartás lenne a feladat.
Szeretnék egy olyan wordpress plugint, ami képes kezelni a netu.tv-re feltöltött videókat. Szeretném, ha portfóliót, vagy galériát tudnék vele csinálni, és ha megjelenik egy videó, arra rákattintva lightboxban előjönne a film. Tudnia kell kezelni a linket, tehát kell, hogy onnan tudja folytatni a videót, ahol korábban abba hagyta (ezt a netu tudja) illetve a videóhoz csatolt feliratot is kell, hogy kezelni tudja. Lényegében azt szeretném, hogy a pluginnal lehessen videógalériát létrehozni, amire ha rákattintunk, akkor lightboxban a beágyazott netu.tv-s videó jelenne meg.
Wordpress alapú honlapok elkészítésére keresek munkatársat. Feladatok: WP telepítés, az oldal felépítése az esetek többségében Divi sablonnal, Arculat kialakítása a kapott instrukciók, minták alapján. A kapott szöveges és képi tartalom feltöltése, oldalak, menüpontok létrehozása. Pluginok telepítése és beállítása (pl.: Yoast SEO, WPML, Woocommerce) Esetlegesen egyszerű logo tervezése. Mellékelve néhány oldal, ami mintaként szolgál.
Python 2.7.13 Django1.10.3 Mysql 5.7.17
Van egy niche weboldal az elavult Weaver II témában, hogy zökkenőmentesen mozdulok a jelenlegi Divi témához. Az elmozdulás alatt nem szabad leállni. Engedélyem van a wordpressre telepített Divi témára, és az oldal a megosztott Inmotion tárhelyen van. A végeredménynek mindenképpen működnie kell, anélkül, hogy a webhely szerkezetét és funkcionalitását megváltoztatná. Ez egy egyszerű weboldal, amelybe bejegyzések, oldalak, képmédia, widgetek és plug-inek találhatók a közösségi médiában, a SEO-bővítményekben stb. Nincs e-mail lista.
Wordpress alapú webshop programozási nehézségeit kellene megoldani, kecskeméti találkozóponttal. Magyar nyelvtudás szükséges.
Cordova-ban kellene fejleszteni. 1-2 hónap. Ott kell lenni a Budaepsti helyszínen
Witam Chodzi o zainstalowanie wordpressa na serwerze, wgranie szablonu i wprowadzenie treści z psd. Proszę o koszt takiej operacji.
Meglévő Wordpress webáruház továbbfejlesztéséhez keresek gyakorlott programozót. Pl. különböző payment lehetőségek integrálása, weboldal betöltési sebességének javítása, új részegységek kiépítése szakmai szempontok (SEO, Usability, stb.) figyelembevételével. Webáruház elérhetősége:
Telepített wordpress és studiopress metro. Kezdeti konfigurációra lenne szükségem hogy pontosan úgy nézzen ki mint az alábbi linken lévő demo:
Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor ne húzza b...
Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor ne húzz...
I'm looking to establish a club website. The site should help promote our brand, facilitate member engagement, and provide a hub for our club's activities and updates. I'm not looking for a forum or networking tool, but rather a one-way communication platform from the club to its members. If you're creative and can think outside the box, I welcome your ideas on other potential content types or features that could enhance our site.
...looking for a skilled WordPress developer to convert my flat HTML website into a custom WordPress theme. The new theme should mirror the existing site's layout and structure, enabling a smooth transition to WordPress. Key Project Requirements: - Create a custom WordPress theme based on an existing basic HTML website - The template should support all WordPress functionality (pages, posts, etc.) - Covering approximately 2-3 types of pages (main site, sub page, contact) - Future-proofing the site using Elementor and any necessary premium plugins (which I will fund) The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in WordPress theme development - Proficiency with Elementor - Ability to create responsive an...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce website employing React.js for the frontend and Django for the backend. The site will primarily cater to the clothing sector. Key features: - Email and password based user authentication - Efficient product management system - Seamless cart functionality - Payment integration (specific gateways to be discussed) Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in React.js and Django - Experience in developing e-commerce platforms - Strong understanding of user authentication and product management systems Please provide your portfolio showcasing relevant projects and an estimated timeline for completion.
Redesign and Build a Modern E-Commerce Website for Health Supplements Project Overview We are AHS, a health and wellness brand based in Australia, offering premium, Australian-made supplements. We are looking for a talented and experienced freelance web designer to redesign and modernise our website. The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional e-commerce site that aligns with our brand values and enhances customer experience. Key Objectives 1. Redesign the current website to improve aesthetics, functionality, and responsiveness. 2. Integrate a seamless e-commerce system to showcase and sell products. 3. Highlight key sections like: - Product Categories: Probiotics, joint care, liver health, etc. - Informative pages: About Us, Contact U...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer with e-commerce experience to build a site for selling digital products. Hi, this is project description: create site operates as an online marketplace connecting pet owners with pet sitters., offering services such as dog walking, pet boarding, and drop-in visits. The platform's business logic is designed to facilitate seamless interactions between pet owners and caregivers, ensuring convenience, trust, and quality service delivery.
convert C# console .net framework to .net core make sure this project to run in linux debain 1-Update Project File: Change to .NET Core format and update the target frame...NET Core. 12-Prepare for Deployment: Ensure the app is ready for deployment (e.g., Docker). 13-Test on Target Environment: Confirm functionality after migration. 14-Fix any Errors & Compatibility: Resolve any migration errors and update MySQL and OpenSSL integration. 15. Optimize the application for cloud deployment, including configuration 16. Perform code reviews to ensure best practices and coding standards are adhered to. 17. Conduct performance testing under various load conditions to ensure stability and responsiveness. 18. Improve error handling mechanisms to provide better diagnostic information a...
Hello everybody , all good ? I have clients who would like to perform multiple audit to look at and find possible vulnerabilities in their smart contracts.(SOLANA and EVM), per batch of 20 smart contracts. So I am looking for someone who is familiar with SOLIDITY on EVM programming. The goal is to achieve perfect code, that is, to find any error or flaw in the coding to avoid all any future mishaps. If you find any errors in the Smart contracts, I will ask you to provide a solution to fix the problem of course ^^. And for sure, depending on the vulnerability and risk, a bonus may be granted to you. The only condition I ask is only a simple and clear answer, in the form of a form to make it easier to read. # Severity Level (1to4)= # Brief : # Vulnerabilities Details : # Impact D...
I need a professional to assist me in setting up my new website. I have a Bluehost account and have already subscribed to a plan. The tasks at hand include: - Setting up m...website will host long-form essays and travel photos, so it will require a suitable layout and functionality for content-heavy pages. I have about 200 essays, not all will be posted at one time. I also have a lot of travel [photos so I would like a gallery. If possible, if there is a plugin for clickable maps, that would be great. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with Bluehost - Familiarity with the GeneratePress theme - Basic web design skills Please note, I am currently using a Macintosh and all tasks should be compatible. Your help will be greatly ap...
develloper un site vitrine dune ptite academy dapprentissage de langue arab et dautre cours
Let's take it further with the next milestone and work on coding
Freelancer Contest Description: Web Layout Design for Project Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing web layout for my new website, Wholesale.Email. This site will serve as a support system for resellers, distributors, wholesalers, and businesses for both buying and selling. The goal is to create a user-friendly inquiry platform where businesses can submit requests, find wholesale deals, and connect with suppliers. Key Requirements: Design only (NO coding required). Web layout optimized for all devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile-friendly). Height: 3000px to accommodate detailed content. Clear and structured navigation for buyers and sellers. A professional and modern design that reflects a business support platform. Sections
I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing homepage layout for my new website, Wholesale.Bid. This site will focus on wholesale auctions, wholesale bidding, and liquidation inventory, providing a marketplace for businesses and resellers to find bulk deals. Key Requirements: • Design only (NO coding required). • Web layout optimized for all devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile-friendly). • Height: 3000px to accommodate detailed content. • Clear navigation sections to highlight auctions, wholesale deals, and bidding options. • Modern, engaging, and visually appealing layout. • Sections covering: • Wholesale Auctions – Bulk lots and pallet sales. • Liquidation Inventory – Overstock, clo...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer familiar with the Avada theme to help me modify two pages on my site. I need to add a few sections formatted in a specific way. I'll provide a screenshot as an example of the formatted area. Key Requirements: - Add a few sections to two pages of my Avada WordPress site - Modify the pages according to a provided screenshot - Replicate the layout structure and text content from the screenshot - Ensure the visual style matches the existing site Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Avada theme - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to replicate complex layouts and content Please note, the modifications are quite simple and straightforward. The modifications need to be completed with...
Project Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing homepage layout for my new website, Wholesale.com.co. This site will showcase and sell all the products found on but with a fresh, creative design dedicated to this separate domain. Key Requirements: • Design only(NO coding required). • Web layout optimized for all devices(desktop, tablet, and mobile-friendly). • Height:3000pxto accommodate detailed content. • Clear navigation sectionsto highlight different product categories. • Modern, engaging, and visually appealinglayout. • Sections covering: • Wholesale Adapters • Wholesale Anklets • Wholesale Air Fresheners • Wholesale Body Spray &...
Hello everybody , all good ? I have clients who would like to perform multiple audit to look at and find possible vulnerabilities in their smart contracts.(SOLANA and EVM), per batch of 20 smart contracts. So I am looking for someone who is familiar with RUST on Solana and SOLIDITY on EVM programming. The goal is to achieve perfect code, that is, to find any error or flaw in the coding to avoid all any future mishaps. If you find any errors in the Smart contracts, I will ask you to provide a solution to fix the problem of course ^^. And for sure, depending on the vulnerability and risk, a bonus may be granted to you. The only condition I ask is only a simple and clear answer, in the form of a form to make it easier to read. # Severity Level (1to4)= # Brief : # Vulnerabilities D...
...Optimize the website for mobile and desktop performance. Implement SEO best practices to improve search rankings. Integrate essential marketing tools, including analytics, email capture, and customer engagement features. Ideal Candidate: Strong expertise in Shopify development and customization. Experience working with dropshipping and custom product integration. Knowledge of Shopify themes, Liquid coding, and custom CSS/JavaScript. Experience in SEO, UX/UI design, and performance optimization. Understanding of Shopify apps for automation, marketing, and upselling. Preference will be given to developers from India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Project Scope: We need a fully customized Shopify store that showcases our brand, seamlessly integrates our proprietary products, and maintains...
I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing web layout for my new website, Wholesale.Church. This site will be dedicated to selling hats, jewelry, handbags, and accessories to local churches across the United States. The goal is to attract customers searching for wholesale church-related products, so the design should be professional, elegant, and structured for quality content placement. Key Requirements: • Design only (NO coding required). • Web layout optimized for all devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile-friendly). • Height: 3000px to accommodate detailed content. • Clear navigation sections for easy browsing. • Elegant, church-inspired theme with a professional and welcoming look. • Space for product im...
I'm seeking a talented developer to create a WordPress plugin that facilitates appointment making for users needing smartphone or tablet repairs. The plugin needs to be similiar but more extended like this already existing plugin: I'd like to have the end user to be able to input data with the same kind of looks and functionality with ajax as the example plugin stated above. Key features: - A frontend form for end users to schedule repairs. - A backend interface for administrators to manage appointments. - Appointment details should include: device type and issue, preferred appointment time and date, and contact information of the user. People should be able to choose a repair, be it simple or advanced, by choosing a repair from the a list once they selected their
I'm in need of a professional and sleek corporate website built on the WordPress platform. The primary purpose of this site will be to represent my business and provide potential clients with an overview of our services. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly and responsive corporate website on WordPress. - Implement a comprehensive services overview section that clearly outlines what we offer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Demonstrated experience in WordPress site development, specifically for corporate entities. - Strong understanding of corporate website aesthetics and functionality. - Proven track record of creating clear and engaging services overview sections. Please reach out for further details.
I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a WordPress-based personal brand website for me. Key Requirements: - The website should follow a typical personal brand template, but with my unique branding elements. - A key section of the site will be my portfolio, which will need to be presented as an image gallery. - The website must be fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes. - The website should be optimized for search engines to increase visibility. - Integrate links to my social media profiles for better connectivity. - Have a dedicated 'About Me' section that introduces my background and expertise. - Include a functional contact form that allows visitors to get in touch easily. - The website theme should be customizable to allow for futur...
Website for my football training services. The site should be engaging and professional, appealing to parents and young athletes, as they are the primary target audience. Key Features: - Sign-up/ Registration for Events: This function is crucial, allowing parents to register their kids for football training camps seamlessly. - Payment Integration: If applicable, the ability to securely process camp registration payments. - Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensuring the website is responsive and easy to navigate on all devices. SEO Optimization: Implementing best practices to help the site rank well in search engines. - Fast Load Speed & Security: Optimizing performance and ensuring secure transactions. Pages to Include: - Home Page: The landing page should provide a clear and eng...
I run an accountancy services website and I'm looking for an SEO expert to help enhance it. My primary goal is to generat...looking for an SEO expert to help enhance it. My primary goal is to generate more leads through improved search engine visibility and a well-optimized site. Key Focus Areas: - On-page SEO: Content optimization to ensure it’s relevant, engaging, and search-friendly - Off-page SEO: Building backlinks to improve site authority and reach - Technical SEO: Ensuring site speed and technical aspects are up to par for optimal performance The ideal candidate should have a proven track record in SEO, preferably with service-oriented websites. Experience generating leads through SEO is a major plus. I look forward to working together to get my ...
Hey, I’m looking for someone that knows how to create a website and market it. The site I want created will be for people that want to buy products. They will list the products that they are looking to purchase. People will then come and look what people are looking for and offer them to sell it to them. They will have the option to bid to be higher up on the page to List what they want to purchase. I’m looking to make this site on Shopify. We can discuss more in detail
I'm seeking a web developer to create an online practice test platform for the G1 Test in Ontario. The site should offer practice tests similar to those provided by competitors in terms of user interface and experience. Key Features: - Online practice tests: The main focus of the site is to provide comprehensive, accessible, and user-friendly practice tests for users preparing for the G1 Test. - Progress tracking: Users should be able to track their progress over time, with the system recording their performance on each test. - Question explanations: After each test, users should have access to detailed explanations for each question, helping them understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. Option for users to have access to premium version such as weekly/ m...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up my AWS on a Site-to-Site VPN connection. The primary purpose of this setup is to enable secure and reliable access to my EC2 instances. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS and Site-to-Site VPN configuration. - Ability to ensure secure data transfer and remote access to AWS resources. - Experience in accessing EC2 instances through a VPN. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.