Microsoft dynamics crm joomlamunkák
...önértékelést számadattal (1-15) *ill pár kérdésnél evidence feltöltést kell bevinni *mentési lehetőség megadott server elérési útra törtönik *lehetősget kell adni visszatérni a megkezdett de nem submittált feladathoz *a kész assesment benchmark feldolgozása, grafikus megjelenítése (dB struktúra, recordset minta, űrlap minták, tervek elérhetők). Tech: linux, mySQL, MariaDB, 7.4PHP, Apache, Joomla Platform 13.xx. Fabrik comp. PILOT alatt mindössze 2-3 nettó nap kapacitásra van szükségünk (egyeztetés és a kérdéseitek vagy javaslatok ala...
A Business Solution Informatikai Zrt. új munkatársát keresi ADS platformon való mérnöki feladatok ellátására teljes munkaidőre családias hangulatú irodánkba a XIII. kerületbe. -ADS (Azure DevOps Server) platformon futó fejlesztések technikai támogatása -Már meglévő ADS környezetben beszállítók támogatása a bevezetett komponensek használatában meglévő ADS-re vonatkozó irányelvek alapján -Új fejlesztések DEV-UAT-PRD környezetek elkészítése, fejlesztői pipeline-ok kialakítása -Meglévő alkalmazások migráci&oacu...
Szeretnénk egy videós Word tanfolyamot szerkeszteni, amely forgatókönyv írásához keresünk valakit.
Egy excel alapú bevételező, raktárkezelő és receptúrázó "alkalmazást" kellene Accessre ültetni, nemi fejlesztéssel (vélhetően Form és VB macro)
I am seeking an developer for a few jobs, including a webshop, app development and API connections. Native Hungarian speaking is preferred. Front-end is ready, specification and more information are upon request. Thank you! ASP.NET fejlesztőt keresek pár munkára, mint webshop és app fejlesztés, valamint ezek közötti és harmadik szolgáltató közötti API kapcsolat létrehozása. Az appok Microsoft Azure környezetben futnak majd. A front-endek elkészületek, specifikáció és bővebb információ kérésre. Köszönöm!
A svájcban dolgozó külföldi munkavállalók itt tudják ellenőrizni, hogy megfelelő adó összefet vont-e le a munkáltatójuk. 1. Személyes adatok bevitele 2. az adókategoria besoroláshoz kiválasztós adatbevitek kb 5-6 kérdés 3. adattábládól a megfelelő adó % mérték meghatározása ( leírás pdf 4.1-4.5) 4. a bér összegéből az adó ...kiválasztós adatbevitek kb 5-6 kérdés 3. adattábládól a megfelelő adó % mérték meghatározása ( leírás pdf 4.1-4.5) 4. a bér összegéből...
Kereskedelmi cégünk honlapja Joomlával készült. Viszonteladóinkat szeretnénk Fabrik adatbázisban kezelni. - Térképes, keresős megjelenítése a viszonteladóknak - A viszonteladókra kattintás az adatbázisban jelenjen meg - Az adatbázisból leszűrt viszonteladóknak levélküldés
Joomla 1.5-ös CMS motor alá szeretnénk egy fotókidolgozás megrendelő modult. Sikeres együtt működés esetén további 3-4 hasonló modul készítése garantált! Ami szükséges lenne a modulhoz: - html5 képfeltöltés lehetőség (multiple) - speicális lépcsőzetes árak, a feltöltött mennyiség és / vagy méret szerint - szabadon meghatározható ajándék termék xy összeg vagy xy termék vagy xy darabszám rendelése esetén. - legyen összekötve a joomla virtuemart 1.1.9-es verziójával - a berékezett rend...
Egyszerű, bemutatkozó Joomla alapú weboldal folyamatosan szétküldi SPAM levélek. A feladat lenne: - megtalálni vírus kód/fájlt és eltávolítani. - megtalálni és javítani kódot ami keresztül történik vírus feltöltése.
Meglévő joomla alapú honlapom átalakítására keresek szakembert. Oldal neve: Változtatások: paypal és skrill fizetés korszerűbb beágyazása, facebook átirányítás modernizálása. Az oldal összképének modernizálása.
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...
Szükség van egy jó Joomla szakértőre aki megoldana néhany alap feladatot az új weboldalunkon
Egy kész grafikai terv alapján kell létrehozni egy joomla sablont amely fogadókész különböző iframek beágyazására... A munkáról részletesen telefonon a 20/257 24 42 es telefonszámon lehet érdeklődni
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejleszt&eacu...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmaz&a...
Az elképzelés: Egy modul, vagy plug-in, ami a kliens és Sharepoint szerver oldal közötti adatforgalmat tömöríti egy algoritmussal, így kevesebb sávszélességet igényelve. A magja a programnak C++, ami aztán egy C#/.NET alkalmazásba van bújtatva(az első sebesség, az utóbbi pedig komponensek közötti kompatibilitás miatt). Tehát a modul/plug-in, beáll a küldött adat elé, tömöríti azt, majd másik oldalon kicsomagolja. A projekt befejezettnek tekintett egy bug-mentes kezdeti verziónál, ami átmegy egy terheléses teszten
Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz...
- egyedi, RESTful CMS+CRM rendszer fejlesztése - modulfejlesztési feladatok - működő website-ok üzemeltetése
Nature of Work á á á á- áData Entry on CRM TAT á á á á á á á á á á á á- á26 working days One Slot á á á á á á á á - á10 seats Work Load á á á á á á á- á40,000 forms approx
Egy szálláshelynek szeretném a sablonját elkészítettni. Követelmények: Logó + Joomla Sablon Kiindulási pont: Maya név. hozzá hasonló design. Vörös színek. Két példa ami tetszik: Felső menüsor! Yootheme widget kompatibilitás! A lenti képek legyen kiindulási pontok a logó tervezésénél.
I'm looking for an expert to assist with Go High Level and redesign my website to fit a modern and minimalist aesthetic. Specific Requirements: - S...for an expert to assist with Go High Level and redesign my website to fit a modern and minimalist aesthetic. Specific Requirements: - Set up marketing automation on Go High Level. - Help manage and optimize my CRM on Go High Level. - Create effective sales funnels using Go High Level. - Redesign my website to a modern and minimalist style. - Optimize website for SEO. - Implement marketing strategies on the website. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Go High Level. - Expert in web design, specifically modern and minimalist styles. - Strong SEO and marketing background. - CRM management experience. - Sales funn...
Soporte y desarrollo a un sitio web Desarrollo interno para el sitio Soporte a lo existente en el sitio Trabajo remoto y por favor 100% hablar español indispensable Joomla versiones 4 y 5
I'm looking to create a unique social media platform sp...journalists and media outlets - Gain subscribers and potential employers The platform should be user-friendly, secure, and robust enough to handle a large user base. It should also have features that promote interaction and engagement among users. Ideal candidates for this project would have a strong background in social media platform development, and a good understanding of the needs and dynamics of the journalism industry. Experience with portfolio-centric website development would be a significant plus. Please note that I haven't provided specific answers to some of the questions about user authentication, portfolio features, and networking capabilities. I am open to your professional suggestions and insigh...
I'm seeking a seasoned Zoho professional to implement and optimize sales automation functionalities in my Zoho CRM. Key Requirements: - Design and set up lead nurturing workflows to efficiently manage and convert potential customers. - Establish deal tracking systems to monitor and manage all ongoing sales processes. - Create follow-up reminders to ensure timely communication with clients and prospects. Please provide examples of past Zoho CRM projects and your approach to sales automation. I'm looking for someone who can bring their expertise to streamline our sales processes.
Greetings! Please find the enclosed revised quote 2, based on our chat discussion. Requesting you to award and release Mile stone 1. Best regards, Bala.
I'm seeking an experienced affiliate marketing manager with a strong background in b...- Content Creation: Crafting compelling content tailored for affiliate marketing on both platforms. - Traffic Generation: Implementing effective strategies to boost traffic and increase visibility. - Performance Analysis: Regularly assessing performance metrics and making necessary adjustments to optimize results. Given that I am at the startup phase, a comprehensive understanding of startup dynamics would be beneficial. Previous experience in a similar role is highly desirable. Skills in business strategy, product development, and traffic generation will be key to our potential success. Please note, while I have not specified a need for fundraising advice, any insights in this area would ...
I'm in need of someone to transcribe a piece of music for guitar into sheet music. The transcription should cover the basic chords and melody. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in music theory and music transcription. - Guitar expertise to ensure accurate interpretation of the piece. - Ability to write in standard sheet music notation. Please note, we are only concerned...sheet music. The transcription should cover the basic chords and melody. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in music theory and music transcription. - Guitar expertise to ensure accurate interpretation of the piece. - Ability to write in standard sheet music notation. Please note, we are only concerned with the basic chords and melody, not intricate details like rhythm and ...
Job Description eLearning Developer Children of America is seeking an experienced eLearning developer to create high-quality, interactive e-learning materials that will reach 60+ educational childcare locations. A minimum of five years of e-learning and instructional design ...using JavaScript triggers and variables including custom functionality, calculations, and conditional logic to enhance user engagement and interactivity. • Strong understanding of UX design principles and applying them effectively to create intuitive, user-friendly e-learning experiences by prioritizing user engagement, navigation ease, and clear instructional design • Intermediate competency in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • Time management and organization skills necessar...
I need a batch file created to streamline my Windows 11 installation process. Can you help us with the following project? Please create a batch file to automate Windows 11 installation, software installation, and configuration....configuration I have version 6.1.1 of this. Reference site Key Requirements: - The batch file should automate the installation and configuration of Windows 11. - It should install and configure Microsoft Office. - It should set up Windows with specified configurations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating batch files. - In-depth understanding of Windows 11 and Microsoft Office installation. - Experience with system automation and configuration.
I'm seeking assistance to integrate Google Ads with my Highlevel CRM, specifically on how to track and report conversions back to Google Ads. I know Highlevel pretty well but next to nothing about Google Ads. Your expertise will help me monitor: - All form submissions from selected forms - Specifically, submissions from the Free Consultation form Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Google Ads and Highlevel CRM - Experience with conversion tracking - Ability to provide clear, step-by-step instructions on setup
I'm looking for an experienced Joomla developer to assist with upgrading my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. The key focus of this project will be to migrate my extensions, which encompass components, modules, and plugins. Key Project Requirements: - Upgrade Joomla from version 3 to version 5. - Migrate all standard extensions (components, modules, plugins) to the new version. - Ensure the upgraded site maintains its original functionality and performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla upgrades and migrations. - Proficient in working with Joomla extensions. - Strong understanding of Joomla's architecture and functionality. Please note, all my extensions are standard and do not have any custom modif...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to seamlessly integrate my Salesforce CRM with my WooCommerce store. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding and experience with Salesforce CRM - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Strong skills in API integrations - Ability to ensure smooth data transfer and synchronization between the two platforms - Familiarity with troubleshooting and resolving potential integration issues The ideal candidate will help automate processes and improve efficiency in managing customer data, sales, and inventory. Please share relevant past projects that showcase your expertise in CRM and e-commerce platform integrations.
...onboarding has been initiated. 2. Power Automate Receives Candidate Details: o Power Automate receives the candidate details and identifies the next step in the process. o Candidate is asked to submit necessary documents (e.g., certificates, passport, etc.) through an external form or email. 3. Document Collection and Validation: o Power Automate verifies and collects the documents (e.g., using Microsoft Forms, OneDrive, or SharePoint). o Documents are validated (size, format, etc.), and Power Automate prepares to upload them to SuccessFactors. 4. Push Documents to SuccessFactors: o If SuccessFactors has document storage available: Power Automate uploads the documents to the corresponding employee onboarding record or candidate profile in SuccessFactors. o If SuccessFactors does ...
I'm on the lookout for a dedicated Administrative Assistant to enhance our team's efficiency. Your main responsibilities will include creating and sending important documents, managing phone rotation duties, entering leads into our system, updating TPAs on a daily basis, and scheduling calendar invites....exceptional organizational skills. Key Responsibilities: - Creating and dispatching essential documents - Daily updates to TPAs - Managing phone rotation duties - Entering leads into our system - Scheduling calendar invites -Fluent in Spanish and English Ideal Candidate: - Proactive, able to handle multiple tasks efficiently - Experienced in administrative support - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and Microsoft Calendar - Excellent attention to detail and s...
I need a data entry form with over 100 fields. The form will be used for inputting mixed data (text and numbers). The entered data should be able to be synced into 10+ sheets with the push of a button. Requirements: - Design a data entry form with 100+ fields - Mixed data input (text and numbers) - Data synchronisation into 10+ sheets manually with a button Key Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel or Libreoffice Calc - Experience in creating complex data entry forms - Knowledge in setting up data synchronisation - Familiarity with data validation rules Some fields in the form will need validation, so experience with setting up data validation rules is essential. Please reach out if you have the relevant skills and experience.
I need a proficient developer to connect my existing data scraping script with my SWIPE ONE CRM, and subsequently link it to my Email Server (MAILWIZZ). The data scraping script is currently collecting contact information. Specifically, I need the following fields to be transferred from the script to my CRM and then to my email server: - Name and email address - Phone number - Mailing address - CARRIER DATA Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Experience with data scraping scripts - Knowledge of email server integration, specifically MAILWIZZ - Data management and transfer expertise I am looking for a professional who can complete this task efficiently and effectively. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.
Sorry, I'm reposting this project. I had some family issues that delayed the process. I'm going to award this project on Monday February 10th (US Pacific Time Zone) I'm looking for a professional to help me transform a PowerPoint presentation into a structured training website using Joomla 5.0 with the Guru extension. The website is already set up with the required software. The training course will be approximately 14 hours in length. The PowerPoint is complete but is not setup for online elearning. The exact number of slides would be determined while setting it up. But it could be 13 to 20. Mental health section has 80 slides PowerPoint Slides. The slides are approximately 350. Format: Short quiz after every section/module (5 question / multiple choice and or y...
I'm seeking a web developer to create a website using Microsoft Power Pages that incorporates real-time medical coding statistics. Key Project Requirements: - Display of real-time data or statistics - Using my data, primarily medical coding related texts and tabular columns. - The website should feature interactive data tables. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Power Pages - Experienced in creating websites with interactive data tables - Familiar with handling and displaying real-time medical data
I'm seeking a seasoned Odoo developer to assist in finishing my clothing website, which is already in progress. The tasks will involve: - Customization of Odoo modules: You will need to tailor the Sales and Inventory, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Accounting and Finance modules to fit the specific needs of my business. - Integration with third-party services: This will primarily involve connecting with various payment gateways and logistics/shipping services. Experience with these integrations is crucial. - Bug fixing and testing: Your role will also include identifying and rectifying any issues on the site, as well as conducting thorough testing to ensure everything runs smoothly. Ideal candidates should have significant experience with Odoo, particularly in cu...
I'm seeking a professional to help edit my document and make specific template adjustments in Microsoft Word. I need page number in Roman Numerals to start on page two. After title page. No page number on contents pages. Page 1 of document to start on List of Figures p. 1 and Abstract p.2 and so on. I need contents page updated to mirror page numbers
...for a skilled Zoho CRM developer to create a custom Quote Builder module. This module should encompass: Key Functionalities: - Automated Pricing Calculations: The module should automatically compute prices based on predefined parameters. - Custom Templates: I want to be able to create and use personalized quote templates. - Approval Workflow: There should be a built-in workflow for quote approvals. Integrations: - This Quote Builder module must seamlessly integrate with: - Inventory Management: To reflect available stock in quotes. - Sales Orders: To convert quotes into sales orders effortlessly. - Contacts: To pull customer data into quotes. Quote Generation: - The module should allow for manual quote entry. Ideal candidate should be well-versed in Zoho CRM a...
I'm seeking an expert in Microsoft Word to design a standard report template for me. This template should reflect our company's colour scheme and logo, incorporating a combination of our primary and secondary colours. Key Requirements: - The template should include various sections for editing - It should be visually appealing and easy to use, with a professional layout and design. - Experience with corporate branding and report template design is preferred. I have attached our current report template and would like it modernised Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to your proposals.
I am looking to sell a comprehensive casino solution. This includes a variety of gaming options such as slots, poker, a live casino, and progressive games. Key Features: - Chat functionality: The solution should come with an integrated chat system to enhance user interaction. - CRM system: A coded CRM for managing bonuses and player interactions is essential. Ideal Skills: - Game Development: Experience in creating or implementing various types of casino games. - CRM Coding: Ability to code a CRM system tailored for a casino environment. - Chat Systems: Experience in integrating chat functionalities within a gaming platform. Please note that specific platform preferences and types of slots games have not been defined yet, hence flexibility and creativity in ...
...features and prices of products and services and present their benefits. Do prior research to understand potential client’s requirement Ask pertinent questions to understand the customer’s requirements. Persuade the customer to buy by explaining how products or services can meet/compliment their needs and requirements. Record the customer’s personal information accurately in a computer/CRM system and share with the management as directed. Deal with complaints or doubts to safeguard the company’s reputation. Go the “extra mile” to meet sales quota and facilitate future sales. Keep records of calls and sales and record useful information. Schedule appointments for sales representatives to meet with potential clients. Ge...
...files (GPX/GP5). These files will be used on to provide musicians with an accurate play-along experience, ensuring the tab stays in perfect sync with the original recording. Your tasks: ✔ Transcribe guitar and bass parts with correct notation and techniques from a youtube/vimeo video that we provide you. ✔ Ensure precise timing and synchronization with the original track ✔ Add dynamics, articulation, and other musical details ✔ Deliver high-quality Guitar Pro files (GPX/GP5) What do we expect from you? ? Experience with Guitar Pro and accurate transcription skills ? Solid knowledge of music theory and rhythm ? Great attention to detail and excellent listening skills ? Experience with various music genres is a plus working example:
...(total of 40). The sessions should be held on separate dates, March 3-7, 2025, and March 24-28, 2025. May choose to hire for one or both sessions. Pay: $4,000 per session, not to exceed $8,000 total for both sessions. Travel costs will not be provided. Trainee Skill Levels: Attendees have varying levels of experience with Power BI, ranging from basic to intermediate, with many being advanced Microsoft Excel users. The training should accommodate this diverse skill set. Content: The training must cover topics such as connecting to data sources, data cleaning, data visualization, advanced analysis techniques, creating dashboards, and sharing reports. All training materials must be provided digitally at least one day prior to the start of training. The training must also inclu...
I am looking to develop a mobile application for employee communication. The app will enable companies to register with basic details and invite employees to join a dedicated company group or channel. Employees can engage in group discussions, communicat...notification settings for users. 8. User Roles & Permissions: o Admins can manage user roles (e.g., employee, manager, admin). o Control access to certain groups or files. Tech Stack Recommendations: • Frontend: React Native (cross-platform) or Swift (iOS) & Kotlin (Android). • Backend: Node.js with Firebase or & MongoDB/PostgreSQL. • Authentication: Firebase Auth or OAuth (Google, Microsoft, etc.). • File Storage: AWS S3, Google Drive, or Firebase Storage. • Real-time Messaging: WebSockets, F...
I'm seeking a professional to help edit my document and make specific template adjustments in Microsoft Word. Key Tasks: - Edit page numbers for document to start at the bottom of document starting on different page Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Word with a strong understanding of its features and functionality. - Experience with document formatting and template adjustments.