Media adobe airmunkák
Egyedi muveszeti termekek, amerikai piac. Segitsegre van szuksegem a marketing strategiaban es annak kivitelezeseben foleg a social media platformokon
As a member of an amateur non-profit film company, I am looking for a professional who can make special effects of a 5-minute raw footage ...Due to time constraints, the team member cannot complete the task, including because of evening shots. We need someone who can create the necessary special effects. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage video - Incorporate special effects (e.g.: gunshot, blood, lightsaber) - Add text overlays and graphics as needed Skills Required: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with Adobe after effects (or similar) software - Ability to create fast-paced, dynamic edits - Skills in adding graphic elements and sound Please share examples of your previous work, particularly any YouTube content you've edited. Looking forward to wor...
Induló webshophoz termék mockup-okat szeretnék készíttetni. Adobe "Actions Mockup" Expertet keresek aki pár órai munkával megoldja a grafikák körbevágását és mockup-olását. 600 kép lenne az első adag, 600 képre mintásra/keretesre vágás, képenként 5 mockup készítése alacsony méretű de még élvezhető felbontású .webp formátumban (fehér-fekete póló, fehér-fekete pulóver, vászonkép), valamint az alap minta dpi növelése 300-ra.
Újonnan indult barkács kiskereskedelmi webáruház kiszervezett marketingesét keressük. A Főbb feladatok: - Árazás figyelése - Akciók, csomag ajánlatok összeállítása (grafikai munkákat megcsináljuk) - Social media (FB, Insta, stb) postok összeállítása - Link építés - PPC management - Cím adatbázis építése - DM - Remarketing - Analytics követése és reagálás Tehát nem csak PPC kiszervezésről van szó hanem a teljes marketing tevékenységet szeretnénk átadni. Magyar nyelv ismerete szükséges
...végzünk. Szívesen látjuk az ötleteidet és csodás, ha feltalálod magad. Feladatkörök Social media kezelés ⁃ social media felületek kezelése ⁃ social media plan alapján posztok elkészítése, beidőzítése ⁃ szövegírás ⁃ (sablon alapján) grafikai anyag elkészítése ⁃ napi story készítése ⁃ brief alapján nyereményjáték levezénylése ⁃ válasz az üzenetekre, kommentekre ⁃ folyamatos trendkövetés, újdonságok beemelése ⁃ influenszerek, márkához illeszkedő “híress&eac...
...html css-vel és php-vel? Ideális, ha a Contau programot is használod. Az XD Adobe-t is ismernie kellene. Érdekelne nekünk dolgozni? vagy tudsz valakit, aki szeretne nekünk dolgozni? Várom a válaszodat. Nagyon köszönöm. Üdvözlett Rüegg Gergely I am from Germany. I apologize, my Hungarian is not 100%. We are a German advertising company: I am Hungarian and therefore I am looking for a web developer in Hungary. Can you work with html css and php? It is ideal if you also use the program Contau You should also be familiar with XD Adobe. Are you interested
Egy fodrászatot készülök nyitni es ehhez szeretnék egy logót illetve egy teljes social media csomagot, profilképpel, borítóval stb. Ami az elképzelésem illeti, minimalista design-ra van szükségem. A kör, négyzet, háromszög geometriai formákat alkalmazzuk hajvágás közben, ezeket meg lehet jeleníteni a logóban. Semmiképpen sem snassz, elcsépelt logót szeretnék hajvágógéppel és ollóval.. a PURE. -szó a hangsúlyos, a “salon&barber” csak kiegészítő szöveg.. Köszönöm.
Instagram követő bàzis növelèse ideàlis ügyfelekkel és engagement boostolàsra keresek heti 7 óràra egy social media menedzsert. Tartalomgyàrtàs nem kell, csak egy àltalam kialakított Instagram stratègiànak a napi alkalmazàsa. Az oldal tèmaköre: Online Marketing, nemzetközi piacra szól Coachoknak. A feladat elvègzèsèhez nagyon fontos az angol kommunikàció íràsban.
Szia Anita, Meglévő Adobe XD tervek alapján html, css weboldalt szeretnék készíttetni. Az oldal terveit innen tudod letölteni. Boldi
...monitorozása, felelve a célkitűzések teljesítéséért, a marketingre fordítható források hatékony felhasználásáért - Digitális marketing kampányok, reklámok, hirdetések megtervezése, létrehozása, menedzselése és optimalizálása különböző csatornákon (GoogleAds, Facebook, Instagram, stb.) a digitális marketing specialista együttműködésével - Weboldal tartalomfejlesztés, SEO, PPC, Display hirdetések, Social Media, e-mail marketing, blog és PR cikkek írása, linképítés - Márkaépí...
Az AdNet Media weboldal készítéssel és PPC kampányok menedzselésével foglalkozik. Keresünk olyan szabadúszó kollégát, aki folyamatosan tudja támogatni projektjeinket. Leginkább állandó megbizatással, de eseti projekt alapú megbízásokban gondolkodunk. Olyan személyt keresünk, aki magabiztosan kezeli a Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Analytics, Tag manager szolgáltatásokat és sikeresen létre tud hozni kampányokat, akár kereső, vagy shopping kampányokról beszélünk, majd ezeket képes megtérülően optimalizálni. Nem teljes állású munk...
A DiabTrend nevű startup cukorbetegeknek fejleszt naplózó alkalmazást iOS és Android okostelefonokra. Cégünk arculatának megfelelő grafikai ábrázolásokra van szükségünk Facebookon és Google-n megjelenő hirdetéseinkhez, illetve a social media platformokon posztolt tartalomgyártáshoz.
Nyomtató által létrehozott csv / vagy xml. fájlból kellene automatikus kimutatást készíteni. A csv-ben szereplő adatokból a "Media" tipusokat paraméterezni kell beviteli mezőben megadott árral. Az "ink" úgyszintén paraméterezendő az árral. Tervezett kb végeredmény a pdf-ben.
Van szemelyes tapasztalatom Shopify fejlesztessel bar nem vagyok szakember. Egy sikeres fogaszati vallalkozasunk kiegeszito tevekenysegei kapcsan szeretnek uj webaruhazat letrehozni es digitalis marketing kommunikacios csatornak integralasaval aktiv tamogatas mellett, elsosorban social media marketing eszkozok segitsegevel nepszerusiteni. Facebook es Instagram prioritas mellett, Linkedin, Google shopping integralasa. A weboldalhoz szeretnek integralni jobb hijan Simple Pay kartyaelfogadast es tobb devizaban szamlazo, keszletnyilvantarto programot. Az oldalon nyelvvaltassal szeretnenk kulfoldon is elerhetove tenni. Kulfoldon elek es hasznalom a Shopify-t. A projekt Magyarorszagon futna, szivesen latnam ha hazai csapatot bizhatnek meg a digitalis marketing feladatokkal.
A DiabTrend startup kreatív csapata angol és német nyelven tudó fordítót és lektorálót keres. Elvégezendő munkatevékenységek: - Social media felületeken (Facebook, Instagram) megjelenő posztok, hirdetések fordítása; - Angol és német nyelven válaszadás az ügyfelek kérdéseire, kommentjeire; - Marketing anyagok, konkrétan a DiabTrend cikkei és az applikáció bizonyos részeinek fordítása és lektorálása angol és német nyelvekre. A munka otthonról/remote-ban végezhető, opcionálisan előnyt jelent, amennyiben alkalma...
...English) Hungarian Menu text copy located here: English will be added later (however we’ve translated the main menu titles to english) This SEO rules need to be followed during the website built: Attached you find design elements and photos about the team. Example site in style: Attached media: Photos about the team () Logos (Csiki_Fogszabaolyozas_1 ) Visualization () Menu structure: Híreink (News in english, this is the Blog block) Rólunk (About Us in english) - Dr. Csiki Péter - Hitvallás - Rendelő Információk a fogszabályozásról (Information about dental aesthetics in english) - Első konzultáció - Diagnózis
Sportfogadással foglalkozó Facebook oldalunkon a napi fogadható mérkőzésekhez meglévő Adobe Illustrator sablon szerint kell képeket szerkeszteni, illetve kapcsolódó képet keresni (főleg foci) valamint idővonalra feltölteni. Az egyes posztokhoz tartozó szövegek adottak, azzal nem kell foglalkozni. 200 Each 200 Each
Create a social media Strategy letterhead card + company + A word to use in our contracts and must provide all the design in Adobe Illustrator format a document template .AI. Logo should be the slogan is simple, elegant, clean and neat look. Should inspire confidence seriousness and highlights the severity of cold warehouse. The need for professional and eye-catching. Contains Alylonen or Thelah only. Business card will be double-sided with the details show the following. (Company name, name, phone number and e-mail address, and URL), address the physical vertical design should match the color theme logo / business card. Templates (for business card and letterhead) Is attached to design templates for your design in Adobe Illustrator format. You must delete all DESCRIPTIONS GUIDE / instructions ...
Kedves Zahir Media Ltd, A oldalon keresztül jutottunk el hozzád. Cégünk olyan szabadúszó Magento fejlesztőt keres, aki képes lenne Kulcs-soft nevű magyar fejlesztésű számlázó és készletgazdálkodási programunkat szinkronba hozni Magento alapú webáruházunkkal. A Kulcs-soft már rendelkezésünkre bocsájtotta az ehhez szükséges fejlesztői SDK-t (csatolva), így már "csak" működőképessé kellene tenni azt. Amennyiben van hasonló tapasztalatod, vagy úgy érzed, meg tudnád oldani, kérlek válasz üzenetben vedd fel velünk a kapcs...
...tudnánk győzni, h ennél csak szebb van. Az adott poi-ra kattintva jobbról bejönne egy slider az adott fejlesztés infóival és a róla készített videóval minden ilyen fejlesztés slidernél van egy tovább/bővebben gomb, ahonnan az adott fejlesztés saját kis oldalára érkezünk. A kedves ügyfél nagyon szereti ezt a legörgetős megoldást pl.: Szeretnénk social media eszközöket intergálni: picasa webalbum, youtube videók a csatornáról és a fb bekötést kérnénk mindenhová, h minden oldal, cikk, poszt lájkolható legyen. Az oldalt wor...
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create illustrations for modern style t-shirts. The t-shirts should feature abstract-themed illustrations, which will appeal to a wide audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop - Strong portfolio with modern, minimalist designs - Experience in creating t-shirt graphics Key Tasks: - Design modern style, abstract-themed illustrations for t-shirts - Ensure designs are suitable for screen-printing Please submit your proposal with samples of your relevant work.
I'm looking for a creative designer to craft an engaging welcome poster for my Instagram. The purpose of this poster is to greet followers and make a strong, positive impression. Ideal skills for this job: - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing - Understanding of Instagram aesthetics and trends
I am in need of a skilled image retoucher for a set of 11 to 50 images intended for marketing and advertising purposes. The selected freelancer will be tasked with color correction, removing blemishes and imperfections, and background removal. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Strong attention to detail - Previous experience with marketing and advertising image retouching - Ability to deliver high-quality images in a timely manner
...gets its own unique page. ✔ High-quality images & video display. ✔ Grading Score & AI Analysis. ✔ Buy, Sell, or Trade Features. ? Membership & Premium Services ✔ User Registration & Dashboard (View Graded Cards & NFTs). ✔ Premium Membership for faster grading, discounts, & exclusive auctions. ? Additional Features ✔ Live Chat & AI-powered FAQ bot. ✔ Blog for Pokémon Card Market Trends. ✔ Social Media Integration & Sharing. Preferred Tech Stack (Flexible) ? Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, , Wix Velo, or WordPress ? Backend: Node.js, Express, Firebase, or PHP ? Database: MongoDB, MySQL, or Firestore ? Blockchain: Solidity, , Moralis API, or OpenSea API ? Payment Integration: Stripe, PayPal, Crypto Budget & Timeline ? Budget: Open for disc...
NumoData provides Adaptive Service Assurance Solutions d...operations, and deliver exceptional user experiences, especially in the context of 5G and virtualized networks. I am looking for an experienced designer who can develop a brand strategy that can speak to our target audience. Create a visual identity that feels commercial yet fresh and functional. Offer advice for maintaining brand consistency across our website, stationery, PowerPoint, and social media. The ideal freelancer has experience in corporate branding, particularly in the technology sector. Proven portfolio required. I am looking for someone that understands my vision & can refine my initial ideas – see attached. I like this Navy, Gold (White) colour pallet with the ‘data chip icon’ ...
Project Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a bold, energetic, and professional logo for my son's WWE-themed podcast, Ringside with Ryan. The logo should capture the excitement of professional wrestling, reflect Ryan’s personality as a young WWE superfan, and be visually appealing for digital branding across YouTube, social media, and podcast platforms. Scope of Work: 1. Logo Concept & Design Develop unique logo concept based on the podcast theme. The logo should be dynamic, fun, and WWE-inspired, incorporating elements such as: Ring ropes, spotlights, or a championship belt to evoke wrestling excitement. A bold, modern, and slightly edgy font to match WWE-style branding. A color palette inspired by WWE (reds, blacks, golds, or blues) but...
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD f...domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 10 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 5 USD per paying customer Use the following social media to spread the word- Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Please let me know what your plan will be and how you will you achieve the 10 paying customers target...
My primary goal is to generate leads and sales through targeted campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram. I’m looking for a digital marketing expert with a strong focus on ROI-driven strategies and conversion optimization. Key Responsibilities: -Design and implement effective ad campai...-Continuously monitor, analyze, and optimize campaigns for performance. Ideal Skills: -Expertise in Facebook and Instagram advertising. -Proven track record of lead generation and sales conversion. -Strong analytical skills with a focus on improving Cost per Acquisition (CPA). I’m looking to scale my brand and improve my CPA. If you’re a digital marketing expert with a strong background in social media management and e-commerce marketing, let’s work together to take my b...
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD f...domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 10 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 1 USD per paying customer Use the following social media to spread the word- Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Please let me know what your plan will be and how you will you achieve the 10 paying customers target...
My primary goal is to generate leads and sales through targeted campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram. I’m looking for a digital marketing expert with a strong focus on ROI-driven strategies and conversion optimization. Key Responsibilities: -Design and implement effective ad campai...-Continuously monitor, analyze, and optimize campaigns for performance. Ideal Skills: -Expertise in Facebook and Instagram advertising. -Proven track record of lead generation and sales conversion. -Strong analytical skills with a focus on improving Cost per Acquisition (CPA). I’m looking to scale my brand and improve my CPA. If you’re a digital marketing expert with a strong background in social media management and e-commerce marketing, let’s work together to take my b... impressive 4.7/5 rating on Airbnb. Our goal is to provide premium stays with a seamless guest experience. We are looking for a Social Media Marketing Intern to help us enhance our digital presence, attract more guests, and grow our brand across social platforms. Role & Responsibilities As a Social Media Marketing Intern, you will: Develop and execute a social media content strategy aligned with our brand goals. Create engaging content (posts, reels, stories, and videos) for Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms to improve reach and engagement. Edit and enhance content using basic graphic design and video editing tools (e.g., Canva, CapCut, Adobe tools). Monitor trends in the short-term rental and travel industry to create relevant and timely cont...
I'm launching a new product, the Carpet Rake, under the brand Elite Rake, aimed for Amazon. I'm seeking a professional who can design a modern and sleek logo that can capture the essence of our brand. Key Requirements: - Your design needs to be moder...sleek logo that can capture the essence of our brand. Key Requirements: - Your design needs to be modern and sleek, reflecting our brand's focus on premium and innovative cleaning solutions. - Understanding of Amazon branding would be a plus. - Strong portfolio of logo designs, particularly for product brands. - Ability to deliver high-quality, scalable designs suitable for both digital and print media. Note: The color scheme and specific elements for the logo are yet to be decided, so flexibility and creativity wil...
I need a skilled After Effects professional to duplicate a template for me. The source template is a general video, which can easily be replicated. Key Requirements: - Duplication of a general video template in Adobe After Effects - Addition of "comps" to facilitate bulk video downloads based on an Excel sheet Data Specifications: - The Excel sheet contains both text and images - Text from the Excel sheet needs to be incorporated into the videos as text overlays and in the intro/outro text blocks Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe After Effects - Experience with video template duplication - Familiarity with creating "comps" for bulk video production - Ability to integrate both text and images from an Excel sheet into a video - Experienc...
Job Offer: Part-Time Social Media Marketing (SMM) Manager Location: South Africa (Remote) Job Type: Part-Time (3-4 hours/day, 5 days a week) Salary: $600 per month About the Role: We are looking for a Part-Time Social Media Marketing Manager to manage and grow two public Facebook pages. The ideal candidate will be responsible for creating and scheduling engaging content, monitoring activity, and growing community engagement. This is a remote, flexible role, requiring 3-4 hours per day, 5 days a week. Key Responsibilities: Create and schedule engaging content for two Facebook pages. Manage and respond to community engagement. Monitor performance and provide insights for improvement. Run promotions for publications through Facebook Business Manager. Req...
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD f...domain registration website. Sharing this link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 10 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 1 USD per paying customer Use the following social media to spread the word- Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Please let me know what your plan will be and how you will you achieve the 10 paying customers target...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert to drive more online traffic to my website. I have utilized SEO, social media marketing, and pay-per-click advertising in the past, but I'm open to new strategies and ideas. My primary goal is to convert this increased traffic into sales. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in digital marketing strategies - Strong understanding of SEO and social media - Experience in optimizing web traffic for sales conversion - Excellent analytical skills - Creative approach to problem-solving and strategy development
...the catalog aligns with the luxury and premium brand identity of Aureliss. Create a visually engaging layout that highlights each product effectively. Include sections such as brand introduction, product lineup, fragrance notes, and pricing (if required). Make revisions based on feedback. Requirements: Proven experience in designing product catalogs or marketing materials. Strong skills in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva. Understanding of luxury branding and high-end product presentation. Ability to work with provided product images and enhance visual appeal. Attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics. Ability to complete the project within a given deadline. Deliverables: A high-resolution digital PDF catalog ready for supplier distribution. A p...
I'm looking for a seasoned social media manager with a knack for the NFT space to help elevate my project's online presence. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and manage our presence on Twitter, Instagram, and Discord - Create engaging graphic design posts, compelling written content, and captivating video content - Engage with community members through comments, DMs, and social media posts to foster a loyal following. Primary Goal: - The main objective is to increase our follower count across these platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly for NFT projects - Proficiency in graphic design and content creation - Strong understanding of Twitter, Instagram, and Discord - Ability to develop innovative strategies fo...
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can create engaging and visually appealing Instagram graphics for my brand. Key Responsibilities: - Design graphics for Instagram posts, stories and highlights covers - Schedule designed graphics on Instagram using scheduling tools Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for social media - Strong portfolio of Instagram graphics - Ability to create designs that align with brand identity - Knowledge of current design trends and Instagram aesthetics - Fast turnaround time and ability to meet deadlines The designs should follow a minimalist style. The graphic designer should create and schedule new graphics for daily Instagram posts. There are no specific color palette or brand guidelines t...
I'm in need of a marketing expert who can handle my SEO and SMO, along with creating engaging content for various social media platforms. Social Media Platforms: - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - LinkedIn Content Types: - Posts and updates - Promotional graphics - Videos Primary SEO Goal: - Increase organic traffic The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in digital marketing, particularly SEO and SMO. A creative mind with skills in graphic design and video production for social media is a must. The goal is to boost my online presence and significantly increase organic traffic to my platform.
...any issues. - Offer an AI-driven guide for interview tips and best practices. - Provide cloud storage for saving and accessing resumes anytime. - Include a feature to create and customize cover letters. Design: - The site should have a simple, appealing, professional and corporate design. User Authentication: - Implement user sign-in via Email and Password, Google Sign-In, and various Social Media Logins. Essential Functions: - Template selection, Real-time editing, Skill and experience suggestions. - An AI that generates several sections of the resume for user selection. - AI's error checking of the resume. - Resume's suggestions for optimal edits based on the provided job title. The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficiency in web development with a portfolio ...
...Create and optimize Google Ads campaigns to maximize ROI, focusing on audience targeting and keyword strategy. Audience Research & Strategy: • Analyze website and social media data to identify my ideal target audience. Provide insights and recommendations on how to better communicate with them. Performance Reporting: • Deliver monthly reports highlighting SEO improvements, ad performance, and audience engagement with actionable suggestions. Optional Add-ons (but not required): • Google Analytics setup/optimization for better data tracking. • Content Strategy for SEO (blog topics, keywords). • Suggestions for Social Media alignment with the target audience. • Email Marketing insights (if applicable). Project Details: • This is a re...
I'm looking for a skilled photographer in New Delhi for...focused on our streetwear and oversized tees. The primary purpose of the shoot is to produce engaging content for our social media platforms, particularly Instagram. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of both Indian and global streetwear culture - Experience in shooting for social media, particularly Instagram - Ability to create a variety of content, including product shots and lifestyle imagery - Competence in shooting and editing short video reels for Instagram Location: The shoot will take place in a studio backdrop, with potential for some urban-style shots. Ideal Skills: - Professional photography experience - Streetwear culture knowledge - Social media content creation - Video shoot...
...profiles and acquire high-authority backlinks. • Outreach to websites linking to competitors to replace their links with mine. 4. On-Page & Technical SEO • Improve website structure, metadata, and loading speed. • Ensure Webflow SEO settings are fully optimized. • Fix any SEO errors found in Ahrefs/Semrush audits. 5. Competitor Paid Ads Strategy (Bonus) • Analyze their Google Ads & social media ads. • Suggest ways to outbid them in PPC campaigns. 6. Regular Monitoring & Reporting • Provide weekly updates on traffic growth & competitor changes. • Suggest ongoing SEO improvements. Requirements: ✅ Proven experience with SEO competitor analysis. ✅ Expertise in Ahrefs, SEMrush, or similar tools. ✅ Strong skills in ba...