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2,000 lawn mowing service price list munkát találtunk
Prime SEO
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Prime SEO seo service

€37 Average bid
€37 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
€20 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Feladat: - Piacvezető telematikai megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxe...

€17 - €35 / hr
€17 - €35 / hr
0 árajánlat

Create an android background service which unlocks the phone if certain criteria are met. Read the attached file for more details.

€2337 Average bid
€2337 licitátlag
21 árajánlat
SAP ABAP fejlesztő
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...középvállalati szektor, mind a multinacionális cégek képviselői megtalálhatóak. Meglévő ügyfeleink magas szintű kiszolgálásához keresünk új munkatársat. SAP ABAP fejlesztő Feladatok: • ABAP fejlesztések elvégzése- főként meglévő ügyfélbázison • UI5, HANA, Fiori fejlesztések • AVL listák, smart form, interface, EDI, WEB Service, riport fejlesztések • Projektek koordinálása, fejlesztői munkák ütemezése • Ügyféligények felmérése- folyam...

€37 / hr Average bid
€37 / hr licitátlag
2 árajánlat
Milidim Service Manager
Véget ért left

Ugyfelkezelo kezelo programot szeretnek tovabbfejlesztesi lehetoseggel.

€209 Average bid
€209 licitátlag
4 árajánlat

Helló, Szeretnénk egy olyan android/ios appot készíttetni, melyet utána könnyen duplikálhatunk azért, hogy más logó és név alatt további appokat hozzunk létre a későbbiekben. Tehát a funkciók megmaradnak, a motor a háttérben ugyanaz, viszont más a témakör amit feldolgoz. Az appban három szereplő van: User, Services provider és mi akik adjuk az appot. User igénybe veszi a service provider szolgáltatásait melyért cserébe borravalót kap. A szolgáltatás idő alapú melyet a szolgáltatás megkezdésekor elindít az SP (és a user v...

€188 Average bid
€188 licitátlag
4 árajánlat
The ShowRoom arculat
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Budapest legújabb modern lakberendezési áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográfia, cégtábla, üzlet installációk A márka neve: The ShowRoom További információk: Az 1100 nm-es bútoráruház olasz modern bútorok értékesít elsősorban. Az üzlet viszont nem csupán klasszikus bútoráruházként, hanem full service design központként is működik majd: a tematikusan berendezett bemutatótereken kívül helyet kap benn...

€389 Average bid
€389 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

...looking for a skilled freelancer with experience in both web and mobile app development to create a comprehensive car sales platform. The platform should include a user review section to foster trust and community among users. Furthermore, integration with a third-party customer support chat service is essential to provide real-time assistance to users. Key Requirements: - Both website and mobile app development - Implementation of a user review section - Integration with a customer support chat service - Prior experience in developing e-commerce platforms, particularly in the automotive sector, is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web and mobile app development - Experience with UI/UX design - Knowledge of e-commerce platform development - Familiarity with custom...

€987 Average bid
€987 licitátlag
28 árajánlat

... WAN IP (.148) → pfSense Firewall pfSense forwards port 80/443 → Docker VM pfSense handles DNS & NAT Docker VM (Primary Hosting Machine) Runs Traefik v3 as the main reverse proxy Hosts a website container (which needs API access) Forwards requests for to another VM Appwrite VM () Runs Appwrite, an API service with Traefik integrated Exposes HTTP (80) & HTTPS (443) Uses a self-signed certificate for HTTPS Receives API requests from Traefik and should respond ? The Issue (To Be Fixed) ✅ The website container can resolve (DNS works) ✅ The website container can ping (basic network is OK) ❌ The website container cannot make HTTPS API requests

€217 Average bid
€217 licitátlag
14 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to help me create a weekly editable, modern styled, minimalist trifold church program in Microsoft Word. Key Aspects: - The primary purpose of this program is to outline the weekly service schedule. - The design style should be minimalist – clean, simple, and uncluttered. - The program will need to include a welcome message. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly with Microsoft Word. - Strong understanding and appreciation for minimalist design. - Excellent communication skills for a hassle-free interaction. - Ability to provide numerous design drafts and revisions. Check out my profile for my recent work: Looking forward to your bids and pr...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional who can create an AI receptionist for my roofing business. This AI should primarily handle customer inquiries. The types of questions it should be able to answer include: - Service availability - Pricing information - Technical issues The AI receptionist needs to communicate with our customers via: - Phone calls - Email - Live chat on our website Ideal skills for this job include AI development, natural language processing, and telecommunication programming. Experience in creating AI for customer service in the home improvement industry would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

€47 / hr Average bid
€47 / hr licitátlag
28 árajánlat

I am seeking a diligent and detail-oriented bookkeeper to manage the financial records for my new lawn care business. Responsibilities will include tracking income and expenses, invoicing clients, reconciling bank statements, and preparing monthly financial reports. The ideal candidate should have experience in small business bookkeeping and be familiar with accounting software. This role is essential for maintaining the financial health of my company and ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

€393 Average bid
€393 licitátlag
27 árajánlat

WORKS TO DO: 1- we added a field when you edit a wocommerce Order, and it is saved correctly on the DB (working Ok); 2- on the Orders list, we must be able to list the orders based on that field. You can put a link or drop down on top of the list, to pick the "Order Type" and list them; Just that! PD: the code was added on a Snippet using the plugin "WPCode Rich Snippets", so you have to add your code on a new Snippet; Thats it! Total budget for this job is $ 25,00.- Dollars (commissions included - in 2 milestones, 50% in advance), since it is just adding some minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedbacks, a...

€73 Average bid
€73 licitátlag
53 árajánlat

...amount is insufficient, it remains in pending reimbursement until the next payment is made, and any new expenses added by staff will automatically be paid using the available balance. 4. Billing & Invoice Generation • Admin should be able to generate a final bill by selecting a Chassis/File Number. • The system should automatically fetch all recorded expenses for that file. • Option to add office service charges before finalizing the bill. • Generate PDF invoices for clients. • Track payments received from clients and mark invoices as paid/unpaid. 5. Reports & Dashboard • Dashboard Overview: o Total Expenses Logged (Daily/Monthly/Yearly) o Total Pending Reimbursements o Total Payments Received vs. Outstanding o Vehicle Files in Progress vs....

€236 Average bid
€236 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

I am looking for a freelancer who can provide me with an email list of AirBnB, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner), and other short term vacation rental hosts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. All hosts are acceptable and there are no specific criteria for inclusion in the list. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining and compiling email lists. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure that the list is accurate and up-to-date. The list should contain the following: Name, phone number, and email address, and should all be valid and up to date information. We will need around 1000 leads to start.

€366 Average bid
€366 licitátlag
56 árajánlat
Facebook Ads for Lead Generation
6 nap left

I'm seeking an experienced digital marketer who can create effective Facebook ads aimed at generating leads for a free, online virtual community and confidence-building event tailored for expecting parents. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating successful Facebook ads - Understanding of target audience: expecting parents - Ability to promote a free service - Skills in lead generation and digital marketing Your primary goal will be to design compelling ads that resonate with expecting parents, encouraging them to join our event and ultimately, becoming part of our virtual community.

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr licitátlag
50 árajánlat

afrofrenchfusionfeats is a modern African food brand that brings traditional flavors to the modern kitchen. We focus on high-quality, natural food products like flavored rice blends, ginger juices, and marinades while empowering local farmers. Our goal is to scale into wholesale, direct-to-consumer sales, and food service partnerships. We are looking for a Project Manager to oversee daily operations, team structuring, sales execution, and strategic growth. Who We’re Looking For We need a highly organized and strategic leader who can: ✅ Manage food business operations efficiently – From production to retail and B2B sales. ✅ Optimize team workflows using: Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, and Microsoft Teams or any other tools ✅ Streamline sales & distribution – De...

€122 Average bid
€122 licitátlag
10 árajánlat

Home page and service page

€49 Average bid
€49 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Build a website on elementor: home page and service page

€129 Average bid
€129 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm seeking a seasoned Software Developer specializing in crafting web applications, particularly for E-commerce platforms. The selected freelancer will possess comprehensive knowledge and experience in this field, enabling them to deliver a top-tier service. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Software Development, specifically with web applications. - Proven track record of developing E-commerce platforms. - Strong understanding of industry standards and best practices in E-commerce web applications. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I look forward to your at g mail dot cum

€968 Average bid
€968 licitátlag
133 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional, engaging infographic designed with the purpose of generating leads for our Windows 11 upgrade service. The tone of the ad should be polished and professional, in line with our brand image. It should effectively communicates the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11 and why potential clients should consider moving with us. Ideal skills and experience would include: - Proficiency in infographic design - Understanding of lead generation techniques - Experience with tech-based content - Ability to convey complex information in a simple, engaging manner. just one ads, image 3 is my company logo.

€30 Average bid
€30 licitátlag
23 árajánlat

I have a bare metal server with 140GB GPU and 400GB of RAM, and I want to start my own cloud provi...metal server with 140GB GPU and 400GB of RAM, and I want to start my own cloud provider services. The primary offering will be virtual machines running various Linux distributions. Key Requirements: - Setting up and configuring the server for cloud services - Creating and managing virtual machines - Implementing a user-friendly interface for clients - Ensuring security and reliability of the service Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in server management - Experience in setting up cloud services - Proficiency in Linux and its distributions, particularly Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian - Ability to create and manage virtual machines Please note, I want to offer every Linux-based open-...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
4 árajánlat

I need a cross-platform (iPhone & Android) application designed for client management, user tracking, and automated invoicing. ...invoicing. Key Features: - Admin Panel: - Add clients with care needs - Add users, and enter their personal and bank information e.g. Name ,tell, bank BSB & Account No. - Create fortnightly invoices for users based on timesheets and services rendered - Pre-set company details for invoicing - Invoices to be generated in PDF format - User Panel: - Log daily working hours - Write service notes Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in mobile app development - Familiarity with client management systems - Prior work with automated invoicing applications - Skills in creating intuitive user interfaces - Ability to ensure cross-plat...

€134 Average bid
€134 licitátlag
49 árajánlat

I have built a project using Loveable AI and now need some error fixing and some updates and integrations. It's built on frontend and backend React_shadcn TS and Supabase database. I am encountering several backend issues that need addressing: - Authentication problems - Routing issues - Some updates of key functions Additionally, I am looking to implement: - New features - Third-party service integration - Performance improvements Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with React and Supabase - Strong backend development skills - Prior experience with integrating third-party services - Ability to work on performance improvements

€18 Average bid
€18 licitátlag
10 árajánlat

I'm looking for a modern, compelling logo for my home remodeling service. The logo should incorporate a house icon and tools like a hammer or wrench, reflecting the nature of the business. Key Details: - The dominant color should be Gold, with Blue as a complementary color like the letters. - The overall style of the logo should be modern, minimal yet impactful. The ideal designer for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in modern, minimalist design - Experience in designing logos, particularly for home and construction services - An ability to creatively incorporate specific elements into cohesive, visually appealing designs. Name of business: Custom Installations and Remodeling Attached is a screen shot of something I liked from an AI image. But give me some...

€14 Average bid
186 pályamű

Request for Offer (RFO) for Software Engineer Services for and Space Mission Project Project Overview Details of the software The developed Python software (as part of this service) will be used to process astronomical data by decreasing the diffusion of light within the images produced by an space mission telescope. This diffusion of light has the effect of smoothing the images. The main steps of the required ervice include: 1. Algorithm development: some basic deconvolution algorithms have been implemented within the core tools used within the scientific project pipeline. But the following features are not yet implemented in a way that can be useful within the mission pipeline. - They are not optimized to the low surface brighntess (lower signal-to-noise ratio) regions. ...

€37642 Average bid
€37642 licitátlag
23 árajánlat
Website Data Entry from Spreadsheet
6 nap left

I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with data entry on my website. The task will involve inputting information related to existing appointments from a spreadsheet. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately input data including appointment times and service details into my website. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data entry with a keen eye for detail. - Familiarity with website content management systems is a plus. - Prior experience working with appointment data is preferred.

€20 Average bid
€20 licitátlag
129 árajánlat

I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance a local bicycle repair and training service's Google search visibility. The ultimate goal is to achieve effective indexing and results on Google, boosting the business's presence and accessibility to maximize its visibility. - Provide a comprehensive overview of the current SEO status and the progress made over the course of the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in local SEO, particularly for small businesses. See detailed project brief in file attachment. Note: I am not interested in reviewing and assessing artificially low "placeholder bids". If you quote a price in your initial bid, that is the maximum amount we will pay. Please review documentation and ask any questions you need to...

€92 Average bid
€92 licitátlag
88 árajánlat

Talked before about the requirements. Tik tok shop service website building.

€153 Average bid
€153 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
9 nap left

hi ms. kabilen, hope you're doing well. :) i wanted to check in and see if you need any support for the upcoming month. i’d love to continue assisting with new service: 1. social media graphic design (for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook to @ account) 2. community forum content distribution (as we've done before) 3. youtube content creation you'll be receive monthly preview and also report as usual. the pricing is flexible based on your needs, and i’d be happy to discuss what works best for you

€60 Average bid
€60 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm seeking an expert to help me craft a compelling business proposal. The proposal will be for the establishment of a drug rehabilitation service in Nigeria aimed at helping adults. Key components of the rehabilitation center will include: - **Detoxification Programs**: We need to outline a comprehensive detox plan that is safe and effective for adults battling drug addiction. - **Counseling and Therapy**: The proposal should highlight our commitment to providing quality counseling and therapy services. - **Community Outreach and Education**: An integral part of our service will be community engagement, educating the public about substance misuse and our efforts to combat it. The ideal candidate will be proficient in business proposal writing, with a deep understandi...

€479 Average bid
€479 licitátlag
60 árajánlat

I am in need of a professional pre-employment vetting service based in or near Busan, South Korea. The primary task will be verifying the authenticity of degree certificates for potential hires. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Previous experience in education verification - Familiarity with South Korean educational institutions - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - Ability to adhere to strict confidentiality standards.

€9 - €46
€9 - €46
0 árajánlat

...leads Introduce our online gambling platform and explain the services offered in a clear, friendly manner Address any questions, concerns, or objections from potential users Encourage users to sign up and start using our platform Maintain a positive attitude and provide excellent customer service throughout the calls Report daily progress and provide feedback to the team Requirements: Native Vietnamese speaker with excellent communication skills Previous experience in telemarketing, sales, or customer service is a plus Comfortable speaking on the phone and engaging with customers A reliable internet connection and a quiet workspace Ability to work independently with minimal supervision A positive, friendly, and professional attitude Basic knowledge or willingness to learn...

€28 Average bid
€28 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
SMTP Service Setup
6 nap left

I am looking for a professional to help me configure and setup an SMTP service for my email needs.

€20 Average bid
€20 licitátlag
17 árajánlat
Trophy icon Tracksuit Design
2 nap left

We had a rugby jersey designed by someone on this site and the next part of the project is taking too long. I need someone who can provide better and quicker service and who is 100% fluent in English. I attach the jersey design. We now need a tracksuit design and some other work which we will get to later. The jacket: The jacket will look like the jersey attached but: 1) the big Multisure logo must be made smaller and put top right chest - opposite the club's logo. 2) the collar needs to be changed to a Chinese collar. Google if you don't know what it is. 3) The sleeves need to be made longer up to the wrist but keep the same style as the end of the short sleeves on the jersey. 4) On the back the number must be removed. Only keep the sponsor logo there and make it ...

€9 Average bid
31 pályamű

Looking for USA TFN/DID with 5 lines or 5 Extensions ( scalable upto 10 lines or more at no extra ...Must ensure seamless and smooth working on day to day basis. Month basis guarantee and warranty for the TFN / DIDs service . Monthly budget is not more than $150 with 5 Extensions. Second requirement is getting a single DID for incoming and outgoing facility. With an easy option to login from Windows or Android or Ios device .( $15 budget max ) Thirdly , need a forwarding panel to forward the incoming calls to other USA TFN/DIDs with an option to forward calls with certain parameters like say first 5 calls to TFN1 , then 6th Calls goes to TFN2 and then 7th calls goes to TFN3 and some other featurez that we can discuss ..if possible unlimited forwarding at a best price o...

€167 Average bid
€167 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional and corporate styled single page design using Elementor. The purpose of this design is to showcase a product/service. Key Requirements: - The design should have a section dedicated to 'About the product/service'. This section will need to clearly and effectively communicate the value and features of the product/service. - The design should be clean, professional and in line with a corporate aesthetic. - Experience with Elementor is a must. - Prior experience in designing product showcase pages will be a significant advantage. - A strong understanding of professional and corporate design principles is essential.

€36 Average bid
€36 licitátlag
62 árajánlat

I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr licitátlag
84 árajánlat

I'm seeking motivated individuals aged 18-45 for a work-from-home customer service role. No prior experience required as training will be provided. We offer: - Remote work with flexible hours. - Weekly commission-based earnings. - Minimum of 5 hours of work per day. Requirements: - Internet connection of at least 6 megas. - Headphones with a microphone. - Computer and cellphone. - Language: Spanish If you're eager to learn and grow professionally, this is your chance!

€19 Average bid
€19 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

I'm seeking a professional to analyze third party subscription service landing page's network activity. Your task will be to identify the integrated payment gateway and any associated fraud detection tools or other relevant integrations. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize developer tools to inspect network activity. - Identify the primary payment gateway. - Analyze network requests for any fraud detection or prevention services. - Identify any other integrations related to the payment process. Deliverables: - A comprehensive report outlining your findings. - Supporting evidence (network request URLs, domain names, JavaScript libraries). Ideal Skills: - Experience with payment gateway integrations. - Proficiency in using web debugging tools. - Familiarity with fraud detecti...

€14 Average bid
€14 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Job Title: Lead Generation Specialist / Sales for Landscaping Company Location: Remote (Must generate leads for Colorado Springs, CO, and neighboring areas within a 60-mile radius) Job Type: Contract, Hourly Job Description: Seven Tails Lawn Care & Landscaping is seeking a Lead Generation Specialist / Sales Expert to help expand our client base in Colorado Springs, CO, and neighboring areas within a 60-mile radius. This role involves identifying potential residential and commercial clients, conducting outreach, pitching our landscaping services, and booking consultations. Responsibilities: - Research and identify potential clients within a 60-mile radius of Colorado Springs, CO. - Conduct cold outreach (calls, emails, networking) to generate leads. - Pitch and pr...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Regarding the project, I'd be happy to assist you in setting up the template on WordPress + WooCommerce. Here's my price quote: *Service:* WordPress + WooCommerce Setup with Template Installation *Number of Subpages:* As in the existing template *Hosting:* On your existing hosting My price for this service is: [$400] This includes: - Template installation. - WooCommerce setup and configuration - Subpage creation (as per existing template) - Basic testing and quality assurance Please let me know if this meets your expectations. I'm looking forward to working on this project.

€371 Average bid
€371 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm looking for a skilled copywriter who can enhance my product listings for both e-commerce sites and bidding systems. The target audience for these listings are primarily businesses. The key feature that needs emphasis is the cost-effectiveness of the products. Your responsibilities will include: - Crafting compelling, clear and persuasive product descriptions that highlight the cost-effectiveness of the products. - Ensuring the copy is SEO-optimized to maximize visibility and appeal. - Tailoring descriptions to suit both e-commerce platforms and bidding systems. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly for e-commerce and bidding platforms. - Strong understanding of SEO and ability to create SEO-optimized content. - Experience targe...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
21 árajánlat

...telephone number and email address, which I am unable to add due to Freelancers Ts & Cs Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Designer with proven experience in designing promotional materials, particularly flyers. - Brand Alignment: Ability to incorporate brand colours, logo and tone into design work. - Creativity: Energetic and engaging design ideas that can effectively promote a product or service....

€83 Average bid
€83 licitátlag
123 árajánlat

I'm seeking a skilled professional to implement LLMs (Large Language Models) that can dynamically handle customer queries about order status and tracking on my website. Key Requirements: - The model should provide instant responses to customers. - It should also be capable of summariz...(Large Language Models) that can dynamically handle customer queries about order status and tracking on my website. Key Requirements: - The model should provide instant responses to customers. - It should also be capable of summarizing issues in a brief overview, without going into too much detail. - The LLMs need to be deployed on my website. Ideal Skills: - Experience with LLMs and customer service bots - Familiarity with website integration - Ability to train models for summarization and...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr licitátlag
26 árajánlat

I'm running an AI automation business, specifically tailored for the retail sector. I need a skilled professional who can help me acquire clients through effective email marketing strategies. Services We Offer: - AI driven Inventory Management: Helping retailers optimize their stock levels and reduce waste. - Customer Service Chatbots: Providing retailers with 24/7 customer service solutions that improve customer experience and reduce costs. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in email marketing, preferably targeting the retail industry. - Strong understanding of AI and automation technologies. - Proven track record in client acquisition. - Excellent communication and persuasive skills.

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I'm in need of a dedicated Virtual Assistant focused on customer service, specifically handling outbound phone calls. Key Responsibilities: - Making outbound calls to customers - Providing effective and polite customer service over the phone Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in customer service is a plus - Excellent verbal communication skills - Patience and ability to handle difficult conversations I am looking for someone who can represent my business professionally and assist in providing top-notch customer service.

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr licitátlag
49 árajánlat

...accounts, specifically in inventory management, order processing, and customer service. Key Responsibilities: - Oversee and manage inventory on Amazon Seller Central, ensuring stock levels are optimal and replenishing as necessary. - Efficiently handle order processing to ensure timely deliveries and maintain customer satisfaction. - Provide top-notch customer service, addressing queries and resolving issues swiftly. I do have an established process for both inventory management and order processing, but I'm open to suggestions for improvements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Amazon Seller Central is a must. - Previous experience in Amazon accounts management is highly desirable. - Excellent customer service skills. - Strong problem-solving ...

€78 Average bid
€78 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I'm looking for a Finnish language translator. Your service is highly needed on a project.

€191 Average bid
€191 licitátlag
9 árajánlat