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    Munka státusza
    2,000 joomla module insert data munkát találtunk

    ...önértékelést számadattal (1-15) *ill pár kérdésnél evidence feltöltést kell bevinni *mentési lehetőség megadott server elérési útra törtönik *lehetősget kell adni visszatérni a megkezdett de nem submittált feladathoz *a kész assesment benchmark feldolgozása, grafikus megjelenítése (dB struktúra, recordset minta, űrlap minták, tervek elérhetők). Tech: linux, mySQL, MariaDB, 7.4PHP, Apache, Joomla Platform 13.xx. Fabrik comp. PILOT alatt mindössze 2-3 nettó nap kapacitásra van szükségünk (egyeztetés és a kérdéseitek vagy javaslatok ala...

    €524 Average bid
    €524 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    Adottak az alábbi eszközök: - Raspberry Pi 4B - Raspberry Iqaudio codec zero - Raspberry camera module 3 A programnak az alábbiakat kell teljesítenie: GPIO porton keresztül érzékelt jel (nyomógomb) hatására elindul az alábbi folyamat: hangfájl lejátszása -> kamera + mikrofon elindítása (videorögzítés). A jel megszakadása esetén a folyamat alaphelyzetbe áll. A videofájlokat külön külön elmenti.

    €248 Average bid
    €248 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    opencart module upgrade
    Véget ért left

    conversion of opencart 2.3 module to 3.0 barcode scanner compatibility built-in. module:

    €135 Average bid
    €135 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    opencart 3.0 and parcel post api linking as described

    €143 Average bid
    €143 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Woocommerce cimkenyomtató API Modul elkészítésére keresünk megfelelő szakembert. Dokumentáció mellékelve árajánlatokat várjuk

    €305 Average bid
    €305 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat
    Project for Tamas H.
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Tamas H.! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket!

    €473 Average bid
    €473 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Kereskedelmi cégünk honlapja Joomlával készült. Viszonteladóinkat szeretnénk Fabrik adatbázisban kezelni. - Térképes, keresős megjelenítése a viszonteladóknak - A viszonteladókra kattintás az adatbázisban jelenjen meg - Az adatbázisból leszűrt viszonteladóknak levélküldés

    €951 Average bid
    €951 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Joomla 1.5-ös CMS motor alá szeretnénk egy fotókidolgozás megrendelő modult. Sikeres együtt működés esetén további 3-4 hasonló modul készítése garantált! Ami szükséges lenne a modulhoz: - html5 képfeltöltés lehetőség (multiple) - speicális lépcsőzetes árak, a feltöltött mennyiség és / vagy méret szerint - szabadon meghatározható ajándék termék xy összeg vagy xy termék vagy xy darabszám rendelése esetén. - legyen összekötve a joomla virtuemart 1.1.9-es verziójával - a berékezett rend...

    €464 Average bid
    €464 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    ...and one small pix. I need easy but remarkable plus high quality work Following text The Pro-dental interdental brushes 0.40mm have been scientifically designed to help remove plaqueand food particles from between teeth and can also help reduce bad breath. Clean arround braces, bridges and in the gaps between teeth. Approved and used by leading dental experts. Direction for use - Insert the brush gently into the space between the teeth at gum level. - When inserted gently move the brush backwards and forwards to remove plaque and debris. - Never force the brush into a space. - Rinse your mouth when you finish - Rinse brush in water after use Warning KEEP OUTMOF THE REACH OF CHILDREN - Undue force and continous bending of the wire at severe angles will lea...

    €44 Average bid
    €44 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I'm very rookie in OpenGL programing, and skeletal animation under Android, therefore I would like to ask you to develop the following module for my project: I started with jPCT-AE and Bones API, but if you have another option, feel free to use it. I need an activity with a GLSurfaceView which the following features: 1.: Should import a fully rigged 3d object model from a Collada (.dae) file, which exported out from Blender (Human male body) 2.: It should be able to create keyframes from external files (the file format is not fixed, you can use your own one), and create an infite animation from it. 3.: Apply the animation to the previously imported 3d object and then play the animation in a GLSrufaceView.

    €234 Average bid
    €234 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Egyszerű, bemutatkozó Joomla alapú weboldal folyamatosan szétküldi SPAM levélek. A feladat lenne: - megtalálni vírus kód/fájlt és eltávolítani. - megtalálni és javítani kódot ami keresztül történik vírus feltöltése.

    €106 Average bid
    €106 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Meglévő joomla alapú honlapom átalakítására keresek szakembert. Oldal neve: Változtatások: paypal és skrill fizetés korszerűbb beágyazása, facebook átirányítás modernizálása. Az oldal összképének modernizálása.

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...

    €10 - €10
    €10 - €10
    0 árajánlat

    PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Szükség van egy jó Joomla szakértőre aki megoldana néhany alap feladatot az új weboldalunkon

    €143 Average bid
    €143 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Magyarúl tudó Laravel fejelsztőt keresek, aki tudna segíteni egy Module megírásában. Egy laravel-translatable Modul -t szeretnék tovább fejlesztettni revision -al. Kérem szíves ajánlatukat további kérdésekben természetesen privátban válaszolok Köszönöm

    €146 Average bid
    €146 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy kész grafikai terv alapján kell létrehozni egy joomla sablont amely fogadókész különböző iframek beágyazására... A munkáról részletesen telefonon a 20/257 24 42 es telefonszámon lehet érdeklődni

    €514 Average bid
    €514 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejleszt&eacu...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmaz&a...

    €2147 Average bid
    €2147 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat
    Build an Online Store
    Véget ért left

    Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz...

    €472 Average bid
    €472 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Plz check email.

    €97 / hr Average bid
    €97 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy szálláshelynek szeretném a sablonját elkészítettni. Követelmények: Logó + Joomla Sablon Kiindulási pont: Maya név. hozzá hasonló design. Vörös színek. Két példa ami tetszik: Felső menüsor! Yootheme widget kompatibilitás! A lenti képek legyen kiindulási pontok a logó tervezésénél.

    €690 Average bid
    €690 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv isme...

    €710 Average bid
    €710 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...would be accredited by the TGA. We will supply the USDA Certified organic oils, which have been sourced from various countries, directly to the filling supplier. We also prefer if the supplier can manufacture vegan softgel capsules filled with Black Seed Oil, which we will provide. Our Product Requirements: 100ml Bottles: Black Seed Oil with a screw lid (preferably with an easy-pour insert) - 1,500 bottles Rose Water with a spray cap - 750 bottles 30ml Bottles: Oregano Oil with an essential oil-style lid - 1,500 bottles Sea Buckthorn Oil with a dropper lid - 1,500 bottles Rosehip Oil with a dropper lid - 1,500 bottles Pomegranate Oil with a dropper lid - 750 bottles Optional Additions: 30ml Prickly Pear Oil with a dropper lid - 250 bottles 1...

    €152 - €455
    Helyi Kiemelt
    €152 - €455
    0 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a creative and luxurious logo for my luxury fine dining restaurant, Záya. Key Requirements: - brand name: Záya - The primary colors for the logo are Black & Gold. - Secondary color insert should be one of the following: red, yellow, blue, and their gradients - The logo should also be provided in colored, solid white and solid black versions, all with transparent backgrounds. - Final deliverables should include AI, PSD, jpg, and pdf formats. I can't wait to see your creative designs! ?

    €19 Average bid
    211 pályamű

    I am looking for a professional with extensive experience in Binance API integration. The project involves automating the deposit of funds into my SMMPANEL (Perfect Panel) via Binance, without needing a merchant account. A solid understanding of the relevant Binance APIs and their functionalities is crucial for this task. Key Requirements: - Implementation of a Binance Module - Setup of a Yearly License Specific Functions to Automate: - Depositing funds into the SMMPANEL from Binance. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Binance API. - Proficiency in API integration. - Understanding of cryptocurrency transactions. - Familiarity with SMMPANEL operations. Please note that the transactions will involve multiple currencies. I do not require any specific security features for ...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled VB.NET developer to enhance an existing customer complaint and QC check program. The task involves integrating the QC form with SQL Server databases to retrieve various data points. Key Requirements: - Integrate the NCR module in the existing QC form with SQL Server - Retrieve and utilize data from: - Customer complaint records - QC check results - Departmental feedback

    €308 Average bid
    €308 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I am looking for an engineer to help design, component selection and build of various functions of an LPG gas meter. This will include: - Gas Flow Sensor - Microcontroller - Display - Recharge Module (NFC/QR Scanner/Keypad) - GSM/Wi-Fi Module - MQ6 - Ball Valve All data from the meter to be pushed to cloud (This will be provided)

    €500 Average bid
    €500 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a tenant screening module for a web application. This module will be utilized by property managers, admin users, and tenants and will be integrated in our existing property management ERP built in .net core and SQL server. Key Features: - Comprehensive Background Checks - In-depth Credit Reports - Thorough Reference Verification User Roles: - Property Managers: Will primarily use the module to screen prospective tenants and manage the screening process. - Tenants: May need to interact with the module for their own screening process or to check their status. - Admin Users: Will oversee the entire process, manage user permissions, and ensure the system is functioning correctly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient ...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 licitátlag
    29 árajánlat

    Soporte y desarrollo a un sitio web Desarrollo interno para el sitio Soporte a lo existente en el sitio Trabajo remoto y por favor 100% hablar español indispensable Joomla versiones 4 y 5

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    11 árajánlat
    Joomla 3 to 5 Upgrade & Migration
    6 nap left

    ...experienced Joomla developer to assist with upgrading my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. The key focus of this project will be to migrate my extensions, which encompass components, modules, and plugins. Key Project Requirements: - Upgrade Joomla from version 3 to version 5. - Migrate all standard extensions (components, modules, plugins) to the new version. - Ensure the upgraded site maintains its original functionality and performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla upgrades and migrations. - Proficient in working with Joomla extensions. - Strong understanding of Joomla's architecture and functionality. Please note, all my extensions are standard and do not have any custom modifications. I need this...

    €181 Average bid
    €181 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    ...judgement of a family/civil law case. The main issue at stake involves questioning the effectiveness of legal counsel during the initial trial. Key Details: - The case has progressed to an appeal hearing, with a stay of judgement hearing also on the horizon. The appeal brief is due in approx. 45 days - Assistance is specifically needed in drafting a compelling appellate brief to argue the case, to insert appropriate legal precedent and to format correctly for submission -We have written an introduction and what we believe to be the Assignments of Error and Issues on Appeal, but would like these reviewed/edited. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of civil law and the appellate process. - Proven experience in writing successful appellate briefs. - Background in...

    €343 Average bid
    €343 licitátlag
    36 árajánlat me transform a PowerPoint presentation into a structured training website using Joomla 5.0 with the Guru extension. The website is already set up with the required software. The training course will be approximately 14 hours in length. The PowerPoint is complete but is not setup for online elearning. The exact number of slides would be determined while setting it up. But it could be 13 to 20. Mental health section has 80 slides PowerPoint Slides. The slides are approximately 350. Format: Short quiz after every section/module (5 question / multiple choice and or yes/no) And then a final at the end of 30 questions. (Mixture of multiple choice and yes/no) Key Requirements: - Organize the content into module-based sections. - Incorporate quizzes and video tutor...

    €1452 - €2904
    Kiemelt Sürgős Rejtett Titkos
    €1452 - €2904
    23 árajánlat

    ...- Automatic encryption and decryption: This should be handled seamlessly for all user data without manual intervention. - Secure storage: The encrypted data will be stored in a MariaDB database, so expertise in both PHP and MariaDB is essential. Ideal candidates will have prior experience with data encryption, PHP development, and MariaDB. Please, only apply if you can demonstrate relevant expertise. Project Title: Implement AES-256 Encryption & Decryption for PHP & MariaDB Project Description: We need to implement AES-128 or AES-256 encryption for securing sensitive user data stored in a MariaDB database. Our backend is built with PHP & MySQL, hosted on a Hostinger VPS. The goal is to encrypt data before storing it in the database an...

    €519 Average bid
    €519 licitátlag
    67 árajánlat

    Drupal 10 paragon payment module

    €416 Average bid
    €416 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...various hardware sensor modules and camera(s), along with a software for real-time data processing and visualization in QT. Project can be split in it's hardware and software parts if it's for the better. Scope of work Hardware requirements: - Combine the following hardware modules: GPS with accuracy of 1cm, 3-axis gyroscope, LASER or LIDAR for accurate distance metering (30 meters min required), LASER pointer, HD camera, optional IR or thermal camera. Output preferably to USB-C. Minimal/compact size is a must. Links for module purchase can be provided/selected after discussion. Another option is to create a new PCB using the necessary parts. Software development: - Develop software for real-time data streaming that combines accurate GPS position, 3...

    €9 Average bid
    €9 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat experienced JavaScript/React Native developer to build a standalone function/module that retrieves the MP3 audio from a given YouTube video URL and provides it as a stream (or similar in-memory object). The goal is to allow the MP3 data to be directly uploaded to a server endpoint without saving the file to the user’s device. Key Requirements: React Native Compatibility: The solution must integrate seamlessly into a React Native app for both iOS and Android. Functionality: - Accept a YouTube video URL as input. - Determine and access the available audio-only stream for the provided video (or the best available audio track). - Convert or repackage the stream into an MP3 file if necessary. - Return the MP3 data as a stream or in-memory object (e.g., Blob o...

    €133 Average bid
    €133 licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled Zoho CRM developer to create a custom Quote Builder module. This module should encompass: Key Functionalities: - Automated Pricing Calculations: The module should automatically compute prices based on predefined parameters. - Custom Templates: I want to be able to create and use personalized quote templates. - Approval Workflow: There should be a built-in workflow for quote approvals. Integrations: - This Quote Builder module must seamlessly integrate with: - Inventory Management: To reflect available stock in quotes. - Sales Orders: To convert quotes into sales orders effortlessly. - Contacts: To pull customer data into quotes. Quote Generation: - The module should allow for manual quote entry. Ideal can...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    Project Overview We are seeking an experienced PHP developer to integrate the Amadeus Flight and HotelsBeds API into our travel website,. The goal is to fetch and display real-time flight data while ensuring seamless booking functionality. The website operates on a modular PHP structure with a database-driven backend. Project Requirements 1️⃣ Amadeus API Integration Implement secure OAuth 2.0 authentication to retrieve and store access tokens. Send API requests to Amadeus to fetch real-time flight offers based on user search queries. Ensure API responses are properly parsed and displayed on the website. 2️⃣ Database Integration Implement a caching system to store recent flight search results in a MySQL database. Ensure the system retrieves cached flights before making new API calls...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned Odoo consultant to assist with the implementation and understanding of the Subscription module, an essential component of our Odoo system. Next to the project - helpdesk and website module. Key Requirements: - Expert guidance on using the Subscription management and Customer portal features of the module. - Regular distance sessions to help us acquire knowledge and fine-tune our processes. - Standard features utilization without the need for extensive customizations. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Odoo and the Subscription module. - Experience with the modules : projects-timesheets - Excellent communication skills for distance learning sessions. - Ability to help refine processes based on our business needs.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    Implement connection sessions on an existing EPP module so that we have an EPP Connection which remains alive for at least 24 hours. New EPP commands sent will always be sent to the existing EPP session for a period of 24 hours. After 24 hours, a new epp session can be initiated with the registry.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...seamlessly in your essay. Specifically citing reading material Hart & Ksir Drugs &, Society & Human Behavior for this module, please explain the key difference between the "action" of stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, and the "effects" of these drugs. What does the drastic increase in Ritalin (and other stimulants) prescriptions for children tell us about the way that we regard children in American society? For example, is the drug treatment of childhood behavioral problems a sign that we have become more sensitive to the mental health needs of children, or, does this demonstrate an increasing lack of tolerance for typical childhood behavior? Please explain. The TED Talk for this module argues that ADHD is not a mental disorder requiring med...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 licitátlag
    60 árajánlat

    ...Salespeople should also be able to track product work status (e.g., “In Progress”, “Completed”). • A Sales Supervisor must approve any modifications to sales orders or inventory. B. CRM Functionality • Objective: Salespeople should be able to manage leads and follow through with potential customers. • Requirements: • Salespeople should gather and track customer information through the CRM module. • If a lead does not convert into a sale, they should be able to enter the reason for failure. • Supervisor Approval is required for any CRM-related changes. 2. Manufacturing Department A. Workshop Supervisors’ Role & Workflow • Objective: Manage the production workflow in the two factories and ensure smooth c...

    €575 Average bid
    €575 licitátlag
    36 árajánlat

    I have a previously developed application where we need to add a feature for Bluetooth Printer. Its a receipt printing module. Earlier we integrated a Bluetooth Printer SDK, but this works only with specific printer, instead we want to make this application to work with all BT printers in future.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat, as per follows: 1. Set up a WooCommerce hook to hook into the checkout page. 2. When the hook is triggered by a customer accessing the checkout page: a) Make sure it is the block-based checkout page or do nothing. b) Insert our captcha block into the checkout page, which should include: * The captcha text by calling "Captcha_test::display_text()". * The captcha image by calling "Captcha_test::display_captcha()". * The user input field (e.g., <input type="test" [name or id]="captcha-test-input">) 3. When the user submits the order, hook the data (e.g., "woocommerce_store_api_checkout_order_processed" or similar hook): * Retrieve the input field value and verify if the value matches the captc...

    €144 Average bid
    €144 licitátlag
    55 árajánlat Core Features: - The system should enable seamless email composing and sending. Additionally, the email system should incorporate: - Efficient handling of inbox organization through folders, labels, etc. Authentication: I will also be implmenting a non-alpha numeric username/password login system. To develop this login system, you have the option to help built it (for a bonus) or simply insert code from another developer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in developing web-based and desktop email clients. - Proficiency in creating enterprise-grade systems capable of handling large user bases. - Strong understanding of email system core functionalities and user needs. - Prior experience in implementing secure and reliable authentication methods. ** ...

    €9300 Average bid
    €9300 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    ...seeking a highly skilled Fullstack Laravel Expert with at least 7 years of experience to work on improvising an Online Exam Module. The project requires daily 4 hours of commitment on a live server, with a budget of 200 INR per hour. Key Areas of Focus: - User Interface: Enhancing navigation, design and layout, and accessibility of the module. - Performance: Improving the overall speed and efficiency of the system. - Security: Strengthening the module's security measures to ensure a safe testing environment. - Scalability: Ensuring the module can handle increasing numbers of users and tests without performance degradation. - Mobile Responsiveness: Optimizing the module for use on mobile devices to enhance user experience. The ideal candidate for this p...

    €9 Average bid
    €9 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    ... There must be the possibility to insert the name of each shooter in the session and after the exercise, the system must emit a shooting report containing. Name of the shooter Last name of the shooter Shooters Rank Shooters unit Shooters picture Picture of the target used with its respective shot holes Indicate the sequential number of shots from the first to the last shot on the target Total number of points made Total number of shots Number of shots missed A table indicating all shooters in order of classification by points in the same session Possibility of inserting a customized LOGO (PNG format or other) on the report This report can be saved on a report file and also printed in a physical A4 paper on a printer. All reports must be saved on a data bank and can be a...

    €9074 Average bid
    €9074 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    ...beginner level course, so they're not overly complex. Key Requirements: you are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. Your goal is to set up a dashboard to display the needed information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in creating educational materials - Competence in trend analysis - Ability to work with financial data Heres the Project: You are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. The company deals with various products in different business segments and countries. Your task is to create a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights i...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat

    My Odoo Custom Discount Module is meant to automatically generate unique discount codes for new users and create corresponding coupons within Odoo's loyalty system. This module is intended to provide a standard 10% discount and integrate with existing loyalty programs. However, it currently has some issues that need to be resolved: - Coupon Application: The main problem lies with the automatic application of coupons in the cart. It's not functioning as it should, which disrupts the user experience. - Incorrect Discount Amount: When a coupon is applied, the discount amount is consistently incorrect. This is not a random occurrence, but a recurring issue with the same discount being applied incorrectly each time. - Loyalty System Compatibility: The module is d...

    €504 Average bid
    €504 licitátlag
    86 árajánlat