Joomla add multiple items cartmunkák
...önértékelést számadattal (1-15) *ill pár kérdésnél evidence feltöltést kell bevinni *mentési lehetőség megadott server elérési útra törtönik *lehetősget kell adni visszatérni a megkezdett de nem submittált feladathoz *a kész assesment benchmark feldolgozása, grafikus megjelenítése (dB struktúra, recordset minta, űrlap minták, tervek elérhetők). Tech: linux, mySQL, MariaDB, 7.4PHP, Apache, Joomla Platform 13.xx. Fabrik comp. PILOT alatt mindössze 2-3 nettó nap kapacitásra van szükségünk (egyeztetés és a kérdéseitek vagy javaslatok ala...
Olyan személyt,személyeket keresek akik egy cég webshopjának folyamatos fejlesztésében részt tudnak venni! Fontos, hogy az illető(k) nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek az Open Cart és a web(kereskedelem) terén. Feladatok: ckeditor, termék szűrő, termékadatlap és más feladatok.
Full content writing of a blog site in Hungarian: home page, about us, contact us, multiple email templates and so on.
Magyarországon működő Cs-cart Multivendor programozót keresünk hosszútávú együttműködésre induló webáruházunkhoz.
Cs-cart multivendor webáruház fejlesztőt keresek Magyarországon. Cégünk magyarországi céggel szeretne leszerződni.
Cs-Cart fejlesztéshez keresünk programozót, a webáruház vállalatirányítási rendszerrel történő összekapcsolásához, szinkronizáláshoz.
Kereskedelmi cégünk honlapja Joomlával készült. Viszonteladóinkat szeretnénk Fabrik adatbázisban kezelni. - Térképes, keresős megjelenítése a viszonteladóknak - A viszonteladókra kattintás az adatbázisban jelenjen meg - Az adatbázisból leszűrt viszonteladóknak levélküldés
Joomla 1.5-ös CMS motor alá szeretnénk egy fotókidolgozás megrendelő modult. Sikeres együtt működés esetén további 3-4 hasonló modul készítése garantált! Ami szükséges lenne a modulhoz: - html5 képfeltöltés lehetőség (multiple) - speicális lépcsőzetes árak, a feltöltött mennyiség és / vagy méret szerint - szabadon meghatározható ajándék termék xy összeg vagy xy termék vagy xy darabszám rendelése esetén. - legyen összekötve a joomla virtuemart 1.1.9-es verziójával - a berékeze...
Elsősorban magyar fejlesztők, vagy magyarul tudó Kárpátaljai, Vajdasági, Erdélyi programozók jelentkezését várom.
Egyszerű, bemutatkozó Joomla alapú weboldal folyamatosan szétküldi SPAM levélek. A feladat lenne: - megtalálni vírus kód/fájlt és eltávolítani. - megtalálni és javítani kódot ami keresztül történik vírus feltöltése.
Meglévő joomla alapú honlapom átalakítására keresek szakembert. Oldal neve: Változtatások: paypal és skrill fizetés korszerűbb beágyazása, facebook átirányítás modernizálása. Az oldal összképének modernizálása.
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részi...keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponz&iacu...
Szükség van egy jó Joomla szakértőre aki megoldana néhany alap feladatot az új weboldalunkon
Egy kész grafikai terv alapján kell létrehozni egy joomla sablont amely fogadókész különböző iframek beágyazására... A munkáról részletesen telefonon a 20/257 24 42 es telefonszámon lehet érdeklődni
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejleszt&eacu...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmaz&a...
Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz...
A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...
A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...
Egy szálláshelynek szeretném a sablonját elkészítettni. Követelmények: Logó + Joomla Sablon Kiindulási pont: Maya név. hozzá hasonló design. Vörös színek. Két példa ami tetszik: Felső menüsor! Yootheme widget kompatibilitás! A lenti képek legyen kiindulási pontok a logó tervezésénél. featured in the logo, but in a different way than we do now (see & ) ## Brand Personality - Professional performers with a playful edge - Contemporary and fresh - Urban San Francisco vibe ## Deliverables Required - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) - High-resolution PNG files with transparent backgrounds - Both color and black/white versions - Multiple layout options for different use cases (horizontal, vertical, square) ## Do Not Include - Overly feminine design elements - Complex, ornate details that won't reproduce well at small sizes - musical notes/music staff/clef symbols -- no cheesy music references The chosen design should work across various applications including social media, business cards, merchandise, and performance materials
I'm seeking a freelancer who can source trending products from various suppliers (domestic and international) and list them on eBay US. The product categories are diverse, ranging from electronics, fashion items, to home goods. My budget is $70, and that will be paid once the sourced products make the first 5 sales. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in eBay platform - Experience in product sourcing and listing - Market trend analysis skills - Knowledge of diverse product categories - Ability to work on a commission basis
...Noise Reduction: Some sections of the audio have background noise that needs to be removed to ensure a smooth listening experience. - Addition of Sound Effects: I want to add some sound effects to enhance the storytelling and engage the listener. - Voice Modulation: Certain parts of the narration need voice modulation to maintain interest and fit the tone of the story. The project involves multiple audio files that need to be edited and combined into a seamless final product. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Prior experience in editing audiobooks. - A keen understanding of sound effects and when to add them. - Skills in voice modulation techniques. - Proficiency in using audio editing software. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio files. I ...
I'm in need of a professional who can assist with listing various types of women's clothing on the Meesho platform. This includes dresses, tops, and bottoms. Unfortunately, I do not hav...includes dresses, tops, and bottoms. Unfortunately, I do not have any product descriptions prepared, so part of the task will involve creating compelling and accurate descriptions for each item. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with Meesho product listings - Excellent writing skills for product descriptions - Knowledge of women's fashion to accurately categorize and describe the items - Basic understanding of eCommerce sales strategies to optimize listings This project involves creating listings for 50-100 products. Please ensure the product descriptions reflect a b...
About Us: Madonna Monaco is a luxury jewelry brand based in Monaco. We are looking for an experienced Social Media Manager to manage and post the existing content on our Instagra...updates on account growth (followers, engagement, etc.) and any notable interactions or changes. Ideal Candidate: Experience managing Instagram accounts, ideally for fashion/jewelry or luxury brands. Strong understanding of Instagram’s features (Stories, posts, captions, hashtags). Ability to ensure brand consistency and maintain a cohesive aesthetic across posts. Organized and able to manage multiple posts in advance, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Strong communication skills to interact with followers and maintain positive engagement. Knowledge of Instagram analytics to provide basic perform...
Please RE-DRAW the IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY ATTITUDE image. (See attached image) *** NO AI PLEASE *** you will be banned from contest. KEEP EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT: Please change “1-800-EAT-SHIT” to “1-...ATTITUDE image. (See attached image) *** NO AI PLEASE *** you will be banned from contest. KEEP EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT: Please change “1-800-EAT-SHIT” to “1-800-PARADISE” Please FULLY RE-DRAW the image (not just copy/paste) as we need a clean, crisp new image on a transparent background. Please make final image at least 14” wide and hi-res suitable for printing (300dpi). Put ALL items grouped on SEPARATE LAYERS (so we can move/re-size). PLEASE MAKE IMAGE SUITABLE FOR USE ON BOTH LIGHT AND DARK BACK...
...points to participate in the SpaceTax Coin (STC) Airdrop. The previous developer has discontinued the project, so we are looking for an experienced game developer to take over and enhance the game. --- Tasks: 1. Design Adjustments: Optimize UI elements for a better user experience. Adjust the slot machine spin button for a more appealing design. 2. Item Descriptions: Add clear upgrade descriptions to items that can be improved, so players understand the effects of each upgrade. 3. Earn Section (Reward System): Integrate an Ad-ID for monetization. Enable users to earn coins by completing specific actions, such as: Following on YouTube, Twitter, Telegram Watching ads Other customizable tasks 4. Bug Fixes: Energy Mechanic: The energy boost is currently ...
I'm in need of a professional who can assist with listing various types of women's clothing on the Meesho platform. This includes dresses, tops, and bottoms. Unfortunately, I do not have any product descriptions prepared, so part of the task will involve creating compelling and accurate descriptions for each item. Ideal S...includes dresses, tops, and bottoms. Unfortunately, I do not have any product descriptions prepared, so part of the task will involve creating compelling and accurate descriptions for each item. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with Meesho product listings - Excellent writing skills for product descriptions - Knowledge of women's fashion to accurately categorize and describe the items - Basic understanding of eCommerce sales strate...
I am in need of a skilled web developer to create a modern and clean e-commerce website. The site should have the following functionalities: - Product catalog and shopping cart: I want a comprehensive product catalog that users can easily navigate through. The shopping cart should be user-friendly and intuitive. - Payment gateway integration: The website needs to be secure and seamless for transactions, so expert knowledge in various payment gateway integrations is a must. - Customer reviews and ratings: A section for customer reviews and ratings is essential to build trust and encourage customer interaction. - Checkout: A streamlined and hassle-free checkout experience is crucial for customer satisfaction. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience ...
...history. • Integration of Botola Pro 1 and 2 statistics (clubs, players, results, rankings, etc.). 5 – Transfer Management • Creation of a table listing all transfers of Moroccan or Moroccan-origin players. • Addition of a transfer history section on the player profile to track club-to-club movements. 6 – Multi-Sport Support and Compatibility • Activation and configuration of Sportspress for multiple sports (basketball, handball, futsal, etc.). • Verification of compatibility with WPML for content translation (teams, clubs, statistics, etc.). 7 – Moroccan Championship (Botola Pro 1 & 2) Management • Detailed profiles for all teams (roster, schedule, results, rankings). • League statistics: • Team rankings. ...
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can create eye-catching designs for my social media platforms and product labels. Key Responsibilities: - Create unique and engaging social media graphics that align with my brand. - Design p...labels. Key Responsibilities: - Create unique and engaging social media graphics that align with my brand. - Design product labels that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and compliant with relevant regulations. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for social media and product labels. - Strong understanding of brand consistency across multiple platforms. - Experience in designing print materials, specifically product labels. - Excellent communication skills to understand and imple...
I'm in urgent need of a mathematics application akin to Khan Academy or IXL, tailored for K-10 students. The project needs to be delivered within a week. Key Features: - Subject Coverage: The app should encompass a variety of subjects, including Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Finance, Statistics, and Probability. - Question Types: The application should incorporate multiple choice questions, open-ended queries, and interactive simulations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in app development with a strong portfolio in educational apps. - Deep understanding of K-10 mathematics curriculum. - Experience in creating interactive simulations and varied question types within an app. Time is of the essence for this project, and I am looking for a freelancer who can deliv...
...workflow is straightforward, and we need a database expert to either recommend or design a system that simplifies our sales process while aligning with our specific requirements. What We Need: Sales Management: Log, track, and manage leads from enquiry to closure or loss. Closed deals remain tagged until payment is received, while lost opportunities are archived. Customers should be able to have multiple sales opportunities at once. Service Requests: Service requests can be submitted via the website or added manually. They remain active until resolved. Customer Ownership & Visibility: Sales and service teams should have simultaneous visibility over customer records, ensuring smooth collaboration. A CRM/database specialist who can streamline our system, resolve current ch...
I'm in need of a skilled data scraper who can extract user profile information from multiple websites including Instagram, , , Astrotalk, Astrosage, and Ganeshaspeaks. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data scraping techniques and tools. - Experience in handling and processing large datasets. - Knowledge about ethical data scraping and adherence to privacy regulations. Your task will primarily involve: - Collecting user profile data from Instagram. - Scraping user profiles from the aforementioned sites. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.
...User & Device Management: o Admin dashboard for monitoring registered users and connected BLE devices. o CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for BLE devices and users. 6. Hosting & Deployment • Hosting Recommendations: o Provide recommendations for hosting the admin portal (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or on-premises). • Scalability & Performance: o Ensure the platform can handle multiple users and BLE devices simultaneously. 7. Mobile App Compatibility • Cross-Platform Development: o The app must be available for both Android and iOS. o Consider development in Flutter, React Native, or Native (Swift/Kotlin) for optimal performance. 8. App Store & Play Store Submission • App Submission & Compliance: o The developer must han...
Scope of Work (SOW): Flex Subscription E-commerce Website Project Overview This project involves designing and developing a high-quality UI/UX-focused e-commerce website to showcase and validate demand for the Flex phone subscription model in doha . The website will provide a realistic online shopping experience, allowing users to explore the product, add it to their cart, proceed to checkout, and submit their details—only to see an “Out of Stock” message at the end. The main goal is to gather data, measure demand, and demonstrate market interest to phone rent product (flex ). Scope of Work 1. UI/UX Design Approach A user-friendly, visually appealing design is key to making the experience feel real while ensuring seamless interactions. • Minimalis...
Sample of a starting point that we like attached. Would want the C and S interlocking or combined somehow. Want as soon as possible. Going to use on embroidered bags and would also use for other items such as coozies and potentially on the dancefloor (so would need to be able to expand).
I'm in need of a skilled 3D artist who can create a medium detail 3D model of a prop or item. The specific prop will be disclosed upon commencement of the project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (Maya) - Experience in creating and texturing props/items - Attention to detail and ability to meet medium detail specifications - Strong understanding of 3D design principles Note : model can be done using NURBS/Polygons/Both. proper mesh topology and medium polycount. the mesh properly for texture application(if made in Polygons) Please provide samples of relevant work in your proposal.
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can design a custom spreadsheet and dashboard template for tracking the completed yearly contract requirements of approximately 1,200 healthcare providers. Currently, we track completion of quarterly training completions, submission of required quality r...for both internal team and external stakeholders. - Include data visualization features such as charts and graphs for easy interpretation. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel skills - Experience in designing dashboards - Understanding of tracking compliance in a healthcare context This project requires a keen attention to detail and the ability to create a comprehensive tool that meets the needs of multiple users. The dashboard should include visual indicators such as charts or graphs to repr... and print (high-resolution PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats required). Incorporate branding elements where necessary (logo placeholders, colour scheme, etc.). Final files must be editable (preferably Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Canva files). Deliverables: 1 x high-resolution infographic (A4 or square format for social media use). Editable source files for potential future modifications. Multiple format outputs (JPEG, PNG, and PDF). Application Requirements: Please submit examples of previous infographic or digital marketing design work. Provide an estimated turnaround time and project cost. Open to revisions based on feedback to ensure alignment with our brand vision...
...revenue and expense data for mobile applications. Project Overview: - Dashboard processes CSV revenue files and Excel expense files - Combines data to gen erate comprehensive reports - Uses React.js with Material UI for frontend - Handles multiple file formats and data transformations Technical Requirements: 1. Strong experience with: - React.js - Material UI (MUI) - Excel/CSV file processing (, Papa Parse) - JavaScript/ES6+ - Git version control 2. Must be able to: - Understand existing codebase - Debug data processing issues - Add new features - Optimize performance - Handle file validations - Maintain clean code standards Key Features t...
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can design a custom spreadsheet and dashboard template for tracking the completed yearly contract requirements of approximately 1,200 healthcare providers. Currently, we track completion of quarterly training completions, submission of required quality r...for both internal team and external stakeholders. - Include data visualization features such as charts and graphs for easy interpretation. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel skills - Experience in designing dashboards - Understanding of tracking compliance in a healthcare context This project requires a keen attention to detail and the ability to create a comprehensive tool that meets the needs of multiple users. The dashboard should include visual indicators such as charts or graphs to repr...
I'm in need of a professional web developer who can build a comprehensive e-commerce website fo...can host images, descriptions, pricing, etc. - The product pages should include customer reviews, product variants (size, color, etc.), and product recommendations. - A secure, efficient shopping cart and checkout process is essential. - The website must be optimized for mobile viewing and be SEO friendly. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in database management. - Knowledge of SEO and mobile optimization. - Familiarity with incorporating customer reviews and product variants on product pages. - Capability in creating an efficient shopping cart and checkout process. Please provide examples of similar projects you've ...
...distinctive logos for each brand. Below are the details: 1. Cura+ (Pharmacy Brand) Meaning: The name Cura comes from the Latin word for “care” or “healing,” representing health, wellness, and trust. The “+” symbol reinforces the idea of medical support and enhanced well-being. Industry: Health & Personal Care Products: Toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, plasters, toothpicks, and other pharmacy-related items. Brand Identity: • Clean, professional, and trustworthy. • Should evoke a sense of hygiene, wellness, and reliability. • A medical-inspired yet approachable design. • A subtle plus (+) symbol can be incorporated but not mandatory. 2. Sora (Mass Beauty & Personal Care Brand) Meaning: Sora (소라) is a Korean word m...
...using credible sources such as articles, websites, press releases, social media posts, and blogs. Compile a comprehensive report summarizing findings. Submit the research report for approval before proceeding to the next step. Step 2: Content Drafting Prepare an initial draft of the Wikipedia page. Ensure content is neutral, verifiable, and compliant with Wikipedia's guidelines. Allow for multiple revisions based on feedback until final approval is obtained. Step 3: Publishing Submit the approved draft to Wikipedia. Work with Wikipedia editors and moderators to ensure successful publication. Address any potential issues or concerns raised during the review process. Proposal Requirements: Interested consultants should submit a proposal that includes: Relevant expe...
...creative scene transitions - Inclusion of subtitles for non-English languages - Professional color grading to enhance visual appeal - Animated introduction of Arya Istanbul logo - Use of brand-specific colors throughout the ads - Adaptation of ads for various social media formats (e.g., Instagram Stories, Facebook) - Inclusion of a compelling call-to-action at the end of each ad - Provision for multiple rounds of review and feedback Ideal Skills and Experience: - Professional video editing - Ad creation - Cinematic design - Multilingual editing - Adobe Premiere Pro expertise Preferences: - Serious professionals only - Preferred candidates: Those from Pakistan or with expertise in Arabic, Urdu, or Persian fonts Kind Regards, The ads should target local customers within the Ist...
...designer/developer or a team to create a full-fledged E-commerce application for both iOS and Android, along with a responsive website. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A seamless, user-friendly shopping cart feature. - User Reviews: A system for customers to post and read reviews on products. - Product Recommendations: An intelligent recommendation system for suggesting products to users based on their preferences and purchase history. - Seller and Buyer Profiles: Dedicated profiles for both sellers and buyers, with appropriate features and functionalities. Additional Functionality: - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure, smooth integration with multiple trusted payment gateways. - Order Tracking: Real-time order tracking capabilities. - Customer Support Chat: An ef...