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2,000 html5 mysql php chat munkát találtunk

Magyarúl tudó Laravel fejelsztőt keresek, aki tudna segíteni egy Module megírásában. Egy laravel-translatable Modul -t szeretnék tovább fejlesztettni revision -al. Kérem szíves ajánlatukat további kérdésekben természetesen privátban válaszolok Köszönöm

€145 Average bid
€145 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Weboldalaim fejlesztéséhez keresek php-ban és MySQL adatbázisokban jártas programozót. Az oldalaimat eredetileg fejlesztő szakember már nem tudja vállalni a továbbiakban az oldal fejlesztését, az ő munkáját kellene továbbvinni. Hosszútávra keresek segítséget, a munka mindig projektjellegű lenne, vagyis amikor igény van egy új funkcióra, akkor azt le kellene fejleszteni. Az oldal egyedi fejlesztés, a php mellett javascriptes megoldások is vannak benne, egy minimális objektumorientált programozási tapasztalatra is szükség van. Jelenleg 12 weboldalam van, melyeket ugyanaz a rends...

€10 - €10
€10 - €10
0 árajánlat

PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejleszt&eacu...

€29 Average bid
€29 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Írjon szoftvert
Véget ért left

Szoftverfejlesztőt keresünk, aki webes appl...mankójával. Egyelőre projekt jelleggel keresünk munkatársat, az idei év hátralévő részére. Sikeres együttműködés nyitottak vagyunk a későbbi folytatásra is. A munka távolról is végezhető. Minimum heti 20 órás, intenzív, összeszedett munkaidőt várunk el. Fiatalos, lendületesen fejlődő vállalkozás vagyunk, csapatunk jelenleg 7 fős. Elvárásaink: - Javascript: 2+ éves gyakorlati tapasztalat, - HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3: középhaladó, - Twitter Bootstrap: alapismeretek, - jQuery: alapismeretek. Egyéb elvárásai...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr licitátlag
3 árajánlat

PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmaz&a...

€2127 Average bid
€2127 licitátlag
19 árajánlat
final project gallery
Véget ért left

netbeans, java, mysql. rehiring...

€129 Average bid
€129 licitátlag
14 árajánlat
PHP projekt munka
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Egy projekt munkára keresek megbízható PHP back-end fejlesztőt. A projekt hosszútávú, több mérföldkőből áll, csapatmunkában. Részleteket privátban.

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr licitátlag
7 árajánlat

Meglévő mobilra optimalizált html5 oldal alapján android és iphone alkalmazás elkészítése. Grafika, specifikáció alapján. Az alkalmazást egy webes mysql adatbázissal szükséges szinkronizálni, letöltéskor. Alkalmazás jellemzői: - térképes navigáció - térkép részlet mentése a készülékre (offline mód) - statisztikai adatok tárolása az eszközökön (helyi adatbázis) - adott esetben a statisztikai adatok feltöltése a webes mysql adatbázisba

€1262 Average bid
€1262 licitátlag
23 árajánlat
Készítsen weboldalt
Véget ért left

Üdv, Elsősorban olyan rendszert kellene kialakítani, amely kezeli a játékszervert(CS2D/kis játék), illetve webhostingot is tudja kezelni. Tehát a panel tartalmazná az alapvető dolgokat, amely ellátja a webszervert,mysql-szervert,stb.. És lehetőség lenne kezelni a játékszervert is(indítás,újraindítás,leállítás) stb, stb Bővebb információval kapcsolatfelvétel után tudok szolgálni.

€751 Average bid
€751 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

Szervusz, Nagyon meggyozoek a review-id! David vagyok budapestrol, van egy projektunk es developert keresunk egy viszonylag egyszeru projekthez. Erdeklodnek, hogy esetleg szivesen segitenel-e? Alapotlet: A site egy foto verseny honlap lenne, ahol fotoverseny tulajdonosok letrehozhatjak a versenyuket, es a fotosok online bekuldhetik a munkajukat es fizethetik a reszveteli dijat. 3 modul lenne: - fotoverseny tulaj (beallithatja a kulonbozo verseny reszleteit, kategoriakat, dijakat, stb) - fotos (aki palyazhat a kulonbozo dijakra es feltoltheti / elkuldheti a fotoit, fizetheti a reszveteli dijat) - admin (hogy mi atlassuk az egesz rendszert) A fizetes paypal adaptive payment rendszerrel menne. A beallitasok es a kulonbozo formok nagy reszet en mar megcsinaltam egy form creatorral, tehat ...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Az alábbi kódot kellene átírni txt adatbázisról mysql adatbázisra. Úgy értem hogy ne .txt be tárolja az adatokat hanem mysqlbe, de a függvények maradjanak ugyan azok, (getKey, setTo, delKey, stb....)

€27 Average bid
€27 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Program írása
Véget ért left

Az alábbó kódot kellene átírni txt adatbázisról mysql adatbizásra. Úgy értem hogy ne .txt be tárolja az adatokat hanem mysqlbe, de a függvények maradjanak ugyan azok, (getKey, setTo, delKey, stb....)

€8 - €28
€8 - €28
0 árajánlat

- egyedi, RESTful CMS+CRM rendszer fejlesztése - modulfejlesztési feladatok - működő website-ok üzemeltetése

€19 - €19 / hr
€19 - €19 / hr
0 árajánlat
PHP programozás
Véget ért left

Egy tárhely admint kellene írni admin felülette. Regisztráció, ftp felhasználó létrehozás/törlés/jelszó módosítás, mysql hozzáférés létrehozás / törlés / jelszó módosítás

€1290 Average bid
€1290 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
Véget ért left

A projektem egy webáruház lehet ruhákat kölcsönözni és megvenni, a kiválasztott ruhát kosárba bíróm tenni a kosár kiírja , a jelenlegi kosár tartalmat és a megrendelt termékek összegét .

€589 Average bid
€589 licitátlag
8 árajánlat
PHP Cache script
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Kis PHP Cache php (peldaul jo nagyobb oldalak tehermentesitesere tehat nem keri le minden oldal betoltodesekor az adatokat hanem csak filebol olvassa)

€10 - €10
€10 - €10
0 árajánlat
Weboldal készítés
Véget ért left

A kisebb, névjegykártya oldalaktól a nagyobb, webshop, portál jellegű munkákig minden érdekel, valid kódolással, pontos határidőükséges ismeretekkel (XHTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, CMS, Photoshop) Több éves webfejlesztői gyakorlattal rendelkezem.

€1129 Average bid
€1129 licitátlag
4 árajánlat
Redesign XXX site
Véget ért left

Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor ne

€144 Average bid
€144 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Re-design XXX site
Véget ért left

Helló! Egy oldal újra dizájnolására keresünk szakértőt, aki css-ben gyakorlott. A mi oldalunk felnőtt tartalmú videós oldal amire az színvilágát illetve dizájnját szeretnénk átültetni. Továbbá szeretnénk: - html5-ben van most is, és szeretnénk, hogy html5 legyen és persze valid - div-es elnevezések megváltoztatása, nem tudom pontosan hogy hívják ezeket, de a tartalom szempontjából logikusan és átgondoltan legyen felépítve - az adott oldalon lévő css-t használja csak (tehát ha videóoldalt tölt csak be, akkor

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...years of professional experience in Java development. · 5+ years of professional experience in AEM 6.1+ development · Strong fundamentals in data modeling and database normalization · Strong proficiency in Java and supporting Java frameworks like spring boot. · Strong proficiency in AEM development including services, Adobe integrations and components. · Solid understanding of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3. · Experience with state management libraries like Redux, Mobx, Zustand. · Knowledge of NGINX web servers and routing configurations. · Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. · Effective communication and teamwork skills. · Experience with monitoring tools like Dynatrace, Splunk, et ...

€275 Average bid
€275 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Gameplay Tracker & Analyzer (PHP)
6 nap left

Greetings, I'm looking for a PHP-based web application that can track and analyze backgammon gameplay in real time using camera input. The system should automatically capture game details, evaluate player performance, and generate statistical insights. Key Features: * Analyze player strategies and track key performance metrics. * Provide detailed statistics, including win rates and overall skill assessment. * Utilize a camera to recognize and interpret backgammon moves. Ideal Skills: * PHP web application development. * Understanding of backgammon rules and game analytics. * Experience with real-time video processing and camera integration. Please bid only if you really understand the requirement and have done similar tasks before, thank you!

€176 Average bid
€176 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Greetings, I'm looking for a PHP-based web application that can track and analyze backgammon gameplay in real time using camera input. The system should automatically capture game details, evaluate player performance, and generate statistical insights. Key Features: * Analyze player strategies and track key performance metrics. * Provide detailed statistics, including win rates and overall skill assessment. * Utilize a camera to recognize and interpret backgammon moves. Ideal Skills: * PHP web application development. * Understanding of backgammon rules and game analytics. * Experience with real-time video processing and camera integration. Please bid only if you really understand the requirement and have done similar tasks before, thank you!

€115 Average bid
€115 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

...on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside t...

€88 Average bid
€88 licitátlag
10 árajánlat of €350 which is incorrect. I insert the prices into the database table where I insert the price for each day, for example: 04/14/2025: 50 04/15/2025: 50 04/16/2025: 53 04/17/2025: 53 04/18/2025: 53 04/19/2025: 53 04/20/2025: 53 04/21/2025: 53 etc I need someone to fix this bug for me to get the correct price. All the rest of the logic must remain unchanged If you are a php/mysql expert write to me in chat, I do not respond to automatic messages, I only respond to those who have actually read what I need and are capable of doing this thing...

€35 Average bid
€35 licitátlag
54 árajánlat, security, and functionality post-transfer. - Ensure the integrity and performance of the AI system is maintained. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python, JavaScript, and Node.js, as these are the languages used in my current system. - Previous experience with AI chat systems is a must. - Strong understanding of server setup and management. - Excellent problem-solving skills to address any issues that may arise during the transfer./ AI system will be self-hosted on a private server Transfer AI Chat System to Private Server I need an expert developer to migrate my AI chatbot system, which includes multiple AI entities, from a cloud-based environment to a secure, self-hosted server. The goal is to retain full control over data, security, and functionality ...

€125 Average bid
€125 licitátlag
77 árajánlat

Currently looking for a seasoned developer skilled in Node.js, React, Docker and MySQL to enhance the backend of an existing application. The project primarily focuses on backend improvements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Node.js and MySQL - Experience with React and Docker - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and efficiently - Excellent code refactoring skills - Familiarity with application performance optimization techniques - Capability to design and implement new features.

€455 Average bid
€455 licitátlag
110 árajánlat

...workflow reporting and BI integration capabilities (exportable reports, integration with Tableau/PowerBI). Deliverables: Fully interactive and customizable data aggregation from all modules.Front-end UI (using React or similar framework). Documentation, user training guides, and API endpoints. Overall Integration:Develop a centralized database (PostgreSQL/MySQL) to store logs, configuration, and analytics data. Ensure secure API communications (HTTPS, OAuth/JWT for authentication). Deploy using containerization (Docker) and CI/CD pipelines (GitHub Actions, Jenkins) on a cloud platform (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud). Required Skills & Expertise:Programming Languages: Proficiency in Python (for AI/ML, OCR, NLP, backend API development). JavaScript/TypeScript

€4521 Average bid
€4521 licitátlag
14 árajánlat

I need a robust e-commerce website hosted on Google Cloud, capable of handling heavy traffic...of local payment methods widely used in Nepal and India Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in e-commerce development, have experience with Google Cloud, and can seamlessly integrate various features and payment methods. Familiarity with the local market of Nepal and India will be a significant advantage. *NOTE:- FRONT END 1. HTML5 & CSS3 2. JS(ES6+) BACK END WITH PYTHON WITH SPRING BOOT DATABASE 1.MYSQL 2. MANGO db along with redis AUTHENTICATION & SECURITY 2.0 or JWT: For secure authentication. : For secure data transmission. PAYMENT GATEWAY 1. stripe BASED ON GOOGLE CLOUD CONSOLE give your best at minimum price and BE A PARTNER

€75 Average bid
€75 licitátlag
15 árajánlat

...a seasoned professional to install, configure, and customize the WeenyJob PHP script on my Hostinger hosting. The script files are already uploaded, but I am facing some 404 errors and bad requests that need fixing. Key Responsibilities: - Install the WeenyJob script on my Hostinger premium web hosting. - Troubleshoot and fix any existing 404 errors or bad requests. - Customize the platform to reflect my brand - including logo updates and color scheme changes. - Enhance the UI for a better user experience. - Set up various payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. - Ensure robust site security and performance optimization. - Make the platform fully functional and ready for launch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with PHP scripts and job platforms. - Hostinger and cPanel exper...

€83 Average bid
€83 licitátlag
21 árajánlat

php E-commerce website frontend backend full

€221 Average bid
€221 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...Manufacturer Panel – Receives assigned orders and updates order status (Received, Processing, Ready). The system must have secure login authentication (only admin and manufacturers can access their respective panels). 1️⃣ Amazon SP-API Integration Fetch orders automatically via Amazon SP-API. Retrieve ASIN, product details, customer name, order status, and order date. Store the order details in a MySQL database. 2️⃣ Admin Panel (Brand Owner) View all Amazon orders fetched from SP-API. Assign orders to manufacturers manually. Track order status in real time (updates provided by manufacturers). 3️⃣ Manufacturer Panel View only assigned orders. Update order status (Received, Processing, Ready). Once an order is marked as "Ready," it moves to the Completed Orders sec...

€200 Average bid
€200 licitátlag
49 árajánlat

Se trata de una aplicación de escritorio que ha sido desarrollada en java con la finalidad de gestionar recibos de consumo de agua. Existen unos 200 contadores y se generan los recibos para las lecturas de esos contadores trimestralmente. La aplicación deberá contar con un backoffice de cliente donde se puedan descargar las facturas de cliente. Deberá también permitir la generación de etiquetas QR para los contadores de manera que cuando se acuda a hacer la lectura de los mismos se enlace directamente con una ventana donde se introducirá la lectura del contador.

€1192 Average bid
€1192 licitátlag
46 árajánlat

I need your help with ERG's new site: 1. We need to set up the product archives so that they are chart pages, just like on the current site: 2. Individual product pages should function just like on the old site, with Request for Quote functionality instead of Add to Cart. 3. Request for Quote buttons should trigger a popup, and the name of the product should automatically be displayed in the first form field "Product Title" just like the current site: Please only apply to those who start the work right away this is my first job here if this goes well, many more come! Best, Devika

€79 Average bid
€79 licitátlag
14 árajánlat
WooCommerce Updates JQUERY and PHP
6 nap left

I need your help with ERG's new site: 1. We need to set up the product archives so that they are chart pages, just like on the current site: 2. Individual product pages should function just like on the old site, with Request for Quote functionality instead of Add to Cart. () 3. Request for Quote buttons should trigger a popup, and the name of the product should automatically be displayed in the first form field "Product Title" just like the current site: Please only apply to those who can start the work right away. it's just a start for my first project in freelancer platforms if this goes well Many more will come! Best, Devika.

€108 Average bid
€108 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Membership Based Website that Allows Members to also be Affiliates PHP and MySQL I need: 1) Member's Area 2) Admin Area 3) Public Pages that replicate for affiliates --------------- Members Area: 1) Genealogy: => Members can see their personal referrals and personal referrals contact info. => Members can also see 10 levels of referrals names (but not level 2 – 10 contact information) 2) Profile: Members can update their profile information including custom fields setup by admin 3) Content Area: Where members can see content Pages (videos, pdfs, docs, etc) provided by admin 4) Need some templates for members area, so we can add content later. Video page template, html only page template, etc --------------- Admin Area: 1) Update Member’s profiles ...

€542 Average bid
€542 licitátlag
108 árajánlat

We're seeking a full-time PHP Web Developer to join our team for our ecommerce platform. The role focuses on building new features and maintaining the site. The ideal candidate will hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Web Development, or a related field, and should have proven experience in PHP development. Familiarity with frameworks like Laravel or Magento is a plus. Employment Type: Monthly retainer Compensation: INR 120 to 240 Lacs per annum

€118703 Average bid
€118703 licitátlag
16 árajánlat

...looking for a talented game developer to create an HTML5 game inspired by Cubes 2048. io. The game should be playable on both PC and mobile browsers, with a visual style similar to the reference game. Core Gameplay: - The primary mechanic of the game involves merging cubes. Other snakes are robots, implementing simple AI. The effect is completely based on the following game: Visual Style: - The game should have a visual style akin to the reference game. Additional Features: - The game should include a leaderboard system. - A multiplayer mode is also a requirement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Cocos Creator and Unity is highly desirable. - Previous experience in developing HTML5 games will be an advantage. - Strong understanding

€54 Average bid
€54 licitátlag
13 árajánlat

I want a dating website, something pretty simple, just a chatroom with friend requests and dms and user accounts, not expecting a lot of users though Just tell me the timeframe

€66 Average bid
€66 licitátlag
13 árajánlat

MySQL System Administrator - Windows Server 2022 We are seeking an experienced MySQL System Administrator to help us manage our MySQL server, which hosts two databases on Windows Server 2022. This is a critical role in ensuring the reliability, security, and performance of our database environment. Scope of Work: 1. Develop a Backup Strategy – Implement a robust backup solution to prevent data loss. 2. Create a Database Recovery Script – Ensure quick recovery in case of failures. 3. Set Up a Replication Server – Establish database replication for redundancy. 4. Develop a Failover Procedure – Minimize downtime in case of server failures. 5. Fine-tune Database Performance – Optimize query performance and indexing. Ideal Candidate Should Demo...

€444 Average bid
€444 licitátlag
136 árajánlat

I need a freelancer to install and configure Sendy on my VPS and integrate it with Mailgun for email sending. The setup should be fully functional, ensuring emails are delivered successfully with proper domain authentication (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Requirements: ✅ Install Sendy on VPS (Ubuntu/CentOS) ✅ Set up and configure Apache/Nginx with PHP & MySQL ✅ Integrate Mailgun API for email sending ✅ Configure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for domain authentication ✅ Test email sending and ensure high deliverability ✅ Provide a guide or basic instructions for future use Ideal Candidate: ? Experience with Sendy & Mailgun ? VPS & Linux (Ubuntu/CentOS) expertise ? Email deliverability & DNS configuration knowledge ? Previous experience with email marketing setup Timeline: 2 hou...

€14 Average bid
€14 licitátlag
9 árajánlat

I am looking for a developer who can integrate OpenAI's GPT-4o-Audio model and Sovits TTS into my program. The main goal is to enable seamless real-time conversations with unique character voices. Key requirements: - Speed: Traditional speech recognition and text-to-speech processes are slow for real-time conversations. The GPT-4o-Audio model will help, but we need to ensure that the output can be modified to use custom voices instead of the built-in ones. - Custom voice: The output should be a unique character voice, not a generic human or robot voice. It should be played by the Sovits TTS that you have trained. - Input method: The system should support both text and voice as input methods. The GPT-4o-Audio model provides this capability out of the box. - Output method: The sy...

€651 Average bid
€651 licitátlag
22 árajánlat

...sent into a chat message box which will automatically be assigned to a moderator (any of our employees answering the messages in the chat message box) 2. the moderators should have an role when they login they can see how many messages they have typt in a day, yesterday, last week , last month and the option to select their own date. 3. The plugin should make sure the customers are able to like and send messages to the profiles on the website. (more features ofcourse for a dating site) 4. The plugin should also consist of a watcher role who is able to block and unblock a chat moderator's account if they arent doing the right job. They should also be able to view all history messages sent. The top should show the latest new messages sent with clear shown C...

€424 Average bid
€424 licitátlag
102 árajánlat

I'm looking for a full stack developer to work on my WordPress site that's connected with a PHP backend. The selected freelancer will receive the complete project details after being awarded. Key Responsibilities: - Update WordPress plugins and themes - Develop custom PHP functionalities - Fix bugs and errors The PHP backend has some existing documentation, but it is incomplete. The developer will also need to work with a preferred WordPress theme that I have. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and WordPress - Experience with full stack development - Ability to work with incomplete documentation - Problem-solving skills to fix bugs and errors - Capable of developing custom PHP functionalities Please note, the rest of the details will be sha...

€120 Average bid
€120 licitátlag
25 árajánlat

...that streamlines inventory retrieval, order picking, and the management of a warehouse LED pick-to-light system. The application will integrate with IoT hardware (ESP32 modules), connect to a centralized MySQL database, and provide a clean, intuitive user interface to optimize workflow efficiency. Core Objectives: Provide a secure, user-friendly interface for warehouse operators (pickers), administrators, and service personnel. Enable real-time control of a pick-to-light system through seamless communication with ESP32 modules. Simplify inventory management by connecting the app to a MySQL database for SKU retrieval and updates. Implement order prioritization features to streamline the picking process and ensure timely fulfillment. Offer a responsive and visually appeali...

€1721 Average bid
€1721 licitátlag
89 árajánlat

...deploy a custom-coded website. This is a full project bid—not a placeholder bid—so only apply if you can deliver within the agreed scope and timeline. Project Scope: Full development (frontend + backend) Secure & optimized deployment Performance tuning and security best practices Requirements (Must-Have): Stack Proficiency: LAMP & MEAN/MERN Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (Vanilla/ES6+), Responsive Design, GSAP, Lottiefiles Backend: MySQL ORM, FFmpeg, Maxmind IP, Stripe, reCAPTCHA, bcrypt, SHA-256 Security & Performance: Preventative Measures: SQL Injection Prevention, XSS & CSRF Protection, Rate Limiting, File Upload Handling Server Hardening: Web-Level & OS-Level Protection, Disable Directory Listing to Public Authentication & Sess...

€2016 Average bid
€2016 licitátlag
133 árajánlat

I'm seeking a skilled professional to help me update my website's domain name across all necessary files and databases after a recent server name change. This task will involve: - Updating all HTML, PHP, and CSS files - Ensuring the MySQL databases reflect the new domain Additionally, I need assistance in ordering a new SSL certificate for the updated domain. Ideal skills and experiences for this job include: - Proficiency in HTML, PHP, and CSS - Experience with MySQL databases - Familiarity with the SSL certificate ordering process - Knowledge in server management and handling domain name changes I currently use as my server and have full access to my website's control panel.

€33 Average bid
€33 licitátlag
91 árajánlat

I need PHP functions for integrating with several Romanian couriers - DPD, Sameday, Fan Courier, and Curiera. The functions should be able to: - Get Shipping Cost - Create Shipment - Create Pickup Date - Get AWB in PDF file All these functions need to comply with the respective courier's API documentation. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with PHP and API integrations, particularly with Romanian shipping and logistics services. Familiarity with these specific Romanian couriers would be a significant advantage.

€179 Average bid
€179 licitátlag
48 árajánlat

I'm seeking a versatile web developer with strong PHP skills to help maintain my website. The tasks will primarily involve content updates and enhancing the site's performance. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly update text and images on the site - Add new pages as per the evolving needs of the site - Implement speed and database optimizations to improve site performance The ideal candidate would be someone who has: - Proven experience in PHP website maintenance - Skills in speed and database optimization - A keen eye for detail for content updates - Ability to add new pages seamlessly

€94 Average bid
€94 licitátlag
39 árajánlat

...recomendada. Diseño de gráficos interactivos para visualizar métricas clave: Ventas: Por vendedor, totales, tiempo medio de cierre. Conversión: Por canal, país y respuestas de formularios. Operaciones: Tiempos medios de entrega del servicio. Posibilidad de filtrar y segmentar datos dentro de los dashboards. ? Requisitos del Freelancer ✅ Experiencia en bases de datos SQL en la nube (Google Cloud SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.). ✅ Conocimientos en integraciones API y automatización de datos (Zapier, Make, desarrollo de APIs). ✅ Capacidad para crear dashboards en Looker Studio o herramientas similares. ✅ Proactividad para sugerir mejoras en la estructura de datos. ? Requisitos Técnicos Tecnologías sugeridas: Google Cloud SQL (o ...

€1252 Average bid
€1252 licitátlag
15 árajánlat

I'm looking for a PHP developer with experience in building secure WebSocket servers for Asterisk AEAP. The primary purpose of this server is to support real-time, voice-based communication. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a secure WebSocket server in PHP - Ensure seamless support for real-time, voice-based communication Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Prior experience with Asterisk AEAP - Expertise in WebSocket server development - Strong understanding of real-time communication systems No milestone or intermediate payment will be released. The payment will be sent when the code provided is verified to work on my Asterisk server running on CentOS 9. Precise installation instructions need to be provided. The code will be used in a multitenan...

€500 Average bid
€500 licitátlag
91 árajánlat