Html coding projectsmunkák
Minden adat már rendelkezésre áll, be van gyűjtve a lekódolandó ~100 db vizuális képi minta (szöveges értékelésekkel ellátva), azaz a hozzátartozó “eredményekkel”, melyeket Machine Learning kódolással kellene betanítani a gépnek, hogy a teszt végén kiderüljön, hogy mennyire fedik a végső eredmények, a szakemberek eredményeit. A többit privátban… Köszönettel, Ádám
Német- reklámicég vagyunk: Magyar vagyok és ezért keresek webfejlesztőt Magyarországban. Tudsz dolgozni html css-vel és php-vel? Ideális, ha a Contau programot is használod. Az XD Adobe-t is ismernie kellene. Érdekelne nekünk dolgozni? vagy tudsz valakit, aki szeretne nekünk dolgozni? Várom a válaszodat. Nagyon köszönöm. Üdvözlett Rüegg Gergely I am from Germany. I apologize, my Hungarian is not 100%. We are a German advertising company: I am Hungarian and therefore I am looking for a web developer in Hungary. Can you work with html css and php? It is ideal if you also use the program Contau You should also be famili...
...– WordPress távmunka állás lehetőség- Müncheni székhelyű cégünk keres tapasztalt WordPress fejlesztőt Magyarországon. Egyedi WordPress témák, vállalati weboldalak, e-kereskedelem, webes alkalmazások, böngészős játékok fejlesztésével foglalkozunk. Te vagy az ideális jelölt, ha: WordPress weboldal fejlesztésben legalább 2 év tapasztalattal rendelkezel legalább 2 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezel HTML / CSS / JS Készítettél önállóan WordPress oldalt, referenciával rendelkezel Van tapasztalatod WordPress webáruházak kezelésében Lega...
Szia Anita, Meglévő Adobe XD tervek alapján html, css weboldalt szeretnék készíttetni. Az oldal terveit innen tudod letölteni. Boldi
Szia! Régóta besegítek egy külföldi kisebb, szerencsejátékkal foglalkozó weboldalnál és mindig front end fejlesztő hiányban szenvednek. A weboldal back-end fejlesztését én intézgetem, viszont front end téren mindig külsőst keresnek és most engem kértek meg, hogy keressek valakit aki gyakrabban be tud segíteni nekem. NodeJS, EJS, Javascript, Jquery, HTML, CSS tudás szükséges első sorban. Hosszabb üzenetet is írtam de a freelancer 500 karakterre limitálja, ha érdekel megbeszéljük a részleteket.
Hungarian speaking applicants only please. Egy ügyviteli rendszer fejlesztésén dolgozunk egy magyar ügyfelünk részére. Stack: ASP.Net Core, Razor, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery A view-k jelenleg a Visual Studio által generált változatok (tehát rondák), de szeretnénk ezeket ízléses módon fejleszteni, amihez az alábbi template-et vettük meg: A feladat a rendszerben lévő cshtml fájlok átdolgozása úgy, hogy az elrendezés legyen ízléses, ne legyen a felület szétcsúszva. Legyen kompakt de átlátható. A template által támogatott funkciókat szeretnén...
PSD to HTML Developer-t keresek. Weboldal psd tervéből html készítésére lenne szükségem rövid határidővel. Tapasztalt freelancert keresek, aki gyorsan tud dolgozni és azonnal kezdeni tud.
PSD forrásállományból kell statikus html+css-t készíteni.
Sziasztok! Egy most induló vállalkozáshoz keresnék programozókat. Akiket keresek a következő technológiák közül legalább kettőt kellene ismernie: - PHP - Relációs adatbáziskezelő rendszerek (kifejezetten MySQL/PostgreSQL) - HTML - CSS - JavaScript (lehetőleg ES2015 ismerete) Ezeken felül előnyt jelent, ha rendelkezel az agilis szoftverfejlesztési tapasztalatokkal is. Elsősorban PHP + SQL, illetve a HTML + CSS + JS együttes ismeretével rendelkező kollégákat keresek, de ha más „kombinációkban” ismered a fenti technológiákat, akkor is jelentkezz. Amennyiben felkeltette érdeklőd&...
...linkelő oldalnak értelmes MAGYAR tartalommal kell bírnia - az URLre mutató backlinkek azonnal aktívnak kell lenniük, elvárás, hogy a keresőmotorok pár napon belül felvegyék - minimum Google Page Rank 3 - blog hozzászólások kizárva - linképítő oldalak, aggregátor oldalak, ömlesztett linkekkel operáló oldalak kizárva - oldalanként/domainenként csak egy linket tudunk elfogadni - a linkeknek HTML-ben kell lenniük, mindenféle egyéb controlok vagy redirectek nélkül - csak szöveges linkek - fenntartjuk a jogot, hogy visszautasítsunk olyan linkeket, melyek szerintünk nem megfelel...
Helység: Miskolc Kategória: IT / telekommunikáció Karrierszint: 1-2 év tapasztalat Munkaidő: Teljes munkaidő Junior php fejlesztőt keresünk Miskolci munkavégzésre vagy távmunkába, állandó vagy részmunkaidőben. Várható feladatok: - PHP 5.3, 5.4 (oop, Smarty, Memcached, Elasticsearch) - Mysql (Procedures, partitioning) - Javascript (natív és jquery) - HTML 4,5 és CSS3 - Java (Minimális ismeret) - Linux alapszintű ismerete (Ubuntu server, Centos server) - Bash Előny de nem elvárás: - Kreatív feladatok (pl.: logó/látványterv) - Számlaképesség - minimum 1 éves szakma...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejlesztési ismeretek Nagyobb programoz...
Kedves Bence, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkezelőt használunk. Ha úgy látod, hogy tudunk esetleg együtt működni, kérlek keress meg. Üdv, Pál Dénes énes-pál/34/780/b38 +36704452133 Skype: dsdenes
Hiba keresés és javítás, vagy ha az könnyebb új html hírlevél készítés a csatolt design szerint. Hírlevél küldök utf-8 vagy iso8859-2 kódolású hírlevelet tud kiküldeni.
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejlesztési i...
Amire nekem szükségem van egy főoldal psd-ből tervezz aloldalakat. Készíts CSS, amit a html vagy php fájl vezérel. Cél, hogy ezt tudjam továbbítani a programozónak. Ami rendelkezésre áll főoldal psd, passzív html darabolva.
Mobilfejlesztő iOS / Android / Windows8 Feladatok: • együttműködés a fejlesztésben résztvevő kollégákkal • programt...rendszerszemléletű gondolkodás • igényesség a felhasználói felület minősége, használhatóság iránt • meggyőző szakmai önéletrajz és személyiség • önálló eredmény orientált gondolkodás - egyben a csapat tisztelte • szakirányú végzettség Előny: • felsőfokú végzettség • bemutatható mobilprogramozási eredmények • több mobil platform ismerete •...
Looking for freelancer to create a html mobile website based on prepared graphics. 5 simple page with images, forms, drop-down menus, texts, and lists. Grafikus által előre megtervezett képernyőképekből html mobil weboldal elkészítéséhez keresek munkaerőt. Összesen 5 egyszerű aloldalról lenne szó, képekkel, legördülő menükkel, szöveggel, listákkal és formokkal.
A projektem egy webáruház lehet ruhákat kölcsönözni és megvenni, a kiválasztott ruhát kosárba bíróm tenni a kosár kiírja , a jelenlegi kosár tartalmat és a megrendelt termékek összegét .
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create a user-centric web application using React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application will be backed by Java (Spring Boot), so expertise in this technology is critical. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a responsive, interactive, and aesthetically pleasing UI - Ensure seamless integration with the Java (Spring Boot) backend - Optimize UI for performance and usability Essential Skills: - Proficiency in React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, SCSS - Strong experience with Java (Spring Boot) - Expert in User Interface Design - Prior experience in web application development Your ability to design and implement an intuitive user interface will be key to the success of this project. I look forward to reviewing your proposal.
Please apply only if you are able...two sections for a lead-generation landing page for businesses. This is just the start — I am seeking a long-term design partner or agency, with many more design needs to come. If you also have coding skills, that’s a big plus! If you can code, you'll definitely get more work in the future. Requirements: India-based designers only (Preference given to freelancers based in Chandigarh Tri-City area) Available for calls and future availability aligned with USA time Skills Needed: Expert in UI/UX Design with a strong understanding of modern design trends Proficient in Figma Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, HubSpot, WordPress If you're passionate about delivering great design and ready for a long-term collabor...
I have some automation-related Python code that was generated by an AI. Unfortunately, there are some syntax and logical errors that need to be resolved. I am looking for an experienced Python developer with a strong grasp on automation coding to verify and fix this code. Please provide your relevant experience with Python and automation in your bid. The code to be reviewed is less than 100 lines.
I'm looking for a skilled coder who can write a working code for Arduino. The project involves the ESP8266 and Waveshare 2.13inch E-Ink Screen Display HAT (B) for Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - The primary function of this project is to show images on the E-Ink screen. The images will be in 212x104 resolution,...images on the E-Ink screen. The images will be in 212x104 resolution, but the code should also be adaptable for 2.97 inch and 4.7 inch screens. - The code must support all three resolutions: 2.13, 2.97, and 4.7 inches. - You will need to provide schematics of wiring for the ESP8266 with the E-Ink screen. - Ideal candidates should have experience with Arduino, ESP8266, and E-Ink displays. Skills in coding for multiple screen resolutions and creating wiring schematics...
...branding and design elements. UX Enhancements: Improve user journey and navigation. Optimize for responsiveness and accessibility. Testing & Iteration: Conduct A/B testing and collect user feedback. Refine designs based on analytics and user behavior. Requirements: Proven experience in UI/UX design with a strong portfolio. Proficiency in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. Understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (preferred but not required). Ability to deliver high-quality designs within deadlines. Strong communication and problem-solving skills. Deliverables: Wireframes and prototypes. Final UI design files. Documentation on design decisions and usability recommendations. Application Process: Interested freelancers should submit their portfolio, a brie...
...comprehensive and efficient role management systems. - Certification Generation: The system should generate a certification for users which can be sent to their email and is downloadable and printable. This requires experience in backend development and email API integration. - IP Tracking: The application needs to track users' IP addresses. A solid understanding of privacy laws and ethical coding practices is necessary. - Develop an analytics dashboard for users to track their activity and interactions. - Set up automated email notifications for various user actions like registration, payment, and updates. The right freelancer for this job will not only have the technical skills required but also a keen attention to detail and a proactive approach to problem-solvi...
We are seeking a talented graphic designer to join our team for various creative projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing innovative designs and a keen eye for detail. You will be responsible for creating v isually appealing graphics for print and digital media, collaborating with our marketing team, and delivering high-quality work within deadlines. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and a solid understanding of current design trends are essential. If you are passionate about design and ready to make an impact, we would love to hear from you!
I need a coder to implement and edit some coding. It will take 1-2 hours. Need someone available now.
**The Mismanagement and Corruption in UK Government-Funded Projects** Government-funded projects in the UK have long been marred by mismanagement, corruption, and an outrageous waste of taxpayers’ money. While the media focuses on headline-grabbing figures—such as the £100 million spent on a bat tunnel for HS2—the real issue lies deeper. The inefficiency, poorly drafted contracts, and blatant profiteering at every level result in financial losses amounting to billions. ### **Mismanagement in Infrastructure Projects** One of the most shocking examples of mismanagement is the construction of multiple HS2 bridges being installed incorrectly. Reports from industry insiders confirm that at least two or three bridges had to be demolished and rebui...
Using **Zapier + OpenAI API** is a great way to integrate an AI assistant into your website **without coding**. Zapier allows you to automate workflows by connecting OpenAI’s API with various platforms, including your website, email, and chat systems. ### **Steps to Use Zapier + OpenAI API for No-Code Automation:** #### **1. Set Up Your OpenAI API Key** - Sign up at [OpenAI](). - Go to **API Keys** in OpenAI and generate a new key. - Copy and save the API key somewhere safe. #### **2. Create a Zapier Account & Start a New Zap** - Sign up at [Zapier](). - Click **"Create a Zap"** (Zaps are automated workflows). - Select a **Trigger** (e.g., new form submission, chat message, email received). #### **3. Choose a Trigger
Hi everyone, I lost the template. I need a website identical to this one in html NOTE: I don't use the translation option
I need a skilled professional to design a flask webpage . The ideal candidate will use HTML for the structure and CSS for the styling, ensuring the page is responsive and cross-browser compatible, including on mobile devices. Key Skills Required: - Proficient in HTML and CSS - Experienced in creating responsive and cross-browser compatible webpages - Backend knowledge of Flask - Understanding of blog webpage requirements The design and layout of the page doesn't have to follow any specific ideas - I'm open to suggestions. I also haven't decided on any key features to include yet, but am considering options like a comment section, social media sharing, and search functionality. Your expertise and creativity will be key in helping to shape this project.
Position: AI & Organizational Growth Lead (India) Location: India-based (Hybrid/Remote possible) Type: Full-Time, Long-Term Who We Are We are a Netherlands-headquartered tech group with a lean development team in India. Our projects range from custom software solutions to AI-powered startups across multiple verticals. We operate with the belief that a small core team, powered by AI and strong leadership, can achieve big-company results. Why This Role Matters We need a partner who will orchestrate our India operations—ensuring clear tasks and deliverables, building management layers, and driving AI adoption to streamline day-to-day work. Your job is to bridge technical and business objectives, coordinate cross-functional teams, and scale new ideas, all with a heavy emphas...
...organization ✅ Front-end experience (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) to implement layout changes if needed ✅ Experience working with video CMS platforms and optimizing video categorization Deliverables - A fully functional fix for the video indexing issue - Updated front page layout with the new "Featured Videos" section - Code documentation for any changes made Budget & Timeline Please provide estimated billable hours for each task. Let us know your hourly rate and the total project cost estimate. Preferred completion time: ASAP How to Apply If you have experience working with Python/Django, MediaCMS, and video content platforms, we'd love to hear from you! Please include: - Your relevant experience with Django and MediaCMS. - Estimated time and cost for both ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer and designer who can build a responsive, user-friendly business website. The primary focus will be on creating an engaging design inspired by Canva aesthetics, with a particular emphasis on a customer reviews section. Key Requirements: - Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB - Experience in designing captivating websites - Ability to incorporate a detailed customer reviews section - Understanding of responsive and user-friendly design principles Ideal Skills: - Website Development - Canva Designing - UX/UI Design
...Step 2: Choose a Business Model Decide on the type of crypto investment platform: 1. Crypto Exchange – Users buy/sell crypto 2. Crypto Staking Platform – Users stake crypto for rewards. 3. Crypto Lending & Borrowing – Users lend crypto for interest. 4. Portfolio Management – Helps users track and manage investments. Step 3: Choose the Right Technology Stack Frontend (User Interface): • HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular) Backend (Server-side): • Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), PHP (Laravel) • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB Blockchain & Crypto Integration: • Use APIs (CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, Binance API) • Smart Contracts (Solidit...
We are looking for a dedicated WooCommerce Speed Optimization Specialist to improve the performance of our webshop. Our store runs on an up-to-date WooCommerce setup with the WoodMart theme and minimal custom coding. While user experience is smooth, our PageSpeed Insights scores (both mobile and desktop) need improvement. Check descripion attached for more information Requirements & Qualifications • Proven experience in webshop speed optimization. • Strong knowledge of PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom. • Experience working with LiteSpeed caching and other performance tools. • Ability to analyze, propose, and implement solutions independently. • A meticulous approach to testing, ensuring no negative impact on functionality. • Dedicated tim...
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me with an issue I am experiencing on my static HTML website's contact page. I recently made some changes to the website, and since then, I have not been receiving any emails from the contact form. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in HTML and website development - Experience troubleshooting issues with contact forms - Knowledge of email settings and configuration The ideal freelancer should be able to identify and fix the issue causing the contact form emails to not be received. They should also be able to ensure that the emails received are complete and correct.
... Knowledge of robotics and automation. Familiarity with stepper motor control and image processing. System Components: Stage: Power Supplies: Motion Software: Control Board: Motor Drivers: Camera: Motion Sensors: A circuit diagram and reference images are attached for clarity....
I'm a developer specializing in creating websites for small ...specializing in creating websites for small and medium-sized businesses. I'm seeking a professional to help me build a website to showcase my services. Key Features: - The primary purpose of the website is to showcase my services to potential clients. - The website needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly to attract and retain visitors. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS3, and Python is a must. - Prior experience in developing service showcase websites will be highly advantageous. - Excellent project management skills to oversee the project from start to finish. - A commitment to regular and clear communication throughout the process is essential. Let's collaborate to ...
I need help with my IoT project. It involves the ESP8266/ESP32 platform and includes data logging and sensor integration functionalities. Please refer to this video link for details: I ha...platform and includes data logging and sensor integration functionalities. Please refer to this video link for details: I have all the necessary hardware, but I'm in need of the appropriate codes and schematics to get everything up and running. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in coding for the ESP8266/ESP32 platform - Experienced in IoT projects - Able to provide clear and understandable schematics - Knowledgeable in sensor integration and data logging functionalities.
I need a custom WooCommerce plugin that can replace product images with MP4 product videos on the product listing page. Key Requirements: - The plugin should support only MP4 video format. - A Play/Pause button should be included for controlling the video playback. - The video should start playing a...plugin should support only MP4 video format. - A Play/Pause button should be included for controlling the video playback. - The video should start playing automatically when the product listing page loads. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce and WordPress plugin development. - Proficiency in PHP, JavaScript, and WordPress coding standards. - Understanding of video integration in eCommerce platforms. Please provide examples of similar projects you have compl...
...scripts for performance. ? Integration – WhatsApp chat, Google Maps, and social media links. ⭐ Customer Reviews & Testimonials Section – Build credibility with real customer feedback. ? CMS Implementation – WordPress, Webflow, or a custom CMS for easy content updates. Ideal Candidate ✅ Proven experience in website design & development (portfolio required). ✅ Expertise in WordPress, Webflow, or custom HTML/CSS/JS development. ✅ Strong UI/UX design skills with a focus on mobile responsiveness. ✅ Knowledge of SEO best practices and page speed optimization. ✅ Ability to integrate WhatsApp chat, contact forms, and review systems. ✅ Prior experience designing service-based or mobile repair websites is a plus. Project Timeline & Budget ? Budget: Open to d...
I'm in need of someone with expertise in Vercel and website deployment to guide me through the process. - Guidance method: I am open to any remote desktop application, but would prefer TeamViewer or Zoom. - options, as I believe my website cannot be hosted on a shared server. Recommendations for reliable, free servers similar to AWS would be appreciated. - Conversion assistance: If necessary, I would like assistance in converting my website to HTML to upload files from the 'dist' folder. I have tried this multiple times unsuccessfully. Skills & Experience: The ideal candidate should have a strong background in web development, particularly with Vercel, and experience with remote guidance. Knowledge of free hosting options and ability to assist wit...
...interactive scenarios, professional video demonstrations, or a combination of techniques. Design a visually appealing and user-friendly demo page based on the agreed-upon concept. Implement interactive demos of our four chatbots (widgets provided). Build the page using modern web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Integrate provided content for each chatbot. Test and optimize the page. Chatbots: (Briefly describe each and the platform they use, e.g., Dialogflow, Rasa). Skills: UX/UI design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, chatbot widget integration. Experience with video production or other multimedia is a plus. Deliverables: Functional, responsive demo page with source code. If video is incorporated, please specify if you can produce it or if we need to source it separately.....
I'm looking for a professional to help me find coding and decoding algorithms for Variable-Length Encoding (VLE) on the STMicroelectronics Power Architecture® SPC56x. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing and implementing encoding and decoding algorithms. - Familiarity with STMicroelectronics Power Architecture® SPC56x. - Prior experience with Variable-Length Encoding (VLE). Please note, the specifics of the data formats, performance optimizations, and constraints/standards will be discussed during the project.
I'm seeking a seasoned PHP/Laravel coder to implement a robust user authentication system incorporating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) via SMS code. Key Requirements: - Expert knowledge and experience in coding with Laravel and PHP. - Proficient in creating secure and efficient user authentication systems. - Previous experience in implementing Two-Factor Authentication. - Skills in ensuring seamless integration of SMS code verification within the login process. The ideal coder will be meticulous and detail-oriented, ensuring the highest level of security and user-friendliness in the authentication system.
...Developers! Join Our Groundbreaking Study on AI Code Assistants We are looking for experienced Java developers to participate in an exciting research study exploring how AI code assistants like GitHub Copilot impact security programming tasks. Your participation will contribute to pioneering research that could shape the future of AI in software development. Study Details: - What You’ll Do: Solve two coding problems—one with GitHub Copilot and one without. After each task, you’ll fill out a survey to share your experience. The sessions will be recorded for analysis. - Duration: Approximately 2 hours - Compensation: $100 AUD for completing the tasks as per the study guidelines. Who Can Join: - Java developers with at least 1 year of professional experience and...
...static HTML website for my cleaning equipment business. The site will feature approximately 60 products spread across 10 different categories. Each product will have its own page containing detailed information, up to 10 images, and one video. Key Requirements: - User-friendly design with best-visible formats for images and videos - Category-wise navigation and item search options - Brief product descriptions in tiles with image and video for each category - Modern and clean aesthetic, with a focus on lead generation You will need to be able to work independently and creatively, as I do not have specific color schemes or branding guidelines. You should be comfortable making suggestions and finalizing designs based on your expertise. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient ...
Build a POS Interface for Selling Services. Objective: To evaluate your coding skills, product development acumen, and ability to design solutions in a real-world context. Design and develop a Point of Sale (POS) interface for selling services. Your task is to build a responsive, functional, and intuitive frontend that allows users to: 1. Select Services: Choose from a list of available services (e.g., fitness classes, therapy sessions, or workshops). 2. Add to Cart: Add services to a cart and view/edit cart details. 3. Customer Management: Optionally add customer details (e.g., name, email, phone) during the checkout process. 4. Payments: Simulate a checkout and payment flow (mocking is acceptable; real payment integrations are not required). 5. Receipt Generation: D...