How to connect database in yii frameworkmunkák
...szuperképességként tekintünk!; Projektmenedzseri szemlélet – nem lesz „főnököd”, az eredményeidért Te leszel felelős. Nem tudod feladatot visszadobni csak úgy senkinek (nincs más helyetted, aki megcsinálja), ezért fontos, hogy proaktívan, javaslattal állj elő minden feladat megoldására.; Nagyon fontos, hogy „Mindent lehet, csak akarni kell” hozzáállásod legyen; Használsz GIT-et, ismered a gyakori framework-öket, használod őket és pontosan dokumentálsz. Emberileg ezek NEM jellemzőek Rád: Nem jellemző Rád az, hogy „Ez a nap is jól indul…” mondat ha...
Egy meglevő PHP projekthez keresünk rövid scriptelési munkára vállalkozót. A feladat már létező rendszer kiegészítése. A PILOT során adatbázisból érkező kérdések inputjainak (önértékelés számmal) begyűjtése történik. A self assessmentet a tesztfelhasználók weben érik el (framework up and running, development környezet VPN/SCPn keresztül izoláltan elérhető). A fázis I-ben (teszt környezet): *már kialakított és regisztrált (kb 10) usereknek önértékelést számadattal (1-15) *ill pár kérd...
Hello Everyone, We have an old webshop which is were poor. We would like to offer to our customer better why we would like to test a new one. There are 21 days to free testing. We would like to see is it going to work at all. There is the API link for the new shop: I will provide the API link of the old web store upon request. The old websop has about +200k products. THX, Best Regards Klm
Technikai információk: alkalmazott komponen...integrálásra: ◦ Simplepay – alkalmazáson belüli fizetés biztosítása, illetve előfizetések automatikus megújítása ◦ Billingo – Számlázás ◦ Sendgrid – Emailek kiküldése Elvégzendő feladatok • Tesztrendszer létrehozása: End to end és unit tesztrendszer létrehozása a későbbi kódváltoztatások esetleges hibáinak kiszűrésére. DoD: Web Komponens - A jelenleg 2.x Vue - Nuxt alapokról áttérni az aktuális 3.x-re. Az npm audit által jelentett 46 sebezhetőséget 0-ra reduk&aa...
Pythonban jártas webfejlesztőt keresik aki segít REST API végponthoz tartozó üzleti logikák megvalósításában.
Sziasztok. Meglévő egyszerű mobil applikációmban szeretnék módosítani ezt-azt, leginkább a kinézetet. Erre keresek egy gyors, ügyes fejlesztőt. Ja és csak magyarul! Elegem van a félreértésekből és az időpocsékolásokból. Köszi.
...programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring Security, - Spring data, Thyemeleaf) - REST - JPA Munkavégzés helye: Budapest, 3. kerület Our company deals with Junior Programmer training, where our trainers are mainly freelancer developers. What we offer: - flexible working hours (up to 1-2 times a week, but full-time work) - start-up, youthful, cheerful office - competitive salary - youthful, good-looking team Knowledge required for work: - Basic programming skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Sprin...
Kedves tt24! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem: Java oktatót keresünk a Junior programozókat képző cégünkbe. Jelenleg egy fix 4+3 hetes periódusra szeretnénk Spring framework-ben is járatos fejlesztőt felvenni: Első 4 hét: fix munkaidő 9-15 óráig, heti 5 nap - Spring framework oktatása +3 hét: rugalmas munkaidő a 9-15 óráig tartó intervallumon belül - Diákok mentorálása, a projektmunkájuk segítése Versenyképes fizetés, kihívások, fiatalos csapat és helyszín. Várom mielőbbi visszajelzését! Üdvö...
Kedves norbware! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem: Java oktatót keresünk a Junior programozókat képző cégünkbe. Jelenleg egy fix 4+3 hetes periódusra szeretnénk Spring framework-ben is járatos fejlesztőt felvenni: Első 4 hét: fix munkaidő 9-15 óráig, heti 5 nap - Spring framework oktatása +3 hét: rugalmas munkaidő a 9-15 óráig tartó intervallumon belül - Diákok mentorálása, a projektmunkájuk segítése Versenyképes fizetés, kihívások, fiatalos csapat és helyszín. Várom mielőbbi visszajelzését! Üdv&...
Kedves Tamás! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem: Java oktatót keresünk a Junior programozókat képző cégünkbe. Jelenleg egy fix 4+3 hetes periódusra szeretnénk Spring framework-ben is járatos fejlesztőt felvenni: Első 4 hét: fix munkaidő 9-15 óráig, heti 5 nap - Spring framework oktatása +3 hét: rugalmas munkaidő a 9-15 óráig tartó intervallumon belül - Diákok mentorálása, a projektmunkájuk segítése Versenyképes fizetés, kihívások, fiatalos csapat és helyszín. Várom mielőbbi visszajelzését! Ü...
Kedves hnhpo! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem: Java oktatót keresünk a Junior programozókat képző cégünkbe. Jelenleg egy fix 4+3 hetes periódusra szeretnénk Spring framework-ben is járatos fejlesztőt felvenni: Első 4 hét: fix munkaidő 9-15 óráig, heti 5 nap - Spring framework oktatása +3 hét: rugalmas munkaidő a 9-15 óráig tartó intervallumon belül - Diákok mentorálása, a projektmunkájuk segítése Versenyképes fizetés, kihívások, fiatalos csapat és helyszín. Várom mielőbbi visszajelzését! Üdv&oum...
A yii-1.1.19-es keretrendszerbe kell beleépíteni a two-factor authentication-t (2FA) paraméterezhetően a ki-bekapcsolását valamint a kivétel-usereket. Ha belépett már a 2FA-el, és ha a felhasználó biztonságos gépként megjelöli a klienst, akkor azt és a user-t, tárolja el cookie-ként a kliensen. (Tehát user függő legyen a 2FA, ne csak kliens-függő.) Lehessen azt is bekapcsolni, hogy a gép nem megbízható, ekkor ne mentse el. Javasolt 3rd party szolgáltató a A javasot forkflow: 1. login. 2. beírja a helyes user/pw-t. 3. van-e a kliensen a user-hez cookie tárolva? 3.a. nin...
opencart 3.0 and parcel post api linking as described
...PHP 5.3+ és jQuery magabiztos ismerete MySQL ismerete Adatmodellek és adatbázistervek implementálása, folyamatos optimalizáció MVC szemlélet GIT alapos ismerete (Git-flow) Szakmai angol Minimum 2 év PHP fejlesztői tapasztalat Magas munkabírás és stressz tűrő képesség Szervezett, önálló, precíz és felelősségteljes munkavégzés Csapatszellem Előnyt jelent Bootstrap 3 Laravel framework Less Mobil alkalmazásfejlesztésben jártasság Vue script Amit a cég kínál: Stabil munkahely egy dinamikusan terjeszkedő nemzetközi vállalatnál Fejlőd&eacu...
Keresünk Backend és frontend fejlesztőt Backend elvárások Több éves programozói tapasztalat Python 2 és 3 nyelven Több éves programozói tapasztalat főleg objektum orientált/kliens-szerver felépítésű program/rendszer fejlesztésben A Django framework alapos ismerete Django REST framework alapos ismerete Tesztelési technológiák ismerete (unit és browser tesztelés) SQL adabázisok alapos ismerete Linux alapszintű ismerete Frontend elvárások HTML5, CSS3, Javascript tapasztalat Angular framework ismerete Jasmine, Karma tapasztalat Előny az Angular Mater...
...szociális hálózattal kapcsolatos alkalmazás fejlesztésében / értesz a video streaming technológiákhoz (pl. webrtc) - szintén előny, ha tudsz Github-on kód részletet mutatni az eddigi munkáidból A frontend fejlesztő irányában a speciális elvárások: - AngularJS haladó szintű, gyakorlati ismerete - ajax / jquery ismeret - webpack ismerete - Javascript, SASS, reszponzív web front-end framework ismeret (Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Angular Material, stb.) - előnyök: Coffescript, Typescript, stb. ismerete / van UX tapasztalatod/érzéked Backend fejlesztő speciális elvárásai: - NodeJS,...
Olyan webes, elsősorban front end fejlesztőt keresünk, aki járatos az alábbi technológiákban: JavaScript, Angularjs, jQuery, CSS, Material Design. Előny ha az alábbiakat is ismered: Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, git. További infó kapcsolatfelvétel után.
Egy olyan front endest keresünk aki a symphony front end php framework webes technologiat ismeri. Kérhetünk tőle olyanoka, hogy: javascript html5 php responsive css
Olyan webes, elsősorban front end fejlesztőt keresünk, aki járatos az alábbi technológiákban: JavaScript, Angularjs, jQuery, CSS, Material Design. Előny ha az alábbiakat is ismered: Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, git. További infó kapcsolatfelvétel után.
*** ENGLISH *** I'm about to open a webshop which will run on Wordpress and using WooCommerce plugin. To keep my stock up-to-date my wholesaler provides me a password protected XML channel which contains all the available products I can sell and also it's quantity. I need someone who connects my WooCommerce to this XML channel. I believe this work should be pretty easy to someone who is familiar with WooCommerce and XML. I woud need the job done within a month but rather in middle of september. *** MAGYAR *** Egy webshopot készítek, amihez az alábbira volna szükségem: adott egy jelszóval védett XML forrás, ahonnan a termékeket és a készletnyilvántart...
Van egy működő WP oldal, amibe szeretnénk importálni a régi (egyedi cms-t használó) oldalon publikált cikkeket, szerzőket stb. Néhány száz cikkről van szó, a legtöbb egyedi szerzővel rendelkezik. A cikkek a legtöbb esetben egy folyóirat cikkei. Az importáláskor nem számít a publikálási idő, hanem az eredeti megjelenés (évfolyam, lapszám) szerint vannak kategorizálva. A régi adatbázis cikkekhez rendelve tartalmazza ezeket a tulajdonságokat. Az új WP-s oldal tudja kezelni az eredeti szerzőt és az megjelenést is, tehát csak az importálás kell, új funkciók ...
Van egy működő WP oldal, amibe szeretnénk importálni a régi (egyedi cms-t használó) oldalon publikált cikkeket, szerzőket stb. Néhány száz cikkről van szó, a legtöbb egyedi szerzővel rendelkezik. A cikkek a legtöbb esetben egy folyóirat cikkei. Az importáláskor nem számít a publikálási idő, hanem az eredeti megjelenés (évfolyam, lapszám) szerint vannak kategorizálva. A régi adatbázis cikkekhez rendelve tartalmazza ezeket a tulajdonságokat. Az új WP-s oldal tudja kezelni az eredeti szerzőt és az megjelenést is, tehát csak az importálás kell, új funkciók a ...
...segítségünkre. A feladat: böngésző oldali Javascript fejlesztés, Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework mankójával. Egyelőre projekt jelleggel keresünk munkatársat, az idei év hátralévő részére. Sikeres együttműködés nyitottak vagyunk a későbbi folytatásra is. A munka távolról is végezhető. Minimum heti 20 órás, intenzív, összeszedett munkaidőt várunk el. Fiatalos, lendületesen fejlődő vállalkozás vagyunk, csapatunk jelenleg 7 fős. Elvárásaink: - Javascript: 2+ éves gyakorlati tapasztalat, - HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3: középhaladó, - Twitter Boot...
I'm looking for a LinkedIn expert who can help me to enhance my presence on the platform. The primary goal of this project is to comment, network, and connect with people across the platform. Key Activities: - Commenting on posts: I want you to actively engage with relevant content on LinkedIn. - Networking with professionals: I need you to identify and connect with key players in my industry. - Connecting with new people: Expanding my LinkedIn connections is a key part of this project. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A knack for networking - Excellent communication skills - Proven experience with LinkedIn engagement - Ability to comment on posts in a way that adds value and showcases expertise...
...for a marketplace platform designed to connect service providers and users. The platform will feature user-friendly booking functionality, provider management tools, and integrated payment systems. The goal is to create a seamless and scalable web application with a clean interface and efficient backend. We are looking for a skilled freelance developer to develop this MVP from the ground up. You will be collaborating with our team to create a polished, functional product within a specified timeframe. Scope of Work Core Features: 1. User Platform: - Search and filter options based on location, category, and availability. - Booking and checkout system with guest and registered user options. - User account management (sign-up/sig...
I need an experienced professional to work with me immediately to help me connect a GoDaddy subdomain (e.g., ) to a Google Apps Script web app. The connection should be facilitated through Firebase Hosting or an equivalent service. The setup must act as a reverse proxy, masking the Apps Script URL (e.g., ) while allowing the web app to function normally. Key Responsibilities: - Configure GoDaddy DNS to point the subdomain to Firebase Hosting (or another suitable service). - Implement a reverse proxy so the browser URL remains as throughout. - Ensure seamless functionality of the Apps Script web app under the subdomain. The Google Apps Script web app primarily handles form submissions and data display. It is crucial that the professional
...Goal: Create a modern, professional, and user-friendly website to showcase Idealistic Solutions' offerings. Backend: Existing API (92% complete). The freelancer will not develop any backend logic. Frontend Technologies: React: JavaScript library for building the user interface. : React framework for server-side rendering, routing, and performance optimization. GitHub: For version control, collaboration, and deployment. CSS Framework/Library: (Suggest: Tailwind CSS or Material UI) - To be discussed with the freelancer for consistency and speed. API Interaction: The freelancer will be responsible for integrating with the provided API to fetch and display data. Testing: The freelancer will implement unit and integration tests to ensure code ...
I'm seeking a professional to enhance my Shopify website with a primary goal of increasing sales. The project involves: - Product Page Optimization: Refine product pages to improve conversion rates and drive sales. - Marketing Email Campaigns: Design and implement effective email campaigns targeting potential customers. - Third-Party Integrations: Connect my site with necessary third-party services for a seamless shopping experience. Specifically, the third-party integrations I require are with payment gateways for secure transactions and social media platforms for increased visibility and engagement. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven track record in eCommerce sales optimization - Expertise in Shopify platform - Profic...
...Consultants to provide 20-minute financial consultations to attendees at our Financial Wellness & Homeownership Expos across Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Long Island. Position Details Role: Financial Consultant Responsibilities: Conduct personalized 20-minute financial consultations. Help attendees identify opportunities for financial growth, homeownership, and investment. Collaborate with vendors and provide tailored recommendations for services. Schedule: Flexible event dates between February and April 2025. Choose the expos that fit your availability. Locations: Events are held in Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Long Island, with more dates to be added. Requirements Background in financial planning, consulting, or a related field. Strong inter...
...editor to help create engaging, mixed media Instagram ads aimed at boosting brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Expertise in editing mixed media videos, incorporating both live-action footage and animated sequences. - Proficiency in motion graphics, with the ability to create compelling, high-quality animations that enhance the overall impact of the ads. - Prior experience in creating content for Instagram, with a clear understanding of the platform's unique requirements and audience. Ideal Skills: - Advanced video editing skills. - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail. - Strong understanding of brand storytelling through video. Your role will be pivotal in helping us connect with our audience and elevate our brand prese...
...logistics service, similar to Porter. The platform should seamlessly connect vehicle owners with customers based on their needs. Key Features: - User Roles: The platform should support three primary user roles: Vehicle Owners, Customers, and Admins. - Core Functionalities: It should include real-time tracking, a robust booking system, and secure payment integration. Platforms: The application needs to be accessible on the Web, as well as both iOS and Android devices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web and mobile application development. - Experience with logistics or transport-related platforms is a plus. - Expertise in implementing real-time tracking systems, secure payment gateways, and user-friendly booking interfaces. - Strong sk... me connect my Node.js server to a MySQL database in a Kubernetes environment. The connection should utilize a connection pool. - Connection Type: The connection between the Node.js server and MySQL should be established using a connection pool. This means that multiple connections can be reused, improving the efficiency of data handling. - MySQL Operations: The majority of operations will be writing data to the database. Therefore, experience in optimizing write operations in MySQL will be beneficial. - Kubernetes Service: The Node.js server will be exposed using the ClusterIP service. Familiarity with this service and its configuration is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience with Node....
I'm looking for a professional who can build a simple, single-page WooCommerce store for me. The purpose of this store is solely to connect with my existing PayGate account. Key requirements: - Experience with WooCommerce is a must - Proficiency in building single-page websites - Expertise in linking payment gateways to e-commerce platforms The store should not contain any additional features apart from being a single page. It shouldn't have product listings, customer reviews or a contact form; just a simple interface connecting to PayGate. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in e-commerce development and a keen attention to detail.
Create a real estate website similar to Scrape data from livabl to be used for my new website. Same and all features/pages as livabl and few more. 1. Homepage: Search Functionality: Prominently positioned search bar allowing users to search by location, community, or company names. Navigation Menu: Includes links to primary sections: New Homes for Sale, Articles, Professionals, Log In, and Sign Up. Featured Listings: Showcases highlighted new home communities with images and brief details. Top Locations: Lists major cities and states in the U.S. and Canada for quick access to new home listings. Latest Articles: Displays recent articles on home buying guides, design trends, and real estate news. 2. Search Results Page: Map Integration: In...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in finding buyers for exporting Peruvian coffee to North America, specifically targeting retailers. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential retailers in North America interested in purchasing Peruvian coffee. - Develop and implement strategies to promote our coffee to potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Strong network and connections within the North American retail sector. - Experience in coffee exportation. - Excellent negotiation and communication skills. - Knowledge of the coffee industry and understanding of the unique qualities of Peruvian coffee.
My WordPress site is experiencing slow page load times, particularly with blog posts. I need a professional who can optimize the database, as it has a lot of slow queries and the Yoast SEO plugin. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in database optimization - Familiar with Yoast SEO plugin - Knowledgeable in speed enhancement techniques - Able to conduct a thorough site assessment Please note that I have not tried any database cleanup or caching plugins yet. Your expertise in enhancing my site's performance is crucial.
I am in need of a professional who can assist in registering my already established business and setting up a comprehensive database for global news distribution. Key Responsibilities: - Register my business with relevant authorities. - Create a database that caters for news distribution, both in the USA and globally. Ideal Skills: - Experience with business registration processes. - Proficiency in various types of databases, including SQL-based, NoSQL-based, and Cloud-based. - Prior involvement in setting up a news distribution system.
I'm looking for a professional who can assist in connecting my Canva account to Instagram Facebook and shopware. The primary goal is to make automated posts on instagram with a link to my shopware site. Key Requirements: - Strong knowledge of Canva and its integration capabilities with social media platforms. - Proven experience in connecting Canva with Instagram and Facebook and shopware. Timeline: I would like this project completed within a month. If you can help me with this, please get in touch.
I want to make an app and website similar to but for a NIL athlete referral program. This would be a place where businesses could sign up to hire athlete to a NIL deal and the people who refer the athletes get a percentage of the deal. User Profiles: Athletes: Create profiles with bios, sports stats, achievements, and sample content (e.g., videos, photos, social media links). Businesses: Showcase their industry, campaigns, and budget ranges for NIL deals. Referrers: Track referral activities and earnings. Matching System: Allow businesses to search for athletes by sport, demographic, location, or engagement metrics. Enable referrers to suggest specific athletes to businesses. Referral Tracking: Assign unique codes or links to r...
...with my PostgreSQL database and need an expert to analyze, optimize, and fine-tune the system for improved efficiency. The Issues: Memory Underutilization: PostgreSQL is not fully utilizing the allocated 32GB of memory, with usage capped at around 17GB even under high workload conditions. CPU usage spikes to use all 16 cores, even when PostgreSQL is idle. Processing takes too long during periods of high access, resulting in delayed responses. Bottlenecks During Data Loading: Loading large datasets causes significant delays, with processing times exceeding 30 seconds. Query execution slows further during bulk operations. Index and Query Optimization: Some queries are slower than expected, likely due to missing or inefficient indexes. Sequentia... developer to create an application for my company. Key Features: - The app will display the current time and company name at the top center of the screen. - Users will log in using a personal number and password, both entered into text boxes. The password will be concealed with an asterisk. - The app will include a button to submit the login details, labelled "Anmelden". - There will be a copyright notice at the bottom of the screen, aligned to the right and in a font size smaller than 16. CSS: Background: #000 Font Color #fff Button Color: orange Authentication: - The app will utilize an NFC system for authentication, along with a clear username and password scheme. - Users will authenticate using a text-based password or NFC. D...
I'm looking for a skilled PCB designer to create a design for a smart LPG meter. This device needs to have several key functionalities, including gas level monitoring, leak detection, and usage data logging. The smart LPG meter will connect via Wi-Fi and will be powered by a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a PCB that incorporates gas level monitoring, leak detection and usage data logging. - Ensure the design is suitable for a battery-powered device. - Include a Wi-Fi connectivity component in the design. Ideal Freelancer Skills: - Extensive experience in PCB design. - Knowledge of IoT device requirements. - Understanding of gas sensing technologies. - Experience with battery-operated device designs.
...Overview We need a secure, user-friendly website to serve as an index for manuscripts. The platform will provide authorized users access to a centralized database where they can view, upload, search, and manage manuscript-related information. The system will support file uploads, advanced filtering and search functionalities, and administrative controls. Features and Requirements User Authentication and Authorization Secure, password-protected login system. Role-based access control: Regular users: View and upload files, search/filter manuscripts. Admin users: Manage users, delete files, and oversee all system activities. Password reset functionality. Manuscript Index Ability to store detailed metadata for each manuscript, including but not limited to...
Clearly outline the project goals: Preparing ~1,000 PDF pages with images for fine-tuning. Handling image metadata and linking it to text. Formatting content in JSONL for OpenAI fine-tuning. Specify requirements: Experience with OpenAI or similar tools. Familiarity with data preparation for AI training. Knowledge of technical manuals and metadata handling. Mention deliverables: Clean, structured dataset ready for fine-tuning.
I'm seeking to create a comprehensive database of North American companies in the medical device cleaning and medical facilities cleaning industries. The database should include email contacts for the CEO and other executive roles. Ideal Skills: - Data mining - Database creation - Market research - Lead generation Experience: - Prior experience in compiling corporate databases - Familiarity with the medical device or cleaning industry is a plus. I will buy lists of 1000 contacts each time I may buy lists from more than one bidder, and may buy more than one list per bidder to the extent the lists provided have the right level of quality. You should quote the price for each list of 1000 contacts.
I'm looking for a C# developer to create a basic color mixing program using Windows Forms and the .NET framework. This simple application should utilize the standard primary colors, with 6 radio buttons (red, blue, yellow) for color selection. Key Features: - Upon selecting a color from each of the three sets and clicking 'Mix', the background changes to reflect the newly mixed color. - An option to reset the colors to their default state. - An exit button to close the application. The color mixing process should be visualized as an instant change upon clicking 'Mix'. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and .NET Framework. - Experience with Windows Forms applications. - Ability to create simple, user-...
I'm looking for a professional with an established network and expertise in B2B sales to help me connect with potential buyers of both light and heavy duty commercial vehicles, primarily targeting construction companies engaged in warehousing and distribution services. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential businesses in need of commercial vehicles. - Understand the specific requirements of these companies to tailor the sales approach. - Utilize effective sales strategies to secure vehicle purchases. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B sales, particularly in the commercial vehicle sector. - Strong understanding of the needs and operations of construction companies. - Excel...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
Hi everyone, I’m reaching out to explore collaborations with interior designers, art consultants, and professionals who connect art with discerning clients. I represent Ash, an Italian abstract artist whose works are sought after for their ability to transform spaces into powerful, meaningful experiences. With a sales base starting at €12,000 (approximately €1 per cm²), Ash's pieces offer exclusivity, authenticity, and inimitable emotional depth. These large-scale works don’t just decorate—they tell stories and create unforgettable visual impact. We’re offering an attractive commission structure, with increased margins for higher-value placements. Additionally, we can arrange live viewings of select pieces to supp...
...account for us. Replace outdated flows and send campaigns. Our brand is rooted in the deep and emotional bond between a human and their dog. We and our customers understand that dogs are more than pets, their are part of our family. This makes copywriting and designing email content for our brand uniquely challenging - you can't get away with simple AI generated stuff, it needs to have soul, the creator of our emails needs to understand how to connect to dog owners, and also be an expert in Klaviyo. Hopefully we can get all of that at a decent budget, especially we are looking to work out some sort of a hybrid deal since Q1-Q3 is slower for us vs Q4 we scale up the business up to 10-fold so yeah we'd...