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We have a business and we are trying to improve our site with 3D modell vizualization. There are two main parts of the story: First of all we have to see all the furniture in a room. During this view the user can edit the room and move the furnitures, e.g. the user can move a whole bed, or rotate etc. If the user click on a cabinet then all of the parts should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a cabinet then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input fields for the position and three for the rotation and a save button. The second usage is different, here the user cannot see all the furniture, o...
...: "A.1.", "B.2.", stb.) felolvasása opcionális, esetleges felmondásuk az alá tartozó szövegtől a hangfelvételben legyen jól eltagolva. A két szövegcsoport 1-1 PDF dokumentumként mellékelve, valamint (ugyanezen dokumentumok) elérhetőek nyílt GoogleDrive megosztásban is: 1. szöveg: 2. szöveg: A GDrive megosztás teljes mappája: A vállalkozó az általa nyújtható felvételi minőség és beszédhang bemutatására az arduino-????-workspace-?????-?mail-????-com E-Mail címre is küldhet egy pár szavas tetszőleges hangfelvételt — vagy esetleg az a...
... weboldalamra már feltöltöttet 1. kezdőlap az itt található 2. termékoldal https:// :// lájkold ezt a 3. kategóriás oldalt layout=full 4. blogbejegyzések 5. blogbejegyzés -Solo-is-awesome/ , hogy ezt világossá tegyem, arra van szükségem, hogy a semmiből építsd fel a webhelyemet (csak azt az 5 oldalt) wordpress elementor pro-ban, és pontosan másold át ezeket az oldalakat asztali és mobil verzióban , és erre 2-4 napon belül szükségem van mivel már sok időt elpazaroltam, nem foglalkozom
Adott egy WP oldal, rajta egy DIVI template. Ennek a bővítése az elsődleges feladat. Az általam megadott szövegekkel feltöltve. Ötletekre nyitott vagyok. A téma: kaputechnika. Az oldal magyar nyelvű.
Tapasztalt front-end fejlesztőt keresünk, UNAS alapú projekt megvalósításához. A honlap célja információs (új márka bevezetése), webshop funkcióval kiegészítve. Design és funkcionalitás: - A designt mi adjuk, az első tervek itt láthatók: - A funkcionalitásban nem kell több, mint amit egy átlagos UNAS template tud. - A back-end bekötést a rendszergazdánk elvégzi, ténylegesen a site-build, amire szükségünk van. Szükséges ismeretek: - Site-build (referencia portfoliót kérünk megosztani) - Unas tapasztalat - Magyar nyelv Időzítés: - A projekt azo...
... Érdekelne nekünk dolgozni? vagy tudsz valakit, aki szeretne nekünk dolgozni? Várom a válaszodat. Nagyon köszönöm. Üdvözlett Rüegg Gergely I am from Germany. I apologize, my Hungarian is not 100%. We are a German advertising company: I am Hungarian and therefore I am looking for a web developer in Hungary. Can you work with html css and php? It is ideal if you also use the program Contau You should also be familiar with XD Adobe. Are you interested in working for us? or do you know someone who would like to work for us? I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Welcome
Légy tagja a csapatunknak! WordPress fejlesztő állást kínálunk – WordPress távmunka állás lehetőség- Müncheni székhelyű cégünk keres tapasztalt WordPress fejlesztőt Magyarországon. Egyedi WordPress témák, vállalati weboldalak, e-kereskedelem, webes alkalmazások, böngészős játékok fejlesztésével foglalkozunk. Te vagy az ideális jelölt, ha: WordPress weboldal fejlesztésben legalább 2 év tapasztalattal rendelkezel legalább 2 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezel HTML / CSS / JS Készítettél önállóan WordPres...
approx. 2000 words per blog-post: I. Quantum computers (what it is, how does it work, its applications) II. Programming education (Programming Theory, C language basics) III. Tech news (New hardware gadets) IV. Educational games (Programming & Boolean Logic learning material for schools regarding computers)
Egy WordPress weboldalnál domain csere után a Filterable Portfolio Modulban nem működik a filteres menü + a képek nem töltődnek be, rejtélyes mintázat szerint, pl. cache törlés után először igen, aztán nem. Bármelyik menüre kattintva ezt adja: . Részletes infók vannak a problémáról. Ha valaki meg tudná oldani, nem építeném újra. Egyszerű weboldal, de a portfólió a fő tartalom.
...adatbázisban az eddigi értékét növelje +annyival amennyit utalt ----- [ENG] Hi, I would have a project where I would need a steam authenticate and a paypal integration. You should put a steam login on a website and if the given user is logged in, you can transfer the set values on paypal at the touch of a button, then if the transaction was successful, increase the previous value in a database + as much as you referred...
Hungarian speaking applicants only please. Egy ügyviteli rendszer fejlesztésén dolgozunk egy magyar ügyfelünk részére. Stack: ASP.Net Core, Razor, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery A view-k jelenleg a Visual Studio által generált változatok (tehát rondák), de szeretnénk ezeket ízléses módon fejleszteni, amihez az alábbi template-et vettük meg: A feladat a rendszerben lévő cshtml fájlok átdolgozása úgy, hogy az elrendezés legyen ízléses, ne legyen a felület szétcsúszva. Legyen kompakt de átlátható. A template által támogatott funkciókat szeretnén...
I'm looking for a page developer to create an online education page! Expectations: WordPress, Divi, LifterLMS, webdesign I am looking for a page developer who has already worked with an educational managment system and is also proficient in design. The project is ready: domain, hosting, wordpress ,ivi et lifterlms armed. I tried to create the project myself, but being a layman would take too much time, so I would put the started project into professional hands.
We're looking for a developer to develop a javascript based drag and drop floor plan designer. The floor plan design feature would be used by bars and restaurants, so they should be able to place tables of different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles...enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the browser side without editing. (floorplan not editable view) The editor must be responsive and mobile-friendly...
A weboldal hibáinak kijavítása, új oldalak/funkciók létrehozása, illetve karbantartás lenne a feladat.
Szeretnék egy olyan wordpress plugint, ami képes kezelni a feltöltött videókat. Szeretném, ha portfóliót, vagy galériát tudnék vele csinálni, és ha megjelenik egy videó, arra rákattintva lightboxban előjönne a film. Tudnia kell kezelni a linket, tehát kell, hogy onnan tudja folytatni a videót, ahol korábban abba hagyta (ezt a netu tudja) illetve a videóhoz csatolt feliratot is kell, hogy kezelni tudja. Lényegében azt szeretném, hogy a pluginnal lehessen videógalériát létrehozni, amire ha rákattintunk, akkor lightboxban a beágyazott videó jelenne meg.
Nincs neve a projektemnek, se lényege. Hasznot szeretnék, és pénzt..
Wordpress alapú honlapok elkészítésére keresek munkatársat. Feladatok: WP telepítés, az oldal felépítése az esetek többségében Divi sablonnal, Arculat kialakítása a kapott instrukciók, minták alapján. A kapott szöveges és képi tartalom feltöltése, oldalak, menüpontok létrehozása. Pluginok telepítése és beállítása (pl.: Yoast SEO, WPML, Woocommerce) Esetlegesen egyszerű logo tervezése. Mellékelve néhány oldal, ami mintaként szolgál.
Wordpress alapú webshop programozási nehézségeit kellene megoldani, kecskeméti találkozóponttal. Magyar nyelvtudás szükséges. 200 Each 200 Each
Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felületen le...
Witam Chodzi o zainstalowanie wordpressa na serwerze, wgranie szablonu i wprowadzenie treści z psd. Proszę o koszt takiej operacji.
Telepített wordpress és studiopress metro. Kezdeti konfigurációra lenne szükségem hogy pontosan úgy nézzen ki mint az alábbi linken lévő demo:
A a ( ) és web oldalakra Értékes linkeket kellene építeni. Jelenleg is vannak ilyen linkek , de a mai helyzetben az már sajnos kevés. Elsősorban Ma a Román és Szlovák oldalunk link építése lenne a fontosabb . The ( ) or web sites should be linked ny new link building by valued links as much as possible. We are waiting for the candidates who can manage this project first of all in Romania.
Hy. Can anyone help me how to make money with this page? Heart Essen halgatom to everyone's help. Thank you very much in advance!
...various countries to engage in seamless transactions. User Account Management: Sign-up/sign-in options include email/password and social media logins (Google, Apple). Creator Profile Management: Creators can set up their profiles, upload content, set prices, and manage their catalog. They can also view analytics of sales and performance. Content Monetization: Creators can price their content individually (e.g., $10 per fitness plan, $5 per photo) and generate a unique link for each item. This link is how buyers access the content. Payment Integration: Seamless and secure payment processing for purchases, supporting multiple payment methods such as Stripe and PayPal. Download and Access: After purchase, buyers can download the media in their preferred for...
am seeking an experienced developer or AI specialist to help me integrate DeepSeek R1 AI on the cloud with a user-friendly interface. Key Requirements: Cloud-based deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI (no local hosting). Performance: Delivers 65B-level performance Cost Efficiency: , inference and fine-tuning costs must be much low. Accuracy: Excellent performance for complex academic research, reasoning, Fully open-weight and supported by platforms like Hugging Face, Together AI, and RunPod at low costs. Interface Development of a clean, intuitive, and responsive user interface for easy interaction with the AI. Fully functional cloud deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI. A seamless web-based interface for interacting with the AI. . Ongoing support (if available).
...looking for a skilled writer to craft a white paper on how GenAI is transforming commercial excellence in pharma organizations but is facing a lot of challenges today. The paper should be well-researched, data-driven, and professionally written, interview quotes from leaders in organization, covering: - GenAI maturity model for organizations and where are big pharma on this journey today. - How GenAI can positively impact these organizations. Future trends and potential advancements. - What are the challenges in scaling and where does most drop off happen in adoption of GenAI analytics tools in commercial excellence. Ethical challenges (privacy, bias, regulations). Challenges can technical, people, organizational, ethical, etc. - How can organizations overco...
...UI/UX design, backend integration, API connections, paywall setup, ad integration, testing, and App Store submission. The project has a 3 to 4-week timeline. ? Core Features (Included in Free & Paid Versions) ✅ Real-Time Crypto Prices – Fetch live price data using CoinMarketCap API. ✅ Virtual Trading Simulator – Buy and sell cryptocurrencies using simulated money. ✅ Basic Portfolio Tracking – View simulated profit/loss data. ✅ User Onboarding – Guided tutorial to explain app features. ✅ App Store Submission – Ensure the app meets Apple’s guidelines and gets approved. ? Free Version (Monetized with Ads) ✅ Google AdMob Integration – Display banner and interstitial ads. ✅ Basic Trading Engine – Users can buy/sell but with limit... mail and normal mobile msg * we have course is divided into modules , after completing the modules we want to have an assessment after completion of that test they want to able to move next module and on completion of all the assessments then we want to provide the certificate at last and the access is able to have only 3 months for each user * we want to track the progress of the course how much they finished like that - An 'About Us' Page containing: * Our company history * Bios of our team members * Our mission and values - a login and registration page : * register with mail id and login must be with Otp authentication * Ideal Skills: - angular, node, express and mongodb - Web Design - UI/UX Design - Course Management Systems Integration ...
I'm seeking a seasoned web developer/designer to revamp our real estate website on WordPress with a modern and sleek aesthetic. The primary objective of this redesign is to elevate our brand visibility. The project involves: - Creating and integrating updated content using insights from Google Analytics. - Establishing API/FTP links from our CRM to the website and vice versa. - Implementing a location preference feature for Melbourne and Brisbane on the homepage, along with a 'how much is your property worth?' search option. - Structuring the site to include sections for Home, About Us, Residential (Sale, Sold, Lease, Leased, Testimonials), and Commercial (Sale, Sold, Lease, Leased, Testimonials). - Ensuring all features are search engine compatible to ...
I'm running a WordPress development startup and seeking a professional to help bring in clients, specifically targeting e-commerce stores. Channels of Interest: - Social Media Marketing: Create engaging content to reach potential clients on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. - Email Marketing: Craft compelling emails to reach out to potential clients in the e-commerce sector. - Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance the visibility of my services on search engines to attract e-commerce stores. Key Services to Highlight: - Custom Theme Design: Emphasize my ability to design unique, tailored WordPress themes to meet the specific needs of each e-commerce store. - SEO Optimization: Showcase my expertise in making e-commerce sites SEO-friendly to improve ...
I need a professional to create a detailed AutoCAD drawing for a reinforced concrete base (50x50x50 cm) intended for an electric pole installation. Key Requirements: - The drawing should include standard detail reinforcement specifications. - It must feature details for six standard anchor bolts. - A sectional view of the base is also needed. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is essential. - Prior experience with structural engineering drawings will be a plus. - Familiarity with standard details for reinforced concrete structures.
I need a reliable transport service to pick up my new dining table from Sydney and deliver to a residential address in Ballarat regional Victoria. Details: - Type of Table: This is a round concrete dining table. - Size: The table is 1.8m round and weighs approximately 240kg - Assembly: The table does not need to be disassembled for transport. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Prior experience in furniture transport. - Proven record of safe and timely deliveries. - Excellent communication skills for providing updates during transit. - Insurance coverage for high-value items. Please provide your quote and estimated delivery time. Our budget is $450-500
I need a WordPress plugin that allows users to install a shortcut on their mobile phone to access the homepage of my site. The installation should always ask for user permission and use a custom icon that I will provide. Key Requirements: - Develop a WordPress plugin that creates a mobile shortcut. - Ensure the shortcut opens the homepage upon clicking. - Always prompt for user permission before installing the shortcut. - Utilize a custom icon for the shortcut, which I will provide. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in WordPress plugin development. - Experience in creating mobile web shortcuts. - Understanding of user permission prompts in mobile environments. - Ability to integrate custom icons into mobile shortcuts.
...visible if user does not have streak), and available rewards. - Quick access to request a stamp (Select vendor from the linked profiles, select in store or online purchase, date/time of the purchase and the price.) ### **3. QR Code Scanning** - Users have a unique QR code. - Vendors scan the QR code to log visits and add stamps. ### **4. Stamp Request System** - Users can request a stamp if they forget in store, or vendor did not ask for loyalty, or for online orders. - Request details must include: - Order type: **In-store** or **Online** - Date/Time of transaction (last 3 days only) - Price of the order - Vendors can approve or reject requests. - Users can view past requests and their status. ### **5. Loyalty Card Tracking** - U...
am seeking an experienced developer or AI specialist to help me integrate DeepSeek R1 AI on the cloud with a user-friendly interface. Key Requirements: Cloud-based deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI (no local hosting). Performance: Delivers 65B-level performance Cost Efficiency: , inference and fine-tuning costs must be much low. Accuracy: Excellent performance for complex academic research, reasoning, Fully open-weight and supported by platforms like Hugging Face, Together AI, and RunPod at low costs. Interface Development of a clean, intuitive, and responsive user interface for easy interaction with the AI. Fully functional cloud deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI. A seamless web-based interface for interacting with the AI. . Ongoing support (if available).
... - Milestones - Week 1: Functional website that we can post with a significant percentage of the content - Week 2: complete 1st pass for remaining site - Week 3: complete final pass for remaining site Content: I will provide all necessary content, images, and branding details. Key Content Appointment book: a call to action - “see how much you can save” Current offer Value proposition: why choose i-window remodeling? Process: Clear Step-by-Step Customer Journey (1, 2, 3, 4) Meet the team Welcome and greet video from the owners Calculator: energy savings & monthly payment Before & After Remodeling Slider Exclusive Discounts for Heroes Energy Tax Credit: Efficiency & Certification Badges Quick links to key sections:
I'm looking for a professional and corporate style website with the following features: - A platform for companies to advertise their products and post job vacancies. - A registration portal for job seekers where they can view and apply for job positions. - A section for companies to click and pay for my service. - A designated area for Banner ads. The site should be able to handle transactions and I prefer companies to pay via Bank transfer. Experience in creating similar corporate websites is a plus. Ultimately, I need a simple yet clean, modern interface that is user-friendly for both companies and job seekers. The name given : JobLink & Marketing PNG
Hi Accpet this quote and then let me start Thank you so much!!
...this text? Why are they important? What is at stake? Introduce the text to the reader, briefly summarize its main idea, and make a claim (thesis) for each author’s rhetorical strategies. A strong claim is both contestable – reasonable people might disagree – and predictive – it will set up expectations for your reader. 2. Develop your main points around specific rhetorical strategies. Consider how the author constructs the argument, not whether or not you agree. Analysis relies on objective judgments. Remember also that rhetoric encompasses any tools available for persuasion. For example, would it be useful to talk about the argument in terms of ethos, logos, and/or pathos? Or on purpose, audience, and/or genre? Support your main points with concret...
HI Please accept this quote then we start this project Thank you so much
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? Within a month
...collaborate and engage in discussions. Design Inspiration: Looking for a visual style inspired by Yahoo Finance, Reddit WallStreet Bets, and MarketWatch. We already have drafted pages and content, and need a team that excels in design, alongside development. Timeline is flexible, and we're open to proposals regarding budget. We're seeking a team that can cover both design and development aspects. Does this capture your vision perfectly? Let me know if you'd like to post this project as is or if you need any further tweaks...
We are a gin distillery that has won awards for our very smooth, very delicate, hand crafted, small batch gins. I'm looking for a label design that embodies all of those features. Our current design and website are at - - the idea is to refine that label and packaging as much as possible as the product we supply is very delicate and refined and our original brand was very heavy and bold. We embody the spirit of bonsai and zen culture in our distillery but are based in Australia so we don't want to replicate a Japanese company - but we do want those elements to be tastefully worked into the design. I have included an example of the current logo design I have worked out and a copy of the labels we had currently come up with for the new brand feel. We want someone
Per month SEO(Search engine optimization) for 1 website
...90% male, and our comprised ofhunters, fisherman, and outdoor cooking adventurists. We’d love to start tackling the foodie market, who are typically more creative. I may not be drawn to our simple black-and-white logo type. You can visit our website at to learn more about us and our products what we’re looking for is for some ideas and suggestions on how to take our traditional logo which we like very much into the 21st-century. Our company is celebrating our 40th year anniversary and we’d like to somehow acknowledge this accomplishment within the logo design, perhaps by having an established year as part of the logo. We’re looking for something really upbeat and contemporary, but not a drastic departure from the brand that we have now so that pe...
I'm looking for a professional to set up a newsletter for my WordPress blog through Mailchimp. The newsletter should primarily consist of summaries of my blog posts. Key requirements: - Experience with WordPress and Mailchimp - Ability to create engaging blog summaries for a newsletter - Knowledge of best practices for email marketing and newsletter setup Please provide examples of previous similar projects you have completed.