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2,000 gps google map web service munkát találtunk

8-50 silide terjedelmű angol szövegek fordításra magyar nyelvre, slides formátum megtartásával (betűtípusok, színek, karakterszám); landing page-ek szintén slides-ban, marketing szövegek, CTA-k fordítása Sheets-ben. Megbízható embert keresek elsősorban diákot, aki magas szinten tud magyarul (mit jelent ez? szám-személy egyeztetés, anglicizmusok kerülése, gördülékeny szövegek írása-ha egy magyar ember olvassa a szöveg legyen olyan, mintha eredetileg is magyar nyelven íródott volna), minimum középszintű B2 angol elvárt. Karakterszámok betartása hirdetési sz&ou...

€100 Average bid
€100 licitátlag
15 árajánlat

...}-total`} className={}> { ? : currentTotal} </div> )} </div> </div> {hasSubCategories && ( <div className={subCategoryClasses} data-testid="category-item-subcategories"> {subcategories?.map((cat, index) => ( <CategoryItem category={cat} currentCategoryId={currentCategoryId} currentTotal={currentTotal} parentCategoryUrl={} parentCategoryQuery={} key={`category-item-${cat

€129 Average bid
€129 licitátlag
32 árajánlat

Szeretnénk egy térképet ami a saját feladataink vannak elhelyezve, és ezeknek a megjelenítését bizonyos beállításokkal szeretnénk jobban áttekinthetővé tenni. bizonyos távolság, amit be tudunk állítani meghatározza hogy mely pontok esetén van több feladat, egy ezeket külön színnel vagy számértékkel csoportosítva kiemelve jelenítjük meg.

€354 Average bid
€354 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
Prime SEO
Véget ért left

Prime SEO seo service

€37 Average bid
€37 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Sziasztok! Szeretnék létrehozni egy WordPress alapú WooCommerce webshopot, ahol ügyfeleim egy térképtervező API (pl.: MapBox) segítségével, szabhatják testre saját térképüket, majd megrendelhetik azt tőlem. Ezt követően kinyomtatom a térképet, bekeretezem és elküldöm nekik. Így képzelem el az oldalt: Erre a projektre várok ajánlatokat. Köszönettel, iNEO DSGN

€186 Average bid
€186 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

A dolgozóink beosztását online, google sheetsben tároljuk. Szeretnék statisztikákat készíteni, ki mennyit van egy adott munkahelyen, egy hónapban hol dolgozott, mennyi munkaórát végzett el. Ebből készülne a jelenléti ív, és éves összesítésre is szükség lenne. Részleteket jelentkezés után.

€231 Average bid
€231 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
€20 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat Google SEO
Véget ért left

Hungarian new domain SEO keywords

€65 Average bid
€65 licitátlag
40 árajánlat

Feladat: - Piacvezető telematikai megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxe...

€17 - €34 / hr
€17 - €34 / hr
0 árajánlat

Create an android background service which unlocks the phone if certain criteria are met. Read the attached file for more details.

€2326 Average bid
€2326 licitátlag
21 árajánlat
SAP ABAP fejlesztő
Véget ért left

...középvállalati szektor, mind a multinacionális cégek képviselői megtalálhatóak. Meglévő ügyfeleink magas szintű kiszolgálásához keresünk új munkatársat. SAP ABAP fejlesztő Feladatok: • ABAP fejlesztések elvégzése- főként meglévő ügyfélbázison • UI5, HANA, Fiori fejlesztések • AVL listák, smart form, interface, EDI, WEB Service, riport fejlesztések • Projektek koordinálása, fejlesztői munkák ütemezése • Ügyféligények felmérése-...

€37 / hr Average bid
€37 / hr licitátlag
2 árajánlat
google SEO
Véget ért left

A Google SEO segítségével minél előrébb juttatni a Google találatai között az adott webshopot.

€296 Average bid
€296 licitátlag
16 árajánlat
Mobile development
Véget ért left

iPhone/iPad alkalmazás iPhone és iPad Ennek megtervezésére és létrehozására van szükségem. Kirándulóknak közösségi app készítése, amel...és iPad Ennek megtervezésére és létrehozására van szükségem. Kirándulóknak közösségi app készítése, amely a felhasználók által adott vélemények és a segít megtalálni a legjobb szállásokat, éttermeket, szórakozási lehetőségeket, melyekhez fényképeket, leírást és térképes megjelen&iac...

€658 Average bid
€658 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
Írjon szoftvert
Véget ért left

... There is a search fuction called Near Me. It's showing the users on a Google Map. This is what we want: The logged in users should be able to track real time all other logged in users movement on the Near Me function's map. Please contact me if you find yourself to be suitable for the job. --- Tisztelt Fejlesztő! Egy WordPress alapokon készülő, kutyáknak / kutya tulajdonosoknak szóló weboldalhoz használjuk a WPDating plugin-t (). A pluginnak vagy egy Near Me nevű funkciója, ami egy Google térképen mutatja a felhasználókat. Ugyan GPS pozíciót be lehet állítani a felhasználói profilokban, de sajnos nem haszn&aacut...

€615 Average bid
€615 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

Szeretném megoldani, hogy a hírlevelünkre Facebook, Google (esetleg Twitter) fiók segítségével is fel lehessen iratkozni. Ennek a technikai megvalósítására lenne szükségem. Jelenleg meg kell adni az űrlapon a keresztnevet és az email címet. A jelentkezés után PHP script dolgozza fel a megadott értékeket, és MySQL adatbázisban tárolódnak az adatok.

€21 Average bid
€21 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
google sketchup
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Családi házat építek amin van udvar és autó

€36 Average bid
€36 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
Milidim Service Manager
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Ugyfelkezelo kezelo programot szeretnek tovabbfejlesztesi lehetoseggel.

€208 Average bid
€208 licitátlag
4 árajánlat

...funkciók megmaradnak, a motor a háttérben ugyanaz, viszont más a témakör amit feldolgoz. Az appban három szereplő van: User, Services provider és mi akik adjuk az appot. User igénybe veszi a service provider szolgáltatásait melyért cserébe borravalót kap. A szolgáltatás idő alapú melyet a szolgáltatás megkezdésekor elindít az SP (és a user validálja ezt), majd a végén hasonlóan állítják le. Az app ilyenkor felajánl egy "borravalót" melyet a user elfogadhat, ezek után apija lefut a háttérben és az összegeket szétbontv...

€187 Average bid
€187 licitátlag
4 árajánlat
The ShowRoom arculat
Véget ért left

Budapest legújabb modern lakberendezési áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográfia, cégtábla, üzlet installációk A márka neve: The ShowRoom További információk: Az 1100 nm-es bútoráruház olasz modern bútorok értékesít elsősorban. Az üzlet viszont nem csupán klasszikus bútoráruházként, hanem full service design központként is működik majd: a tematikusan berendezett bemutatótereken kívül helyet kap benn...

€387 Average bid
€387 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

...entry, and other general administrative tasks using Google products. This role offers training and the possibility of growing into a full-time position based on performance. **Responsibilities:** - Act as a general virtual assistant, providing support across various tasks and projects. - Carry out data mining and online research to gather accurate and relevant information. - Perform data entry with precision and attention to detail using Google Sheets and other tools. - Manage and organize digital files and documentation using Google Drive. - Assist with scheduling, email management, and other administrative duties as required. - Coordinate with team members to facilitate project completion and address administrative needs. - Utilize Google Workspace applica...

€1 - €5 / hr
€1 - €5 / hr
0 árajánlat

I'm looking for an experienced web designer to help me create a professional, user-friendly website for our healthcare products and services company. Key Responsibilities: - Design a site that features consulting expertise of HealthX Partner (HxP). - Our clients are Tech Companies who are launching digital health / therapeutic products. These products analyze patient signs, symptoms, vitals, generates clinical insights using AI / ML. The clinical insights assists multi-disciplinary care giver team to better manage their patients along the care pathways. - Our customers are Clinics, Acute and Chronic Care facilities. This could be skilled or semi-skilled nursing facilities or remote patient monitoring (monitoring at home). - HxP team has experience to understanding above p...

€149 Average bid
€149 licitátlag
44 árajánlat
Google Ads Expert for Product Sales
6 nap left

I am seeking a seasoned Google Ads specialist to oversee a campaign aimed at generating leads and sales for my physical goods. Key Responsibilities: - Strategizing and executing a Google Ads campaign focused on driving product sales - Monitoring, analyzing and adjusting campaign parameters for optimal performance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns for physical product sales - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance - Excellent understanding of e-commerce and digital marketing strategies.

€96 Average bid
€96 licitátlag
10 árajánlat

...real-time accident detection using object detection models (YOLO, OpenCV). • Knowledge of deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch) to build robust AI models. 2. Real-time Data Processing Skills • Ability to work with IoT sensors, traffic cameras, and GPS data for real-time accident detection. • Experience with big data handling using Spark, Kafka, or Hadoop for large-scale traffic data processing. 3. Software Development & Deployment • Expertise in Python, Flask, FastAPI, or Django for building AI-driven applications. • Experience in web-based dashboards using React, Angular, or Dash for real-time visualization. • Knowledge of cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure) for AI model deployment. 4. Data Analytics & Risk Assessment ...

€609 Average bid
€609 licitátlag
7 árajánlat
Google Chrome Setup Assistance
6 nap left

We are seeking a skilled freelancer to assist with the setup and configuration of Google Chrome. The ideal candidate will ensure optimal browser performance, including the installation of necessary extensions, customization of settings, and troubleshooting any potential issues. A strong understanding of browser security and user privacy settings is essential. If you're passionate about enhancing user experience through effective browser management, we would love to hear from you! Google Chrome to functions as a restricted browser Need users to be restricted from reviling passwords Need users to be restricted from downloading extensions other than the extensions already installed by the admin

€174 Average bid
€174 licitátlag
6 árajánlat
Trophy icon Hero Corp Visual Identity Design
14 nap left

Design Service Request – Hero Corp Visual Identity () We are requesting specialized services for the creation of a comprehensive visual identity for Hero Corp, aligned with the standards previously defined within the project scope and consistent with our strategic positioning. The visual identity should clearly express our core values: technology, innovation, efficiency, and intelligent support. It should also reflect our modern, agile, and consultative character, highlighting an approach that integrates advanced technological solutions with deep understanding of human behavior. Our services: Workflow Optimization and Automation, Systems Integration, Data Engineering for Business Intelligence, Machine Learning and Software House. **Requested elements:** - Logo

€185 Average bid
Kiemelt Garantált
33 pályamű

...optimally. - Order Fulfillment: Ensure timely and accurate processing of all orders. - Customer Service Management: Handle customer inquiries and issues with professionalism and efficiency. - Marketing: Increase store visibility and sales through effective marketing strategies. - Social Media Posts: Manage and create engaging content for my store's social media platforms. - Fully Functional Store: Maintain the store's functionality and troubleshoot any issues. Additionally, I need help with product management, specifically with product listing and inventory management. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with Shopify and dropshipping. - Excellent communication and customer service skills. - Strong marketing and social media management skills....

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr licitátlag
40 árajánlat

...potential, and not yet be widely available in Saudi Arabia. Requirements: Conduct market research to find unique and scalable digital products. Identify products with strong growth potential and demand in Saudi Arabia. Find contact details of the product owners or companies for potential partnership. The product can be a software platform, SaaS solution, mobile app, digital tool, AI-based service, or any innovative tech-based product. Ensure that the product owner/company is open to partnership and willing to be hosted in Saudi Arabia (not difficult to connect with or likely to reject collaboration requests). Assist in initiating communication with the product owners to discuss the opportunity of introducing their product in Saudi Arabia. Provide a detailed report on the ...

€91 Average bid
€91 licitátlag
15 árajánlat

As a tax agent, my primary objective is to generate leads through a well-structured and strategically targeted website and social media advertising campaign. Key Platforms: - Facebook - Instagram Content: - I have s...agent, my primary objective is to generate leads through a well-structured and strategically targeted website and social media advertising campaign. Key Platforms: - Facebook - Instagram Content: - I have some existing content for the ads, but I will need assistance in creating additional engaging and relevant content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in lead generation for service-based businesses - Expertise in Facebook and Instagram advertising - Content creation skills, particularly for social media - Understanding of the tax industry will ...

€199 Average bid
€199 licitátlag
23 árajánlat

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create travel itinerary maps for my travel company. These maps will be designed using Adobe Illustrator, adhering strictly to brand guidelines that I will provide. Key Design Elements: - The maps will need to showc...These maps will be designed using Adobe Illustrator, adhering strictly to brand guidelines that I will provide. Key Design Elements: - The maps will need to showcase various landmarks and incorporate route paths. - They will be designed for both online interactive use and for static display. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and graphic design. - Prior experience with map design is a plus. - Ability to adhere to brand guidelines. - Understanding of creating designs for both interactive and ...

€9 - €15 / hr
€9 - €15 / hr
44 árajánlat

...create a Shopify site for my beauty brand with a focus on increasing online sales. The site will feature a variety of products including skincare, makeup, and haircare items. Key Features: - Customer reviews and ratings: This will help build trust and engagement with our customers. - Loyalty rewards program: I'm looking to incentivize repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty. - Subscription service for products: A portion of our inventory will be available for subscription, delivering convenience to our customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify site development, particularly in the beauty sector. - Familiarity with integrating customer review systems, loyalty programs, and subscription services into e-commerce platforms. - Strong understand...

€906 Average bid
€906 licitátlag
78 árajánlat

I need an experienced web developer to create an e-commerce website for my service-based business on the WooCommerce platform. The site should be user-friendly, responsive, and optimized for SEO. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in WooCommerce and WordPress - Experience in developing service-oriented e-commerce websites - Strong understanding of SEO and website optimization - Ability to create a responsive and user-friendly design - Understanding of e-commerce best practices and security measures. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

€189 Average bid
€189 licitátlag
33 árajánlat

I need assistance in setting up a product feed for over 201 products on my Google Merchant Account, with integration to my Squarespace store. All product data is ready and available for upload. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Merchant Account - Proficient in product feed setup - Familiar with Squarespace Experience: - Previous projects involving integration of e-commerce platforms with Google Merchant Account - Proven track record of managing product feeds for large inventories

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
13 árajánlat

...experienced web designer/developer to build a bold, minimalistic, and high-converting website for Pink Panther Cleaning. The website must be fast, professional, and easy to use, ensuring customers can book a cleaning service in under 60 seconds while incorporating automation for seamless management. ⸻ Key Requirements 1. Bold, Minimalist & Modern Design • Brand Colors: Pink & White (clean, professional, and visually striking) • Strong, high-converting UI: Clean, simple layout with a focus on usability • Professional & polished: The site should reflect a well-established brand 2. Streamlined Booking System & Customer Journey • Homepage Focus: Directs users immediately to the booking system (no excessive text) • Instant Price...

€529 Average bid
€529 licitátlag
114 árajánlat

...modern and sleek, professional website for my service company, which specializes in the design, build and maintenance of water gardens. The site should reflect our expertise and commitment to quality, and be user-friendly and responsive across all devices. Key Features: - A modern and sleek design aesthetic that aligns with contemporary web standards - Clear and concise presentation of our services - An easy-to-navigate layout with a strong focus on user experience In addition, I need assistance with creating brand new materials. You should be able to provide a complete branding package including a logo and a color scheme that reflects the nature of our business and appeals to our target market. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development...

€277 Average bid
Garantált Rejtett
28 pályamű

I'm looking for a professional and corporate Instagram format to showcase car service contracts. Key Requirements: - The first page should contain all relevant information about the service package, along with a designated space for a single car photo. - The service package details should be highlighted in a clear, professional manner. - A table detailing the service package should be designed for readability. Looking for a red and white colour combination. If you have another design format or colour combination in mind then please show, I’m open for anything as long as it’s getting my message across Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design with a focus on social media formats - Experience in creating professional and corporate style vi...

€92 Average bid
28 pályamű

I'm looking for a freelancer to create a 5 minute, friendly and approachable introductory video for my digital service. This video will be placed in the hero section of my website and should combine clips, animations, and images to make it impactful. You will need to source video clips that fit the feel and emotion of the provided script. Key Responsibilities: - Create a promotional video that could convert a website visitor into a customer. - Use a mix of sourced video clips, animations, and images. - Make the video engaging with great motions and graphics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Video editing and production - Animation - Understanding of creating promotional content - Ability to source and select appropriate video clips. You'll have creative freedom when it co...

€13 Average bid
€13 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional and corporate styled website like , focusing on offering printer repair and support serv...offering printer repair and support services. The site should include live chat support for instant communication with our customers. Key Features: - The site should be able to offer comprehensive printer repair and support information. - It must be designed to accommodate a professional and corporate feel. - Incorporation of a seamless live chat support feature. In addition to the website, I need a Google AdWords expert who can effectively run campaigns to draw traffic to the site and convert visitors into customers. The ideal candidate must have a track record of managing successful AdWords campaigns and a good understanding of the printer industry.

€51 / hr Average bid
€51 / hr licitátlag
12 árajánlat

Brief for a Full-Service Advertising Expert Company Overview Edesia Espress Ltd is a UK-based online retailer specializing in high-quality coffee filter papers, cleaning chemicals, and barista tools. Our products are sold under our own brands, ‘Edesia Espress’ & ‘Pazazz’. We have been operating since 2013 and have established a strong presence in the market. Current Sales Channels 80% of sales via Amazon UK 10% via eBay UK 10% through our own e-commerce website Advertising Spend & Challenges We invest £100,000+ per year on advertising, primarily on Amazon PPC and eBay ads. Over the past 4-5 years, we have worked with several Amazon PPC specialists, but they have not taken overall company profitability into account. We are seeking a strate...

€1232 Average bid
€1232 licitátlag
13 árajánlat

...consultations. - **About Us Page:** - Company mission, vision, team introductions. - Differentiators and competitive advantages. - **Services Page:** - Detailed descriptions of each service (residential, investment, commercial, etc.). - Clear CTAs for each service. - **Blog/Resources:** - Regular content on real estate trends, property valuation tips, and market insights. - **Testimonials Page:** - Positive client reviews and case studies. - **Contact/Quote Request Page:** - Simple form for lead capture (name, email, phone, service requested). - Embedded map with office location. - Option for online appointment scheduling. - **FAQ Page:** - Answers to common questions about the valuation proc...

€147 Average bid
€147 licitátlag
32 árajánlat
Local Google Search Ads Campaign
6 nap left

I need an expert in Google Ads, specifically in setting up and managing search ads aimed at local customers. The primary goal is to drive traffic to my website. I have a website that needs to implant Google Ads integration like Google Analytics and Google SiteKit .properly I have a google understanding in the area but need a expert to help Also need to create for me a professional Google Ads campaign separate from the one I already have running

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr licitátlag
50 árajánlat

...within the automotive spare parts sector. The ideal candidate would possess a comprehensive understanding of sales parts, inventory management, along with significant experience in direct customer sales. Key Responsibilities: - Manage parts inventory effectively to ensure optimal stock levels and availability for customers. - Engage in direct customer sales in-store, providing excellent customer service and product knowledge to drive sales and enhance customer satisfaction. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven knowledge of automotive spare parts and their respective sales techniques - Extensive experience in parts inventory management - Strong background in direct customer sales - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to work effectively in a fast-pa...

€1731 Average bid
€1731 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

I am seeking an expert to customize an AI chatbot using the OpenAI API, capable of functioning via SMS. The primary function of this chatbot will be to generate customer service responses on my behalf, as I text my clients and vendors. Key Features: - Integration with OpenAI API for SMS - Generating customer service responses - Handling inquiries related to maintenance services - Forwarding unmanageable queries to a human agent Ideal skills for this project include experience with AI and chatbot development, API integration knowledge, and SMS-based service customization. The goal is to streamline customer service through AI assistance whilst maintaining human oversight for complex queries.

€141 Average bid
€141 licitátlag
10 árajánlat
Google Ads Lead Generation Campaign
6 nap left

I'm seeking a professional with substantial expertise in Google Ads to help generate leads for my business. My target leads span both B2B and B2C markets, so a versatile approach is paramount. Key Requirements: - You should have a comprehensive understanding of the Search Network, as this will be the sole platform for our ads. - A proven track record of creating effective lead-generating campaigns is essential. - Experience in targeting both B2B and B2C leads is highly desirable. - Excellent analytical skills to track and optimize campaign performance. Your goal will be to create a targeted, effective campaign that drives quality leads to my business.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr licitátlag
33 árajánlat

I want to start a project my ma...The population of the town is about 450000+ I want the drivers account to top-up their accounts and our company will take only 10% of their fares. It could be deducted from their accounts automatically after they accept and finish the ride. I need a website as well which can be accessible through the app where the complete details of the company will be mentioned and also customer support care service provided in the app and website. Kindly go through all the things which will be required and provide me the complete work frame which we need to look at and we should cover them. There is an App working in the middle east and Asian countries inDrive you can get the idea from it. Can you please give me a quote for this app integrations?

€931 Average bid
€931 licitátlag
19 árajánlat

The candidate will work with our team to assist with managing the managing Newsletter mailout, Google Business Account, Blog and Influencer marketing. Must have experience utilizing AI for all taks. Candidate will create a system for our team to follow to be self sufficient

€125 Average bid
€125 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

I'm looking for a developer to create a user-friendly app for gardening and lawn care. This app should primarily cater to scheduling services and tracking progress. Key features: - Scheduling services: Users should be able to book various gardening and lawn care services directly through the app. Be able to rough estimate or quote based on squar...bottom. Thank the customer for their business. Platform: - The app needs to be available on both iOS and Android. Design: - The design should be simple and user-friendly, ensuring easy navigation for all users regardless of their tech-savviness. Ideal skills for this job include mobile app development, UI/UX design, and experience with both iOS and Android development. A background in creating service-oriented apps would be an a...

€542 Average bid
€542 licitátlag
42 árajánlat

I'm looking for a vintage-style logo that is emblem or badge-focused, to be used across the web and on merchandise. The logo should convey an elegant and sophisticated vibe, incorporating the classic elements of vintage design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Vintage Design Aesthetic Key Requirements: - Experience with designing vintage-style logos - Ability to create sophisticated and elegant design elements - Understanding of how to design for both web and merchandise Please include relevant examples of your past work in your bid.

€14 Average bid
90 pályamű

I'm looking for a modern and clean WordPress website for my 'Man with Van' service. The site should primarily provide information about the services offered, with a pricing quote feature based on customer input. Key Features: - A customer reviews section to build trust and credibility - A photo gallery showcasing completed jobs, enhancing engagement and transparency - A contact form for easy communication The ideal candidate for this project is someone with extensive WordPress experience, a knack for modern web design, and the ability to integrate interactive features seamlessly. Previous work on service-oriented websites will be a plus. Also customers to be able to get quotes for home and any other moves -no payment system is required at this stage

€186 Average bid
€186 licitátlag
126 árajánlat

...Services. Named after my son. Key Requirements: - Incorporate gears or mechanical parts into the design: Since this is a mechanical business, the use of these elements will help convey the nature of our work. - Use of specified color palette: The colors to be included in the logo are black, gray, white, blue, and red/orange. Prefer minimal colours though. Dont want this bright logo. - work: service, maintain and install industrial and commercial refrigeration systems, control systems, air conditioning systems, heating systems and ventilation systems. Customer base: resteraunts, industrial/commercial development buildings, tenant improvements, custom residential homes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: Proven experience in creating impactful logos. - Understand...

€200 Average bid
€200 licitátlag
121 árajánlat

I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can integrate a system into my webpage where users can connect to various crypto wallets, make purchases using both crypto and fiat currencies, and record these transactions in a specific way. Key Features: - Wallet Compatibility: Integration with MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Trust Wallet. - Cryptocurrency Support: Facilitating purchases with Ethereum, BNB, USDT, and potentially more. - Fiat Transaction Services: Incorporating MoonPay, Google Pay, and Apple Pay for fiat currency transactions. Requirements: - Proficient in web development with experience in e-commerce integration. - Familiar with crypto wallet APIs and payment service SDKs. - Capable of implementing a transaction logging system that record...

€115 Average bid
€115 licitátlag
81 árajánlat