Gps application open source j2memunkák


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    2,000 gps application open source j2me munkát találtunk

    Olyan személyt,személyeket keresek akik egy cég webshopjának folyamatos fejlesztésében részt tudnak venni! Fontos, hogy az illető(k) nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek az Open Cart és a web(kereskedelem) terén. Feladatok: ckeditor, termék szűrő, termékadatlap és más feladatok.

    €1047 Average bid
    €1047 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logó tervezés
    Véget ért left

    ...four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in its extant logo are very slim and this layout must be used because this is the original logo of this brand (You can see it on the web here: ) • The style of the font at WISIOO should be unique, and the message of the logo has to show the minimal design in architecture • The slogans might help you: Nature inside, Open to life!, Close to nature! You can find the logo of ORAMA among the attached, uploaded files. Have a good design work! A WISIOO márka keret nélküli, minimál design-os ablakot takar, együttműködő partnerünk az ORAMA minimal frames. Nekik van egy kialakult arculatuk, amit figyelembe kellene venni, hiszen a márka teljes neve a WISIOO by Orama lesz, az &ea...

    €95 Average bid
    37 pályamű

    (Hungarian) Magán megrendelő, saját/családi költségvetés kezelésére. Jar jellegű pénzkezelés, bevételek és kiadások. Alapvető feladata, hogy a változó időben és mennyiségű beérkező pénzt szétossza különböző rész egységekké egy előre meghatározott százalékos eloszlás szerint. Valamint a részekre bontott pénzegységek aztán külön felhasználhatóak legyenek. 4 fő része: #1 Számlák és kiadások, #2 Pénzmozgás, #3 Költségvetések, #4 Jelentések/beállítás...

    €258 Average bid
    €258 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    Via emailKedves Ábel! Beszélgetésünkre hivatkozva szeretnélek megkérni, hogy egy 45 perces szettet összerakni szíveskedj, amit fel tudok majd használni első spinning órámon. Tervezett órám az alábbiak szerint nézne ki (zárójelben a bpm szám). 1. SIK ÜLVE (90-110 PM) BEMELEGÍTÉS KB 5 PERC 2. JUMPOK (90 BMP) ÁTMOZGATÁS KB 5 PERC-7 PERC BENNE 4,8,16 JUMP 3. ÁLLVA HEGYEN (75 BMP) KB 7 PERC 4. ÜLVE HEGY (65 BMP) KB 5 PERC ERŐS ELLENÁLLÁS 5. SIK ÜLVE (90 BMP) KB 5 PERC 6. FUTÁS (80-90 BMP) KB 3 PERC 7. ÁLLVA HEGYEN (75 BMP) 5 PERC 8. JUMPOK (85 BMP) 5 PERC 9. FUTÁS VÉGÉRE (...

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Weboldalra van szükségem Tervezés és létrehozás Online áruház Honlap készítés céljából keresek profit. Cégünk lakókocsik gyártásával foglalkozik. Gyártunk még utánfutókat valamint ezek alkatrészeit forgalmazzuk.

    €1001 Average bid
    €1001 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat


    €517 Average bid
    €517 licitátlag
    32 árajánlat

    Tisztelt Kockatt! Youtubra kellene indexkép. Heti kb 20 db. Adnék egy képet, amit meg kellene csinálni az én fotóimból.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    linképítést, cikk beküldést szeretnék román oldalakra. Az oldalam román nyelvű és zenével foglalkozik.

    €106 Average bid
    €106 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    Otthon végezhető

    €492 Average bid
    €492 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    ...kutyáknak / kutya tulajdonosoknak szóló weboldalhoz használjuk a WPDating plugin-t (). A pluginnak vagy egy Near Me nevű funkciója, ami egy Google térképen mutatja a felhasználókat. Ugyan GPS pozíciót be lehet állítani a felhasználói profilokban, de sajnos nem használja ezeket az információkat. Amihez fejlesztőt keresünk: Szükségünk van real time gps követésre a Near Me funkcióban, tehát ha egy felhasználó bejelentkezik, akkor a többi felhasználónak tudnia kell őt követni a Near Me menüpontban található térképen, hogy épp...

    €643 Average bid
    €643 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    ezeket a tapasztalatokat kellene magyarra fordítani. Annyi lenne még fontos hogy a US mértkékegységeket, át kellene váltani a nálunk használatosra a szövegben. lbs, pund, stb helyet... liter, kg, stb...

    €8 - €14 / hr
    €8 - €14 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Kedves Annamária! Egy váci székhelyű start-up vállalkozás számlaképes marketinges munkatársat keres. Feladat: marketing stratégia, offline-online marketing, seo, adwords, stb Hencz Imre 06 70 949 14 13

    €14 - €24 / hr
    €14 - €24 / hr
    0 árajánlat 200 Each

    €26 / hr Average bid
    €26 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Formula games or football games

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 árajánlat

    Kedves BMDseoprovider, láttam a profilját, és szeretném felajánlani Önnek a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket.

    €61 Average bid
    €61 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    kjfgdfhmngklnlg;retgoifdjgiohujgikpofgkhopigtr09kodtigjbyhiortjdmobgjkljk bxniogk,nypokf[pyo9tcholfb

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 árajánlat

    A mellékelt képen látható kakast kellene lemodellezni, 3D nyomtatáshoz On the attached picture need 3d modell to 3d print. .ply

    €42 Average bid
    €42 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Kedves Gergob (Gergő?), OpenERP fejlesztési projektek kapcsán próbáljuk bővíteni elsősorban fejlesztői erőforrásainkat (azonnali kezdéssel), de elképzelhető, hogy a közeljövőben technológiai vezetőre és business analystre is szükségünk lesz. Érdekelne esetleg az együttműködés?

    €8445 Average bid
    €8445 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    helló alkalmazz engem a projektedben és garantáltan elégedett leszel. .

    €8 - €14 / hr
    €8 - €14 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Special tudás a lakberendezés terén. A munkahelyemen lakberendezéssel foglalkozok és szeretnék önnél is probálkozni mivel szeretem ezt a szakmát

    €146 Average bid
    €146 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Mellékelten küldöm önéletrajzomat. Sajnos idegen nyelven nem beszélek, csak magyarul. Várom válaszukat.

    €142 Average bid
    €142 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon

    €254 Average bid
    €254 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Az EMKA Tanácsadó Kft és Hajdúnánás Önkormányzata egy szakmai gyakorlati/gyakornoki programot indít hajdúnánási, felsőoktatási intézményben tanuló diákok számára. A gyakorlatot településfejlesztés, településmarketing területen lehet teljesíteni. A program neve: HIDAK. A program számára szeretnénk egy logót terveztetni. A leendő résztevőknek készült felhívást (a helyi újságban és a Facebookon jelent meg).

    €63 Average bid
    €63 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Social network elements

    €1471 Average bid
    €1471 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat
    fix puzzle application
    Véget ért left

    fix puzzle application

    €58 Average bid
    €58 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner Create a Banner

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Helló, Szeretnénk egy olyan android/ios appot készíttetni, melyet utána könnyen duplikálhatunk azért, hogy m...veszi a service provider szolgáltatásait melyért cserébe borravalót kap. A szolgáltatás idő alapú melyet a szolgáltatás megkezdésekor elindít az SP (és a user validálja ezt), majd a végén hasonlóan állítják le. Az app ilyenkor felajánl egy "borravalót" melyet a user elfogadhat, ezek után apija lefut a háttérben és az összegeket szétbontva tovább utalja az SP-nek és nekünk is. Kell hozzá GPS,...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo xazoo

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 árajánlat

    Otthonról végezhtő számítógépes munka. Tapasztalatom van a LINUX programban, Open Office alatt végezhető szövegszerkesztésben (KÖMAL folyóirat).

    €241 - €724
    €241 - €724
    0 árajánlat from a recent photo shoot for my clothing brand that need a professional editor. Key Requirements: - The editing style should be high fashion/glamour. This includes a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the high-end fashion aesthetic. - Skin smoothing is necessary on the models. I would like the final images to reflect the flawless quality typical of high fashion photography. I am open to suggestions for other potential edits, but please do not include background adjustments as I have not identified a need for these. Ideal Candidates: - Previous experience in editing fashion photography is a plus. - A portfolio demonstrating high fashion editing style is highly desirable. - Excellent skills in retouching, particularly skin smoothing. Please provide examples ...

    €44 Average bid
    €44 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ***LONG TERM POSITION AVAILABLE*** We are looking for a skilled 3D Render Artist who can produce high quality renders, with experience in banner design and ...quality of the sample HERE: 2. Create a web banner in size 1920 x 700px using the rendered image(s) you create, with the following text: Line 1 (main text) "10% OFF Personalized Controllers" Line 2 (sub-text) "Using Code 10CMODZ" You have full flexibility in terms of the web banner, You can download all of the model files and textures below: Please see the examples of banners we like the style of (but ideally want different and improved versions), below:

    €299 Average bid
    0 pályamű

    We accidentally ran a shell command on our AWS Lightsail Ubuntu instance, which caused us to lose SSH and sudo access. I'm looking for a freelancer who can quickly guide via screenshare or chat on how to restore the instance. Ideally, we can use EC2 to recover the instance, extract the WordPress files and database, and then tra...AWS Lightsail Ubuntu instance, which caused us to lose SSH and sudo access. I'm looking for a freelancer who can quickly guide via screenshare or chat on how to restore the instance. Ideally, we can use EC2 to recover the instance, extract the WordPress files and database, and then transfer them to a newly created Ubuntu instance on Lightsail. This should get everything back up and running, but open to other ideas as well. Looking for someone who ...

    €32 Average bid
    €32 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    As we embark on our venture into the world of premium beauty and wellness services, we seek a talente...brand design - Proficiency in creating modern yet elegant aesthetics - Strong understanding of pastels and earth tones - Ability to develop detailed branding guidelines Your task is to ensure our brand radiates luxury while maintaining a focus on wellness, in line with our service offerings. The brand should primarily appeal to high-income professionals seeking luxury wellness services. We are open to creative concepts for our brand identity. Please incorporate nature-inspired elements into the brand identity. We require a comprehensive brand toolkit including logo, color palette, typography, and branding guidelines. The brand identity should convey a modern and clean style. san...

    €104 Average bid
    €104 licitátlag
    76 árajánlat

    Project Overview: AI@Home is an open-source initiative aimed at creating a decentralized, federated AI network where users contribute computing power to collaboratively train AI models. This project will focus on a minimal yet functional version of federated learning with a lightweight AI model and simple Mastodon bot integration. The concept is inspired by volunteer-computing projects like SETI@home and Folding@home but differs in its focus on training Large Language Models (LLMs) rather than processing scientific data. Scope 1. Training of a Lightweight AI Model Implement training using a lightweight model like DistilBERT. Optimize for decentralized training with minimal computational overhead. Ensure training can run efficiently on CPU-based nodes. 2. Basic...

    €4305 Average bid
    €4305 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a freelancer to help me apply for 15 roles within multiple sectors, tailored to my job requirements. Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Prior experience in job applications - Understanding Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor - Excellent communication and writing skills - Ability to follow specific job requirements - Proficient in time management to complete applications within a week. Will go through a paid 7 day trial period. I would like 15-20 jobs applied to a day for 7 days exact to start off for $42 USD Total. Will hire for 1 month after a successful trial period.

    €86 Average bid
    €86 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    I want a betting Website source code linked with white liable copy of diamond exchange api. Demo first.

    €4371 Average bid
    €4371 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile app that can track GPS via a specific tracker and set up geo-fencing. The main functionalities I require include: - Real-time GPS tracking: The app should be able to provide live updates on the tracker's location. - Geo-fencing alerts: I need to be notified when the tracker leaves a pre-defined location. - Historical route data: The app should maintain a record of the tracker's past routes. Additionally, I want the app to have user authentication features via email and password. Ideal skills for this project include: - Mobile App Development (iOS and Android) - GPS and Geo-fencing integration - User Authentication implementation - Experience with creating apps with real-time data tracking - Kno...

    €263 Average bid
    €263 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    ...honest, thought-provoking content. I’m looking for a design that is modern, clean, and symbolic of our values—open dialogue, inclusivity, and revolutionising the way we engage with media. Requirements: • Original and creative design: The logo should stand out and be easily recognisable. • Versatility: It should work across various platforms, including social media, websites, and print materials. • Incorporation of company values: We are open to abstract representations of transparency, honesty, and diverse perspectives but encourage creative freedom in your approach. • Colour scheme: Preferably minimalistic and modern colours that align with the company’s mission, but I’m open to suggestions. • File formats: Ple...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 licitátlag
    90 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Leather Tote Handbag Designer
    13 nap left

    ...a reliable companion for daily errands without compromising on style. The design should be unique representing a modern luxurious feel. The bag should feature an open back pocket to hold a mobile phone. Soft pebble leather with a unique shape is a must (not the standard square tote with top handles). Key Aspects to Consider: - Design: The handbag should be a tote style, which means it should have an open top with two handles, large enough to carry a variety of items, and a laptop. - Material: The primary material for this project is leather. The designer should have experience working with this material and be able to source high-quality, durable leather that can withstand daily use. The bag is to feature minimal gold hardware with feet to support it's stru...

    €60 Average bid
    227 pályamű

    I'm looking for an AutoCAD skilled interior designer to help me with my café wall design. The café is intended to have a modern style, and I'm open to incorporating various elements into the wall design, such as shelving units and accent lighting. You will need to: - Create engaging, modern-style wall designs that fit with the overall aesthetic of a modern café. - Potentially incorporate functional elements, like shelving, into the wall design. - Understand and integrate brand messaging into the design if necessary. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience working with AutoCAD and interior design. - A strong portfolio of modern style designs. - Excellent understanding of functional design and brand integration.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled software developer to create a customer booking platform for my transport company. The system should be web-based and include the following features: - Real-time booking and availability - Customer profile management - Payment gateway integration - Fleet management - QR codes - GPS tracking - Accounts The ideal candidate should have experience in developing similar systems and be able to deliver a user-friendly and efficient platform. Please provide examples of relevant projects you've worked on in your bid.

    €1363 Average bid
    €1363 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat

    ...around the use of OpenAI and/or Deepseek to assess the relevance of uploaded documents against published entries. Key Features: - A visual widget or gauge to illustrate document relevance - Suggestions to enhance content - Download capability for revised/improved documents - Integration with Stripe for subscription and purchase options - Analytics to track user progress As for themes/plugins, I'm open to any that will fit this project. Your expertise in recommending suitable ones will be highly appreciated. Please note that I do not have a specific theme in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in WordPress development - Experience with OpenAI and/or Deepseek - Knowledge of Stripe integration - Familiarity with user authentication systems - Ability...

    €326 Average bid
    €326 licitátlag
    57 árajánlat

    ...`/tours/destination-name/` pages listing Subcategories before Tours.** ✔ **Custom `/tours/destination-name/subcategory-name/` pages listing only relevant Tours.** ✔ **SEO-friendly permalink structure for the Custom Post Type.** ✔ **No conflicts with WordPress, Tourfic Plugin, or future updates.** --- ## **? Project Timeline & Budget** ⏳ **Expected Timeframe:** **3-5 days** ? **Budget:** **Open to competitive proposals based on experience & quality of work** --- ## **? How to Apply** ? **Please send a proposal with the following details:** ✅ **Your experience with Custom Post Types & Taxonomies in WordPress.** ✅ **Examples of similar work (modifying archive pages, SEO structuring, etc.).** ✅ **Your approach to making these modifications.** ✅ **Est...

    €55 Average bid
    €55 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Dynamic Book Cover Design Needed
    2 nap left—without wasting time and money. The book cover should have a bold and aggressive design style. The book cover should be designed in a standard 6x9 inches format. Incorporate visual elements or themes like original design to enhance the cover design. The book cover should primarily convey a sense of determination and persistence. The cover should prominently feature the colors **that are open for interpretation**." The cover should include visual elements that are original to capture the book's essence. The book cover should evoke an inspirational and motivational tone....

    €48 Average bid
    181 pályamű

    I'm in need of professional guidance on the n...of recording sports events - Proficient in recommending and using suitable recording equipment for varying distances The selected setup should focus on capturing high-quality audio to ensure clarity and precision in sound. The equipment should support up to 2-hour recording sessions. The equipment recommendations should focus on capturing quality footage and audio for outdoor field sports. I am open to recommendations from any reputable brand. Any sports events. The setup should primarily focus on quickly and efficiently capturing the content before posting it on TikTok. The selected equipment should include a Any camera for recording sports events. Maybe The setup can include any reputable brands that are effective for sports e...

    €188 Average bid
    €188 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    After attempting to upgrade my WHMCS site from PHP 7.4 to 8.1, I encountered a critical error screen when trying to access my site. I need immediate assistance to get my VPS WHMCS site back up and running. Ideal Skills and get my VPS WHMCS site back up and running. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WHMCS and PHP - Proficient in troubleshooting and resolving hosting issues on VPS - Ability to assess site compatibility with PHP versions - Quick response time to urgent requests Please note that while I've confirmed all my addons are compatible with PHP 8.1 and my WHMCS version is too, I am open to reverting back to the previous PHP version if the issue cannot be resolved quickly. Your expertise is needed to diagnose and fix this critical is...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr licitátlag
    62 árajánlat

    writting assignment The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to see how psychology applies to your different aspects of life. By this point in the class, you should have become aware of how you interact with psychology daily. Understanding this connection between your life and psychology is one of the core objectives of this class. Below is a link to the psychology research section in the Ivy Tech Online Library. Psychology Research Link - Ivy Tech Online Library Instructions Complete the following steps: Find and describe three scholarly articles that discuss the practical applications of psychology. For a reminder of what a scholarly article is, and how use the library to find scholarly articles, please watch the video linked below. Finding Scholarly Articles ...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 licitátlag
    25 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to revamp a logo for my client, A61. The current design fea...creativity come into play. Key Aspects: - The logo should communicate the themes of 'Innovation and Modernity'. - Although I've indicated 'Modern' as a preferred style, I'm open to all possibilities. - Color-wise, I'm receptive to any suggestions you may have. - Ultimately, I want the logo to be a fresh take on the existing design, appealing and resonant with the intended message. - Ensure the logo is delivered in a scalable vector format such as SVG or AI. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in graphic design with a strong portfolio of logo work. - Able to deliver a contemporary design that embodies the spirit of innovation. - Open-minded ...

    €34 Average bid
    211 pályamű
    WordPress Site & Online Shop Revamp
    6 nap left

    My WordPress site and integrated online shop require updates t...during checkout if other items are in the cart. - Implementing automated reminder emails for abandoned carts. - Adding social media sharing options to product pages. - Integrating AI live chat support for customer inquiries. - Sending automated emails requesting product reviews after purchase. - Optimizing product pages for SEO to improve search rankings. - increase Website stability and speed. I am open to recommendations for plugins or tools that can facilitate these improvements. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with WooCommerce or similar platforms - Knowledgeable in email marketing and product recommendation systems - Able to suggest and implement effective plugins...

    €178 Average bid
    €178 licitátlag
    138 árajánlat
    Web Application IT Product Owner
    6 nap left

    I'm seeking a seasoned IT Product Owner/Manager specializing in software development, specifically for a web application focused on artificial intelligence. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing the entire software development lifecycle of the web application. - Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. - Ensuring the product aligns with AI industry standards and trends. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in software development, particularly in managing web application projects. - Deep understanding of AI and its application in web development. - Exceptional leadership, communication, and project management skills.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat