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    Munka státusza
    2,000 gmaps windows form munkát találtunk
    Címkigyűjtő szoftver
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    I am looking for a programmer for the following task: Creating a Windows-based software capable of collecting the data of all the clubs at the address " ", which creates a TXT file with the data of all the clubs on the website in the following resolution: CLUB NAME; CONTACT NAME; PHONE NUMBER; EMAIL ADDRESS;

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Arcfelismerő program
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    Olyan fejlesztőt keresek, aki tud nekem olyan programot írni, ami egy meglévő adatbázisból képes arcot felismerni IP kamerán keresztül. Legyen képes egyidejűleg legalább 5-6 kamerát kezelni. Tudjon API-n keresztül csatlakozni adatbázisokhoz. Teljesen új forráskóddal kell rendelkeznie. Windows alapú programnak kell lennie.

    €919 Average bid
    €919 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    Nyilt forraskodu videoelemzo programot szeretnek szemelyre szabni windows-ra. Gopro video file-okbol szeretnenk tavolsagadatokat kinyerni.

    €530 Average bid
    €530 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Rövid leírás: Interneten keresztül távvezérelt, 2 feladatot ellátó, automatikusan készenlétben álló szoftver megírása. A szoftver 2 részből, a távvezérlőből és a vezérelt részből áll, melyeknél: 1.) A vezérelt szoftvernek PowerPC architektúrán, OSX 10.5.8 rendszeren; 2.) A vezérlő szoftvernek Windows XP vagy magasabb verziójú, Android 8 vagy magasabb verziójú, és Debian disztribúciójú Linux rendszereken kell futnia. A programnak a következő képpen kell működnie: A programnak minden rendszerinduláskor, kivétel nél...

    €242 - €727
    €242 - €727
    0 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logó tervezés
    Véget ért left

    Logo to WISIOO brand WISIOO is a window with minimal frames, our partner is a well-known producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORA...

    €95 Average bid
    37 pályamű

    Vállalkozás megrendeléseinek követéséhez, majd a raktárkészlet követéséhez szeretnénk egy C#-ben írt, MySQL-t használó Windows-os programot. A megrendeléseknél kezelni kell a fizetés megtörténtét és a beérkezett tételeket: a tételek érkezhetnek több részletben is. A tételek mennyiségén és egységárán felül a mennyiségi egység is változhat, a megrendelés összegénél pedig a pénznem lehet EUR / HUF. Ezek aztán raktárba kerülnek, raktárhelységek között &...

    €513 Average bid
    €513 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .

    €501 Average bid
    €501 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    szerver instalálás
    Véget ért left

    HP Enterprise ML10, Intel Xeon 4 processzoros, 8GB RAM, 2db 1TB HDD. (esetleg tükrözve?), 1 LAN csatl. windows server instalálása, programok telepítése - Firmwarek frissítése, RAID tömb beállítása (tükrözés), szerver beállítások optimalizálása, - Windows 2016 Standard szerver telepítése, távoli elérés beállítása - Fájlkiszolgáló beállítása, egyéb biztonsági beállítások, felhasználók felvétele

    €115 Average bid
    €115 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása -- 2
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    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó program bővítése Magyar nyelven.

    €100 Average bid
    €100 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
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    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó meglévő program bővítése.

    €540 Average bid
    €540 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
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    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Robotot kellene programozni amely hirdetésfigyelőként azonnal elküldi egy adott oldalról az újonnan megjelenő szamomra releváns hirdetéseket.

    €29 - €242
    €29 - €242
    0 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
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    Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Java Applikáció programozásról, fejlesztésről lenne szó Android, iOS és Windows felületre.

    €237 Average bid
    €237 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
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    Windows Java Selfie box szoftverét szeretném egy projektbe lefejlesztetni. Adott egy pc, digitális fényképező és egy foto nyomtató. A selfiző odamegy a dobozhoz, megnyomja a start gombot. Készül harom fotó. Ezek a fotók felkerülnek egy képeslapra. A kepeslapot negy részre osztjuk. A bal felső sarok szabadon módosíthatónak kell lennie. Ode kerülhet egy esemény név, céglogó. A másik három területre felkerülnek a frissen készített fotók. A képeslapnak van egy szabadon valasztható háttere. Valaki tud ebben segíteni? Üdv: Jandy

    €150 Average bid
    €150 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Szükségem lenne Facebook és Slacksocial integrációra,annak érdekében, hogy multi postingot tudjunk végezni egy FB oldal kapcsán!

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 árajánlat

    Hello! Erdeklodni szeretnek, hogy tudnal-e olyan windows desktop applikaciot irni, ami kulonbozo poker kliensekbol nyitja meg a poker asztalokat?Van egy kliens, amit QT kodolast hasznal es injection-t kene alkalmazni. koszi David

    €970 Average bid
    €970 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!

    €10779890 Average bid
    €10779890 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Contact form probléma
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    Egy vásárolt sablonnál nem működik az előre programozott mail küldés. Egyes beállításoknál Firefox alatt átmegy a levél, de többi böngészőben nem. Más beállításokkal átmegy Chrome-ban, de Fireboxban nem. Már egyeztettem a support forummal és a tárhelyszolgáltatóval, de nem hozott eredményt.

    €29 Average bid
    €29 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepci...tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kó...

    €2275 Average bid
    €2275 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Write some Software
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    Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv isme...

    €712 Average bid
    €712 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Application Developer
    6 nap left

    I am looking for a developer to create a desktop application similar to the Opera browser. The software should be downloadable and installable on a desktop (Windows, Mac, or Linux) so I can test all its features. I am attaching a demo software. Please download and install it on your desktop to understand the features I need.

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a skilled freelancer who can develop a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for Windows desktops using Java. The application should be user-friendly and efficient in handling data. Key requirements: - Proficient in Java with proven experience in desktop application development - Strong understanding of CRUD application design and development - Ability to create intuitive user interfaces - Knowledge of Windows OS specifics and standards - Good communication skills for regular project updates Please include examples of your previous work with Java desktop applications in your bid. The application should use an SQL databaseMaine

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    Basically need to setup VPN and connect with windows RDP ( I already have windows RDP ) only issue is to make vpn work first on custom distro and than i think it should be easy to connect with windows RDP P.S - I don't have remote access as I'm running it via Live USB

    €177 Average bid
    €177 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a comprehensive, web-based software solution to streamline and manage my insurance agency. The software should c...ability to efficiently manage and track client proposals and various insurance policies. - Payments and Commission Tracking: A robust system to monitor payments and commissions. - Document Management: Secure storage and easy retrieval of important documents such as policy papers, ID proofs, and claim forms. - Income and Expense records Claims management. This software should be compatible with Windows as my desktop runs this operating system. It is crucial that the software is user-friendly, efficient and reliable. Skills in web development, software engineering and experience in creating management software for the insurance industry would be highl...

    €200 Average bid
    €200 licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    As I prepare to travel and work abroad, I need assistance in setting up port forwarding on my router. This is crucial for maintaining connectivity and access to my computer while I'm on the move. - Device: The primary device requiring port forwarding is my router. - Services: The port forwarding setup is intended for my computer. - OS: My computer operates on Windows. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in network configuration, specifically with port forwarding setups on routers. Prior experience with helping individuals set up for travel will be highly regarded. Your expertise will allow me to travel with peace of mind, knowing I can stay connected to work no matter where I am. I will need recommendations on equipment that should be bought an...

    €130 Average bid
    €130 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat
    CCTV Live View Overwrite Software
    6 nap left

    I'm looki...overwrite live CCTV footage with still images or pre-recorded clips. The software should be compatible with my Digital/IP CCTV system and operate on Windows. Key features should include: - Real-time running timestamp: The time stamp on the footage needs to be continuously running, even when live footage is swapped for pre-recorded clips. - Automated swapping: The software should be able to automatically swap between live footage and pre-recorded clips based on motion detection. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience with CCTV systems, particularly Digital/IP systems, and be proficient in developing software for Windows. A background in working with automated detection systems will be advantageous. Please provide examples of your prev...

    €1712 Average bid
    €1712 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    ...adjustments to be made on the following parameters: - Interest rate - Brokerage fee - Loan duration - Balloon payments - Principal amount: Input field to specify the initial loan amount. - Payment frequency: Option to select how often payments are made (e.g., monthly, quarterly). - Down payment: Input field to specify any upfront payment made at the time of purchase. The calculator will be used on a Windows operating system. Therefore, it should be designed accordingly. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in finance and excel, with experience in creating finance-related tools on Excel. Please ensure your bid reflects your expertise and experience. The calculator should include basic automation with straightforward inputs and outputs. The calculat...

    €109 Average bid
    €109 licitátlag
    27 árajánlat

    ...cargo business van, representing my company, Vinny Blinds. The color scheme should incorporate blue, yellow, gray, and white. Key features to include: - The tagline: "You Need Your Blinds Fixed, We'll Fix Your Blinds Quick!" - We Repair Blinds, Shades, Shutters and Custom Drapes - A visual of a Motorized Zebra Shade - The message: "Want the luxurious space you've been anticipating? Redefine Your Windows with the Smart Home Solutions Today!" - The call to action: "Call Now To Schedule Your In-home Consultation! 954-851-2424" The wrap's primary goal is to advertise our services, so it should be professional and clean in style, yet still bold and eye-catching to capture attention on the road. The design should particularly emphasize th...

    €116 Average bid
    Garantált Rejtett
    60 pályamű

    I'm having a problem connecting to my Alovhost VPS server from my Windows 11 laptop. Despite having left my computer on overnight and not making any recent changes to the server, I cannot connect to it anymore via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). I could use some help troubleshooting this issue. Key Requirements: - Experience with VPS server troubleshooting, specifically on Alovhost - Proficient with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) - Excellent problem-solving skills - Knowledge of Windows 11 system - Previous experience with server connection issues preferred. Please reach out if you can assist me in getting connected again. Thank you!

    €87 Average bid
    €87 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    ...rewarded handsomely with high bonuses and profit-sharing opportunities! If you’re passionate about AI, automation, and working on the next big thing, this is your chance to build something massive from the ground up! ? What You Will Do (Scope of Work) ✅ AI Hardware Setup & Optimization • Assemble a high-performance AI workstation/GPU farm (RTX 4090s, A100s, H100s). • Configure Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows 11 Pro for AI workloads. • Install and optimize CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and AI frameworks. ✅ AI Business Deployment & Automation • Set up AI video generation, AI blogging, AI trading bots, and chatbot automation. • Develop AI-powered SaaS tools for businesses. • Automate AI workflows for YouTube, TikTok, social media content....

    €626 Average bid
    €626 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented 3D artist to create both interior and exterior renderings of a rustic-style house. The project will encompass the following elements: - Exterior: The rendering should cover the walls and roof as well as the windows and doors. The artist should have a keen eye for detail and be able to accurately depict these elements in a rustic style. - Interior: The artist will also be required to create detailed interior renderings. A deep understanding of rustic interior design would be an advantage. The ideal candidate for this project will have substantial experience in 3D modelling and rendering. Previous work with rustic-style houses would be highly beneficial. The artist should also be able to work with minimal supervision and meet deadlines efficiently. ...

    €390 Average bid
    €390 licitátlag
    91 árajánlat

    We're looking for an expert to help us migrate our existing Windows Server 2012 to a fresh Windows Server 2022. Our current server holds file storage, and is a domain controller. Skills & Experience Required: - Extensive knowledge of Windows Server systems - Experience with server migrations - Proficiency in handling file storage and databases - Familiarity with Windows Server 2022 features - Excellent problem-solving skills Please provide a detailed plan of how you would execute this migration, including any potential downtime and how you would mitigate it. Your bid should reflect your expertise and the complexity of the task at hand.

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    ...a central focus of the rendering. - Patio area: Detailing this area is equally important. - Architectural details: Including the basic outline of the house is crucial and should be rendered accurately. - Fencing and gates: Show all perimeter fencing and gates for a complete look. The level of detail required for the house is a basic outline. Interior details do not need to be visible through windows, but the basic shape and structure of the house should be rendered. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in POOL STUDIO is a must. - Previous experience in creating 3D landscape and pool renderings. - Attention to detail and ability to accurately scale elements. - Understanding of basic architectural elements. - Ability to meet project deadlines. The final deliverable should ...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 licitátlag
    74 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a software for Windows that can handle mouse events for an automation use case.(c/c+ only) Key Responsibilities: - The software should be able to read mouse events from a JSON file. - It will utilize an open-source library for processing mouse and keyboard events, specifically using Windows device level event handling code. - The software should be able to play the events in batch to suitable target software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development for Windows. - Experience with mouse/keyboard event processing libraries. - Ability to work with JSON files and understand their structure. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. On top of your cover letter say "i m c++ expert " else you will be rejected

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    I am in need of several short-form marketing videos designed for social media platforms, specifically Facebook, TikTok, and X/Twitter. These videos should be engaging, appropriately captioned, and could utilize AI-generated voiceovers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with creating social media content - Understanding of marketing strategies - Ability to incorporate captions and voiceovers seamlessly - Creativity and knowledge of current trends on the specified platforms Key Project Elements: - Videos should be tailored for the marketing purpose - Incorporation of captions is a must - Use of AI voice is permissible and can enhance the project - Understanding of the target platforms is crucial for content creation Please note, the ...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    I am in need of a Point of Sale (POS) software for my chain pharmacy that links different branches, has an inventory management system, and includes post-sale development services. Key Requirements: - The software must be compatible with Windows operating systems. - Core functionalities should include: - Sales processing: Efficiently handling transactions with speed and accuracy. - Inventory management: Keeping track of stock across various branches. - Customer management: Maintaining customer records and preferences for personalized service. - The branches should be linked through a robust cloud-based solution ensuring real-time data synchronization and accessibility. - The software should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy staff training and operations...

    €7215 Average bid
    €7215 licitátlag
    32 árajánlat

    Título del Proyecto: Desarrollo de Aplicativo para Conexión Remota Programática en Windows 11 (Alternativo a RDP) con Soporte Multisesión Descripción del Proyecto: Buscamos desarrollar un aplicativo seguro para conexión remota a equipos Windows 11 que permita ejecutar aplicaciones con interfaz gráfica (GUI) de forma programática, evitando el uso de RDP. El sistema debe incluir: Requisitos Funcionales: Componente Local (Servicio): Instalarse como servicio en Windows 11 (sin interfaz gráfica). Permitir múltiples conexiones simultáneas a la misma máquina. Iniciar automáticamente con el sistema operativo. Gestionar autenticación segura...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    I am seeking assistance with the preparation and filing of Form 5472 and Form 1120 for my Foreign-owned single-member LLC. Key Details: - The business entity is a LLC - It is a foreign-owned single-member LLC - The reported income type is active income Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in US tax regulations and forms, specifically Form 5472 and Form 1120 - Previous experience with foreign-owned single-member LLCs - Strong understanding of active income reporting - Excellent attention to detail to ensure compliance and accuracy

    €120 Average bid
    €120 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    We Need a Web Application Security Specialist for Penetration Testing We are looking for an Information Security Specialist with expertise in Web Applications to conduct penetration tests, including SQL Injection, Pentesting, and other security assessments, to ensure the robustness of o...our platform to ensure it meets the highest security standards. We have already conducted multiple security tests and made significant improvements to our systems. The primary goal of this engagement is to receive a detailed security report highlighting specific vulnerabilities and corrective actions. Technology Stack: Web 3.0 technologies ASP Classic (primary) Some PHP and C# Infrastructure: Windows Server 2016 + Linux (MySQL) For more information, visit our website: ?

    €150 Average bid
    €150 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create three bold and vibrant banners for my business windows. The primary purpose of these banners is to convey key information about the services we offer to our customers. Requirements: - Design three visually striking banners - Clearly communicate the services we offer - Use a bold and vibrant style Ideal skills and experience: - Graphic design, particularly for outdoor signage - Excellent communication skills to understand and convey our services - Ability to create engaging, eye-catching designs.

    €26 Average bid
    €26 licitátlag
    81 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an expert in Azure to set up a Virtual Desktop (AVD) environment for remote access. This is primarily for employee use, with the following key details: - User Base: The setup will need to accommodate 11-50 users. - OS Preference: The virtual desktops should be capable of running both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Azure, particularly with AVD deployment. Understanding of creating a scalable, efficient and secure cloud-only environment is essential.

    €349 Average bid
    €349 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    Create a set of 7 CGI images as detailed below to match the drawings and materials pack provided. The purpose is to present the scheme favorable to the planning authority. The view from bedrooms 5 & 6 is restricted ahead of it, so we wish to show he view from the side windows that look up and down the plot. - Birds eye view - View along Herbert Street – in each direction - View within the garden (looking the same direction as section CC - View from the entrance of the site looking towards the entrance door - View within bedrooms 5 and 6

    €302 - €906
    €302 - €906
    33 árajánlat

    ...notification services (APNs, Firebase, WebSockets) Understanding of encryption standards (E2EE, TLS, SSL) ✅ Mobile Development iOS Development (Swift, Xcode, CocoaPods, SPM, GRDB) Android Development (Kotlin, Gradle, Firebase, WebRTC) Experience with Push Notifications (APNs & FCM) Familiarity with App Store & Google Play submission ✅ Desktop Development Experience with Electron-based apps (Windows, macOS, Linux) Knowledge of WebRTC & secure communication protocols ✅ Security & Networking Experience with end-to-end encrypted messaging applications Understanding of VPNs, Tor, Lokinet, or similar privacy networks Ability to harden the server infrastructure against attacks ? Preferred Qualifications ? Experience working with privacy-focused applications (Session, ...

    €582 Average bid
    €582 licitátlag
    100 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a Windows executable file that incorporates a time-based locking mechanism. This lock should be based on custom durations set by the user. Key requirements: - The locking mechanism should be time-based - Users should be able to set custom lock durations Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Windows executable file development - Experience in implementing locking mechanisms - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for setting custom durations Freelancers with a strong background in software development and security features will be given preference. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    €256 Average bid
    €256 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    I need someone who can emulate a piece of software that has already been made. This software is out dated and was made circa 2002-2004. Wha...after a working software is made. We will use discord to communicate, please make sure you PM me with your discord name so we can discuss the project and cost. I will be paying a combined upfront cost for the development and then subsequent costs for updates done to the tool until the project is complete or the developer feels the tool will remain undetectable. Ensure the tool is compatible with Windows. Include a player tracking feature in the tool. Include an enemy detection feature. You can build your own or re-create the existing DAOC Skilla See YouTube video of someone who re-created their own tool -

    €480 Average bid
    €480 licitátlag
    59 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a developer to create a Windows-based app using Unity 3D. This app will facilitate the montage of text, audio, and video, requiring advanced coding skills. Key Features: - Text editing: The app should allow users to manipulate text in various ways. - Audio editing: Users should be able to edit audio tracks, including cutting, layering, and modifying sound. - Video editing: The app needs to support video editing, including cutting, merging and adding effects. UI Requirements: The user interface design for this app is basic. However, it must be intuitive and easy to navigate for all users, regardless of their technical skills. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Unity 3D is a must. - Advanced coding skills are essential for this project. - Previous experience in develo...

    €1195 Average bid
    €1195 licitátlag
    42 árajánlat

    ...are accessed in code and may need assistance with resource management Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Java and Eclipse - Experience creating .jar files for distribution - Knowledgeable in audio file management in Java - Familiar with resource management in Java You may use an optimized folder structure that ensures correct operation in the .jar file. The .jar file needs to support Windows. Please use a common method such as file paths or input/output streams as the method for accessing resource files. The .jar file should include no specific optimization or settings. Please ensure that proper paths are used for accessing the wav files. Testing on different environments is not required. The wav files should be accessed using the default method. Please provide guidan...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat

    ...✔️ Provide PC & Mac support, including troubleshooting, OS reinstallation, and resolving printing issues ✔️ Diagnose and resolve Office 365 and network-related issues ✔️ Perform hardware replacements and general IT maintenance ✔️ Work independently or collaboratively to resolve technical challenges efficiently Qualifications & Requirements: - 3-5 years of IT support experience - Expertise in Windows & Mac systems, networking, and servers - Strong problem-solving and time management skills - Fluency in English (both written and spoken) - Preferred locations: Romania, US, Canada - Willingness to travel to client sites in NYC (if applicable) - Excellent communication and customer service skills - Candidates must verify their citizenship in one of the mentioned countries...

    €509 Average bid
    €509 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    Need an expert to fix this issue via "remote connection". I have a setup where my laptop is connected to an external monitor via DisplayPort. The laptop's power button is ...connected to an external monitor via DisplayPort. The laptop's power button is inconveniently located inside the lid, which necessitates opening it every time I need to use it. I would like a solution that allows my bluetooth Logitech MX Keys Mini keyboard to wake the laptop from sleep without needing to open the lid. Please see the picture of my Laptop and Keyboard (attached) Ideal Skills: - Windows Operating System expertise - Bluetooth Device Configuration - Laptop Hardware Knowledge - External Monitor Setup Understanding Please note, my laptop is currently set to allow Bluetooth dev...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat