Freelance co uk how to see all currency in gbpmunkák


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2,000 freelance co uk how to see all currency in gbp munkát találtunk

Arajanlatkeres: forditashitelesites magyarrol angolra (szakvelemeny, diploma, kozjegyzo) kb 800 szo angolra forditva - velemeny (magyar & angol csatolva) diploma oklevel - ma estere leforditom es kuldom (magyar csatolva) kozjegyzo - ma estere leforditom es kuldom (magyar csatolva) 1-2 napon belul kene, amerikai vagy angol forditoi szakvizsga szukseges, hogy elfogadjak. Vagy 10 eves fo...estere leforditom es kuldom (magyar csatolva) 1-2 napon belul kene, amerikai vagy angol forditoi szakvizsga szukseges, hogy elfogadjak. Vagy 10 eves forditoi tapasztalat. (igazolvany forditoi munkakorre, amit a birosag lekerdezhet) van masik tovabbi 2 dokumentum (tanuvallomas es szakvelemeny) 2 oldal es 17 oldal is ha jo az ar azok is par napon belul kellenek. ladylgoddard kukac yahoo pont c...

€68 Average bid
€68 licitátlag
15 árajánlat

Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: React 16.x (hooks), redux, typescript, REST, SCSS, custom SSR env. (Webpack) Nice to have: Docker,...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Azert kerestelek meg mert szeretnek leforditan ket rovid trotenetet(fiction) amit irtam. Itteni (Uk) palyazatokra fogom beadni es ezert fontos a jo forditas. A ket fikcio mindegyike 300 szo. Most egyenlore errol a kettorol van szo ,de kesobbi megbizasok is lehetnek. Verseket is forditanal? Koszonom Alex

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Körülbelül 80...fordítását kellene elolvasni, és egy hivatalos nyilatkozatot írni, hogy a fordítás az eredetivel megegyezik. Oldalankénti hitelesítésre nincs szükség. Az iratok külföldi hatóság számára készültek, egy bevándorlásügyi eljárásban lesznek felhasználva. 80%-uk magyar hatósági irat, de vannak köztük magánlevelek, sajtócikkek és más szövegek is. The already finished translation of around 800 pages of Hungarian documents need to be reviewed, and an official affidavit produced, certifying that the translation matches the o...

€96 Average bid
€96 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Union Graph Leírás: Adott N darab halmaz, melyekben 1-1 szám van: (0), (1), … , (N-2), (N-1) Ezekre egy indexszel tudunk hivatkozni: az n. halmaz: (n). Ezeken a halmazokon egyetlen fajta műveletet tudunk végezni, két halmaz unioját. Például az 1-es és a 3-as indexű halmaz uniojából keletkezik az N. indexű halmaz (mindig a következő szabad index), amelynek a tartalma: (1, 3) lesz. Ezután, ha az imént keletkezett N. indexű halmazt összeuniozzuk a 0. halmazzal, akkor megkapjuk az N+1 indexű halmazt, amelynek tartalma: (0, 1, 3) lesz. Egy ilyen műveletet a 2 operandus indexével tudunk megadni. Input: A bemenet egy vesszővel elválasztott számsor. N*2 elemből &aac...

€20761 Average bid
€20761 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

Kedves Bence, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkezelőt használunk. Ha úgy látod, hogy tudunk esetleg együtt működni, kérlek keress meg. Üdv, Pál Dénes énes-pál/34/780/b38 +36704452133 Skype: dsdenes

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Hungary to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Gépek export cég, székhelye az Egyesült Királyságban, szüksége van valakire, Magyarországról, hogy segítsen a következő: Online és offline hirdetési, piackutatási.

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

En viszonlylag uj vagyok a Freelanceren. Foleg Graphic Designban, Videgraphicaban vagyok otthon. Sok project van ami erdekelne de mivel programozasban nem vagyok k tul jartas nem tudok bidelni rajul. Ugyhogy ha ti programozok vagyok, es kellene grafikai segitseg, jellentkezzetek, osszedolgozhatnak. Amugy jauarban egy polo es polo nyombato bizniszbe is belekezdek az E-bayen. Elerhetose gem grafius dot till aaaaatttt ggggggmmmmmaaiiiiillll dooootttt coooommm

€21 - €262
€21 - €262
0 árajánlat

? Hiring a Freelance Developer for a Billing & Accounting Software Project We are looking for a freelance software developer to build a billing and accounting platform for businesses. The ideal candidate should have experience in React, Electron, and PouchDB for a seamless offline-first desktop application experience. Required Skills: ✅ React.js & (For cross-platform desktop app) ✅ PouchDB & CouchDB (For offline-first database functionality) ✅ Full-Stack Development (Frontend + Backend) ✅ Database Management (pouchdb and MongoDB) ✅ API Integration & Cloud Syncing ✅ Experience in Accounting/Billing Systems (Preferred) Project Overview: The goal is to develop a fast, offline-capable, and feature-rich software for invoicing, ex...

€536 Average bid
€536 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I want to bid on freelance jobs on this platform and others and am looking for someone who can write effective proposals for me...your proposals must get clients attention in the first 2 lines.. Your role will include: - Crafting job proposals that stand out within the first two lines, enticing potential clients to read further. - Rapidly producing succinct, engaging proposals in 2-4 minutes each, on a weekly basis. - Ability to write quickly and concisely. - No use of AI tools like ChatGPT, all writing needs to be original. Compensation: - $15 for 15 proposals. - If I see positive results, the payment will increase to $30 for 10 proposals weekly.

€19 Average bid
€19 licitátlag
15 árajánlat
Tally Prime Video Course Creation
6 nap left

...trainer to create and record exclusive video lectures on Tally Prime, covering topics from Accounting Basics to Final Accounts. The course should be structured in chapters and professionally recorded with high-quality video, clear audio, and live Tally software demonstrations. Course Structure: (Expected Topics) 1. Introduction to Accounting & Tally Prime Basics of Accounting (Concepts, Principles, Double Entry System) Accounting Terms (Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, Expenses, etc.) Types of Accounts (Personal, Real & Nominal) Introduction to Tally Prime Installation & Activation of Tally Prime 2. Tally Prime Interface & Features Understanding the Tally Prime Dashboard Company Creation, Alteration & Deletion Confi...

€133 Average bid
€133 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Patent Assistance for drop box
6 nap left

I need professional help to secure patents for my physical device in the UK and the USA. About the Product: - I have a working prototype ready for inspection and testing - Preliminary patent research has been done, but not exhaustive Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in patent law, particularly within the UK and USA - Prior experience in patenting physical devices - Strong background in engineering or product design - Excellent research skills to ensure thorough patent search - Ability to communicate technical details to patent offices I have CAD drawings etc. Please bid to do all the application for both the UK and USA.

€370 Average bid
€370 licitátlag
16 árajánlat

About Us Incognito Mystery Shopping Services is a leading market research company based in the UAE. We partner with regional airlines to evaluate service quality through mystery shopping audits. Our insights help enhance customer experiences and operational excellence. Role Overview We are looking for freelance mystery shoppers based in Alexandria, Egypt, who are passionate about travel and customer service. As a mystery shopper, you will evaluate airline services by traveling to specific destinations, assessing customer experience, and submitting detailed feedback through our app-based process. ? This is a freelance contract opportunity, not a salaried job. ? Ideal for frequent travellers or individuals with existing travel plans. ? Candidat...

€20 Average bid
€20 licitátlag
12 árajánlat
You know how to use ChatGPT
6 nap left

If you know how to use it, then I have a job for you

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr licitátlag
130 árajánlat

I'm a student looking for a side job writing product descriptions for home goods. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging, SEO-friendly product descriptions ...product descriptions for home goods. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging, SEO-friendly product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of a variety of home goods. - Work within deadlines to ensure all product descriptions are completed in a timely manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in freelance writing, specifically product descriptions, is highly preferred. - A keen interest in home goods and an understanding of what makes a product appealing to potential buyers. - Strong SEO knowledge to optimize product visibility. - Excellen...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr licitátlag
27 árajánlat

Freelance React Native + Android Developer Required (Remote – Short-Term) Job Type: Freelance (1-2 Days) Compensation: ₹4,000 - ₹8,000 per day Job Description: We are looking for an experienced React Native + Android Developer for a short-term assignment (1-2 days). The primary task is to configure and set up an existing React Native Android application on our remote machine. Requirements: Proficient in React Native and Android Development. Experience with application setup, configuration, and debugging. Familiarity with tools like Android Studio, Node.js, npm/yarn, Metro bundler, Gradle, and related dependencies. Ability to troubleshoot build issues and dependencies. Experience with remote setup and guiding through screen sharing. Work S...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr licitátlag
14 árajánlat

I am seeking a freelance Romanian translator to Carry out translation from English to romanian

€388 Average bid
€388 licitátlag
46 árajánlat

...should allow for accurate assessments of export trends, market health, and financial viability, with room for ongoing updates and scalability. The model should also support reworking and enhancement of an existing model to better suit the current requirements. Scope of Work: National Cattle Export Overview: Volume & Value of Cattle Exports: Forecasted data on national export volumes, values, and growth trends. Key Markets & Export Destinations: Breakdown of export destinations, pricing dynamics, and trends in demand. Government Policies & Trade Agreements: Consideration of how national policies, regulations, and trade agreements impact exports. Exporter-Specific Financial Modeling: Exporters' Profiles: Creation of a detailed model for each expor...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr licitátlag
4 árajánlat

I'm looking for a professional with expertise in Bartender Software. I need to create barcodes pulling from specific fields in a Master data spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is located in Egnyte and is co-edited using Microsoft Excel Online. The fields I am interested in include GTIN, Catalog Number, Lot Number, Serial Number, Expiration Date, and Quantity. This data needs to be pulled from filtered data based on a blank Allocation column (see attached spreadsheet) Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency with Bartender Software. - Experience in barcode generation and software integration. - Attention to detail to ensure accurate data pull for barcode creation. Please reach out if you ...

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr licitátlag
19 árajánlat

I am looking for a freelance professional Spanish translator to handle this job.

€482 Average bid
€482 licitátlag
28 árajánlat

...list of jewelers who specifically sell diamond jewelry across the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, and the UAE. The file must include, but not be limited to: - Dealer Name - Website URL - Contact Phone Number (or multiple if available) - Contact Email - Country - City - Address Initially, we're focusing on jewelers trading in diamond jewelry. Future phases will require lists of jewelers selling fine jewelry (not exclusive to diamonds) and subsequently all other jewelers. Ideal candidates for this project: - Proficient in research with access to reliable online directories, jewelry trade associations, and social media platforms. - Experienced in data compilation and CSV file creation. - Excellent attention to detail to...

€309 Average bid
€309 licitátlag
32 árajánlat

"Freelance N8N Specialist with Agents Module We are looking for an experienced N8N specialist with expertise in the Agents module to support our automation workflows. You will work on designing, optimizing, and maintaining automated processes using N8N, integrating with multiple APIs and data sources. Requirements: Proven experience with N8N, especially with the Agents module. Strong understanding of API integrations and workflow automation. Experience with low-code/no-code automation tools. Ability to troubleshoot and optimize workflows."

€106 Average bid
€106 licitátlag
32 árajánlat
Mots et Savoir
6 nap left

Mon projet est axé sur l'écriture de contenus de qualité et l'accompagnement scolaire. En tant que freelance, je m'efforce de créer des textes engageants et pédagogiques, adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de mes lecteurs et de mes élèves. Mon objectif est d'aider les apprenants à mieux comprendre leurs cours et de les accompagner dans leur progression académique. Je mets un accent particulier sur la clarté, la précision et la pertinence des informations afin de garantir une expérience d'apprentissage efficace et agréable. Je souhaite également collaborer avec des institutions ou des entreprises pour proposer des solutions éducatives personnali...

€770 Average bid
€770 licitátlag
7 árajánlat

...looking for a professional to help me implement an email campaign aimed at real estate agents to an existing database of newly selected prospects in the South African market using MailChimp. Key Components of the Project: - The main goal of this campaign is to generate leads. - To introduce Real Estate Brilliance as the authority in realtor training in SA. - The target audience is specifically real estate agents. - I have 13 emails and 12 free guides prepared that will be used in the campaign. - Automation of 13 email campaign - 1 email per week. - FREE Guide to be sent as an immediate follow-up email when the download button is clicked. - Linking the relevant company website page to the CTA button - The Agent Succe...

€66 Average bid
€66 licitátlag
10 árajánlat

I'm looking for a freelance System Analyst to join my project in the Tech and IT industry. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze system requirements and collaborate with developers - Evaluate and improve IT systems - Conduct data analysis and interpret results Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a System Analyst - Strong understanding of IT systems - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Proficient in data analysis tools and techniques

€964 Average bid
€964 licitátlag
23 árajánlat

I'm looking for a freelance expert who can create Smart Object PSD files of canvas paintings with mirrored edges. The paintings should be in portrait style and placed in very realistic modern living room settings, complete with modern furniture. Key Requirements: - Experience with creating Smart Object PSD files - Design canvas paintings in portrait style - Create realistic modern living room settings - Incorporate modern furniture into the design - Use of mirrored edges for the canvas paintings - Proficiency in creating Smart Object PSD files Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Experience with creating Smart Object PSD files - Knowledge of modern interior design - Ability to design in portrait st...

€92 Average bid
€92 licitátlag
50 árajánlat

We are a local plastering and drylining company in Cannock, Staffs WS11 7LG, currently in need of a qualified freelance Quantity Surveyor (QS). The ideal candidate will be responsible for conducting take-offs for both dry lining and plastering. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly attending our office once or twice a week (local to Cannock is a must) - Conducting accurate take-offs for both dry lining and plastering - Delivering take-offs in digital format (Excel files) Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel - Prior experience as a QS in the plastering and drylining industry - Able to conduct both dry lining and plastering take-offs - Local to Cannock and able to attend our office regularly Many Than...

€33 / hr Average bid
€33 / hr licitátlag
7 árajánlat

Overview We're looking for a local partner in Argentina to manage and expand hardware deployment locations for blockchain-based passive income hardware. We are a UK based startup operating in the DePIN (Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks) space, combining hardware and blockchain technology to create passive income opportunities. Our business invests in and deploys hardware across strategic locations, earning yield on each device. We're expanding to Argentina and looking for a local partner to help identify, secure, and manage deployment locations for our hardware. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with strong networking, business development, sales, or operations skills who is interested in b...

€10266 Average bid
€10266 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

...need a designer to create two scaled floor plans with dimensions based on a partial floorplan (with dimensions and to scale - creating using Floorplanner) and two full floor plans (without dimensions). Some minor amends required to the scaled plans (i.e. add double garage and stairs (location apparent from first floor plan) but to be provided in a handrdrawn sketch to assist, reverse 2 x door openings, add heat, smoke, co sensors, and identify fire exits - required amends to be shown on a hand-annotated image for ease of understanding. - Provided Files: 2 x floor plans in JPEG (without dimensions) and 1 x partial floorplan in PDF (created using Floorplanner, to scale and with dimensions). - Required Outcom...

€45 Average bid
€45 licitátlag
30 árajánlat

We’re seeking a Chinese Language Content Expert to elevate health conversations by creating and adapting engaging, accurate, and culturally relevant health and wellness content for Chinese-speaking audiences. You’ll translate, localize, and write articles, ensuring they resonate with readers while maintaining scientific accuracy and cultural sensitivity. The ideal candidate has native-level proficiency in Chinese (Mandarin), advanced English skills, and a strong background in health, wellness, or medical content. Experience with SEO, content management systems, and health-related terminology is a plus. This is a freelance, remote role with flexible hours. If you’re passionate about health and skilled in crafting impactful content, we&rsq...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr licitátlag
10 árajánlat

I'm looking to develop a freelancer-focused app that can compete in the marketplace. The app should primarily focus on facilitating proposal submissions. Key features and requirements include: - Design and development of a user-friendly interface - Integration of seamless proposal submission system - Potential for future expansion to incorporate project search and management tools Experience in creating successful, similar applications is a big plus. Please provide examples of your previous work.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr licitátlag
74 árajánlat

Bonjour Je suis à la recherche d’un freelance motivé et dynamique pour m’aider à promouvoir des produits via un programme d’affiliation Shopify. Vous serez chargé(e) de créer du contenu (principalement des vidéos) pour générer des ventes en utilisant mon lien d’affiliation unique. Tâches principales : • Créer des vidéos promotionnelles et du contenu marketing pour Shopify • Promouvoir ces vidéos sur les réseaux sociaux et autres canaux pertinents • Générer des ventes via mon lien d’affiliation • Suivre et optimiser les performances des campagnes Compétences requises : • Expérience en marketing d’affi...

€36 Average bid
€36 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Freelance Website Designer Needed for Therapist Directory in UK for indian, punjabi cultural understanding I am looking for a talented freelance website designer to create a therapist directory website within a budget of £400. The project involves copying the functionality and design of an existing UK therapist directory site. The ideal candidate will have experience in website design, particularly in creating directories, and be able to deliver the project quickly. Project Requirements: Create a therapist directory website similar to an existing UK site Ensure the website is user-friendly and responsive Include features such as search functionality, profiles for therapists, and contact forms Complete the ...

€496 Average bid
€496 licitátlag
130 árajánlat

Descripción: Busco un editor de video freelance talentoso y profesional para un canal enfocado en enseñar al público cómo convertirse en day trader. El contenido incluye temas como herramientas de trabajo (CPU, Stream Deck), brokers, plataformas, scanners y todo lo necesario para ser un day trader profesional. Necesito alguien que pueda crear videos pulidos y atractivos para YouTube, Instagram y TikTok, incluyendo cortinillas y diferentes estilos de contenido que reflejen un nivel profesional. Detalles del proyecto: Duración de los videos: La mayoría durará entre 15 y 30 minutos, con algunos videos más específicos de hasta 1 hora para temas detallados. Plataformas: YouTube (contenido principal), Instagram (clips corto...

€335 Average bid
€335 licitátlag
18 árajánlat

I am seeking a freelance developer with extensive experience in Python and the Django framework. The primary focus of this project is to fix bugs that are impacting the display and layout of our frontend interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Django - Strong debugging skills, particularly in frontend interfaces - Experience with fixing display and layout issues - Prior work with Python Django framework Please note, the goal of this short-term project is purely to resolve these bugs. If you have a knack for identifying issues and proposing improvements, that could be a plus. Your ability to deliver quality work within a couple of hours is crucial.

€323 Average bid
€323 licitátlag
28 árajánlat

We are seeking a talented freelance graphic designer to create a minimalist logo that effectively communicates our brand's core values and logo should be designed with primary colors, so creativity and understanding of color theory is essential. * Develop a minimalist logo that is visually appealing and memorable. * Effectively communicate the brand's vision and core values through the logo design. * Create a versatile logo that can be used across various platforms (website, social media, packaging, etc.). * Deliver high-quality vector files in various formats (AI, EPS, SVG, PNG).

€24 Average bid
€24 licitátlag
26 árajánlat

...Objective: Manage Trainerize setup, client programming, & assessments to free up Vera’s time. ? Key Responsibilities: ✔ Create Personalized Workout & Nutrition Plans for PT & online coaching clients. ✔ Set Up & Manage Trainerize for new & existing clients. ✔ Conduct Client Assessments & Check-Ins (PAR-Q review, movement screens, progress tracking). ✔ Assist in Client Evaluations Before PT (Review PAR-Q, food recall, & fitness goals). ✔ Support Online Coaching Clients via chat, email, or Trainerize messages. ✔ Plan & Recommend Exercise Content for Filming – Works with CGMS Lead (Juvenile) to coordinate: YouTube Exercise Library Social Media (IG, TikTok, Facebook) Client Program Demonstrations (Trainerize videos) ✔ Assist ...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr licitátlag
5 árajánlat

Job Title: WordPress/Laravel/React Developer Location: Remote Job Type: Full-time/Freelance Salary: TBD About Us: We are a web development startup working with variety of niches including designing and SEO. We are a group of few members dedicated to drive growth and success taking along the team. Job Overview: We are looking for a highly skilled WordPress, Laravel, and React Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate should have experience building and maintaining WordPress websites (Elementor expertise preferred), developing custom web applications in Laravel, and creating interactive front-end components with React. You will work on a variety of client projects, ensuring high-quality, modern, and efficient web solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop, ...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr licitátlag
40 árajánlat
FDP Calculator Website Redesign
6 nap left

...seeking a professional web designer to overhaul my existing FDP Calculator site. This site is tailored for UK cabin crew and pilots, and it's crucial that the redesign aligns with my established branding and logo. Key areas of focus: - Colors and Branding: The primary objective is to enhance the site's visual appeal in line with my branding. - Layout and Structure: While the main focus is on colors and branding, a restructured layout will also be appreciated. - Fonts and Typography: I currently don't have specific fonts in mind, so your expert recommendations will be valuable. Additional requirements: - Interactive Elements: The redesign should incorporate engaging interactive elements to enhance user experience. Ideal Skills a...

€187 Average bid
€187 licitátlag
169 árajánlat

Hiring Freelance Communication & English Trainer – Work from Home We are looking for an experienced Freelance Communication Skills & English Trainer to conduct online training sessions for our students/professionals. If you have a passion for teaching and expertise in spoken English, corporate communication, and soft skills, we’d love to connect with you! Trainer Requirements: ✅ Strong experience in Communication Skills & English Language Training ✅ Expertise in Business Communication, Public Speaking, and Soft Skills ✅ Ability to conduct interactive online sessions (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) ✅ Prior experience in corporate training, IELTS, or personality development preferred ✅ Excellent verbal and writ...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr licitátlag
7 árajánlat

...Location: Remote (Must generate leads for Colorado Springs, CO, and neighboring areas within a 60-mile radius) Job Type: Contract, Hourly Job Description: Seven Tails Lawn Care & Landscaping is seeking a Lead Generation Specialist / Sales Expert to help expand our client base in Colorado Springs, CO, and neighboring areas within a 60-mile radius. This role involves identifying potential residential and commercial clients, conducting outreach, pitching our landscaping services, and booking consultations. Responsibilities: - Research and identify potential clients within a 60-mile radius of Colorado Springs, CO. - Conduct cold outreach (calls, emails, networking) to generate leads. - Pitch and present our landscaping services t...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr licitátlag
4 árajánlat
Engaging Short-Form Video Editing
6 nap left

Freelance Video Editor for Insightful & Engaging Short-Form Content (Ongoing Work Potential) ? Project Type: Short-Form Video (Test Project for Future Work) ⏳ Duration: 2:30–3:00 minutes ? Tone: Firm, Affirmative, Enlightening, and Insightful About the Project: I’m looking for a skilled video editor to create a visually compelling and emotionally engaging short-form video. This project will serve as a test run for potential long-term collaboration. My content explores philosophy, psychology, and their connection to politics, and I want to make complex ideas more palatable and impactful through music, visuals, and strong pacing. What I Need: ✔ Engaging, well-paced editing that enhances the message while keeping the viewer’s attention. ✔ Cr...

€90 Average bid
€90 licitátlag
57 árajánlat

I'm seeking a talented freelance graphic designer to assist in crafting visual content for Meta. The content will span across various formats, including reels, short videos, and static posts. The primary aim of the reels will be to bolster brand awareness and enhance engagement. Ideal Skills: - Experienced in creating engaging social media content - Understanding of brand design and marketing strategies Experience: - Prior work with Meta content is a plus - Proven track record of increasing brand visibility through creative design - Portfolio demonstrating a range of dynamic, high-quality content

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr licitátlag
21 árajánlat
UK Homeowners Leads Acquisition
6 nap left

I am in need of leads of homeowners from England, Scotland, and Wales. The specific information I require about the homeowners includes their name and contact details, as well as their email addresses. Please deliver the leads in a CSV file. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in lead generation and data collection. Proficiency in data handling and ensuring the accuracy of the leads is crucial. Prior experience working with real estate or home improvement businesses would be advantageous. Please note: The leads should be relevant, up-to-date and comply with data protection regulations.

€91 Average bid
€91 licitátlag
56 árajánlat
Clay Expert
6 nap left

Hiring a Clay Expert (Freelance) – Join Our GTM Agency ? Are you a Clay expert passionate about automating prospecting and lead generation? We're a GTM agency helping businesses scale demand generation through cutting-edge automation and data-driven strategies. We’re looking for a Clay Expert (Freelance) to enhance our workflows and optimize our outreach efforts. ? What We’re Looking For: - Deep expertise in Clay – AI Agents, workflow automation, CRM integrations, and data enrichment. - Automation & No-Code skills – Experience with Make, Zapier, and API-based workflows. - Prospecting optimization – Building lead generation flows using intent signals. - Data enrichment & segmentation – Creating dynamic list...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr licitátlag
9 árajánlat

...more work. Using this to find my go to guy/girl. Full Branding Setup: • Brand Name: OUTLAW Clothing • Slogan: Whiskey Bent & Hell Bound • Design Style: Premium, clean, rugged, and instantly identifiable. • Target Audience: True country music outlaws, modern cowboys, and rebels. Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create three full, high-end T-shirt designs for my brand, OUTLAW Clothing Company. The brand is influenced by country music and a rebellious outlaw spirit, but the designs must feel premium, modern, and fashion-forward—not cliché or overdone. Key Requirements: • T-shirt must have at least three design placements: front, sleeve, and upper back. • Clean, simple, and bold designs tha...

€77 Average bid
€77 licitátlag
123 árajánlat

...Analyst Trainer to join Xoon Infotech. If you're passionate about teaching and have expertise in SQL, Power BI, Tableau, Python, Machine Learning, R, and Advanced Excel, I’d love to hear from you! Key Requirements: ✅ Extensive experience in Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, or Data Science ✅ Proficiency in SQL, Power BI, Python, R, and Machine Learning ✅ Previous corporate or online training experience preferred ✅ Ability to conduct live online sessions and guide advanced-level students on real-world projects ✅ Excellent communication and mentoring skills What We Offer: ? Competitive Compensation – Get paid per session/hour ? Flexible Schedule – for weekdays and weekend batch ? Engaged Learners – Work with mot...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr licitátlag
10 árajánlat

I...talented and innovative Freelance Videographer and Video Editor to join my team. Your primary responsibility will be crafting engaging and high-quality Instagram Reels and short videos. These will be primarily product showcases presented in a casual tone. Key responsibilities: - Capture high-quality video footage of our products - Edit footage into attention-grabbing, professional, and on-brand content - Ensure content is suitable for Instagram Reels and other social media platforms Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience as a videographer and video editor - Strong portfolio of social media content - Ability to work creatively and independently - Experience with product showcase videos - Understanding of creating content for a casual tone - Profic...

€6 Average bid
€6 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

I'm in need of an unconventional email marketer with expertise in bulk email blasting via Microsoft 365 accounts. The goal is to send 50,000 to 100,000 invoices daily to the USA within a 5-7 hour timeframe. Key requirements: - Use of innovative methods to achieve high inbox delivery rates (70-80%). - Conversion of email deliveries to calls is the primary success metric. Preferred experience: - Familiarity with invoicing platforms such as PayPal, Xero, or Docusign. - Proven experience in email marketing targeting the USA, UK, and Australia. - Understanding of metrics like open rates, click rates, and conversion rates. Compensation will be strictly performance-based, released only upon successful email conversions. Candi...

€103 Average bid
€103 licitátlag
7 árajánlat

Job Title: Freelance Data Analyst (Advanced Excel & Power BI Expert) Job Description: We are looking for a skilled freelance data analyst with strong expertise in advanced Excel, data management, dashboard creation, and Power BI. The ideal candidate should be able to analyze complex datasets, generate insights, and build interactive dashboards to support business decision-making. Key Responsibilities: Manage and clean large datasets efficiently. Develop and automate dashboards in Excel & Power BI. Perform data analysis to derive actionable insights. Create visual reports and interactive dashboards for stakeholders. Ensure data accuracy and integrity. Requirements: Proficiency in advanced Excel (PivotTables, VLOOKUP, Power ...

€75 Average bid
€75 licitátlag
29 árajánlat