Domain name requiredmunkák
Szeretnék, egy ban készült blogot, melyben egészség témában írok, és affilate linkeket helyezek el, majd email, hírlevél rendszert is tennék bele. Sajnos, hónapok óta tanulom, csinálom, de nem jutok a weboldal szerkesztéssel semmire. Szükségem volna szakemberre, aki segít ezen túl lendülni. Domain és tárhely vásárlás sikeres volt. Cikkeket is szívesen megírom. A többiben kérnék segítséget.
Egy házaspár vagyunk, akik steaksütő versenyekre járnak 2 éve szerte Európában. Novembertől itthon is steaksütő versenyeket szervezünk és ehhez egy információs platformot szeretnénk létrehozni a versenyzők részére, amely később tovább fejleszthető. Pédaként egy hasonló verseny oldala. Ennél kicsit egyszerűbb is megfelel.
Kedves Megoldásszállító! :) Olyan szakembert keresek, aki meg tudja oldani a következő feladatot: Van egy Facebook csoportom, nyitott. A posztok jóváhagyását szeretném automatizálni, úgy, hogy a jóváhagyásra váró posztok csak akkor kerüljenek ki, amikor az általam megadott kulcsszavak egyike megtalálható a posztban. pl.: kulcsszóként egy domain illetve más kulcsszavak. Erre azért van szükség, mert a csoportban bevezetésre kerül, hogy csak azok posztja kerülhet ki akik regisztrálnak a weboldalamon, és azok az ott feltöltött szállásaik linkjé...
WHMCS modul fejlesztésben jártas fejlesztőt keresünk modul fejlesztésekre. Kérjük jelentkezz és egyeztessünk a részletekről ha a WHMCS-t mélyrehatóan ismered és túl vagy már legalább egy komolyabb modul fejlesztésén. modulok szükségesek: - dynadot api - magyar .hu domain reg. (egyedi modul, nem ISZT-kompatibilis) - banki átutalás import és fizetés jóváhagyási folyamata és biztos vagyok benne, hogy a Whmcs egyéb testreszabásához is szükség van néhány konzultációs órára. Először meg kell találnom Magyarország le...
20-30 kép angol szót kell lefordítanunk calarasi nyelvekre, akiknek segíteniük kell az anyanyelvükre történő fordításban. Az ügynökségek nem licitálhatnak
Egy WordPress weboldalnál domain csere után a Filterable Portfolio Modulban nem működik a filteres menü + a képek nem töltődnek be, rejtélyes mintázat szerint, pl. cache törlés után először igen, aztán nem. Bármelyik menüre kattintva ezt adja: . Részletes infók vannak a problémáról. Ha valaki meg tudná oldani, nem építeném újra. Egyszerű weboldal, de a portfólió a fő tartalom. kevesebb tárhelyet foglaljanak. Azt is szeretnénk, hogy az oldal első körben csak a szolgáltatók előtt legyen nyitott mondjuk egy (pl.: ), majd egy bizonyos regisztráció szám után tennénk csak az oldalt live-ba. Szeretnénk az is, hogy legyen egy demo oldal () ahol megtudjuk mutatni az oldal kinézetét a szolgáltatóknak mielőtt még live lenne a domain. Összegezve: egy olyan weboldalt szeretnénk létrehozni amely segítene az esküvőt szervező pároknak, hogy egyszerűen, otthonról akár a kanapéról ülve elejétől a végéig letudják szervezni a nagy napjukat. Egy utazásos ha...
I'm looking for a page developer to create an online education page! Expectations: WordPress, Divi, LifterLMS, webdesign I am looking for a page developer who has already worked with an educational managment system and is also proficient in design. The project is ready: domain, hosting, wordpress ,ivi et lifterlms armed. I tried to create the project myself, but being a layman would take too much time, so I would put the started project into professional hands.
Szeretnék logót készítteteni a oldalamhoz. Abban különbözik az eddigi szállásfoglaló portáloktól, hogy a képek és videók 360 fokosak, valamint a live stream is 360-as. A vendégek körbe nézhetnek foglalás előtt. Szeretném ha a logóban visszaköszönne a körbenézhetőség, tehát a 360 fokos megjelenés, valamint a domain:
Egy nyereményjátékos weblapot szeretnénk készíttetni. Egy sima, statikus honlapról lenne szó. A részletes infót az ajánlat elkészítéséhez jelentkezés után küldöm. (Tárhely, domain név van).
A cél hogy ISPCONFIG 3.1es változata alatt bevezetett alias domainekhez beállítható SSL kulcsokkal rendben működhessen a fő és az alias domain https protokollal teszt rendszer ISPConfig 3.1 es változatát új responsive admin felülettel, itt az ssl beállításoknál már a domain alisasok is választhatóak így van esély a megoldására Ezen a két linken teszteljük az eredményeket: AZ ISPConfig adminjában a fődomainnél az aliasdomainhez megadott SSL műveletek nem működnek Weboldalak / / SSL fül Admin user: externaladmin Admin jelszó: ccssl16 Az ISPConfig-ban vég...
Egyedi, exclusive úszómedence design, abszolút egyedi, meglepő, új design-t szeretnék. A többi web laptól homlokegyenest más stílusú kialakítást keresek. Átlátható legyen és könnyen lehessen navigálni rajta. Látványos, meglepő és nem szokványos weboldal. A legvadabb elképzelésekkel.... Anyag található a régi oldalonb .Az új oldal új domain alatt lenne ()
a projektek közzététele. Próbálja ki ma! Kapjon árajánlatokat képzett szabadúszóinktól akár perceken belül! Nézze meg a szabadúszók profilját és értékeléseit, és chateljen velük aká...árajánlatokat képzett szabadúszóinktól akár perceken belül! Nézze meg a szabadúszók profilját és értékeléseit, és chateljen velük akár azonnal! Csupán 3%* jutalék fejében, kedvenc szabadúszója még ma hozzákezd projektjéhez! Csak akkor fizessen a freelancernek, ha ...
Az alábbi linken található weboldal [Removed by Administrators] látogatószámát szeretnénk növelni. A domain 2007 óta működik.
.hu domain online (papírmentes ) regisztrációjához plugin írása a WHMCS nyilvántartó rendszerhez. A részletes feladat leírást a kiválasztott fejlesztő(k) számára adjuk át.
1. ütem -WordPress telepítés a megbízó szerverére -WordPress multidomain konfiguráció (7 domain) -az alábbi WordPress designok telepítése (5 domainhoz) (2 domainhoz) 2. ütem Fél vagy egy napos személyes oktatás Budapesten (Wordpress használata) 3. ütem Adatfeltöltés - (erre nem kérünk ajánlatot, mi csináljuk) 4. ütem A fejlesztést egy ideiglenes aldomain alatt (teszt szerveren) kell elvégezni. Tartalom feltöltés után át kell tenni az éles szerverre. Az 1., 2., 4.-es ütem árára és határidejére kérünk aj&aa...
looking for someone who can install wp + theme + demo content on vps, domain is connected with cloudflare, need to close ports for security reason
I'm seeking urgent maintenance for my IIS server (Win2019). For free SSL ce...for my IIS server (Win2019). For free SSL certificates we're using Lets-Encrypt v. [] Not access allowed via AnyDesk (or Teamviewer) Main task: - create a batch file (.bat or .vbs or .ps1) to install certificate for new domain added (if any), - create a batch file (or the same file) to update certificate exipring or expired. About certificate renew, sometimes there is an issue (expecially if certificate is expired). See attachment log: "" is my domain but there is an Authorization issues (https worked till 1 hour before, when certificate was not expired) Low budget available. NO placeholder: put you real offer. Test is needed to project award.
...and take 10 to 15 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to made a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of the location, and both of its surroundings. Just take a 360 degree view of it in a video. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR of Cabinet Betty DUCHAUSSOY, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp or sign as a proof. 5- If Cabinet Betty DUCHAUSSOY, does not found on given address than take the 7 to 8 geotagged photos of exact address with right left name boards photos ...
Professionnelle de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière, je possède un Master en Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, ainsi qu’une Licence en Gestion Financière et un DTS en Gestion des Entreprises. Avec plusieurs années d’expérience dans des postes variés (comptable, aide-comptable, contrôleuse de gestion, responsable comptabilité et finance, ainsi que responsable comptabilité et administration), j’ai développé une expertise solide en enregistrement comptable, gestion administrative et reporting financier. J’ai également une expérience réussie en télétravail, notamment en tant que collaboratrice pour un cabinet canadien de traitement ...
I'm seeking a developer/consultant for our Retail Management software. The ideal candidate should have 2-5 years of experience working with Delphi and SQL Server, preferably within the retail domain. Key Areas of Focus: - Sale Management - Inventory Management - Barcoding - GST - Sales Reporting - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Main Tasks: - Bug fixing and maintenance, New Development, primarily focusing on the Point of Sale (POS) System. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in Delphi and SQL Server - Prior experience in retail software development - Strong problem-solving skills for bug fixing and maintenance tasks. This project is expected to be completed within 2 years. The consultant will primarily focus on development tasks with minimal inv...
I'm in need of a distinctive name for my fashion brand, which embodies a casual and streetwear style, targeting primarily adults. The name should reflect our core values of sustainability, trendiness, and affordability. Key Requirements: - Experience in branding, particularly in the fashion industry. - Understanding of casual and streetwear style. - Ability to create catchy, memorable and unique brand names. - Should reflect the brand's values. - Proven creativity in generating unique and appealing names. - Understanding of SEO principles to select names that are easy to find online. - Deep insight into the preferences and behaviors of the target audience. Please provide samples of previous work where possible.
Required Designer who is experienced, should have worked pharma and cosmetic industry, should knowledge about lami tube ,pouch,shrink sleeve,label designing . with color and sample would be provided from our side as we own manufacturing plant so our partnership would be for long. Corrections are as per should have no limit,should be quick on reply and also have to give cdr and jpeg files with color and text files
I am looking for a unique and recognisable brand name relevant to the product but without overlap with existing brands. I want the brand to represent the harmonious but juxtaposing existence of discipline, terrifying power, ritual like practice, and yet and beauty of Muay Thai and women alike. Logo work to ensue for embroiding on clothing such as Muay Thai shorts.
I am in need of a professional who can conduct thorough pre-employment background checks for potential candidates in Asturias, Spain. The checks should cover: - Criminal Background: A comprehensive examination of the candidate's criminal history - Employment Verification: Confirming the candidate's previous work experiences and credentials - Educational Verification: Assessing the authenticity of the candidate's educational qualifications Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in conducting background checks - Access to reliable databases and resources - Strong attention to detail - Excellent report writing skills The selected freelancer will be responsible for providing a detailed report on each candidate, including any potential red flags.
I'm looking for a modern, bright and vibrant logo for my new project. This logo will need to incorporate both text and an icon. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator Proficiency - Experience in Logo Animation for dynamic digital presentations. The logo will be for an aviation-related project.
We are looking for a skilled graphic designer with experience in Figma to transform given text into visually appealing images that follow a structured design style. The goal is to create eye-catching and professional-looking PNG files based on provided textual content and upload them to our SaaS platform. The final images should resemble the example provided in the attachment, maintaining a clean, modern, and engaging look. Responsibilities: Design & Layout: Convert given text into a structured and visually engaging design using Figma. Brand Consistency: Follow our existing design style and guidelines to ensure all images have a uniform look. Export & Upload: Export the finalized Figma design as a high-resolution PNG and upload it to our SaaS platform (simple web-based interface)...
Need a virtual assistant who can help drive free signups for an email marketing brand with 30 days free trial offer through cold calls and cold DMs. Pay- 1 USD per new customer you bring Audienc...card details of users will be needed for free trial signup. - Potential leads will be given by me. - Each customer must signup from his own device. - Your unique link will be shared to you. - Need hourly updates on the progress - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No upfront or no campaigns fee or other charges will be provided - No ads allowed, only organic traffic required. - No email marketing, no social media marketing. - No invalid email ids/ bots or fake users allowed Will check my dashboard regularly and update you on the signup counts you bring through...
Hi my dear the logo of the sigar lounge shoud be added wizh the name of the city. My client is really complicated and Im so sorry!!! it should be: Karo's Lounge Klingnau Klingnau please in the same Font like Karo's.
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing the affiliate link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. Focus on targeting tech enthusiasts, small business owners who are likely to be interested in domain registration. Use the following social media to spread the word NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 5 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 2 USD per paying customer Long term project- Until Feb 28
I need a virtual assistant who can handle household related tasks. 1) Tracking nutrition - food intake with calories , exercise, weight etc 2) Booking tickets and cancellation 3) Arranging parties etc. I would like to start with Tracking nutrition. In this task, Myself and Wife will share audio notes of the food we took , screenshot of exercise app , etc and this needs to be tracked on an excel sheet ( along with calorie input etc) on a daily basis. We can keep sharing this on a whatsapp group and at the end of a day (or every 2-3 days) the excel sheet needs to be updated. I will share a sample excel sheet we use for calorie tracking , calorie value will be there for the usual foods we take in that sheet. For new ones you need to use websites like nutritionix or apps like healthifyme to...
I'm looking for a seasoned sales expert in the medical devices field. Your primary role will be to promote our translation company, which specializes in the medical domain, and secure new clients in the medical sector. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and reach out to potential clients in the imaging systems sector - Promote our translation services tailored for the medical devices industry - Drive sales and foster long-term client relationships Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in medical devices sales - Familiarity with the translation industry is a plus - Excellent communication and networking skills - Experience working with imaging systems is highly advantageous
I'm seeking a creative professional who can name and design a logo for my new social media app. This app is focused on sharing multimedia content and is intended for the general public. Key Requirements: - The name and logo should convey trust and reliability, as these are key emotions and values for the brand. - The name should be catchy, easy to remember and pronounce. - The logo should be visually appealing, simple yet effective, and scalable for various platforms and devices. Ideal Skills: - Brand Development - Graphic Design - Creative Writing - Knowledge of Social Media Trends - Experience in designing for the general public.
I'm in need of a comprehensive car rental service website and mobile application, inspired by the design and functionality of https://www.myc...functionalities to be incorporated include: - A live chat support feature to assist users in real time. - A user reviews and ratings system to ensure transparency and build trust. - An efficient booking management system to streamline the reservation process. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience in website and app development, particularly in the car rental domain. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek design implementations. - Proven skills in integrating live chat support, user review systems, and booking management systems into platforms. - Proficiency in both iOS and Android a...
...newsletter campaigns, to engage existing users and attract new visitors. - SEO Strategy: Develop a comprehensive SEO strategy to improve your website's organic search ranking and drive more traffic. - Influencer Collaborations: Partner with industry influencers to boost your brand's visibility and drive traffic to your website. - Link Building: Develop a link-building strategy to increase your website's domain authority and attract more visitors. - User Experience Improvement: Enhance the website's user interface and user experience to retain visitors and reduce bounce rates. visit the current website, to get more details about the product and project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in increasing website traffic and social media engageme...
...take 10 to 15 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to made a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of the location, and both of its surroundings. Just take a 360 degree view of it in a video. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR of Dhara Dhevi Thailand, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp or sign as a proof. 5- If Association for Dhara Dhevi Thailand, does not found on given address than take the 7 to 8 geotagged photos of exact address with right left name boards pho...
We have developed an application, but we need some expert help in integrating Pinecone with RealTime API. The LLM is in Javascript and uses OpenAI Realtime API, and it works well, but we just need your help in getting our application to do Pinecone l...create embeddings and then uses Pinecone to store the vectors, but its not working properly. Looking for an expert that can show us how to do the integration to best practice or look at our code and tell us how to get it working. Looking for an expert that knows exactly what to do to help us now and in the future. Don't think this should take more than 2-3 hours. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive experience with OpenAI and Pinecone - Experience in OpenAI RealTime API helpful. - Good English verbal commun...
...Python program to use the model built by the previous to recognize patterns in out-of-sample data (program 2) High level description - the programs must be implemented in Python, and be compatible with Python 3.12 or higher - number of patters to be recognized can be between 1 and a X, It is understood and acceptable that the more patterns are provided in the training data, the more time will be required to train the model. There will be no limit as to how many different patterns can be recognized, it will only depend on the data set provided in the training data - the training program (program 1) should detect how many patterns are in training file, and the recognition program (program 2) should use that dataset to recognize patterns in the out-of-sample data. Pattern names mus...
Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: ...requiring extended collaboration over several months. Communication will primarily be through email. Work should be submitted on a weekly basis. Experience in healthcare and medicine-related topics is essential. Preferred communication language is English. Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite is required. Preference is given to hiring individual freelancers with expertise in their specific areas. Each freelancer is expected to work 10-20 hours per week. Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite is required. Initial priority is on content writing tasks such as articles, blogs, and creati...
I'm seeking an expert-level interviewer in the Java development field to assess a candidate's technical skills. Key Focus Areas: - Advanced Java Programming Concepts: The interviewer should evaluate the candidate's understanding and application of multithreading, collections, and exception handling. - Framework Proficiency: Proficiency in Spring and Hibernate is ...should have a deep understanding of Java best practices, be skilled in debugging and troubleshooting Java applications, and have experience with: - Integrating Java applications into CI/CD pipelines - Containerization using Docker - Deploying on cloud platforms The sole purpose of this interview is to evaluate the candidate's technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities in Java. Skills Required...
...Implement Problem management and recurrent incident process. • Implement activities improvements by automations, acts delegations and documentations. • Experience in implementing and managing backup, disaster recovery and business continuity strategies: • Acts on Disaster recovery tests to process fail over and fail back. • Interventions scheduled on weekends and non-working hours. Profile Skills required: • Technical Skills for Production Support Engineer • Linux REDhat since 6.2 version mandatory, CentOS • Scripting KSH Skill and SSH • Windows servers since 2012 version • Experience on ETL tools (Informatica) • Experience on Databases (Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSql) • Experience on BI Tools (MSBI, Business Object, Power BI...
Affiliate Link Promotions 10+ Keyword Research and Implementation According to your Affiliate Link/Business/Services: We will use in Backlinks Promotions work - 200 + Links in a month. - Domain Authority (DA)-/ 30 + 50, 60, - Page Authority (PA) -/ 60 + / 50, 40, - Performance Tracking and Reporting - 100% Manual Work - (2 Blog Content posting/ 500 words) - (Including 2 Social Media Posts)
I need assistance in transferring my domain name registered with Porkbun to my active Kajabi account. The primary purpose of this transfer is to redirect the domain to an existing site. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in domain management - Experience with Kajabi platform - Understanding of website redirection Please note that I have not decided on a specific design or layout for the site yet, so design skills are not required for this task. However, a good understanding of website functionalities and set up for email services would be beneficial.
Project Title: Website Development for Agricultural Products E-commerce About Your Business: Briefly describing our agricultural business ("We are a family-owned business specializing in chemical fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and organic agriculture related product a...local SEO, product SEO/boost Design Preferences: farmer-friendly, simplicity less icons more of descriptive/text icons, palpates publication space. Reference: - Content: we will you provide the product descriptions, image and other website content Technical: • Hosting: you will have to setup • Domain Name: don’t have Timeline: 28-30 days Questions for Freelancers: support after launch? Some kind of updation is required related to product so will u product that ? :Fixed Price ...
...Sheets for managing and updating the product directory (projected maximum of 1,000 records). - Data updates shall be performed manually or scheduled without requiring real-time synchronization. Updating data must be straightforward to ensure that non-technical users can manage the updates efficiently. * Hosting: Hosted on our Squarespace site with the flexibility to move it to a standalone domain if needed. * Accessibility and Analytics: - Compliance with WCAG 2.1 or similar accessibility standards. - Analytics should capture key user interactions, such as the number of searches, most used filters, click-through rates to product detail pages, and useful visualizations, e.g. user interaction heat maps. Technical Requirements: * Frontend: Responsive framework (e.g....
I have a VPS with OVH, running Ubuntu or maybe apache. I need a tech expert who can install SSL on my domain and reading their server tech files I htink they suggest using Certbot, Key Tasks: - Install SSL on my domain . - Configure the server to use the certificate and set up HTTPS redirection. - Help with monitoring server performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ubantu and apache - Proficiency in SSL installation and Certbot. - Skills in server performance monitoring. - Familiarity with Ubuntu operating system.
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing the affiliate link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. Focus on targeting tech enthusiasts, small business owners who are likely to be interested in domain registration. Use the following social media to spread the word NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 5 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 2 USD per paying customer Long term project- Until Feb 28
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
...need assistance identifying why Google is not properly indexing our pages. - Implementing strategies to boost our local SEO, driving foot traffic into our physical store, as well as enhancing our national SEO for online visibility. - Conduct competitive analysis to identify gaps and opportunities in our SEO strategy. - Develop and manage a strategy for acquiring high-quality backlinks to improve domain authority. - Perform comprehensive site audits regularly to identify and resolve SEO issues. - Enhance the quality of on-site content to meet SEO best practices and improve user engagement. - Continuously monitor key SEO metrics and KPIs to track performance and make necessary adjustments. Ideally, you should: - Propose a targeted list of 40-50 keywords. - Create and manage 3-4 b...