Bizbuysell com scriptmunkák
... "objectId": 63, /*with this ID you can connect an item with an object*/ "position": "[0, 2530, 170]", /*this has to be changed during an onclick event*/ "rotation": "[0, 0, 0]", /*this has to be changed during an onclick event*/ "setting": "1:10, 2:5", "size": "[780, 150, 1000]", "usedColors": [1, 3423], /*these color IDs are not relevant here*/ "usedScript": 15, /*with which script was this generated, not relevant either*/ "user": {… }, "work": {…} } Here is how we define an item: { "color": 63, /*the color will be a photograph, I’ll attach the jpg too*/ "itemId": 47, "material...
Két magyar nyelven írt szövegcsoport élő személy á 2. szöveg: A GDrive megosztás teljes mappája: A vállalkozó az általa nyújtható felvételi minőség és beszédhang bemutatására az arduino-????-workspace-?????-?mail-????-com E-Mail címre is küldhet egy pár szavas tetszőleges hangfelvételt — vagy esetleg az alább ajánlott pangramma felolvasását: "Egy hűtlen vejét fülöncsípő, dühös mexikói úr Wesselényinél mázol Quitóban." Gépi, ...
Adott egy motor, amit Adult Video Script-nek hívnak. Sajnos egyetlen nagyon fontos elemet kihagytak a fejlesztők ebből a motorból, mégpedig azt, hogy egy videót több kategóriába is fel lehessen tölteni, ( ne csak egybe). PHP és Smarty-n alapuló a cucc. Ha valaki meg tudja ezt oldani, annak adok FTP hozzáférést, és kipróbálhatja tudását :) Max költségkeret 30- 40 USD körül.
Szia Gyula! Egy mese appon dolgozom hobbiként, amihez az -on várároltam egy logót (SVG). Ez a oldalon megtekinthető. A logo nagyon tetszik de egyedivé szeretném varázsoltatni. 2 verziót szeretnék. Az egyikben csupán a meglévő logora szeretnék két szemet rakatni, a masikban pedig szabadkezet adnek. Erdeklodni szeretnek hogy ilyet vallalsz-e es hogy nagysagrendileg mennyibe kerulne.
Agráriumban használatos differenciált műtrágya-kijuttatási térkép generáló python script kellene nekem, amit pl. QGIS-ben tudok futtatni. Multipolygon shape tetszőleges rekordjait kellene összeolvasztani automatizáltan bizonyos szempontok szerint. Eddig is meg tudtam oldani, csak automatizálni szeretném, ami programozást jelent, ahhoz viszont nem értek.
sample: ENG:I can send the full might want to script a different website design and automatic payments,admin panel % where to set how many days and how many receive os investment+% referral system HUN:Esetleg tudok küldeni teles weboldal scriptet szeretnék egy másik dizájnt és automatikus kifizetéseket admin panelt ahol beállítható hány % os befektetkést kapnak és hány napra+referral rendszert % os rendszerben
Szeretném megoldani, hogy a hírlevelünkre Facebook, Google (esetleg Twitter) fiók segítségével is fel lehessen iratkozni. Ennek a technikai megvalósítására lenne szükségem. Jelenleg meg kell adni az űrlapon a keresztnevet és az email címet. A jelentkezés után PHP script dolgozza fel a megadott értékeket, és MySQL adatbázisban tárolódnak az adatok.
Egy Bitcoin-Dogecoin-Litecoin kaszinó legalább 150 játékkal de minimum 50 játékkal+ismert játékokkal is automatikus kifizetéssel affiliate rendszerrel
Hali, van egy honlapom (vagyis 2), ami külföldi, holland szolgáltatónál van és az alábbi üzenetet kapom a ké...alábbi üzenetet kapom a képfeltöltésnél: Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2014/11. Is its parent directory writable by the server? aál már megoldottuk egyszer nagy nehezen, de nem emlékszem hogy volt (gondoltam úgysem csinálok még egyszer ilyet hollandnál.) Közben az oldal holland is lenne és WP telepítes utan ugyanez a probléma. A .com oldal már majdnem kész, de most ennél is ez a probléma. lehet, hogy a probálgatás k&oum...
C++ és magas szintű dll hooking tudást igénylő projekthez keresek programozót. Egy úgynevezett "auto seating" programot kéne írni Pokerstasra. A program "scanneli" a már megynitott asztalokat és amint egy adott színkódú játékos beül, automatikusan beültet. Sokan használnak ilyen programot (legális ilyet használni Pokerstarson), mivel nagy a verseny a hobbijátékosokért, ezért fontos, hogy a lehető leggyorsabb legyen. Már volt ilyen programom, de sajnos az előző programozó eltűnt és a Pokerstars updatelt így már nem tudom használni a programot és sajnos forrás...
Szia Egy "autoseat script"-et szeretnék íratni pokerstarsra. A programnak azt kell tudnia, hogy automatikusan beüljön egy asztalra, ha egy adott színkodó jatekos megjelenik. Egy barátom már dolgozik rajta, de nem igazan van sok ideje, a szakmai részét és a részleteket majd ő elmondja én egyáltalán nem értek hozzá sajnos. Vegyél fel skypera légyszíves, gutai92 a nickem
Szia Egy "autoseat script"-et szeretnék íratni pokerstarsra. A programnak azt kell tudnia, hogy automatikusan beüljön egy asztalra ha egy adott színkodó jatekos megjelenik. Egy barátom már dolgozik rajta, de nem igazan van sok ideje, a szakmai részét és a részleteket majd ő elmondja én egyáltalán nem értek hozzá sajnos. Vegyél fel skypera légyszíves, gutai92 a nickem
Szia Egy "autoseat script"-et szeretnék íratni pokerstarsra. A programnak azt kell tudnia, hogy automatikusan beüljön egy asztalra ha egy adott színkodó jatekos megjelenik. Egy barátom már dolgozik rajta, de nem igazan van sok ideje, a szakmai részét és a részleteket majd ő elmondja én egyáltalán nem értek hozzá sajnos. Vegyél fel skypera légyszíves, gutai92 a nickem
Szia Egy autoseat script kellene pokerstarsra (adott színkódú jatekos beül, akkor automatikusan csatlakozik a script). Egy programozo mar dolgozik a projekten, de nagyon lassan halad, mert alig van ideje. Amennyiben érdekel, vegyél fel skypera: gutai92
Szia Egy autoseat script kellene nekem pokerstarsra, a megírásán már dolgozik egy programozó, de alig van ideje, ezért nem halad. Amennyiben érdekel vegyél fel skypera: gutai92
...Egy kezdő-haladó java programozó kerestetik. Bot kliens készítése vagy már meglevő Kliens API-ját használva script készítés. Projektenként kapna pénzt, az összeget szeretném megbeszélni az alkalmas személlyel! Elérhetőségek: Skype: Zsidakabra Ha érdekel a munka akkor az egyik elérhetőségemen tudsz értesíteni! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! I am searching for a Java Programmer that will use a softwares API to write script's for me. -Knowing Hungarian Language is preferred. You will get the money for each pro...
Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and...objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv ismerete, legalább 3 éves gyakorlat * Multithread környezetre való fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat * STD/ATL gyakorlati ismeret * Algoritmizáló képesség * Önálló munkavégzés * Jó problémamegoldó készség * Jó kommunikációs készség ...
Erotikus tartalomszolgáltató oldalhoz keresünk logót, érzékiséget tükröző egyszerű designos logóra lenne szükségünk.
Kis PHP Cache php (peldaul jo nagyobb oldalak tehermentesitesere tehat nem keri le minden oldal betoltodesekor az adatokat hanem csak filebol olvassa)
Budapest legújabb modern lakberendezési áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográf...• Mindenki, aki érdeklődik a design, a minőségi lakberendezési tárgyak iránt. • Különösen fontos a design iránt elkötelezett, fiatal urbánus értelmiségi réteg, • Azok, akik segítségét kérnek lakásuk, irodájuk berendezéséhez Megjelenés: Modern, letisztult, minőségi, elegáns Határidő: Szeptember 13 (péntek) 12:00 ...
Folyamatos munkára keresek szakért?t a következ? tapasztalattal: Quicktest pro , Loadrunner . A szakért? feladata fenti alkalmazásokhoz szükséges script fejlesztés, hibajavítás. A munkavégzés helye nyelv ismerete kötelezo. create an automated VPN deployment script for a dual-server cascading VPN setup using WireGuard. The script should be capable of automatic installation and configuration on two separate Ubuntu servers (22.04 - 24.04) and ensure seamless traffic forwarding. The system should work as follows: A client connects to Server 1 (entry point). Traffic is forwarded to Server 2. The client appears to be connecting from Server 2, although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a button in Telegram. Upload configuration files manually or via script to updat...
I'm looking for a freelancer to write and edit two different 10-minute videos for a travel website. Key Responsibilities: - Scripting: Create narrative storytelling-style scripts with an inspirational tone. - Editing: Edit the videos once they're shot. Budget Breakdown: - $50 for script writing - $50 for video editing - $100 flat rate for the project Ideal Skills: - Strong scriptwriting and editing skills - Experience with narrative storytelling - Ability to convey an inspirational tone - Previous work with travel content is a plus Please take note that the second question regarding specific locations or landmarks was skipped.
I'm looking for a PHP developer to create a script for me. The script should allow me to upload various file types (Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions) to a folder on my hosting server. Subsequently, I should be able to download these files from a designated page. the project must be done in PHP and Html Key Requirements: - The script must support all types of files, specifically Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions. - I do not require a user-friendly graphical interface. Command-line interfacing is sufficient. - There should be no restrictions on file size. I want the ability to upload and download files of any size without limitations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experience in creating file upload and download scripts - Command-l...
...Manager. Your primary role will be to call real estate agents in California, inviting them to feature on my podcast. Key responsibilities include: - Making outbound calls in the PST time zone. - Inviting real estate agents to the podcast. Requirements: - High persuasion skills. - Excellent English communication. - Able to work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I will provide you with a detailed script for the calls, so you won't need to create your own. However, I am not interested in agencies or call centers. The ideal candidate for this role will be: - Persistent and resilient. - Able to communicate excellently. - Highly persuasive. Experience in appointment setting is not a must - this is a fairly easy process. What is most important is your ability to convince others an...
...peppers, a male and a female, dancing. Key aspects of the design include: - The female pepper holding a margarita and wearing a short dress that shows cleavage, and the male pepper holding a beer. Both should be fit, like dancers. - A bright, fun color palette of greens, reds, and yellows. - A sunset beach scene in the background. The tagline, "Sink your mouth into some spicy bliss", will be in a script font. The most important focus of the design should be the characters, rather than the background or the text. The ideal freelancer for this project will have experience in character design and creating cartoonish styles....
I need to enhance an existing MATLAB script that sorts metadata from my image dataset. The script currently extracts details such as date, time, camera ID, and location. The new functionality should include species identification and population counting within the images. Specifically, I want to detect and count species like humans, Canada Goose, Egret, and Great Blue Heron. Requirements: - Incorporate a machine learning model for species identification - Develop necessary MATLAB functions for species detection and counting - Record identified species and their respective counts alongside the existing metadata - Save the compiled data into an Excel file for further analysis I do not currently have any training data for the machine learning model, but I can collect some dat...
Looking for a quick edit on an open source DCA chart tradingview indicator. It currently pulls starting price from instrument however the price is off due to algo giving an optimal entry. I would like this changed to be able to refresh to most recent price or the ability to enter my starting price instead. Link to indicator below.
I'm in search of a seasoned trainer for IELTS, OET, and PTE, catering primarily to working professionals. The training will be a hybrid model, combining both in-person and online formats. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in teaching IELTS, OET, and PTE - Proficiency in delivering hybrid training - Aptitude for engaging working professionals - Ability to deve...combining both in-person and online formats. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in teaching IELTS, OET, and PTE - Proficiency in delivering hybrid training - Aptitude for engaging working professionals - Ability to develop and implement effective training modules - Excellent communication skills If you believe you are suited for this role, please send your CV to jobsinduke[at]gmail[dot]com or WhatsApp ...
I need a Python script that performs technical analysis on stocks using various indicators. The analysis should be based on daily data and sourced from Yahoo Finance. Specifics: - Indicators: Moving Averages (106 and 260), Relative Strength Index (RSI), MACD, ADX (+DI and -DI) - Data Source: Yahoo Finance - Time Frame: Daily - analyze which stock today performed +3% or more - calculate the above values for each stock that performed 3% or more - calculate in the previous 5 days what were the above values NOT NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT HOLIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS. The results will go into a csv file that I will receive by email. The file must contain a simple table (see the XLS in attach). After sending by email the data downloaded from Yahoo Finance and the support files us...
I need an easy script in php to export data froma a mysql table into a file xml
I'm in urgent need of a professional with a knack for creating casual, engaging marketing videos. The video is an explanation of my service and I already have a script ready for you. Key Responsibilities: - Transform my script into a visually appealing, easy-to-understand video - Begin work immediately to meet urgent deadline Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in creating casual service overview videos - Proficiency in video editing software - Ability to understand and visually interpret a script This project is not a one-off. I'm looking for someone who can dedicate 20-30 hours a week to this role. Experience with Google Ads and SEO is a big plus as I am looking for an ongoing partnership.
Hey, I’m looking for a Python script that can control input locking for an arcade system running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with RetroPie. ? The Goal: When a game starts, all buttons should lock automatically (except for Start + Select). If Start + Select are pressed together, they should exit the game (even while buttons are locked). A coin insert should unlock controls for one game session (until the player loses and the game restarts). After game over, controls should relock unless there are remaining coins. Coins should be stored across sessions. If I insert multiple coins before starting a game, they should carry over (e.g., if I insert 2 coins on the main menu, I should get 2 game sessions before buttons lock again). The script should always unlock controls on the mai...
I'm looking for a freelancer with expertise in Power Automate who can create a script for me. The script should perform the following tasks: - Save email Excel attachments - Open the attachment - Open existing Excel file in SharePoint/OneDrive and delete all rows of a table - Copy all rows from the email attachment Excel file to the existing excel file Notably, the data should be copied as is, without any transformations. The script should run once daily. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Power Automate - Experience with Excel and SharePoint - Good understanding of email handling in automation - Ability to create efficient, reliable scripts
...Ammo, Invincibility, and Silent Aim Script for Roblox Game Description: I'm looking for an experienced Lua scripter to develop a custom script for South Bronx: The Trenches on Roblox. The script must include: Infinite Ammo – Works seamlessly with all weapons in the game Invincibility – Prevents damage from bullets, melee attacks, and other in-game hazards while still allowing full interaction with the game, including using weapons, melee, movement, and all other in-game actions Silent Aim – Automatically adjusts shots to hit targets without requiring perfect aim, ensuring smooth and undetectable functionality Toggleable UI Menu – Players must be able to enable or disable these features through a menu, not keybinds Performance &...
I'm facing an issue with my Pine Script. The script is designed for a long trading strategy, but I'm unable to return a boolean variable from an if statement which is causing an error during condition evaluation. Your task will primarily be to fix this error so that the script can correctly evaluate conditions for entering long trades. Skills and Experience Ideal for this Project: - Extensive experience in Pine Script and TradingView - Proven track record in debugging scripts - Familiarity with long trading strategies - Strong problem-solving skills
...[https://bradsol(dot)com/]() while keeping the **content unchanged** but modifying the **design** to suit my brand. The new website should be rebranded as **Ruthu Infotech**, and all instances of "Bradsol" should be replaced accordingly. ### Requirements: - **Design Update:** Create a fresh and original UI/UX while maintaining the same content structure. - **Rebranding:** Replace "Bradsol" with **Ruthu Infotech** while ensuring the design aligns with my brand identity. - **Contact Information:** Update the "Contact Us" section to: **Ruthu Infotech, Mumbai 600048** **Email: CEO@ruthuinfotech(dot)com** - **Form & Chatbot:** Ensure that all queries submitted via the contact form or chatbot are emailed to **CEO@ruthuinfote...
I'm looking for a developer who can integrate a new template (Finder ) into QuickAds () from Codecanyon, with major customizations to the layout and design. Key Areas for Customization: - Homepage - User Dashboard - Ad Posting Page - Search Categories The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with QuickAds and similar platforms. - Proficiency in frontend development and template integration. - Strong design skills to carry out major redesigns. - Good communication skills to understand and implement the required changes. The project requires a keen attention to detail and a creative approach to problem solving.
...Experiência mínima de 2 anos em programação com Python. Conhecimento sólido no desenvolvimento e integração de APIs RESTful e SOAP. Experiência prévia em projetos relacionados a marketplaces (como Amazon, eBay, MercadoLivre, entre outros). Familiaridade com bancos de dados relacionais e não relacionais (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.). Boas práticas de desenvolvimento: controle de versões (Git), testes unitários e documentação. Domínio do idioma português (falado e escrito). Capacidade de trabalhar de forma remota ou híbrida com equipes multiculturais. Funções principais: Projetar e implementar integrações de APIs ...
...and Zyto Scanning to accurately represent our services - Producing high-quality visuals that enhance viewer understanding Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating explainer videos, particularly within the health sector - Ability to produce high-quality visuals - Understanding of holistic health principles is a plus. See attached .doc for True Health Solutions explainer video script. (There will eventually be a voice over that I will add, but feel free to use AI voice for now to get it started if you like) A very important element of the video is the explanation of the Chiren Biophoton therapy and the use of constructive and destructive wave interference to neutralize chaotic signals and amplify coherent signals. I would like a professional animated depict...
Title: Google Sheets Expert Needed for Project Management Setup Description: I’m looking for a skilled Google Sheets expert to create a comprehensive project management system tailored to my needs. The setup should include: 1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • A detailed WBS in both list format and...High-Level Project Timeline • Automatically generated from the WBS • Clear milestones and deadlines 3. Project Dashboard with: • Task status overview (pending, in progress, completed) • Milestone tracker for key project goals • Resource allocation to track team workload • Project countdown & phase tracking The ideal candidate should have experience with Google Sheets formulas, scripting (Apps Script), and automation to make the setu...
I'm in need of a script that can scrape text data from a software platform and compile it into a .csv file. This script is intended to be a one-time operation, and I'm looking for someone who can efficiently scrape data from multiple pages of the software. The final output should be a .csv file that clearly organizes the text data, making it easy for me to analyze and interpret. Key Requirements: - Scrape text data from a proprietary software platform. - Compile this data into a .csv file. - The script should be designed to handle multiple pages of the software platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web scraping techniques, particularly for text data. - Experience with data compilation into .csv format. - Ability to create scripts suitable f...
I'm looking for a modern, typography-based business logo with a specific focus on using script fonts. Key Requirements: - The logo should be minimalist yet striking, combining modern design elements with a touch of elegance often found in script fonts. - Experience in typography-based logo design is essential. - A strong portfolio of modern, script typography logos will be highly regarded. - Creativity and original ideas are crucial in order to make my business stand out in the marketplace.
...Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e. up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google Ads platforms, as well as events. We would like to give priority to META. Which models and conversion windows are best suited to our brand? The events we would like to track are: Leads from contact forms (we have 3), newsletters, calls, emails,...
...industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company, picks the 'best' job based on a select criteria (based on an algorithm/script), and then 3. Forwards the job to another platform for further processing. # We are looking for a senior-level NodeJS dev: 1. To help us iteratively build the app based on the clients’ needs. 2. We’ll define customer needs and feedback on app outputs and architecture. We need you to bring expertise on code/architecture side and help drive development forward...
I need a Python script for speech-to-text conversion that works offline. The script should: - Convert speech to text with high accuracy - Support the French language - Handle live microphone input The script should not only be able to transcribe speech but do so with a high degree of precision. The ideal candidate would have experience with Python scripting, speech recognition technology, and a deep understanding of the French language. Please, I need this project completed as soon as possible.
...Gerir todo o processo comercial, desde a prospeção até ao fecho da venda. Criar e manter relações de longo prazo com clientes. Trabalhar de forma autónoma e com flexibilidade total. ? O que oferecemos? ✅ Modelo 100% comissionado, com comissões entre 10% e 30% por venda fechada. ✅ Possibilidade de ganhos elevados – quanto mais vende, mais ganha. ✅ Flexibilidade total – pode trabalhar remotamente, em horário livre. ✅ Serviços digitais de alta qualidade e com grande procura no mercado. ✅ Material de apoio (informações sobre serviços, preços e diferenciais). ? O que procuramos? ? Profissionais com experiência em vendas B2B ou de serviços dig...
...freelancers e profissionais independentes que desejem expandir os seus serviços e aumentar os seus ganhos. Se já trabalha com design gráfico, gestão de redes sociais, consultoria de negócios, publicidade digital ou qualquer outra área relacionada, esta pode ser a oportunidade ideal para oferecer mais valor aos seus clientes sem precisar de investir em novas equipas ou competências. ? Como Funciona a Parceria? Se tem clientes que precisam de um site profissional, uma loja online, uma aplicação móvel ou serviços de marketing digital, pode indicar-nos e ganhar uma comissão atrativa por cada projeto fechado. Trabalhamos em modelo de parceria ou subcontratação, de acordo com o que...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to install a Hyiplab script on the backend of my website. The script will handle user management, transaction processing, and report generation. Key Requirements: - Installation of the Hyiplab script for backend use - Integration with an existing PHP and MySQL website - Ensuring the script handles user management, transaction processing, and report generation effectively Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and MySQL - Experience with Hyiplab scripts - Strong understanding of user management systems, transaction processing, and report generation - Previous experience in backend development and script installation