Bigbluebutton custom landing pagemunkák


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    2,000 bigbluebutton custom landing page munkát találtunk

    Sziasztok, Keresek egy olyan kreatív és dinamikus segítőt aki: ⤵️ - segít videózásban egy oktatóanyag felvételében, esetleges utómunkáiban (nem gondolom, hogy sok lesz, nyelvoktatás a topik, egy helyben fogok ülni és egy megvásárolható tanfolyam csomag anyagait szeretném felvenni) - segít összehozni egy egyszerű weboldalt, ahhoz esetleg pár fotót készíteni, kb 1 landing oldal kellene és egy mini webshop rész ahol videós oktatóanyagot tudnak venni Amennyiben van valakiben ehhez kapacitás, affinitás és rendelkezik az ehhez szükséges eszközökkel ( j&oac...

    €365 Average bid
    €365 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    ...termékek világához. Feladatok: * Weboldal tervezése és létrehozása WordPress és Elementor alapú webshop számára. * UX/UI tervezés a vásárlói élmény maximalizálása érdekében. * Landing page-ek készítése az új kampányokhoz és termékbemutatókhoz. * Hosszú távú együttműködés a weboldal folyamatos frissítéséhez, új kampányok és időszakok során történő módosításokhoz. Elvárások: * Magyar anyanyelvű jelentkező. * WordPress és Elementor alap...

    €34 / hr Average bid
    €34 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Egyedi webshopra szeretnénk HTML landing pageket csinálni. Ehhez keresünk szakembert

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    72 árajánlat

    Létező mobirise-ban készült oldal (landing page) eseti átalakítása kész anyagokból.

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Nagyrészt elkészült webshop backend befejezése. Frontend és az admin oldali megjelenés 99%-os. A háttérfolyamatok erősen hiányosak. A feladat jól specifikált.

    €106 Average bid
    €106 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    Vasaroltunk egy templatet WP es a fooldalon kellene beallitani az altalunk megadott kategoriakat. es a mega menut. A fooldalt kellene ugy formalni ahogy a demoban van csak a mi termekeinkkel es kategoriakkal.

    €125 Average bid
    €125 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat
    SEO specialista
    Véget ért left

    Az általunk kezelt oldalak, blogok, landing oldalak keresőoptimalizálása annak érdekében, hogy minél jobb eredményeket tudjunk elérni. Weboldalak, blogbejegyzések, landing oldalak SEO szempontú optimalizálása SEO statisztikák elemzése Kulcsszókutatás SEO audit Havi SEO feladatok SEO Brief készítése Versenytárs elemzés

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    40 árajánlat
    Véget ért left

    Webfejlesztőket keres a csapatunk hosszú távra. Feladatok: 1) Landing page készítés 2) Unity játék integrálása webre 3) Komoly form készítése és az adatok megfelelő feldolgozása Ha valamelyik érdekel, vagy akár több, jelentkezz!

    €1060 Average bid
    €1060 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    A feladat egy konkrét facebook oldal (üzleti, tehát nem személyes!) idővonalára írni tudó alkalmazás létrehozása. A munkavégzéshez adjuk a hozzáférést, de a teljes metódust a fejlesztőnek kell végigvinnie (app létrehozástól a validálásig). Figyelem! Nem (kimondottan) programozási feladatról van szó, hanem Facebook App létrehozásról!

    €490 Average bid
    €490 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A megl...jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: React 16.x (ho...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Wordpress landing page
    Véget ért left

    Magyar senior fejlesztőt keresünk. Startup vállakozásunk angol nyelvű landing page-t szeretne létrehozni. Vannak fotók, angol szöveg, templete.

    €186 Average bid
    €186 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    I need a SiteBuilder/Graphics pro Ihave a site but it is very old and ugly. Need to make it modern and responsive, to meet the needs of this year. It has a custom engine with Smarty, no need for WP or any other frameworks. SiteBuilder / grafika egyszerre kellene. Egy már meglévő de öreg és fapados oldal átalakítására keresnék embert, a cél a mai modern kornak megfelelő megjelenés, mind PC-n TAB-on és telón... Az oldal Smarty-t használ, atomokra van szedve, de segítségre van szükségem ahhoz, hogy jól is nézzen ki.

    €158 Average bid
    €158 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Folyamatos munkákról lenne szó, mindegyik kis project. Landing pagek főként, sablon alapú bootstrap oldalak ill. saját CMS integrálása 5-6 funkcióval. Korábbi oldalak bővítése, ezekből minden féle van, de ez a ritkább. Heti legalább 10-20 óra munkát tudnék adni, azonnal fizetek, de a legfontosabb az elérhetőség/pontos munkadiő.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat
    Project for KrisztinaE
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Krisztina! Üzleti coachként dolgozom és keresem az ideális VA-t, akivel hosszú távon, egyre több fealdatra vonatkozóan tudok együtt működni. Nagyon szimpatikus volt, amit a bemutatkozó szövegében olvastam. Amellett, ami szükséges számomra a VA feladatkörében: mailchimp, leadpage, sales page, landing page szerkesztés és grafikusi feladatok, valamint infusionsoft, instantteleseminar ismeretek. Várom válaszát! Üdvözlettel, Gál Beáta

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Web Page , HomePage
    Véget ért left

    Egyenlőre weblap vázlatokat keresek, vagyis csak dizájnt. Az index-t kellene elkészíteni, vagyis a HOME Page-t, mivel a projekt nem nagy így az árazása sem. De amennyiben a munka elnyeri tetszésem , úgy az egész weboldalt ami 3 oldalból fog állni. A weboldal témája PCB gyártás és beültetés. példa: Kezdőlapra nem szeretnék semmi extrát kirakni csak , hogy árajánlat kérést, Modern FLAT design-t keresek. Amennyiben , van mód rá úgy 4 box-t ami tartalmazza a következőket. 1. PCB 2. Stencil 3. webshop 4. Assembly

    €25 Average bid
    €25 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Create a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS Page

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    3 reszponzív HTML Landing Page-t kell elkészíteni (minta alapján), és összekötni külső szolgáltató hírlevélküldő rendszerével. 3 Köszönőoldal is kell, amely a feliratkozóknak megjelenik.

    €162 Average bid
    €162 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    Van egy működő WP oldal, amibe szeretnénk importálni a régi (egyedi cms-t használó) oldalon publikált cikkeket, szerzőket stb. Néhány száz cikkről van szó, a legtöbb egyedi szerzővel rendelkezik. A cikkek a legtöbb esetben egy folyóirat cikkei. Az importáláskor nem számít a publikálási idő, hanem az eredeti megjelenés (évfolyam, lapszám) szerint vannak kategorizálva. A régi adatbázis cikkekhez rendelve tartalmazza ezeket a tulajdonságokat. Az új WP-s oldal tudja kezelni az eredeti szerzőt és az megjelenést is, tehát csak az importálás kell, új funkciók ...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Van egy működő WP oldal, amibe szeretnénk importálni a régi (egyedi cms-t használó) oldalon publikált cikkeket, szerzőket stb. Néhány száz cikkről van szó, a legtöbb egyedi szerzővel rendelkezik. A cikkek a legtöbb esetben egy folyóirat cikkei. Az importáláskor nem számít a publikálási idő, hanem az eredeti megjelenés (évfolyam, lapszám) szerint vannak kategorizálva. A régi adatbázis cikkekhez rendelve tartalmazza ezeket a tulajdonságokat. Az új WP-s oldal tudja kezelni az eredeti szerzőt és az megjelenést is, tehát csak az importálás kell, új funkciók a ...

    €58 Average bid
    €58 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    Hello. Szeretnek keresni valakit aki ert a phpsockethez. Egy chatet szeretnek aminek custom commandjai lennenek. Loginnal, kulonbozo user rangokkal es bizonyos dolgokat adatbazisba kene mentsen. Akit erdekel az irjon es megbeszeljuk privatban. Koszonom!

    €139 Average bid
    €139 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    A jó arculat nem egyszerűen szép, hanem hatékony: költségeket spórol neked, mert a hirdetéseidet is optimalizálja. Mit kapsz a Facebook arculat átadásakor? Ha most rendeled a komplex Facebook arculattervezés csomagunkat, akkor a következőket kapod: Megtervezzük Veled a designt, és Facebook-marketing kompatibilissá tesszük. Egységes, céges keretet adunk, amit minden képhez és mérföldkőhöz használhatsz.f

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Weboldal készítés
    Véget ért left

    Landing Page programozás, AB tesztelési lehetőséggel. Egyedi grafikával.

    €205 Average bid
    €205 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a Freelancer who can do this project in a very short space of time. Basically, You need to get the best position in Google SERP that is possible for the website (1-3#) ( for the following keywords: online, penztargep, onlinepenztargep in Hungary ) without any black SEO that could lead to penalty. Since it is not an overcrowded keyword, please bid low. And in the private message, please let me know, who are you going to accomplish the task (not the whole process, just some information). Our treasury told me that I can only pay you if the work is done correctly. ---------- Egy szabadúszót keresek aki nagyon rövid idő alatt meg tudná csinálni ezt a projektet. Tulajdonképpen, a lehető legjobb pozíciót kellene e...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Mental Health Chatbot for WhatsApp
    6 nap left

    ...Business Plan (B2B) $99/month (Flat Fee) Up to 50 employees Access for all employees, sentiment tracking, basic HR dashboard Enterprise Plan (B2B) Custom Pricing Unlimited employees Advanced analytics, custom integrations, HR insights, priority support ? Pricing Model Explanation: • B2C users pay per individual account. • B2B companies pay a flat rate for up to 50 employees under the Small Business Plan. • Enterprise customers have custom pricing based on company size and additional features needed. ? Upgrade Path: • If a B2B client exceeds 50 employees, they must upgrade to the Enterprise Plan. • Enterprise plan includes deep HR analytics, custom reports, and HR dashboard features. 4. System Architecture 4.1. Components ...

    €2402 Average bid
    €2402 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat The bot should have the functionality to: Participate in active games. Be configurable to place bets automatically or not (toggle option for "Bet" or "No Bet"). Ensure the bot follows game rules and mimics a real player's interactions seamlessly. 2. Super Admin Bot Creation Enable the Super Admin to create and manage multiple bots to host games. Features for Super Admin: Assign custom names and profile pictures to each bot. Configure bots to host Bingo games at specified times or intervals. Set game parameters for each bot-hosted game (e.g., bet amounts, game rules). Monitor the performance and activity of bot-hosted games through an admin dashboard. 3. Invite Feature During Active Games Add a feature allowing users and hosts to s...

    €503 Average bid
    €503 licitátlag
    49 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a custom Minecraft plugin for my SMP server. The plugin should introduce unique gameplay features, specifically custom player abilities or skills. Key Requirements: - Implementing magic spells or powers that players can use - Designing enhanced combat skills for players The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Minecraft plugin development, with a deep understanding of the game's mechanics. Experience with creating custom player abilities is a plus. A passion for Minecraft and creativity in developing engaging gameplay features will be highly valued. Please include examples of your previous work with Minecraft plugins in your proposal.

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat
    Pet Services Booking Website
    6 nap left

    ...English and French. A website that allows pet owners to register to the website, access user account, and book services as required. As a dog walker or service provider, we also need user access for them so they can list their services, access profile, and the bookings. We need someone who has a website designer or team, and a good knowledge of UX. In your proposal share a list of 5 maximum custom-built web app projects. MUST HAVE: Please suggest a budget, timeline, framework & technology list to be used. PLEASE QUOTE: In the future, the web application will be connected to the mobile app as well. So please quote a ballpark number for website and mobile app, we would begin with a website first and then the mobile app. IMPORTANT: Please provide a reference example of w...

    €1505 Average bid
    €1505 licitátlag
    180 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a simple and minimalistic custom payment form. This form should allow users to input their PayPal email, enabling them to receive payments directly via PayPal. Key Requirements: - Development of a custom payment form - Integration with PayPal for seamless transactions - Design of a simple, user-friendly interface Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating custom payment forms - Strong understanding of PayPal's API and integration methods - UI/UX design skills for creating simple and minimalistic designs

    €32 Average bid
    €32 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Modern Mall Brochure Creation
    6 nap left

    ...potential tenants. The primary focus of the brochure should be highlighting the location advantages of the mall. In addition to the provided pictures and descriptions, I expect the designer to creatively incorporate illustrations and add flair to the content. Key aspects of this project include: - Modern and sleek design - Emphasis on location benefits - Creative use of illustrations - Use of custom-made illustrations to stand out from generic designs. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Extensive experience in graphic design, particularly brochure creation - A good understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create engaging visual content - A good command of the English language and writing skills I look forward to seeing your bids! The digital broc...

    €194 Average bid
    17 pályamű

    I'm looking for a professional who can fortify my website with a focus on enhancing its performance and responsiveness. Additionally, I need a dedicated expert in Off-Page SEO to optimize my site and improve its visibility. Key Responsibilities: - Improve website performance with a focus on responsiveness - Implement off-page SEO strategies to enhance site visibility Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in website performance optimization - Expertise in Off-Page SEO - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines The goal is to achieve a page load time of under 3 seconds. The emphasis will be on using social media marketing to drive traffic and enhance site visibility.

    €34 Average bid
    €34 licitátlag
    29 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced SEO professional to improve the search engine rankings of my website, , specifically targeting local traffic. The goal is to get 20 selected keywords on the first page of Google. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct an in-depth analysis of my website's current on-page SEO status. - Identify and optimize the website for 20 keywords that can realistically rank on the first page of Google. - Implement necessary changes to improve the website's search engine ranking. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in on-page SEO, with a track record of improving search engine rankings. - Strong understanding of local SEO strategies. - Proficiency in using SEO tools for keyword analysis and website optimization.

    €309 Average bid
    €309 licitátlag
    104 árajánlat

    I'm looking to move my vacation site from Squarebase to WordPress. You may use Elementor. Key Requirements: - Expert...content from Squarebase to WordPress. - Ability to recreate a vacation site on WordPress. Please note, there are no specific functionalities required beyond the general capabilities of a vacation site on WordPress. However, the ideal candidate should be capable of integrating a booking system, travel blog, or photo gallery if I decide to include those features later. I have not specified any custom design elements to be retained from the Squarebase site, so please feel free to propose a fresh design. However, an understanding of how to create an engaging and easy to navigate vacation site is crucial. Skills Needed: - WordPress - Elementor - Web Design - Co...

    €488 Average bid
    €488 licitátlag
    143 árajánlat

    I'm in need of an experienced Grafana...utilizing the latest version of Grafana. These dashboards will visualize specific customer behavior data sourced from a Prometheus metrics database. Given my limited availability, I am seeking a professional who can efficiently handle this project. Key Requirements: - Develop 3 Grafana Dashboards focusing on custom business metrics, specifically customer behavior data. - Visualize key customer behavior metrics such as conversion rates and customer retention rates. - Integrate custom metrics sourced from an Oracle database via dedicated SQL queries. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Grafana and Prometheus. - Proficiency in SQL and working with Oracle databases. - Strong understanding of customer behavior metrics and their ...

    €206 Average bid
    €206 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Facebook business page - bignner level one time task

    €39 Average bid
    €39 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a Shopify expert who can create a custom Shopify theme. The theme should be minimalist and clean, similar in style to Key Pages: - Home Page - About Page - Consultancy Service Page - Product Page - Shop Page The theme must be: - Lightweight and fast - Fully responsive - Optimized for conversions - Featuring clean typography and high-quality images - With smooth navigation and no excessive animations Essential Product Page Features: - Customer reviews section - Product zoom/gallery - Related products recommendation Social Media Integrations: - Instagram feed - Facebook share and like buttons - Pinterest pin button Ideal Skills: - Shopify Custom Theme Development - Liquid, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Minimalist UI/...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 licitátlag
    67 árajánlat

    As a professional UI/UX designer, your task will be to create modern, user-friendly mockup designs for The VAT Consultant website, focusing on the Home Page, Service Pages, and Landing Pages. The design should align with our branding and cater to our primary goal of generating leads. Your deliverables will include: - Home Page mockup - Service Pages mockup - Landing Page mockups Please consider the following requirements: - Use of professional design software like PSD or Figma - Implementation of responsive design principles Please refer this URL : The Home Page should particularly emphasize: - Testimonials and reviews - Service descriptions - Call-to-action buttons Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar projects, excellent ...

    €97 Average bid
    6 pályamű

    I'm currently facing an issue with a custom font in my React Native app, specifically on the iOS platform. I have already added the custom fonts and specified them in the file, so the problem lies elsewhere. The project does not use a specific font library or package to manage fonts, which may be contributing to the issue. The font works PERFECTLY on a brand new project. I'm seeking a React Native expert who can troubleshoot this problem and implement a fix. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with React Native - Expertise in iOS-specific issues in React Native - Familiarity with custom font integration in React Native - Problem-solving skills to identify and rectify the issue without a font library

    €127 Average bid
    €127 licitátlag
    46 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a simple yet efficient website using SvelteKit. The site will interface with a custom-built API to display content. The bulk of the work was converting the html template to Svelte. This is a simple project, with most of the content not exceeding 12 pages. We will discuss the details further. Key Requirements: - Develop a home page and get data from API, with support for storing user settings. - Create a detailed content reading page. - Incorporate static pages including About, Contact, Terms, etc. - Leverage SvelteKit to craft a seamless Single Page Application (SPA). - Optimize static content for SEO purposes. - Implement the Metronic template for the site design, ensuring Dark Mode compatibility. (I have pu...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    We are looking for a talented merchandise designer to create cool, modern, and unique T-shirt/shirt designs for our startup employees. The design should reflect our brand identity and culture, making it stylish and wearable for both work and casual settings. What We Need: ✔ Custom T-shirt/Shirt Design – Unique, eye-catching, and aligned with our brand ✔ Minimalist Yet Trendy – A clean, modern look with a creative edge ✔ High-Quality, Print-Ready Files – In vector formats (AI, EPS, PDF, PNG) ✔ Optimized for Printing – Ensuring the design looks great on fabric ✔ 2-3 Variations – Different styles or color options for employee preferences Ideal Candidate: ? Experience in merchandise & apparel design ? Ability to blend creativity with professionalism ?...

    €16 Average bid
    €16 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented and creative freelancer to help design and create unique, tailored home decor items. My focus is primarily on handcrafted art and home decor pieces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in crafting and design - Experience in creating home decor items - Understanding of aesthetics and design principles - Ability to work on custom requests - Good communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr licitátlag
    36 árajánlat

    I need a talented graphic designer to help me create a custom logo. I have an initial concept with some design elements and colors in mind, which I will attach. However, the image still requires some modifications. I’d like to receive several design samples so I can choose the final version. - Deliverables: The final logo should be provided in multiple high-resolution file formats, including vector, JPEG, and PDF. - Future Work: There will be additional opportunities for digital graphics work, Photoshop edits, branding, website design, and more for the right candidate. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in logo design and branding, and be proficient in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Previous experience in creating modern, minim...

    €69 Average bid
    €69 licitátlag
    54 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a tailored E-commerce site for my clothing brand. Key Features: - An intuitive product search and filter system to enhance user experience. - A section for user reviews and ratings to foster community interaction and trust. - Integration of multiple payment options for seamless and secure transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with custom e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. - Knowledge of secure payment gateway integration. - Ability to implement interactive features like user reviews and ratings. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a top-tier UI/UX and WordPress developer for my business website. Key requirements include: - UI/UX: The site needs a modern look and feel, improved navigation, and enhanced user interaction. - WordPress Features: The site should utilize custom themes and plugins, and be fully SEO optimized. - Plugins: Elementor, SEO, Performance improvement, analytics. Ideal skills for this project include a strong background in UI/UX design, comprehensive knowledge of WordPress, and experience with SEO optimization. Please include examples of similar projects in your proposal. Note: Please document carefully share your questions. !ArbyOc7iWhgelPI0VHgOkr8mIi0VOQ?e=dGVxgF

    €694 Average bid
    €694 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a basic, custom-built WordPress website for my personal blog. The site should be user-friendly and designed with a clean, minimalist aesthetic that allows my content to take center stage. Key Requirements: - The blog must include a comment section for reader interaction. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Strong proficiency in WordPress development. - Previous experience designing personal blogs. - Understanding of user-friendly, minimalist web design. - Ability to integrate and customize a comment section. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Thank you!

    €86 Average bid
    €86 licitátlag
    51 árajánlat

    System Overview The GASS System is a comprehensive data collection and analytics platform built around EasyForms, enabling seamle...external websites. Live database connections for seamless data transfer. File uploads (CSV, Excel, SQL, WHONET/FTP) with field mapping. Dashboard for monitoring connection status and data transmission. DASHBOARD – A visual analytics platform for managing and analyzing collected data. Features include: Sector & Subcategory Management – Organize data by category. Indicators & Custom Scripts – Define custom calculations and display results in charts or tables. Advanced Form Builder – Supports Skip Logic & Repeatable Elements for dynamic form behavior. Real-Time Alerts & Reports – Automated no...

    €1148 Average bid
    €1148 licitátlag
    114 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create an informative single-page website for my company. The website should reflect a creative and artistic style, which will set it apart from typical corporate sites. Key features of the website include: - A comprehensive overview of my company - Clear and accessible contact details - Detailed information about the services we offer and the products we sell The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in web development and design, specifically for single page sites - A portfolio that showcases creative and artistic web designs - Excellent understanding of how to present company information in an engaging way - Strong communication skills for understanding and implementing my vision

    €91 Average bid
    €91 licitátlag
    62 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced Wikipedia editor to create a page for a significant person. The subject has a noteworthy history and several achievements, making them suitable for a Wikipedia entry. Key Information: - The person is known for their published works and contributions. - They have received various awards and recognitions throughout their career. - There are notable events linked to this person. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience with Wikipedia page creation. - Strong writing skills, able to present information in a neutral, encyclopedic tone. - Understanding of Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards. - Ability to conduct thorough research and fact-checking.

    €243 Average bid
    €243 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a designer to transform my 130-page project report into an engaging, creative and colorful canvas style report. Key requirements: - Modern, minimalistic, yet playful design - Incorporation of graphs and charts - Use of images and illustrations - Creation of infographics - Design an eye-catching cover page - Design distinct section dividers to help organize and clearly segment different sections of the report. - Incorporate custom-designed tables that align with the overall visual theme of the report. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong graphic design background - Proficient in creating engaging visuals - Experience in designing reports or similar documents Please note, the overall theme of the report should be 'Creative and Colorful'. A...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 licitátlag
    87 árajánlat

    You will provide 50 reviews for Creative Web Mall India Private Limited Google local business listing 30 Reviews can be as client for Mobile app development services and custom app development, web design and 20 reviews as employee working at Creative

    €33 Average bid
    €33 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...and checkout system for seamless customer transitions from visualization to purchase. 2. 3D Model Upload & Customization: Support for high-quality 3D models of outdoor furniture. Ability for customers to rotate, resize, and reposition furniture. Option to apply different textures, materials, and colors. 3. Predefined Templates & Custom Floorplans: Provide preset outdoor templates such as patios, decks, gardens, and poolside areas. Enable users to upload or create custom floorplans. Include measurement tools for accurate furniture placement. 4. Realistic Rendering & Visualization: 2. Include additional elements such as plants, decor items, and lighting fixtures for a more comprehensive visualization. 3. Implement AI-based design suggestions that recommend optima...

    €3009 - €6018
    €3009 - €6018
    32 árajánlat