Beauty store design layoutmunkák
Leírás: Olyan magyar anyanyelvű szabadúszó WordPress dizájner és UX/UI szakembert keresünk, aki segít kialakítani és folyamatosan karbantartani a már meglévő webshopunk weboldalát. Fontos számunkra a felhasználóbarát és esztétikus megjelenés, amely illeszkedik a prémium szépségipari termékek világához. Feladatok: * Weboldal tervezése és létrehozása WordPress és Elementor alapú webshop számára. * UX/UI tervezés a vásárlói élmény maximalizálása érdekében. * Landing page-ek kész&iacut...
Leírás: Olyan social marketinges szakembert keresünk, aki segít elindítani és menedzselni az induló beauty webshopunk közösségi média jelenlétét. A feladatok a következő platformokra fókuszálnak: * Facebook: Tartalomkészítés. * TikTok: Videós tartalomstratégia, közönségépítés. * Instagram: Posztok készítése, közönség bevonása, vizuális branding. Feladatok: * Tartalomkészítés és időzítés a közösségi média felületekre. * Közönséggel való kapcsolattartá...
Leírás: Olyan social marketinges szakembert keresünk, aki segít elindítani és menedzselni az induló beauty webshopunk közösségi média jelenlétét. A feladatok a következő platformokra fókuszálnak: * Facebook: Tartalomkészítés. * TikTok: Videós tartalomstratégia, közönségépítés. * Instagram: Posztok készítése, közönség bevonása, vizuális branding. Feladatok: * Tartalomkészítés és időzítés a közösségi média felületekre. * Közönséggel való kapcsolattartá...
...termékoldalait. tehát a semmiből kell megépíteni Pontosan ezt a témát kell másolnunk – a weboldalamra már feltöltöttet 1. kezdőlap az itt található 2. termékoldal https:// :// lájkold ezt a 3. kategóriás oldalt layout=full 4. blogbejegyzések 5. blogbejegyzés -Solo-is-awesome/ , hogy ezt világossá tegyem, arra van szükségem, hogy a semmiből építsd fel a webhelyemet (csak azt az 5 oldalt) wordpress elementor pro-ban, és pontosan másold át ezeket az oldalakat asztali és mobil
Hello Everyone, We have an old webshop which is were poor. We would like to offer to our customer better why we would like to test a new one. There are 21 days to free testing. We would like to see is it going to work at all. There is the API link for the new shop: I will provide the API link of the old web store upon request. The old websop has about +200k products. THX, Best Regards Klm
Creating an auto betting bot with betfair api for my own basketball strategy,test it and store all the earnings and losts in a database like.
Egészség támogató programjaink (méregtelenítés, fogyás, testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított a programok ...testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított...
A feladat: Meglévő - jele...hosszú távú tervekkel. Olyan freelancereket keresünk első sorban, akik Magyarországon tevékenykednek. Teszt eszközök megléte előny, de nem követelmény. Ügynökségekkel egyelőre nem szeretnénk dolgozni. Budget: a megadott budget kizárólag a jelen projectre vonatkozik, konkrét összegről privátban tudunk egyeztetni a kapott ajánlat alapján. We have a mobile app, which is already in the app store for a while, but the technology behind it makes it quite hard to improve it so as a first step we would like to find someone who rewrites the exact same application in any modern technology (be it native language...
Kedves Attila, Érdeklődnék, hogy van-e szabad kapacitásod egy viszonylag egyszerűbb munka elvégzéséhez? Shopify - összekötésre lenne szükségem, de nem az app-store-ban található alkalmazás segítségével. Szeretném az exportált Shopify rendelés adatokat a tömeges számlázójába feltölteni csv formátumban. És az xls-ből csv-be konvertálást szeretném tömegesen elvégezni. Remélem érthető, ahogy leírtam! :) A projektjeim között megtalálod, mire is van szükségem! Üdv, Péter
...javascript based drag and drop floor plan designer. The floor plan design feature would be used by bars and restaurants, so they should be able to place tables of different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the brows...
Kedves Attila! Röviden összefoglalom, mihez keresnék szakértő segítséget. Van egy ötletem mobilapplikációra, amely - szintén az oldal segítségével - fejlesztés alatt áll. Ne gondolj nagyszabású projektre, ez az első appom. Étkezéshez kapacsolódik, de nem a fogyás témakörében. Szeretnék az appnak egy találó nevet adni, és ehhez igazítani a leírást is. Ehhez keresek egy ASO (App Store Optimization) szakembert - mindenképp magyarul beszélőt. (Bár többen állítják, hogy nem szükséges a nyelv ismerete, nem pozitívak a...
IMPORTANT - please only apply if you are capable of keyword research and ASO work in HUNGARIAN language! Name of the applicatication is the most important. In Hungarian: Magyar mobilapplikációhoz lenne szükségem olyan személyre, aki ASO, azaz app store optimalizációt tudna nekem készíteni. Az applikáció egészségügyhöz kapcsolódik. Elsősorban az applikáció nevét lenne jó együtt kitalálni.
...producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in its extant logo are very slim and this layout must be used because this is the o...
[HUNGARIAN DEVELOPERS ONLY] Folyamatban lévő projekhez keresünk: - AngularJS - Frontend és backend fejlesztőt - Angular JS - PHP - MariaDB - Jquery - CSS - Kulcs-Soft szinkron - VPS - Java server Kereskedelemmel foglalkozó cég vállalatirányítási rendszerével összekötött webáruházának fejlesztéséhez keresünk magas tudással rendelkező (Nem Junior) fejlesztőt. A projektnél egyaránt működhet az alkalmazotti, illetve az alvállalkozói jogviszony is.
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androidos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal rendelkező programozót! Cégünk egy vásárl...melynek alapja egy okostelefonos alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' n&ea...
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...
Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...
Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!
Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felületen le...
Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz m&aacu...
Tisztelt Hölgyem, Uram! Meglévő androidos alkalmazásunkhoz keresünk hosszú távra, hozzáértő fejlesztői csapatot. Béta állapotú alkalmazásunk a következő címen érhető el: (Felhasználónév: , PIN: 1234) Az applikáció minden funkciójához kész API-t biztosítunk. Mivel a minőség mellett, kiemelten f...Szükségünk lenne tehát egy olyan fejlesztésre, hogy 30 percenként a háttérben futó alkalmazás lekérje az illető hely adatát, majd ennek függvényében esetlegesen egy Push üzenetet kapjon. (Természetesen ehhez ...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
Start your bid post with "apple" I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer who can revamp the layout of my current theme () to meet our specific needs. Areas to be Redesigned: - Homepage - Product Pages - About Us Section Specific Changes Needed on Product Pages: - Updated Imagery and Graphics: I want a complete refresh of the visuals on our product pages to ensure they are appealing and in line with our brand. - Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like sliders or animations to engage users. - Product Videos: Add product demonstration videos to provide more dynamic content. - Customer Reviews Section: Integrate a section for customer reviews and ratings to build trust. - Customizable Filters: Implement advanced
...I need a freelancer to assist in updating and optimizing product listings on my Shopify store. Additionally, I require the integration and proper syncing of my Shopify store with Google to ensure the products are correctly displayed on Google Shopping and Tasks: Product Updates on Shopify: Review current product listings and update with accurate details (images, descriptions, pricing, tags, etc.). Ensure each product is properly categorized for easier navigation and searchability. Add any missing product variants (size, color, material, etc.). Update or add SEO-friendly titles, meta descriptions, and product URLs for better search ranking. Google Integration: Ensure that the Shopify store is connected to Google Merchant Center. Sync products with Google Shopping...
... The main purpose of this catalog is for marketing and information, so it needs to be appealing and engaging to potential customers. Key requirements: - Utilize product images from our existing Shopify store - main product photo and production drawing if available on the website - Incorporate elements of our company branding like company Logo - Include a QR code for every product - Size to be mentioned for each item - Price need not be mentioned. Or if possible, 2 catalog versions - one with price and one without price. Ideal skills for this project include experience with catalog design, a strong understanding of marketing principles, and a keen eye for aesthetics. Familiarity with Shopify and QR code generation will be a significant advantage. The digital catalog sho...
I'm looking for a developer to create a custom theme for my website, inspired by This is for a custom-built website that I need visual design and layout customizations for. I have specific design references that I can share, so the job will involve implementing these design elements into the theme. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience in creating custom themes for websites - Strong visual design skills - Proficiency in implementing specific design references - Ability to translate visual designs into functional themes.
I need a prof...professional UI/UX designer to upgrade the overall design aesthetic, navigation and usability, as well as performance and responsiveness of my existing app which is currently live on both the App Store and Play Store. Key Areas of Focus: 1. User Profile: This is our primary focus area. We need to make this section more intuitive and user-friendly. 2. Home Screen: I want to revamp the visual design and layout, enhance user interaction and flow, and reorganize the content for clarity and ease of access. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in UI/UX design - Previous work with mobile applications - Strong understanding of design aesthetics and usability principles - Ability to enhance app performance and responsiveness - Excelle...
I'm looking for a talented web designer to create a Cyberpunk themed blog titled "The Academic Odyssey". The theme should be dark and metallic, simple yet eye-catching, without being overly extravagant or excessive. Key Features: - A grid layout for the blog - A search bar - An archive section for past posts - A commenting option for readers - 'About Us' and 'Meet the Team' sections, using a combination of text and photos - Tags for easy navigation - Links to our TikTok and Instagram - A sign-up place for an email newsletter - A dark mode toggle option for users who prefer a light theme. - Widgets for real-time TikTok and Instagram feed integration. - A slider for showcasing featured posts at the top of the blog. - Filter options to sort blog post...
...both animals and plants. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in illustration, with a strong portfolio of nature-themed designs - Understanding of T-shirt design requirements - Ability to create appealing and marketable designs Hi, we would like 15 new designs for our company for t-shirts and store signage. You can use the original company logo font in designs; however, we would like some of them to be different. We need one new design font that pays a nod to the original 1944 font but is modern. Here is a list of the requested designs. We want all our designs to reflect our actual store pets. 1. Parrot design - 2. Cat design - 3. Chica, the cat with a collar saying Northwest Seed & Pet on it 4. Django, the grumpy c...
...graphic designer or agency to create a comprehensive Corporate Design Manual (CD Manual) for my brand. My logo already exists, and based on that, a complete CD Manual should be developed with clear guidelines for print, web, and product labeling. Project Scope: The CD Manual should include the following elements: 1. Logo Variants & Usage Primary and secondary logos Black/white and monochrome versions Minimum sizes and protection zones Allowed and prohibited applications 2. Color Concept Primary and secondary colors Color codes (CMYK, RGB, HEX, Pantone) Color harmony for print and digital media 3. Typography Defined fonts for print and web applications Combination with the logo Guidelines for headings, body text, and buttons 4. Design Guidelines for Print Business ...
I need my shopify store to be zoomed out by 80% (browser) by default.
...storytelling. o Develop automated originality checks to ensure 100% unique and copyright-free content. 2. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) o Implement ChromaDB / FAISS / Weaviate for vector search. o Implement Semantic Search to improve contextual understanding and recall. o Allow AI to recall past story elements, maintaining character & plot consistency. 3. Graph-Based Memory & Character Tracking o Store relationships between characters, factions, cultivation realms, sci-fi elements, and plotlines using Neo4j / LangGraph. o Prevent AI from contradicting past plot points. o Implement Graph Databases for deep memory tracking. o Use Quantum Entanglement Techniques to enhance character and event continuity. 4. Multi-Agent AI for Self-Improvement o Implement AI feedback l...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to help me create a personal lifestyle blog on the Blogger platform....personal lifestyle blog on the Blogger platform. The blog will focus on various aspects of lifestyle, so a keen understanding of lifestyle trends and topics is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Set up and design a Blogger account - Create an attractive, user-friendly blog layout - Assist in developing engaging lifestyle content - Implement SEO strategies to increase blog visibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Blogger and blog creation - Strong understanding of lifestyle topics - Excellent content creation and SEO skills - Graphic design skills for layout creation Please provide examples of previous lifestyle blogs...
I need a minimalist pouch design for yogurt products. The design should be in neutral tones. I am open to creative suggestions for the layout of the text and images. There is no preference for the pouch dimensions. The design must include our logo and tagline. Please include the nutritional information prominently in the design. Please include the ingredients list in the design. all Please use plastic material for the pouch. The design should feature realistic imagery. Please incorporate health and wellness motifs in the design.
...identity and be suitable for marketing and corporate communication. Scope of Work: ✅ Design a sleek, corporate brochure layout ✅ Incorporate text, images, infographics, and charts ✅ Create a comprehensive brand theme (fonts, colors, and styling) ✅ Deliver in both print-ready (PDF) and digital-friendly formats ✅ Revise based on constructive feedback Requirements: ? A robust portfolio in brochure/catalog design ? Proficiency in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or similar tools ?️ Skill in handling high-resolution images and vector graphics ? Excellent typography and layout skills Deliverables: ✔️ Print-ready PDF (CMYK) To secure this role, a strong portfolio demonstrating your prior work in brochure design is essential. The ideal candidate will possess t...
I'm looking for an experienced theme designer to specifically create an appealing and user-friendly SMM panel theme. Key aspects of the project include: - Customizable layout: The theme should have the ability to be adjusted and tailored to fit diverse needs. - User-friendly interface: The theme must be intuitive and easy to navigate, facilitating a smooth user experience. - Color scheme: A preference for the color blue has been stated. The design should use this primary color in an inviting and professional manner. Prior experience with SMM panel themes and a keen understanding of effective and visually-appealing design principles are ideal for this project.
...- Customize the theme to align with our corporate color scheme, current website, and logo. - Maintain the current layout structure, typography, and imagery of our website. - Implement a professional and corporate visual style. - Integrate the website with our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. - Optimize the website for search engines to increase organic traffic. - Create and integrate custom widgets into the theme. - Optimize the website to ensure fast loading times. - Ensure the website performs consistently across different web browsers. The content for the site will be a mix of our current content and new content that will be provided. I need to create a front store from Amazon and other social media websites as well. Please note: - I will provide the theme ...
...Automation: The system should manage booking appointments, responding to FAQs, and sending order confirmations. - Payment Integration: Utilize Stripe/PayTabs for payment processing, generating and verifying payment links seamlessly. - WhatsApp Group Automation: Efficiently assign jobs to my team of braiders and drivers, and notify them of new bookings. - Data Management: Use Google Sheets or Airtable to store and track all reservations. - Multi-language Support: Ensure the system can handle customer interactions in multiple languages. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with WhatsApp business API, Zapier, and ChatGPT-4o. A solid understanding of payment integration and data management platforms is crucial. The goal is to fully automate this proc...
Hello! I found this project that you did before. Did you create a converter tool? We need a tool or routine to convert MT940 to CSV. I will provide output format. Important is description part is completed completely . The tool should be developed using Python. The CSV should follow a custom layout specified by us. The tool should include advanced error handling and logging for all operations. Please ensure errors trigger email notifications to us. Error notifications should be sent immediately when an error occurs. Please use the following method for email notifications: Outlook email. The expected turnaround time for the project is 1-2 weeks. The MT940 files will have consistent formatting. No user interface is needed for the tool. Input MT940 files will be provided by folde...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a payment panel for my Pterodactyl Game Server Hosting. The panel needs to authenticate service delivery after payment is received via PayPal. Key Requirements: - Create a store page linked to my website () for viewing various plans - Plans include: Basic Plan, Standard Plan, Premium Plan - Resource allocation for each plan includes: RAM, CPU, Storage space, and CPU Priority - Use of API callback for service delivery authentication - Enable customers to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel their plans directly from the payment panel. - Implement the option to use discount codes or promotional offers during checkout. - Automate invoice generation and emailing to customers after each successful payment. - Develop a
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a more appealing version of my current logo which is the one in the image to the left. The design should be modern and incorporate elements of the American color scheme - red, white and blue. Key Requirements: - A contemporary style that resonates with modern design trends - Proficiency in working with the American color palette - Ability to seamlessly integrate various elements and symbols into a cohesive design - Previous experience in logo design, particularly with incorporating specific symbols Business Case: We are a pharmaceutical wholesaler that is selling drugs to the American Veterans Affairs, government, and Military. Our company is called Valor Pharmaceuticals. Our company is run by veterans wh...
I need a WordPress website for my sofa, curtain, and carpet cleaning business based in Dubai. The site should be similar to Key Features: - The primary goal of the website is to generate leads. - It should contain text and images about our services, customer testimonials and reviews, is to generate leads. - It should contain text and images about our services, customer testimonials and reviews, as well as blog articles and tips. - An additional functionality required is a price list. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress website development. - Prior experience with service-oriented websites will be a plus. - Ability to create engaging content layout. - SEO knowledge to help the site rank well and generate leads.
I need a freelancer to ...It's crucial that the layout and formatting closely mirror the original PDF, as I need to be able to edit and print the final document. Key Requirements: - The conversion must replicate the font of the PDF as closely as possible - Understanding of Word's formatting capabilities - Attention to detail to ensure the layout and formatting is accurate The images in the PDF do not need to be editable in the final Word document, so they can remain non-editable. However, the integrity of the images and their placement in relation to the text is also important and should be replicated as accurately as possible. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience with PDF to Word conversions - Strong attention to detail - Good understandi...
I need CAD drawings for 4 units, each 20 ft by 8 ft, arranged in a U-shape surrounding a pool. Additionally, 2 shed units of 10 feet by 8 feet need to be included. The site plan is provide...permitting," plans which are acceptable by the county. Key Requirements: - The CAD drawings must have detailed measurements and annotations. - Basic interior details are not required, only the exterior of the units and their layout. - The final deliverable should be CAD compatible with AutoCAD. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is crucial for this project. - Previous experience in creating detailed CAD drawings for site plans will be advantageous. - A good understanding of spatial arrangements will help in visualizing the U-shape around the pool. The exterior design should in...
Looking for a clean, minimalistic logo and business card design. The logo should be modern and professional, reflecting the brand’s identity. The business card should complement the logo with a simple, stylish layout.
I'm looking for a professional with Shopify experience to assist me in fine-tuning my existing store. Key tasks will include: - Configuring the payment gateway - Setting up shipping - Creating strategies for driving traffic to the store An important aspect of this project is optimizing the store for SEO and marketing via email. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of Shopify - Expertise in SEO - Proficient in email marketing strategies - Experience in eCommerce store setup - Understanding of payment gateway and shipping configurations The store will be set up for selling physical products.
I'm looking for a freelancer to assist in converting my existing PowerPoint presentation to a new template. The new template will be provided by me. Key Adjustments: - Fonts and colors - Slide layout and design - Images and graphics You will need to adjust the presentation to suit the new template. I will provide specific branding requirements and guidelines that need to be followed. Content: - All content and images for the slides will be provided by me. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint - Graphic design skills - Attention to detail Experience: - Previous work with PowerPoint template conversion - Experience working with corporate branding guidelines Please ensure that you can adhere to specific guidelines and pay close attention to the...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a detailed 2D floor plan for a one-story residential property. This plan will be used in a full-color brochure, so it needs to be visually appealing and easy to understand. Key Requirements: - The floor plan should highlight the furniture layout in each room. - The design should be suitable for a full-color print brochure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D design software. - Experience in creating residential floor plans. - Strong understanding of visual design principles for print media. Monochrome floor plan in ready, will send the autocad file upon requirement. Please include examples of similar work in your bid. I have attached a sample image of the output required.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an automated betting system for me. This system needs to be able to interact with multiple offshore betting accounts, monitor live game data and odds, and detect line movements before the sportsbook locks the bet. Key Features - Securely store and manage multiple betting account credentials. - Monitor live data and odds via both API and web scraping methods. - Detect line movements in real-time. - Automate bet placement based on user input. Bet Placement Mechanics - A single click prepares a bet slip with the correct amount. - A double click places the bet instantly. The system should run on a cloud VPS for optimal speed and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience - Proficiency in Python, specifically with libraries such as Se...
I'm looking for a professional to set up an automotive car parts site on Shopify. The site must be fully functional with integrated payment methods, social media, and all necessary features. Key Requirements: - Full S...of all intellectual property. Please note, the type of Google ratings to be integrated hasn't been decided yet, but a solid understanding of Google integration, ratings, and reviews is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify store setup. - Knowledge of automotive car parts an advantage. - Strong skills in payment and social media integration. - Excellent understanding of Google ratings and reviews. - Ability to ensure full IP ownership. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. The design t...