Average rates for freelance graphic designermunkák
...company, I am looking for a professional who can make special effects of a 5-minute raw footage battle scene. The 5-minute segment includes gunshot, a bloodstain (on a moving person), a lightsaber, and "harry potter magic." Using after effects, with uncomplicated solutions. Due to time constraints, the team member cannot complete the task, including because of evening shots. We need someone who can create the necessary special effects. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage video - Incorporate special effects (e.g.: gunshot, blood, lightsaber) - Add text overlays and graphics as needed Skills Required: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with Adobe after effects (or similar) software - Ability to create fast-paced, dynamic edits - Skills in adding ...
Why choose us? Experience: With over 10 years of experience in project management, we have a team of skilled and experienced writers and consul...project writing is based on thorough research and accurate information gathering to ensure the highest level of quality. Flexibility: We are flexible in our working methods. We offer remote work options that allow you to collaborate with us comfortably from anywhere. Affordable prices: We believe in providing quality services at accessible prices. With our flexible pricing policy and competitive rates, we ensure that you receive solutions that align with your budget. Contact us today to discuss your project writing needs! We are eager to assist you in developing the project description and contribute to the successful completion of you...
I would like it if you could create a vector graphic image in Photoshop for me in psd format, which is an equilateral triangle whose sides consist of 1-1 sine signals. the wave goes outwards halfway up the side, then returns halfway up the side, then goes inward and returns from there to the corner of the triangle. the rise of the sine should be 3 divided by PI. In the second part of the task, I want a grid structure from these wavy triangles that is 100 wavy triangles and wavy triangles in both width and height. It would look roughly like a checkered notebook, only with these wavy triangles. I have attached pictures to show how I thought. the green lines are only guide lines. pink is the approximate shape.
Sziasztok! Szeretnék létrehozni egy WordPress alapú WooCommerce webshopot, ahol ügyfeleim egy térképtervező API (pl.: MapBox) segítségével, szabhatják testre saját térképüket, majd megrendelhetik azt tőlem. Ezt követően kinyomtatom a térképet, bekeretezem és elküldöm nekik. Így képzelem el az oldalt: Erre a projektre várok ajánlatokat. Köszönettel, iNEO DSGN
Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: React 16.x (hooks), redux, typescript, REST, SCSS, custom SSR env. (Webpack) Nice to have: Docker, AWS Lo...
HUNGARIAN TEXT BELOW! We are looking for a logo designer who can design our dream logo that can represent our company for ages. We are an architect and construction company. Our field and speciality is the steel industrial hall planning and construction. Our name is ADAXIS | A and D comes from the owners first name's first letter. The AXIS refer to the building industry. We prefer the modern,clean,minimalist(?) design. I attached an old self created logo as a reference. Less sometimes is more! We want to hire the winner for later graphic design works aswell like company appearance design, business card design, website graphic design, AD banner design etc. Good luck! ------------------------------- Logó tervezőt keresünk aki ...
hello szeretnék jelentkezni a projektra ha lehet elore is koszonom
Union Graph Leírás: Adott N darab halmaz, melyekben 1-1 szám van: (0), (1), … , (N-2), (N-1) Ezekre egy indexszel tudunk hivatkozni: az n. halmaz: (n). Ezeken a halmazokon egyetlen fajta műveletet tudunk végezni, két halmaz unioját. Például az 1-es és a 3-as indexű halmaz uniojából keletkezik az N. indexű halmaz (mindig a következő szabad index), amelynek a tartalma: (1, 3) lesz. Ezután, ha az imént keletkezett N. indexű halmazt összeuniozzuk a 0. halmazzal, akkor megkapjuk az N+1 indexű halmazt, amelynek tartalma: (0, 1, 3) lesz. Egy ilyen műveletet a 2 operandus indexével tudunk megadni. Input: A bemenet egy vesszővel elválasztott számsor. N*2 elemből &aac...
Kedves Bence, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkezelőt használunk. Ha úgy látod, hogy tudunk esetleg együtt működni, kérlek keress meg. Üdv, Pál Dénes énes-pál/34/780/b38 +36704452133 Skype: dsdenes
En viszonlylag uj vagyok a Freelanceren. Foleg Graphic Designban, Videgraphicaban vagyok otthon. Sok project van ami erdekelne de mivel programozasban nem vagyok k tul jartas nem tudok bidelni rajul. Ugyhogy ha ti programozok vagyok, es kellene grafikai segitseg, jellentkezzetek, osszedolgozhatnak. Amugy jauarban egy polo es polo nyombato bizniszbe is belekezdek az E-bayen. Elerhetose gem grafius dot till aaaaatttt ggggggmmmmmaaiiiiillll dooootttt coooommm
2000 mondatot kellene lefordítani angolról magyarra. A mondatok 6-12 szavas állítások. Példák: The Eiffel Tower requires 50 tons of paint. On average, there are 158 seeds on a McDonald's BigMac bun. Fontos a jó helyesírás, amit a szövegszerkesztő programmal (is) kérek ellenőrizni.
Grafikai tervezés, képek címerek egyéb logók vektoros és 3D szerkesztése. Graphic design, photo editing and vector coats of arms of other logos in 3D. Diseño gráfico, edición de fotos y capas de vectores de armas de otros logos en 3D
Freelance Recruiter (Remote) – IT & Non-IT Hiring We are a young and dynamic recruitment consultancy looking for an experienced Freelance Recruiter to join our team. The ideal candidate should have at least 2+ years of experience in recruitment and be capable of handling both IT and Non-IT positions, with a primary focus on Non-IT roles. Key Requirements: • Minimum 2 years of recruitment experience in IT and Non-IT domains (preferably Non-IT). • Strong sourcing and screening skills across various job portals and social media platforms. • Ability to manage end-to-end recruitment processes independently. • Must have their own laptop and a stable internet connection (remote working). • Excellent communication and negotiation skills...
...professional who can create an engaging and well-structured PowerPoint presentation for a business purpose. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of Company Branding: The presentation should be consistent with our brand identity. This includes the color scheme, font choices, and overall design aesthetic. - Use of Charts and Graphs: I would like to present some data visually. Therefore, the ability to create and integrate effective charts and graphs is essential. - Inclusion of Images and Multimedia: The presentation should be dynamic. This means incorporating various types of media, including images and potentially video or audio elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint - Graphic design skills - Experience with data visua...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create visually appealing, high-resolution screenshots for my two mobile apps (one for iOS and one for Android). Each app needs a minimum of five screens designed. I have mocks for all screens, but the designer will need to enhance the designs to higher resolution and quality. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in PNG format for final designs - Incorporation of specific branding elements, including my company logo, brand colors, and typography Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly for mobile apps - Experience with brand-consistent design - High attention to detail in creating high-resolution visuals
I'm looking for a minimalistic label design for a pre-workout supplement. The design should be professional and clean, but still bold and eye-catching enough to stand out on the shelf. Key Design Elements: - The colour scheme should consist of earth tones. Colour “Dune” - It must include the product name and logo, an ingredient list and the supplement facts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Experience with product label design. - Understanding of minimalistic design principles. - Ability to work with earth tone color schemes. - Detail-oriented, especially for the inclusion of ingredient lists and supplement facts.
I'm seeking a designer to create a professional and sleek corporate calendar for my company. The calendar should incorporate company logo and details at the bottom, as well as relevant orthopaedic pictures. I'm open to your ideas and suggestions on how to best present this content. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Graphic design, particularly in creating corporate materials - Understanding of minimalistic and clean design - Ability to incorporate specific images into a professional design - Proactive communication and idea generation Our website is COC .SG , please feel free to refer to the contact information and take inspiration from there for the customized calender. Additional tips will be included for outsta...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me populate a Power BI dashboard with our Hotel Food and Beverage data. This dashboard is crucial for tracking our performance and making data-driven decisions. Key Metrics: - Revenue by outlet - Covers - Average Revenue per Cover (ARC) Categorization: - By meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - By outlet (restaurant, bar, room service) - By date (daily, weekly, monthly) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Power BI - Strong understanding of Food and Beverage industry metrics - Experience with data categorization and visualization Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...can handle multiple user profiles and permissions. - Report Generation: This feature will allow users to generate reports based on their activities within the platform. Report Generation: - Users should have the capability to convert reports into PDF format for sharing. Here are some of the features i want to add...the items #are those features currently available on the platform; Objective: To develop a comprehensive, cloud-based HSE&S management platform that enables real-time data collection, reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency across multiple projects and clients. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Client/Company registration & Project Management • Client Registration &ndash...
We’re looking for a Chinese Business Communication & Logo Design Specialist to help us create compelling business communication materials and design logos for Chinese-speaking markets. Your role will involve translating and localizing business documents, presentations, and marketing content, as well as designing culturally relevant logos. This is a remote, freelance project with flexible deadlines, perfect for someone skilled in both communication and design. Key Responsibilities: Translate and localize business documents, presentations, and marketing content from English to Chinese (and vice versa). Design logos that align with Chinese cultural aesthetics and business branding. Ensure all materials are culturally relevant and professionally polishe...
Hello Wish you a good day :) I am Prem, a professional graphic designer ,HIGH QUALITY WORK, FAST DELIVERY and BEST PRICE this is what i can assure you. I have gone through your project post and have successfully completed similar projects in past. You can check my past work here : https://www.freelancer.com/u/Creationarts Looking forward to hearing from you and discussing all the details. Thank you! Prem
I'm in need of a classic and elegant visiting card design for professional networking purposes. This card should effectively represent my brand and facilitate business connections. The key elements to be incorporated include: - My name and title - Comprehensive contact details (phone, email) - Our company logo and address Skills and experience in graphic design, particularly in creating professional and elegant business cards, are crucial for this project. A keen understanding of design principles and branding will be beneficial in delivering a card that stands out in a networking setting.
...in the Australia tennis industry. We are looking for a talented and creative graphic designer to craft marketing material to promote our upcoming Fireball Tennis Spring School Holiday Clinic. The flyer needs to be eye-catching, in alignment with our Fireball marketing guidelines (please see attached), and aimed at parents looking for engaging activities for their children during the school break. Our academy is in a very competitive market, so the winner will create a brilliant and eye catching design driving Fireball brand and capturing kids into our clinics. There does not need to be many words, more the design and overall appearance. We have attached a number of graphics which feel free to use in design. Key requirements for the p...
I need a vintage-style logo for my agency, SEO GLOBEX. The design must encapsulate the essence of a vintage aesthetic while remaining professional and appealing to a modern audience. The logo should be versatile enough to be used across different mediums, from business cards to large scale banners. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Vintage Design Expertise - Branding - Adobe Illustrator or similar software proficiency Please note that the color scheme and specific symbols are yet to be decided. I am open to your creative input and looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
As a burgeoning B2B eCommerce startup, I'm in need of a professionally designed brochure. The primar...clients about our products and services in a clear and engaging manner. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in creating B2B marketing materials - Strong understanding of eCommerce industry - Excellent written communication skills in English - Ability to create professional and formal content The brochure should reflect a tone that is completely professional and formal. It must convey our brand's commitment to quality and reliability, and do so in a manner that will appeal to potential business partners and clients. Understanding of the eCommerce landscape, and ability to create visually appealing and informative content is cruci...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to live stream a sports event taking place in an open area. The stream should be smooth and high quality, capturing all the important action of the event. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in live streaming sports events - Access to professional-grade equipment - Ability to ensure a smooth, high-quality stream - No commentary or analysis needed Ideal Skills: - Technical proficiency with live-streaming equipment - Used to working as freelance - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Please include examples of previous sports live streams you've handled in your proposal.
I'm looking for a modern and unique design for our perfume box. The design should be primarily in black with a touch of sleekness and sophistication. PLEASE NO AI GENERATED PHOTOS. i need just a box design not perfume bottle. i’ve included the mockup template and the bottle for reference. Key Requirements: - Design should be minimal and modern with a possible unique flair. - Use of black and white as the dominant color scheme. - Incorporation of provided branding elements and logo. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brand Design - Package Design
I'm looking for a talented designer who can create a minimalist style wordmark logo for my brand. The logo should be designed using pastel colors and should not incorporate any additional elements or symbols. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong portfolio of minimalist design - Excellent understanding of color theory, particularly with pastel shades Please share any relevant previous work you have done in this style.
I'm in need of a skilled graphic designer and animator to create a 30-second marketing video for my product. The video needs to use motion graphics to demonstrate the product in a professional and informative manner. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in motion graphics - Graphic design skills - Previous work with product demonstration videos - Ability to convey information in a clear, professional manner The final video should effectively showcase my product, helping viewers understand its benefits and features. Your creative input will be highly valued, as I look forward to collaborating on this project to create an engaging and informative marketing tool. Please share relevant portfolio pieces when bidding.
? Brief – Creation of a Golf Performance Tracking Template for 2025 ? Context: I am Thomas Bruneau, a high-level golf coach, and I need a clear and efficient tool to track my player’s performances throughout the 2025 season. The goal is to analyze his statistical evolution tournament after tournament, while comparing this data to his 2024 averages. The tool should be visual, interactive, and easy to use, allowing me to quickly interpret performances and adjust training strategies accordingly. ? Project Objective: Create a dynamic and customizable tracking template that allows me to: Easily enter data after each tournament. Compare 2025 performances with 2024 averages through evolution curves. Show or hide specific statistics using a checkbox system. Have a clean and ...
I'm seeking a talented designer to help create a style guide and design promotional materials for my brand. The ideal candidate should be skilled in creating visually appealing designs and have experience in brand development. Your tasks will include: - Creating a comprehensive style guide - Designing a range of promotional materials Your understanding of brand aesthetics and your ability to translate brand messaging into visual elements will be crucial for this project. Please share your portfolio of similar projects, as well as any relevant experience you have in brand design.
I'm seeking a freelance graphic designer for website design. The role is 100% remote and involves designing for a range of different pages. Key Responsibilities: - Maintenance and updating of the graphic content of the web/App. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in graphic design, particularly for web - Experience with creating responsive designs - Able to work under confidentiality agreements Conditions: - Economic terms to be negotiated based on volume of work - Monthly invoicing - Work with a company in the entertainment sector
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a traditional-style logo for my brand, Shree Krishna, which specializes in A2 Milk and Milk Products. Key Requirements: - Incorporate cows or cow imagery: As a dairy brand, the use of cow imagery is crucial. It should be done tastefully and in line with the traditional style of the logo. - Use of Indian cultural motifs: The brand is deeply rooted in Indian culture, so elements of this should be woven into the logo design. - Earth tones color palette: The logo should utilize a palette of earth tones, particularly browns and greens. This will help convey the natural and organic aspects of the product line. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for traditional or cultural brands. -...
...presentation design who can assist me in creating a compelling business presentation aimed at a sales pitch for an event. Key requirements: - Experience in designing engaging business presentations - Previous work in creating sales pitch presentations is a plus - Understanding of event industry and its sales dynamics - Creative thinking to present our business proposition in an appealing way - Proficiency in PowerPoint or similar presentation software - Experience in creating custom graphics and illustrations - Ability to craft a compelling narrative throughout the presentation - Strong graphic design skills for visually appealing slides The final presentation should be suitable for a live pitch at an event, capturing potential clients' and investors&#...
Freelance Project: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website with AI Enhancements Project Title: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website with Improved Design & AI Features Budget: Low (Please quote accordingly) Timeline: Less than 7 days Platform: Webflow, WordPress, or any suitable platform (your recommendation) Project Requirements: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website: Fully replicate the functionality, layout, and features of a popular PDF conversion website (details will be shared with selected freelancers). Ensure the site is fully operational, fully tested, and fully responsive (mobile & desktop). Improve Design: Modernize and improve the current design (cleaner UI/UX, better visuals, etc.). Add AI Features: Integrate AI-powered services not present in the original site (e....
I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive PDF that outlines our company overview alongside our flagship products. This document will serve as marketing material aimed at potential customers. Key Requirements: - Include a detailed company overview - Highlight our flagship products with product details - Use engaging content and appealing design suitable for marketing material Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Graphic design experience - Understanding of marketing strategies and customer engagement
I need a professional and corporate-styled PDF to serve as our company profile. This doc...be of a corporate and professional nature, reflecting the seriousness and credibility of our business. It should not be overly creative or modern, but instead straightforward and clear, making it easy for potential clients to understand our offerings and the journey we've taken as a company. Ideal skills for this job include advanced proficiency in graphic design software, experience in creating corporate materials, and a strong understanding of client-focused communication. Prior experience with designing company profiles or similar documents would be beneficial. Ultimately, I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a clean, polished, and persuasive PDF that wi...
I need a professionally designed PDF that serves as an ove...professionally designed PDF that serves as an overview of our company. This document is primarily targeted at potential customers, so it needs to clearly communicate our brand and product offerings in an engaging and persuasive manner. Key Deliverables: - A clear, compelling overview of our company, tailored for potential customers. - A comprehensive section detailing our product offerings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and document creation, particularly for marketing purposes. - Excellent understanding of how to present technical product information in an accessible and appealing way. - Prior experience working with tech companies and understanding of their product of...
I'm looking for a sleek, minimalist logo for my Etsy shop. The design should be in black and white, incorporating my shop's initials or name etc. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Illustrator - Minimalist Design Expertise Key Requirements: - Incorporate shop name's initials - Adhere to a minimalist aesthetic - Utilize a monochromatic color scheme Please provide a portfolio of similar previous work.
Hi, I'm looking to create a professional brochure and portfolio aimed at marketing my products and services. The primary purpose of these materials will be to attract potential clients. Ideal Skillset: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Portfolio Design - Marketing Materials Design Experience with designing for client attraction is a plus. Please provide previous samples of your work in your bid. Regards, Dipak
We’re seeking a Cultural Communication Specialist to help develop and adapt content for Japanese tourism projects. Your role will involve creating culturally relevant materials, such as brochures, websites, and promotional content, to attract and engage Japanese-speaking tourists. This is a remote, freelance project with flexible deadlines, perfect for someone passionate about tourism and cultural communication. Key Responsibilities: Develop and adapt tourism-related content (e.g., brochures, websites, social media posts) for Japanese-speaking audiences. Ensure cultural relevance and sensitivity in all materials. Collaborate with our team to align content with tourism development goals. Translate and localize content from English to Japanese (and vice ...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create two 6-10 page PDFs for me. These will serve as professional marketing materials targeted at potential customers. Please enter true bids only -I'm in need of a graphic designer to create brochures aimed at marketing a product adding logo ( note to designer; do not just copy and paste these attached rough drafts but use your design skills to create a PDF brochure- use the photos below and place as you wish and go to Pixels or Unsplash or your own source of photos to add to this brochure 16pt fonts or 14pt min and 18pt for underlined use the same colours as the attached sample
...Setup in GoHighLevel Project Overview: I am looking for an expert in GoHighLevel (GHL) to set up DM automation for my outreach process and integrate a CRM system that ensures efficient lead management, follow-ups, and reporting. The goal is to automate direct messaging (DMs) on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, streamline my lead tracking, and enhance team accountability. Project Scope & Requirements: 1. DM Automation Setup Automate cold DMs on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Create personalized messaging sequences with follow-ups. Set up conditional logic (e.g., if a lead responds positively, move to the next step). Ensure compliance with platform limits to avoid bans or restrictions. Integrate with GoHighLevel for tracking conversation...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create engaging graphics tailored for my YouTube channel. Key Requirements: - Design graphics specifically for YouTube: You'll be responsible for creating visuals that are optimized for YouTube, considering its unique platform and audience. - Variety and Consistency: I need a series of graphics that are both varied and consistent in theme. This is crucial in maintaining a unified brand identity across my channel. - Engaging Content: The graphics you design should be able to capture the attention of my audience and encourage them to interact with my content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in graphic design, particularly for social media platforms. - S...
I'm in need of a modern-styled package design for my mailer box. The design should be sleek and contemporary, embodying a modern aesthetic. Key Design Elements: - My company logo should be prominently displayed. - My tagline needs to be incorporated thoughtfully within the design. - Product advantages and specifications should be clearly and appealingly presented. Color Scheme: - The design should utilize neutral tones. I prefer a clean and understated palette that aligns with the modern style. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in modern design principles - Strong understanding of effective packaging design - Excellent graphic design skills - Experience with branding and visual identity.
I'm seeking a tech pack designer based in South Africa with a knack for casual wear. The freelancer will convert my existing designs into detailed tech packs. Requirements: - Experience with tech pack creation, particularly for casual wear. - Skills in detailing measurement charts and stitching specifics. - Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate to bring designs to life. Your portfolio should showcase your experience with tech packs and casual wear. Looking forward to bringing my clothing brand to the next level with your expertise!
I'm in need of a graphic designer who specializes in logo design. The logo should have a modern style. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Understanding of Modern Design Principles Experience: - Prior experience in creating modern logos - A strong portfolio of graphic design work, particularly logos - Ability to understand and execute on a specific design brief