At home technical support jobsmunkák
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Munka státusza
Backend PHP/ LAMP fejlesztő – Rövid-hosszú távú – Teljes munkaidő – Távoli. Kik vagyunk? A DNA Web Development egy fiatal szoftverfejlesztő cég. DNA a kis- és középvállalkozások és induló vállalkozások számára egyedi szoftverek készítésére összpontosít. Fejlesztéseink segítik a vállalkozásokat, hogy teljes mértékben kihaszn...Nyitottak vagyunk a problémák legjobb megoldásával kapcsolatos ötletekre, és alig várjuk, hogy csapatunkban újabb nagyszerű elme üljön. A fizetés versenyképes lesz erre a feladat...
...Hírlevél ⁃ hírlevél megírása brief és saját ötletek alapján Amit elvárunk: • aktuális trendek ismerete és folyamatos kutatása • szofisztikált, gazdag szókincs • kiváló helyesírás • saját ötletek, tettrekészség • ownership szemlélet • folyékony angol nyelvtudás (szóban és írásban egyaránt) • folyékony német nyelvtudás (szóban és írásban egyaránt) Amit kínálunk: ⁃ próbaidő után rugalmas home office lehetőség ⁃ hosszút&aa...
Keresek valakit, aki tudna huawei OLT-t beállítani/kezelni (távolról). Az OLT-t az ONT-k tesztelésére szeretném használni. Először be kellene állítani konzolról, és meg kell oldani az ONT-k hozzáadását majd rövid teszt után az ONT-t cseréjét másikra. Ha rendelkezik a fenti tudással, akkor a fenti manuális teszt beállítása után tovább mehetünk egy komplex tesztkörnyezet elkészítésére. I am looking for someone who could configure/manage a huawei OLT (remotely). We would like to use OLT to test ONTs. First it need to configured from console and make a workaround ho...
I'm searching for IBM Cognos TM1 supporter for occasional failure management and development.
Google és Facebook hirdetések kezelésében jártas szakembert keresünk nagy márkák kampányainak kezelésére teljes munkaidőben. Irodáink Budapesten és Veszprémben vannak, de a home office sem ismeretlen számunkra.
Vasaroltunk egy templatet WP es a fooldalon kellene beallitani az altalunk megadott kategoriakat. es a mega menut. A fooldalt kellene ugy formalni ahogy a demoban van csak a mi termekeinkkel es kategoriakkal.
Sziasztok, STRICTLY JUST HUNGARIAN APPLICANTS, please ! Turisztikai csapathoz, online marketingben tapasztalt partnert keresünk, home office munkavégzéssel. További részletek és jelentkezés:
Szerkesztésre és proofreadingre keresek az online marketing és e-kereskedelem világában jártas, tájékozott szövegírót hosszútávú együttműködésre. A feladat egy már meglévő és lefordított e-kereskedelmi platform (admin, marketing oldalak, hírlevelek, support cikkek) ellenőrzése, javítása, itt-ott kisebb nagyobb változtatásokkal. Terjedelem: kb 25 ezer szó. Nagyon fontos, hogy a jelentkező rendelkezzen releváns referenciákkal, ismerje az e-kereskedelmi piacot és legyen kreatív a szövegírást tekintve.
Full content writing of a blog site in Hungarian: home page, about us, contact us, multiple email templates and so on.
Feladat: - Piacvezető telematikai megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogat...munkatapasztalat és projekt referenciák - A megvalósítás és bevezetés szakmai motorja - Asszertív kommunikáció, prezentációs készség Amit kínálunk: - 3+ h&oac...
I am seeking an developer for a few jobs, including a webshop, app development and API connections. Native Hungarian speaking is preferred. Front-end is ready, specification and more information are upon request. Thank you! ASP.NET fejlesztőt keresek pár munkára, mint webshop és app fejlesztés, valamint ezek közötti és harmadik szolgáltató közötti API kapcsolat létrehozása. Az appok Microsoft Azure környezetben futnak majd. A front-endek elkészületek, specifikáció és bővebb információ kérésre. Köszönöm! for Dental Aesthetics Clinic. The site should have a blog function and a complex menu structure. The site should be dual-language (Hungarian and English) Hungarian Menu text copy located here: English will be added later (however we’ve translated the main menu titles to english) This SEO rules need to be followed during the website built: Attached you find design elements and photos about the team. Example site in style: Attached media: Photos about the team () Logos (Csiki_Fogszabaolyozas_1 ) Visualization () Menu structure: Híreink (News in english, this is the Blog block) Rólunk (About Us in english)
bank online fizetési modul összekapcsolása meglévő weboldallal, de csak egy átadó fom-ot kell írni ( megnevezés, hivatkozási szám, időpont, létszám, összeg, név, e-mail cím,, + hírlevélre feliratkozás, oldalon fiók regisztráció), mely átirányítva a bank fizetési oldalára, tesztelés és véglegesítés, banki support kapcsolattartás.
Kedves herpay, a profilod alapján szeretném neked felajánlani a projektem. Kérlek, nézd meg a projektleírást, és vitassuk meg a részleteket:
Kedves kotiantal, a profilod alapján szeretném neked felajánlani a projektem. Kérlek, nézd meg a projektleírást, és vitassuk meg a részleteket:
Kedves soamnovum, a profilod alapján szeretném neked felajánlani a projektem. Kérlek, nézd meg a projektleírást, és vitassuk meg a részleteket:
Egyenlőre weblap vázlatokat keresek, vagyis csak dizájnt. Az index-t kellene elkészíteni, vagyis a HOME Page-t, mivel a projekt nem nagy így az árazása sem. De amennyiben a munka elnyeri tetszésem , úgy az egész weboldalt ami 3 oldalból fog állni. A weboldal témája PCB gyártás és beültetés. példa: Kezdőlapra nem szeretnék semmi extrát kirakni csak , hogy árajánlat kérést, Modern FLAT design-t keresek. Amennyiben , van mód rá úgy 4 box-t ami tartalmazza a következőket. 1. PCB 2. Stencil 3. webshop 4. Assembly
Egy vásárolt sablonnál nem működik az előre programozott mail küldés. Egyes beállításoknál Firefox alatt átmegy a levél, de többi böngészőben nem. Más beállításokkal átmegy Chrome-ban, de Fireboxban nem. Már egyeztettem a support forummal és a tárhelyszolgáltatóval, de nem hozott eredményt.
Szia! A Lotus Home weboldalaval kapcsolatban munkat ajanlanek, legyszives kuldj egy mobil szamot es visszahivlak: peter@ +1 310 2798054
Freelance Video Creator Needed for Retail Store Display Advertisement We are a small retail store seeking a creative and skilled freelance video creator to produce an engaging commercial video for our recently purchased Samsung 43" Professional Display QET Series LCD screen, mounted at the front of our store. The goal of this video is to attract foot traffic by highlighting key products and services in a visually appealing and dynamic way. Project Overview: We are looking for a professional specializing in AI video creation or commercial video production to design a high-impact, attention-grabbing advertisement. The video must be optimized for pedestrian engagement and effectively showcase our offerings in a fun, engaging, and informative manner. The final video will be uploa...
I'm seeking dedicated Sales Associates for Millionaire Track Private Limited. This is a full-time/part-time, work-from-home opportunity, with income ranging from ₹10,000 to ₹20,000 per project. The primary responsibilities of the Sales Associate include: - Finding new clients - Maintaining client relationships - Closing sales deals Ideal candidates should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Prior sales experience - Basic computer skills The role will primarily involve the use of social media platforms to reach potential clients. Freshers, students, housewives, working professionals, and anyone seeking extra income are welcome to apply. Please note that serious applicants only.
You are starting a business, and things are feeling frenzied. Your website is taking longer than expected, but it’s essential to get it right. It can be challenging to hit all the high notes—nailing the tone, perfecting the technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly...
...root. Auto-install required dependencies. Ensure persistence after reboot. Process & Connection Hiding: Hide miner process from system monitoring tools like top, htop, and ps. Mask network connections, preventing detection via ss -tp | grep EST. Stealth Persistence: Create a systemd service file with a randomized name (e.g., /etc/systemd/system/[random].service). Generate cron jobs with random names for execution at various intervals: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Ensure self-recovery if terminated. Wallet & Configuration Security: Hide wallet address within the system to avoid detection. Ensure mining operations resume automatically on system restart. Failsafe & Anti-Detection: Automatically restart if terminated. Implement obfuscation techniques to evade...
I'm looking for a professional Android app designer to create a modern, minimalist e-commerce app. This app should support product browsing, a shopping cart and checkout process, and have functionalities for user reviews and ratings. Key Features: - Product Browsing: The app should allow users to easily browse through various products. - Shopping Cart and Checkout: A smooth, user-friendly shopping cart and checkout process is crucial. - User Reviews and Ratings: The app should incorporate a section for user reviews and ratings on products. Design Style: The design should be modern and minimalist. It should be clean, simple, and easy to navigate. User Authentication: The app will need a user login and authentication feature with social media login capabilities. Ideal Skill...
Our non-profit organization requires a new main page to replace one that was unfortunately lost due to a technical failure with Go Daddy. This page will primarily serve to provide information about our organization and its activities to the public. Key Features: - Extensive integration of our mission and vision - Highlighting of our upcoming events - A calendar format for these events Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in building non-profit organization websites, with a strong emphasis on creating informative content and user-friendly interfaces. Please note, I have all the content ready to go.
MP3 File or Wave File The voice should match the character below. I'...should match the character below. I'm looking for an AI platform that can generate a voice-over mimicking a young Black American male kid, suitable for a trademark character on a kids' learning YouTube channel. Key Requirements: - The voice must convey a friendly, cool, hip-hop tone, speaking clearly without being overly childish. - All words must be pronounced clearly and the platform must support American English. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AI voice generation platforms. - Proficient in voice modulation and tone. - Able to identify platforms with diverse voice options. Once the platform is found, I will need that platform's info to continue using it in the future with the same voice ...
...user-friendly, secure, and fully functional with Solana Wallet integration. Project Requirements: ? Token Creation: Users should be able to create custom SPL tokens with a name, symbol, metadata URL, and initial supply. Implement Solana SPL-Token 2022 standards for metadata and minting. Tokens should be minted with 9 decimal places and assigned to the creator’s wallet. ? Wallet Integration: Must support Phantom Wallet, Solflare, and other Solana-compatible wallets using @solana/wallet-adapter-react. Users should be able to connect their wallet to launch the token. ? Smart Contract & Transactions: Implement for token minting. Include createInitializeMintInstruction, createMintToInstruction, and createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction for minting and transferring tok...
As I strive to elevate my E-commerce website, I am in search of a seasoned SEO and Marketing professional. Your role will encompass a comprehensive approach covering: - On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO: I require a robust strategy that spans all facets of SEO to enhance my website's visibility and ranking on search engines. - Boosting Online Sales: My primary objective is to increase sales through effective marketing techniques and strategies. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of SEO and e-commerce marketing, with a proven track record in boosting online sales. Your expertise will be pivotal in driving my website's growth.
...sleeve envelope, and both move off-screen to the left. Song Title: The song title appears subtly in the background. Looping Transition: The CD and envelope reappear seamlessly, creating a continuous loop. Visual Style: The overall style should evoke a nostalgic, retro vibe, reminiscent of classic CD album art and music videos. Smooth transitions and animations are essential for a polished look. Technical Requirements: The final video should be delivered in high-resolution MP4 format. The animation should be optimized for use on social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, YouTube). Deliverables: One high-resolution MP4 file of the completed animated music visualizer. Ideal Freelancer: Proficient in video editing software (e.g., DaVinci Resolve, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Pro)...
...foreclosures of all german federal states. after selecting one state, you receive a list of real estates (2) if you click on details you receive the page with the actual pdfs (3). I would like to have all pdfs of a foreclosure downloaded in a specific folder. Below is the English translation of the analysis, divided into two sections: a technical analysis of the website and an evaluation of automation possibilities for downloading the provided PDFs. 1. Technical Analysis of the Website Technologies and Frameworks The ZVG portal is operated by the state judicial administrations and hosted by IT.NRW. The HTTP headers indicate that the server uses Apache along with PHP-based scripts (for example, paths like appear in the ). The pages are delivered in ISO-8859-1
I am looking for a skilled game app developer to create Leta-Pesa, a competitive gaming platform similar to the Menyana gaming app. The app should support games like Checkers and Chess, where players can wager and compete for money. Core Features & Requirements: Game Modes: Online multiplayer for Chess and Checkers Real-money competition where players wager and win each other’s money Matchmaking system (random and invite-based) Leaderboards and ranking system Payments & Transactions: Primary: M-Pesa integration for deposits and withdrawals Secondary: Expandable to credit/debit card payments (Visa, Mastercard) Secure payment processing and transaction tracking User Accounts & Security: Account registration (email, phone number, social media login) Wallet system...
I'm in need of a dedicated virtual assistant who can support me primarily with my side businesses, but also help manage my work-life schedule, finances, and overall day-to-day tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Provide administrative support for my side businesses, which includes tasks such as document preparation - Assist in managing my work-life schedule and finances - Act as a second in command and team manager Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional organizational skills - Proficient in document preparation - Able to effectively manage time and prioritize tasks - Experience in a similar role is a plus - Excellent communication skills Your primary role will be to help me streamline my tasks, allowing me to focus on what truly matters. If you are an all-rounder with a knack for...
...Nifty option strike prices. - Implement an RSI-based strategy (details will be provided). - Design the bot for autonomous operation with minimal manual input. - Ensure smooth integration with the Angel One API for trade execution. Ideal Candidate: - Advanced expertise with the Angel One API is a must. - Proficient in Python with a strong background in algorithmic trading. - Good knowledge of technical indicators and options trading. - Prior experience with the Angel One API or similar broker APIs is a plus. Additional Notes: - I will handle the maintenance of the trading bot after deployment. - The trading bot does not require any trade validations before execution, but pre-defined risk management rules need to be incorporated. If you're capable of developing a robust and...
I'm looking to build a modern, sleek campervan hire website. The site should feature a minimalistic design, with an online live booking system that allows for varied pricing based on the season and optional add-ons (like wifi boxes). Key features include: - A clean and modern design - A live availability calendar - availability calendar - Instant booking confirmation The website will utilize user-submitted photos of the campervans, so a good understanding of photo integration and management is crucial. Ideal skills for the job include: - Web development and design - Experience with booking system integration - Knowledge of photo management systems A keen eye for a sleek, modern design paired with technical know-how will ensure a successful project. Looking forwar...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
I am looking for a developer to create a website focusing on part-time job applications. The site should have a feature allowing users to apply for jobs using their CV. Key Features: - A platform exclusively for part-time jobs - A simple, user-friendly interface - A feature allowing users to apply for jobs using their CV Ideal Skills: - Web development expertise - Experience in creating job application websites - Strong understanding of user interface design Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...modify text and images without technical expertise. Key Requirements: • CMS: The website must be built on Contentful for effortless content management. • Design & Development: The site should have a clean, modern, and responsive design, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices. • Prayer Timetable: A dedicated section displaying a daily prayer timetable that can be easily updated. • Donations Section: A page where users can make secure online donations (integration with Stripe, PayPal, or similar payment gateways). • SEO & Performance: The website should be fast, SEO-friendly, and optimized for performance. • Security & Compliance: Basic security measures must be implemented, especially for handling donations. Website Stru...
I'm in need of a skilled designer and engineer to help me create and build a prototype for a silicone GPS tracker bracelet, primarily aimed at child safety. Key Features: - The bracelet must support real-time tracking. This is non-negotiable as it is the most crucial aspect of the device. Design Aspects: - The design should be colorful and playful. I want this device to appeal to children, so it needs to be visually engaging. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in product design, particularly for wearables. - Experience with GPS technology. - Ability to create colorful and playful designs. - Previous work in child safety products is a plus.
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong background in electronics engineering to create in-depth, technical articles focused on the latest innovations and trends in the field. These articles will be aimed at industry professionals, so they should be written with a level of complexity and insight that will appeal to this audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - NO AI tool , NO paraphrasing - A strong background in electronics engineering - Experience writing technical articles for a professional audience - Ability to conduct in-depth analyses and present complex information in a clear, engaging way - Understanding of current trends and innovations in electronics engineering - Excellent research and writing skills
...pursuing profitable business opportunities. - Understanding of Online Retail: Familiarity with e-commerce platforms and online retail strategies is a plus. - Interest in Health & Beauty: A passion for, or understanding of, health and beauty products would be beneficial. - Global Market Perspective: Ability to think and strategize on an international scale. What I Offer: - Support System: I will provide a robust support system to guide our venture. - Profit Sharing: Opportunities for significant profits, commensurate with our success. Ideal Skills: - Business Development - E-commerce - Market Research - Health & Beauty Industry Knowledge The goal is to create a successful online retail business in the health and beauty sector, with a focus on the international ma...
...developer to build a web application dedicated to managed IT services. The primary focus of this application will be providing IT Services(Laptop/Desktop Rental,Technical Support,Licancing Management).Primarily website will serve business upto 70 Employee strength Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly web application with a strong emphasis on IT Support services. - Ensure the web application is secure, reliable and can handle high traffic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web application development, particularly in the IT services sector. - Strong understanding of Network Management and IT Support. - Excellent skills in creating secure and reliable web applications. Platform: - Azure or OCI - A/C & billing will be manage...
Job Description: We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Senior Full-Stack Engineer with deep expertise in React and Node.js to join our growing team. In this role, you will be instrumental in integrating various products and optimizing our exis...RESTful APIs for seamless communication between front-end and back-end systems. Database Management: Work with databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB) to design efficient schemas and optimize queries. Collaboration & Communication: Collaborate effectively with product managers, designers, and other engineers to deliver high-quality solutions. Troubleshooting & Debugging: Diagnose and resolve complex technical issues in a timely manner. Staying Up-to-Date: Keep abreast of the latest technologies and trends in React, Node.js, an...
I need a casual American spokesperson for a 1-minute video reading a testimonial script. The tone should be friendly and easy-going, reflecting a casual style. The video should feature the spokesperson in various settings - a car, an office, and a home. Final deliverable should be in MP4 format. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - good video recording and sound quality - Experience in acting or public speaking - Ability to convey a casual, friendly tone - Understands the importance of clear, articulate speech in a testimonial context.
I need some modifications for my Power Apps application. Specifically, I need to enhance the functionality of a gallery. 1. On the first screen, I need the gallery to support sorting. This should be done by integrating sorting functionality with some arrows (↑ and ↓). When I click on the title in the header row, it should sort the data and display arrows after the text (↓ and ↑). 2. On the second screen, I need some buttons to be integrated so that the gallery displays like the home screen gallery. In Gallery... First column will be icon based on field choice value, Second column will be name of file, Third column will be again icon based in field value in boleand field in document library.... Not any filtering just simple gallery with data..... but in g...
I'm in need of a freelance technical content writer for my website dedicated to Information Technology. The primary focus will be crafting detailed, easy-to-understand how-to guides. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in IT concepts, specifically in databases and cloud computing. - Exceptional technical writing skills. - Ability to simplify complex topics for broader audiences. - Experience in writing engaging and informative how-to guides. - Knowledge of SEO best practices for content visibility.
Freelance Video Creator Needed for Retail Store Display Advertisement We are a small retail store seeking a creative and skilled freelance video creator to produce an engaging commercial video for our recently purchased Samsung 43" Professional Display QET Series LCD screen, mounted at the front of our store. The goal of this video is to attract foot traffic by highlighting key products and services in a visually appealing and dynamic way. Project Overview: We are looking for a professional specializing in AI video creation or commercial video production to design a high-impact, attention-grabbing advertisement. The video must be optimized for pedestrian engagement and effectively showcase our offerings in a fun, engaging, and informative manner. The final video will be uploa...
I need assistance with creating a Freelancer ID so I can continue working from home. I primarily work in Writing and Content Creation, with a specific focus on Data Entry within Business Administration. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient understanding of - Experience with Writing and Content Creation - Knowledge of Business Administration tasks - Data Entry expertise - Excellent communication skills - Able to maintain confidentiality
Dear @SECDAIS, I can complete the French-to-English translation of your technical document within one day. The final delivery will be in Word format, including all image translations. Pricing is flexible based on your budget. Let me know if you'd like to proceed! Best regards, Azharul
I'm seeking an expert in JIRA ticket management to help clean up our support tickets. The primary aim is to enhance the accuracy of our records, which will ultimately help us in our operations. The tasks will involve: - Categorizing and prioritizing our existing tickets. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience with JIRA and ticket management. Experience in data accuracy improvement and workflow streamlining will be highly valuable. Please note that the user did not specify which types of tickets should be prioritized for cleanup, so the freelancer will need to use their discretion and expertise to make this determination.
...these issues. The ideal candidate would have experience working with both x86 and ARM platforms (Jetson/Orin) and is proficient in using Docker containers. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and troubleshoot video artifacts and stuttering in the streaming pipeline. - Utilize Nsight or other GPU profiling tools to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance. - Enhance video streaming efficiency to support an increased number of channels. - Optimize DeepStream pipeline, including decoding, inference, and rendering processes. - Recommend and implement new streaming techniques if necessary. - Work with Docker-based deployments to ensure compatibility across x86 and ARM platforms. Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in NVIDIA DeepStream (6.3/7.0) and Triton Inference Server. - ...