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    Munka státusza
    2,000 amazon store optimization munkát találtunk
    API Connect
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    Hello Everyone, We have an old webshop which is were poor. We would like to offer to our customer better why we would like to test a new one. There are 21 days to free testing. We would like to see is it going to work at all. There is the API link for the new shop: I will provide the API link of the old web store upon request. The old websop has about +200k products. THX, Best Regards Klm

    €111 Average bid
    €111 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    Creating an auto betting bot with betfair api for my own basketball strategy,test it and store all the earnings and losts in a database like.

    €309 Average bid
    €309 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Egészség támogató programjaink (méregtelenítés, fogyás, testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított a programok ...testépítés, babavárás...) EU-ban történő népszerűsítésére gamifikált applikációt tervezünk készíttetni. A programokba termékvásárlást is beépítünk, amikkel biztosított...

    €1212 Average bid
    €1212 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Mobil alkalmazás
    Véget ért left

    A feladat: Meglévő - jele...hosszú távú tervekkel. Olyan freelancereket keresünk első sorban, akik Magyarországon tevékenykednek. Teszt eszközök megléte előny, de nem követelmény. Ügynökségekkel egyelőre nem szeretnénk dolgozni. Budget: a megadott budget kizárólag a jelen projectre vonatkozik, konkrét összegről privátban tudunk egyeztetni a kapott ajánlat alapján. We have a mobile app, which is already in the app store for a while, but the technology behind it makes it quite hard to improve it so as a first step we would like to find someone who rewrites the exact same application in any modern technology (be it native language...

    €5029 Average bid
    €5029 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat
    Project for Attila S.
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Attila, Érdeklődnék, hogy van-e szabad kapacitásod egy viszonylag egyszerűbb munka elvégzéséhez? Shopify - összekötésre lenne szükségem, de nem az app-store-ban található alkalmazás segítségével. Szeretném az exportált Shopify rendelés adatokat a tömeges számlázójába feltölteni csv formátumban. És az xls-ből csv-be konvertálást szeretném tömegesen elvégezni. Remélem érthető, ahogy leírtam! :) A projektjeim között megtalálod, mire is van szükségem! Üdv, Péter

    €192 Average bid
    €192 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    We're looking for a developer to develop a javascript based ...different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the browser side without editing. (floorplan not editable view) The editor must be responsive and mobile-friendly...

    €629 Average bid
    €629 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat
    Project for Attila F.
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Attila! Röviden összefoglalom, mihez keresnék szakértő segítséget. Van egy ötletem mobilapplikációra, amely - szintén az oldal segítségével - fejlesztés alatt áll. Ne gondolj nagyszabású projektre, ez az első appom. Étkezéshez kapacsolódik, de nem a fogyás témakörében. Szeretnék az appnak egy találó nevet adni, és ehhez igazítani a leírást is. Ehhez keresek egy ASO (App Store Optimization) szakembert - mindenképp magyarul beszélőt. (Bár többen állítják, hogy nem szükséges a nyelv ismerete, nem pozit&iacut...

    €1 / hr Average bid
    €1 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    IMPORTANT - please only apply if you are capable of keyword research and ASO work in HUNGARIAN language! Name of the applicatication is the most important. In Hungarian: Magyar mobilapplikációhoz lenne szükségem olyan személyre, aki ASO, azaz app store optimalizációt tudna nekem készíteni. Az applikáció egészségügyhöz kapcsolódik. Elsősorban az applikáció nevét lenne jó együtt kitalálni.

    €34 Average bid
    €34 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    [HUNGARIAN DEVELOPERS ONLY] Folyamatban lévő projekhez keresünk: - AngularJS - Frontend és backend fejlesztőt - Angular JS - PHP - MariaDB - Jquery - CSS - Kulcs-Soft szinkron - VPS - Java server Kereskedelemmel foglalkozó cég vállalatirányítási rendszerével összekötött webáruházának fejlesztéséhez keresünk magas tudással rendelkező (Nem Junior) fejlesztőt. A projektnél egyaránt működhet az alkalmazotti, illetve az alvállalkozói jogviszony is.

    €3351 Average bid
    €3351 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    A Gravity R&D egy 2007-ben alakult magyar B2B startup: Ajánlórendszerek fejlesztésével foglalkozunk, hazai és nemzetközi ügyfeleink részére. Vagyis olyan algoritmusokat fejlesztünk, mint amivel az Amazon kitalálja mit fognak venni legközelebb a felhasználók, vagy mint amivel a Google kitalálja mire akarsz épp keresni Tapasztalt Front-end fejlesztőt keresünk. A projekt: kis és közepes site-ok részére fejlesztett ajánlórendszer irányítópultjának továbbfejlesztése, webalkalmazás fejlesztése (pl.: statisztikák megjelenítése, adatfolyam szerkesztő, in...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androidos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal rendelkező programozót! Cégünk egy vásárl...melynek alapja egy okostelefonos alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' n&ea...

    €25 / hr Average bid
    €25 / hr licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...

    €2 - €95924089513 / hr
    €2 - €95924089513 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Tisztelt Érdeklődő! Cégünk meglévő Androdos és iOs-es alkalmazás továbbfejlesztéséhez keres megbízható, tapasztalt, munkájára igényes, referenciákkal re...alkalmazás, aminek a használatával az elfogadóhelyeken azonnali visszatérítésben részesülhet a vásárló. A már elkészült mobilapplikációnk továbbfejlesztése, a hibák javítása lenne a leendő programozónk feladata. Az alkalmazás 'Go! Store' néven letölthető a Google Play áruházból és az AppStore-ból is. A p...

    €2 - €2 / hr
    €2 - €2 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!

    €10662619 Average bid
    €10662619 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    opencart xlm
    Véget ért left

    Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felületen le...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon

    €252 Average bid
    €252 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    EC2 Amazon
    Véget ért left

    EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon

    €96 Average bid
    €96 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Build an Online Store
    Véget ért left

    Joomla 1.x, Virtuemart 1,x környezetben szeretnék egy olyan termékoldalt, ahol egy több színben előforduló termék vásárlásakor a szín egy palettából választható. Most minden színt egyenként, külön termékben vittünk fel az oldalra: Amit szeretnék, az így néz ki: A kosárba a palettáról kiválasztott színű terméket teszi be a "Kosárba" gomb. Kezelni kell, ha olyan színt választ, ami nincs éppen készleten. Ilyenkor kell egy figyelmeztető üzenet: "A kiválasztott szín elfogyott, kérlek, válassz m&aacu...

    €468 Average bid
    €468 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Tisztelt Hölgyem, Uram! Meglévő androidos alkalmazásunkhoz keresünk hosszú távra, hozzáértő fejlesztői csapatot. Béta állapotú alkalmazásunk a következő címen érhető el: (Felhasználónév: , PIN: 1234) Az applikáció minden funkciójához kész API-t biztosítunk. Mivel a minőség mellett, kiemelten f...Szükségünk lenne tehát egy olyan fejlesztésre, hogy 30 percenként a háttérben futó alkalmazás lekérje az illető hely adatát, majd ennek függvényében esetlegesen egy Push üzenetet kapjon. (Természetesen ehhez ...

    €95 Average bid
    €95 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a USA-based freelancer to buy and review our horror film available on Amazon Prime. The total pay is $12, which includes an additional $2 to go toward the purchase (rental) of the film. Requirements: - Rate the film with stars - Write a short, honest review of one to three sentences focusing on the overall story - Send a screenshot of the review before posting This project is ideal for a film enthusiast who can provide a genuine and thoughtful critique. Please note, the film is intended for an adult audience.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    We are looking for a skilled freelancer to help us implement the first critical step of an AI-driven video creation workflow: extracting structured data from Amazon product pages. Your primary task will be to develop a reliable system to scrape and organize product information, which will feed into a larger workflow for generating unique product videos. Overview of the Workflow: Our end goal is to provide an Ama zon product URL and automatically generate multiple unique, engaging videos for YouTube. These videos will highlight key product features, reviews, and benefits (e.g., "Top 5 reasons customers love this product"). The videos will use AI to generate original visuals, scripts, and voiceovers, ensuring 100% accuracy and originality. Your Task: You will focus on the ...

    €26 / hr Average bid
    €26 / hr licitátlag
    79 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress developer to finalize my restaurant's site, currently on localhost. Key tasks include debugging translation issues, implementing pending features, customizing WooCommerce for specific order needs, online payment integration, SEO optimization, hosting setup, and ensuring responsive design. The website needs to be multilingual with English, French, and Arabic. The existing translation issues primarily stem from incomplete translations added manually using PHP and JavaScript. Specific tasks include: Fixing incomplete translations across the site. Customizing WooCommerce forms for pickup and delivery orders. Setting up and enabling secure online payments. Optimizing the site for SEO. Ensuring the site is fully responsive across all devices. ...

    €382 Average bid
    €382 licitátlag
    157 árajánlat

    I need a model in MATLAB that helps optimize processing parameters by simulating the behaviour of a heat transfer and processing plant system. Specifically, I want to focus on: - Temperature distribution: Understanding how heat is transferred and maintained throughout the system will be crucial for optimizing proc...crucial for optimizing processing parameters. - System efficiency: We need to be able to assess how changes in processing parameters affect the overall efficiency of the system. This also includes system starting sequence and time to obtain optimal working parameters (equilibrium state). Ideal freelancer for this project should be proficient in MATLAB and have strong experience in modelling and optimization in thermal and processing systems. Ideally Simulink -fluid p...

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr licitátlag
    36 árajánlat

    ...Experience with AI tools such as YOLOv8, Stable Diffusion, and OpenAI APIs. - A strong background in video creation and editing using platforms like Runway ML, Descript or alternative. - Expertise in workflow automation with tools like Zapier and Python. Please note that the quality of AI-generated visuals is paramount, specifically, I am looking for realistic product animations. All types of Amazon product pages will be used for generating these videos, from electronics to clothing and home goods. If you have experience creating scalable AI-powered video workflows, I would love to hear from you....

    €459 Average bid
    €459 licitátlag
    106 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an SEO expert to enhance my sales-driven website. The primary goal of this project is to generate more traffic to the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective SEO strategies to increase visibility and drive traffic to the site. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO optimization. - Strong understanding of traffic generation strategies. - Previous experience with sales-driven websites is a plus. Please provide a detailed proposal outlining how you plan to achieve this.

    €50 Average bid
    €50 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    ...defined structure. Forms and Server Configuration: Adjust lead and contact forms to work seamlessly with the Houzez theme and current server setup. Test and troubleshoot any issues with form submission and integrations. Blogs and Categories: Organize blog posts into relevant categories, following SEO standards. Build internal links within blogs to improve navigation and engagement. Plugin Optimization: Configure and optimize the following plugins already installed: Elementor Pro Yoast SEO Pro Smush Pro Hummingbird Pro Required Skills Proven experience with WordPress and the Houzez theme. Advanced knowledge of technical SEO and schema markup implementation. Expertise in configuring and optimizing plugins like Elementor Pro, Yoast SEO Pro, Smush Pro, and Hummingbird Pro. Ability...

    €370 Average bid
    €370 licitátlag
    165 árajánlat

    Will Work on eBay, Amazon and TEMU Store

    €96 Average bid
    €96 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for plans provided via PDF uploads. - Implement natural language processing for paperwork: The app should automate the creation and processing of bid-related paperwork. - Use predictive analytics for cost estimation: The app should be able to assess average market prices for each item and generate bid numbers. - Memorizing customer info for complete paperwork: The app should be able to store and recall customer information to streamline the paperwork process. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in cross-platform app development. - Experienced in AI and machine learning, particularly in image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. - Familiar with civil engineering and estimating processes. - Able to create user-friendly, intuit...

    €314 Average bid
    €314 licitátlag
    81 árajánlat

    ...Python developer to enhance my existing program that implements the basic packet routing algorithm on an n x n mesh. The enhancements should focus on two main areas: performance optimization and error handling. Key Requirements: - Enhance the current error handling to support more complex routing scenarios, specifically to transition from handling 1-1 problems to also managing permutation routing. - Optimize the speed of the routing algorithm to improve the overall performance of the program. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python programming. - Experience with packet routing algorithms. - Skills in performance optimization techniques. - Knowledge in implementing error handling systems in programming. Your bid will be evaluated based on your relevant experience and your ...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    53 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an expert in 3D modeling who can help me reduce the file size of my current glb model to under 10 MB. The primary goal here is to optimize the 3D model specifically to minimize its file size without compromising its quality. Output texture to jpg. place the object pivot to the center Skills required: - Proficiency in handling glb files - Experience in 3D modeling and optimization - Ability to maintain model quality while reducing file size Please only apply if you have the relevant experience and can demonstrate previous success in similar projects.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat

    I need my company & blogging website, , migrated over to WordPress. The new site should mirror the current one closely, with an emphasis on a seamless, like-for-like transfer. Key Requirements: - Direct transfer of the existing company & blogging site to WordPress - Maintaining the current site's design and structure - Integration of SEO optimization features Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development - Experienced in website migration - Strong understanding of SEO best practices - Ability to replicate design and functionality with precision

    €114 Average bid
    €114 licitátlag
    156 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an Angular expert to help optimize the routing of my application. The primary goal is to enhance user navigation, specifically by facilitating faster transitions between pages. Key Areas of Focus: - Home page and landing sections - User account and settings pages The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience with Angular - Strong skills in routing and navigation optimization - Ability to implement and test changes for improved user experience Please include examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    ...freelancer to manage our online presence and drive growth for our "artificial jewelry business". The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of handling similar projects and a deep understanding of the artificial jewelry industry. **Responsibilities:** 1. **Website Management**: - Regular updates and optimization of the website for a seamless user experience. - Monitoring website performance and fixing any issues to ensure smooth operation. 2. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO)**: - Conducting keyword research relevant to the artificial jewelry market. - Optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results. - Implementing effective link-building strategies to boost online visibility. 3. **Instagram Marketin...

    €104 Average bid
    €104 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    I need a proficient AWS specialist to set up a free tier instance to manage my MySQL backups and restores. Key Requirements: - Setting up a free-tier AWS instance for MySQL backups and restores. - Using appropriate AWS services, with a preference for Amazon S3, Amazon EBS, and Amazon RDS. - Implementing automated backup scheduling. This project is expected to be a long-term engagement, with related tasks arising over time. The ideal freelancer for this project will have extensive experience with AWS, particularly the free tier, and MySQL. They should also be able to set up automated backups efficiently. Good communication skills are essential as I will need to discuss related tasks in the future.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 licitátlag
    55 árajánlat

    ...menus when the mouse leaves them. There should be a variable that if set to true, closes all open menus if the mouse is out of any menu after 1 second. If set to false, all open menus will remain open, even if the mouse is out of any menu. 5. Navigation must be smooth and intuitive. Deliverables: A .vue file with the component (and a .js file for a Pinia store if needed). Additional Information: If necessary, you may use a Pinia store: const storeApp = useApp() to share states. To test and verify everything is working correctly, you can provide a testing link, such as ngrok. Once verified, I will expect the deliverables to be sent, and payment will be released. Add the word 'copito' at the start of your application to be considered. Offers witho...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 licitátlag
    55 árajánlat

    Working on Social media ads and Search Engine ads And Google Ads management and optimization for better conversion rates

    €82 Average bid
    €82 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    All details have bee shared - please accept the quote. Thanks

    €120 Average bid
    €120 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Etsy listing images designed -- 2
    6 nap left

    Project: Universe Images for Etsy Shop (The OF Experts) Objective: Create a cohesive set of "universe images" designed to enhance the perceived value of your shop, increase conversions, and position The of Experts as the go-to destination for OF models. These images will include "How to Use," "Testimonials," "Entire Store Promo," and other strategic visuals that directly appeal to your target audience. --- 1. “How to Use” Image Purpose: Simplify the customer journey and demonstrate the ease of using your products. Design Instructions: Background: Gradient of soft purple (#600186) fading into pale pink (#FFCCE5), with sparkles and subtle bokeh for luxury appeal. Title: “How to Use Your New OF Tools” (Bold font, ...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 licitátlag
    48 árajánlat

    ...Specialist for Paylocity to Rippling Transition, and Support Optimization Description: PRI Global is seeking an experienced independent consultant to provide expert guidance and support for our transition from Paylocity to Rippling. This role involves working closely with our internal team to maximize and optimize Rippling’s features and modules, ensuring seamless integration with our existing systems, such as JobDiva (Applicant Tracking System), Microsoft Teams, AI tools, and Power Apps. With our go-live date on January 2, 2025, we require a specialist who can provide strategic insights and post-go-live support to enhance efficiency across our global operations in the USA, India, and other regions. Responsibilities: 1. Support and Optimization: • Provide a...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    ...Non-Fiction book on Amazon and Draft2Digital. The cover page and manuscript are ready, but I need someone who can do minor formatting adjustments to meet the requirements of each platform. Key Responsibilities: - Minor formatting of the manuscript and cover-page if necessary - Publishing the book on Amazon and Draft2Digital Requirements: - Proficient in handling non-fiction manuscripts - Familiar with Amazon and Draft2Digital publishing process - Able to do minor formatting adjustments - Can work with PDF files and convert to necessary formats - Understands and can apply APA formatting style Skills & Experience: - Previous experience in book publishing - Knowledge of non-fiction genre - Proficiency in document formatting - Familiarity with PDF manipulation to...

    €82 Average bid
    €82 licitátlag
    51 árajánlat
    Global SEO Enhancement
    6 nap left

    I need an SEO expert to help increase my website's organic traffic on a global scale. The project involves: - Keyword Optimization: Researching and implementing effective keywords to improve visibility. - Content Creation: Developing engaging and SEO-friendly content that appeals to an international audience. - Backlink Building: Establishing quality backlinks to boost site credibility and search engine ranking. Ideal candidates should have proven experience in international SEO, excellent content creation skills, and a strong understanding of effective backlink strategies.

    €109 Average bid
    €109 licitátlag
    118 árajánlat
    Amazon Affiliate Website
    6 nap left

    Hello, We're looking for a freelancer to help with the following: - creation of a TOS-compliant Amazon Affiliate website with lots of discounted products; - products will be acquired from a trustful source and have to contain the latest discounted coupons / deals; - we need a long list of products, all discounted and appealing to people from the price perspective; - the products list needs to update hourly / every 6 hours / every 12 hours / daily - and has to contain the latest discounted products on (US only); - this needs to be easy to automate and be a set-and-forget website always up to date with the latest coupons and deals from Let me know if this can be done, how and how much would it cost. Thank you.

    €144 Average bid
    €144 licitátlag
    128 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an expert to review my Ethereum ERC-20 smart contract code that is currently in the testing stage. Key Aspects of the Review: - Security: I need a thorough check for any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited. - Gas Efficiency: The contract should be optimally coded to minimize gas costs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Ethere...stage. Key Aspects of the Review: - Security: I need a thorough check for any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited. - Gas Efficiency: The contract should be optimally coded to minimize gas costs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Ethereum and ERC-20 token standards. - Proven track record in smart contract auditing and security. - Strong understanding of gas optimization...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 licitátlag
    95 árajánlat

    ...application. The screens are fully designed, wireframed, and accompanied by comprehensive business rules for functionality. Key Responsibilities: - Implement UI screens using React Native - Ensure seamless page transitions as per design specifications - Integrate real-time updates for data synchronization between the app and server - Experience in building and deploying apps to Google Play and iOS App Store, adhering to respective platform criteria Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in implementing UI for mobile applications, particularly social networking apps - Strong skills in React Native - Ability to implement specific animations and transitions as per design - Knowledge and experience in integrating real-time data updates - Understanding of working with pre-designed and...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    156 árajánlat

    ...Conduct keyword research, optimize website content, meta tags, headers, images, and internal linking structure to improve organic rankings. • Technical SEO: Improve website speed, mobile optimization, and ensure compliance with SEO best practices, including fixing any crawl errors. • Local SEO: Focus on local SEO targeting homeowners in England, including optimizing for location-based keywords and creating content that appeals to this demographic. • Backlink Strategy: Build and manage a high-quality backlink profile, focusing on relevant home improvement, energy-saving, and local websites. • Content Optimization: Suggest and implement changes to website content to improve SEO performance, ensuring that it aligns with the ECO4 scheme and the needs of...

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    61 árajánlat

    ...Question...... What days and times are you available in Phoenix USA MST Time .. Please respond with the answer to this simple question. I'm seeking an individual WordPress designer/developer (no firms please) to help augment my current website with some key features. Key Tasks: - Incorporate E-commerce functionality: This includes setting up a product catalog and shopping cart. - Integrate SEO optimization tools: I want my site to be more discoverable. - Design: The site needs a simple, yet effective design. - Communication: Fluent English and good communication skills are a must. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in WordPress development, with specific experience in adding E-commerce features and SEO tools. A keen eye for design and an ability to commun...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    276 árajánlat

    Project Description: I am seeking an experienced developer to help fix an issue and implement enhancements in our integration with the Moogold API in our Laravel project. Problem: We are currently experiencing an issue when attempting to edit the product description resolve issues in live environments. Good communication skills to provide updates and gather clarification if needed. Deliverables: A working solution to fix the JSON decode error during product description editing. The addition of a Game ID checking endpoint as specified. Updated codebase with comments and documentation for the changes made. Testing results and any suggestions for further optimization. Please provide your proposal along with any relevant experience you have working with Moogold or similar APIs. ...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat
    Moogold API Fixes and Enhancements
    6 nap left

    Project Description: I am seeking an experienced developer to help fix an issue and implement enhancements in our integration with the Moogold API in our Laravel project. Problem: We are currently experiencing an issue when attempting to edit the product description resolve issues in live environments. Good communication skills to provide updates and gather clarification if needed. Deliverables: A working solution to fix the JSON decode error during product description editing. The addition of a Game ID checking endpoint as specified. Updated codebase with comments and documentation for the changes made. Testing results and any suggestions for further optimization. Please provide your proposal along with any relevant experience you have working with Moogold or similar APIs. ...

    €96 Average bid
    €96 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a skilled Shopify developer who can bring my mockup to life on the platform. My project involves customizing the store, with a particular focus on implementing a pre-designed layout. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a provided mockup on Shopify - Customize various design aspects of the store Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Shopify development - Experience with custom design implementations - Ability to work with provided mockups Please note, while I have a design, the job will require some degree of interpretation and problem-solving to ensure the design works seamlessly on Shopify.

    €82 Average bid
    €82 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat

    I am focused on increasing product sales on Amazon. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proven track record in eCommerce sales, particularly on Amazon. - Expertise in developing and executing sales strategies. - Proficiency in data analysis to track sales progress and identify improvement areas. - Experience in optimizing product listings for higher visibility and sales conversion. Please note: Specific areas of focus to increase sales have not been identified yet, so a flexible and adaptable approach is essential.

    €255 Average bid
    €255 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat