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    2,000 affiliates woocommerce munkát találtunk

    webshop (Wordpress+Woocommerce) összekötése Kulcs-Soft-tal - termékimport és befelé szinkronizálás a webáruházba Kulcs-Soft raktárkezelőből - adatok, képek, leírások - készletkezelés nem kell - csak termék, vásárlás nem Mindenképpen olyan jelenetkezését várjuk, akinek van már tapasztalata ebben.

    €233 Average bid
    €233 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Szeretném, ha a woocommerce adatai nem lennének mindenki számára láthatóak. Hogyan védjük jelszóval a woocomereket? Lehetséges ez? Nem akarom, hogy azok, akik az oldalon dolgoznak, lássák, milyen bevétele van az oldalnak. Tudsz nekem ebben segíteni?

    €27 Average bid
    €27 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat
    Wordpress sablon
    Véget ért left

    Sablon csere és woocommerce integrálás

    €248 - €248
    €248 - €248
    0 árajánlat

    Sziasztok! Szeretnék létrehozni egy WordPress alapú WooCommerce webshopot, ahol ügyfeleim egy térképtervező API (pl.: MapBox) segítségével, szabhatják testre saját térképüket, majd megrendelhetik azt tőlem. Ezt követően kinyomtatom a térképet, bekeretezem és elküldöm nekik. Így képzelem el az oldalt: Erre a projektre várok ajánlatokat. Köszönettel, iNEO DSGN

    €193 Average bid
    €193 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Véget ért left

    1. WooCommerce GoogleSheet szinkronizálása. A táblázatból tudjam kezelni "frissíteni" a készletet, árakat-akciós árakat szerekszteni a legegyszerűbben ( ez a tutorial alapján próbáltam eddig összehozni sikertelenül: ) 2. Készletkezelés próbléma egy fulfillment cégénél van kiszervezve a logisztika ( de a többit majd szóban).

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Laravel oldalunk továbbfejlesztéséhez keresünk partnert. Következő projektünk a kereső cseréje és új szakkatalógus bevezetése, meglévő bank-endből API-n keresztül. Ezen kívül jelenleg a bankkártyás fizetésen dolgozunk WooCommerce használatával, melyben egy adott ponton szintén segítségre lehet szükségünk. Oldalaink:

    €465 Average bid
    €465 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Project for Kapitz D.
    Véget ért left

    Szia! Egy kifutó Lego készletek értékesítésével foglalkozó, 2-3 online brand-et is magában foglalkozó weboldal és webshop rendszert szeretnék kiépíteni. Ehhez keresek egy megfelelő partnert, aki minden olyan Wordpress és Woocommerce oldali feladatokat el tud látni, ami nem Design. Hosszút távra kersek valakit alapvetően óradíjas elszámolásban (előny, ha használsz valamilyen feladat kezelő rendszer, ami megkönnyíti az együttműködést). Ha érdekes lehet, beszéljünk! Köszi, Zz

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Project for Jozsef S.
    Véget ért left

    Szia! Egy kifutó Lego készletek értékesítésével foglalkozó, 2-3 online brand-et is magában foglalkozó weboldal és webshop rendszert szeretnék kiépíteni. Ehhez keresek egy megfelelő partnert, aki minden olyan Wordpress és Woocommerce oldali feladatokat el tud látni, ami nem Design. Hosszút távra kersek valakit alapvetően óradíjas elszámolásban (előny, ha használsz valamilyen feladat kezelő rendszer, ami megkönnyíti az együttműködést). Ha érdekes lehet, beszéljünk! Köszi, Zz

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Project for Memex
    Véget ért left

    Szia! Egy kifutó Lego készletek értékesítésével foglalkozó, 2-3 online brand-et is magában foglalkozó weboldal és webshop rendszert szeretnék kiépíteni. Ehhez keresek egy megfelelő partnert, aki minden olyan Wordpress és Woocommerce oldali feladatokat el tud látni, ami nem Design. Hosszút távra kersek valakit alapvetően óradíjas elszámolásban (előny, ha használsz valamilyen feladat kezelő rendszer, ami megkönnyíti az együttműködést). Ha érdekes lehet, beszéljünk! Köszi, Zz

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    A wordpresshez és a woocommerce-hez valóban értő szakembert keresünk, aki látott már működő webáruházat, tudja, hogy mit jelent a rendelési és üzleti folyamat és hogy egy webáruházban nem csupán 1 darab valamit lehet eladni. Ismeri az e-kereskedelmi kritériumokat kiegészítő plug in-eket. Amire még szüksége van Social beállítások, MyGLS integráció, szá beállítás, egyedi jogosultságok (vevő) kezelése, több szintű árképzés. Rendelés összesítés - export - stb. Webshop indulás 2 hét - oldal kész&u...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Kedves Szabadúszó! Segítséget szeretnék kérni woocommerce webshopunk összekötésében Árukereső és Árgép oldalakkal. Jelenleg csak az XML fájlunkkal van hiba, ebben kérném segítségedet, egy XML pluginnel bizonyára ez könnyen elkészíthető, nekem sajnos nincs rá időm. Van minta XML fájl. Feladat: - és kompatibilis XML kimenetel készítése Köszönettel, Máté

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 árajánlat

    2 meglévő kis webaruhaz karbantartása, hibak javitasa. fejlesztése. wordpress woocommerce alap php szükséges

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    32 árajánlat

    Wordpress alapú honlapok elkészítésére keresek munkatársat. Feladatok: WP telepítés, az oldal felépítése az esetek többségében Divi sablonnal, Arculat kialakítása a kapott instrukciók, minták alapján. A kapott szöveges és képi tartalom feltöltése, oldalak, menüpontok létrehozása. Pluginok telepítése és beállítása (pl.: Yoast SEO, WPML, Woocommerce) Esetlegesen egyszerű logo tervezése. Mellékelve néhány oldal, ami mintaként szolgál.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    33 árajánlat

    Woocommerce cimkenyomtató API Modul elkészítésére keresünk megfelelő szakembert. Dokumentáció mellékelve árajánlatokat várjuk

    €302 Average bid
    €302 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    Üdvözlöm, Meglevő működő webáruházamhoz keresek fejlesztő munkatársat havi pár órában. Egy kis forgalmú kb 40 termékes webáruházról beszélünk. Wordpress és WooCommerce isemret elvárt. Amire szüksége: A webshop karbantartása. Általános frissítések szakszerű elvégzése ( legutóbbi frissítésnél éltünk a logó web áruházról és nem tudom vissza rakni) Termék fotók optimalizálása. Adwords fiok kezelése Hírével beálitásai( jelenleg mailchimp van telepítve, ...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    33 árajánlat
    Project for szh123
    Véget ért left

    Kedves Hunor, Véletlenül akadtam rá az adatlapodra. Érdeklődnék, hogy woocommerce (wordpress) ügyben mennyire vagy jártas? A Bethesda Gyermekkórház alapítványától írok. Lényegében fut (úgy ahogy) egy honlapunk, amit én követtem el (). A minap frissítettem a woocommerce plugint és szétcsúszott az online adományozás rész. Csináltam backup-ot előtte és child theme-mel dolgozok. De bizonyos részek nem működnek a backuppal való downgrade után sem. Ebben kérném segítséged, ha úgy érzed megoldható a dolog. Túl sok i...

    €10 - €10 / hr
    €10 - €10 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Job for people from Hungary,Serbia,Croatia. Pozdrav, trazim developera koji ima iskustva u editovanje WP tema i Paymen system ( Woocommerce) Na primer: Dodati jos 3 sekcija u WP theme,Editovati Woocommerce plugin. Üdvözlet, Wordpress Woocommerce plugin módositásában jártas szakembert keresek projekt munkára. Ha nem okoz neked gondot,hogy a WP témát kibővisd pl: 3 új 'section'-al vagy kicseréld a fizetési rész stilusát, akkor nyugodtan jelentkezz.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Meglévő Woocommerce rendszerhez szeretnék egy előfizetési modult (jelenleg van 4-5, de egyik sem tökéletes), ami off line, azaz nyomtatott kiadványok előfizetéseit tudja kezelni. Fontos, hogy az előfizetés időtartama 3/6/12 hónap kezdete és befejezési, azaz előfizetési lejárati dátuma módosítható legyen. Sima form megoldás is érdekel, ahol a rendeléskor megadott előfizetés kezdete dátumhoz automatikus kiszámolja a lejárati dátumot és azt az adminban kezelni tudjuk. Szeretném, ha a modul vagy form a dátumokat automatikusan, de módosíthatóan tudná kezelni.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    ...ENGLISH *** I'm about to open a webshop which will run on Wordpress and using WooCommerce plugin. To keep my stock up-to-date my wholesaler provides me a password protected XML channel which contains all the available products I can sell and also it's quantity. I need someone who connects my WooCommerce to this XML channel. I believe this work should be pretty easy to someone who is familiar with WooCommerce and XML. I woud need the job done within a month but rather in middle of september. *** MAGYAR *** Egy webshopot készítek, amihez az alábbira volna szükségem: adott egy jelszóval védett XML forrás, ahonnan a termékeket és a készletnyilvántartást kéne...

    €66 Average bid
    €66 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Árajánlatokat és elkészítési határidőt várok a címben szereplő projektre.

    €240 Average bid
    €240 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a robust, user-friendly online store for selling physical goods. The s...features: - Shopping Cart: A smooth, hassle-free shopping cart experience is crucial for customer satisfaction. - User Reviews: A section for customer reviews to foster trust and engagement. - Product Filtering: A systematic product filtering feature to help customers easily navigate and find what they are looking for. While I haven't specified a preferred platform, experience with Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento would be advantageous. Ideally, you are a seasoned professional with a strong portfolio in e-commerce website development. Your proposal should detail your previous relevant experience, along with examples of physical goods e-commerce s...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a seasoned WooCommerce and WordPress expert to customize or create a plugin aimed at enhancing our site's functionality. The primary focus of this plugin is on user and event logging. Key Requirements: - Develop or customize a plugin that enhances our current tracking capabilities. - The plugin should enable user activity tracking, event notifications, and detailed reporting. - including event log and tracking of database log including kitchen log, event log, transactions, refund, void and cash drawer Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce is a must. - Previous experience in creating or customizing plugins is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of user and event log functionalities. - Ability to deliver a plugin...

    €121 Average bid
    €121 licitátlag
    164 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced Wordpress developer with a solid background in WooCommerce and Stripe integration. Im facing problem in Stripe Account Verification. Task Is - 1. help me to verify my stripe account. 2. Integrate with my wordpress website. Key requirements: - Implement Stripe Checkout without design customization. I want to keep the default layout. - Ensure smooth integration with WooCommerce, catering specifically for digital product transactions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in Wordpress and WooCommerce development. - Extensive experience with Stripe Checkout integration. - Strong understanding of digital product e-commerce. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a specified timeframe.

    €25 Average bid
    €25 licitátlag
    83 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to create a robust e-commerce website on the WooCommerce platform. The site should provide an excellent user experience, featuring: - Product Search and Filtering: Customers should be able to easily navigate through our product range and find what they're looking for. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer feedback on products is essential. This will help build trust and authenticity on our platform. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in WooCommerce and e-commerce website development. - Strong skills in web design and user experience. - Ability to integrate and manage customer review systems and product search features. - Proficiency in implementing SEO best practices to enhance s...

    €88 Average bid
    €88 licitátlag
    94 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a freelancer to help me create a fully functional online shoe store from scratch. Key Elements: - The store should be designed with a focus on a secure payment gateway, as this is a top priority. - While I don't currently have a preferred platfor...Elements: - The store should be designed with a focus on a secure payment gateway, as this is a top priority. - While I don't currently have a preferred platform, I would appreciate your guidance on this. A recommendation for a platform that balances robustness with ease of use would be beneficial. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with eCommerce web development - Proficient in Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento - Knowledge of secure payment systems integration - Strong UX/UI design skills to ensure...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    83 árajánlat

    I am looking for a professional web developer to create a robust, user-frien...Key Features: - The primary purpose of the website is to allow users to download audiobooks. - The site should support multiple payment methods including Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, and Cryptocurrency. - The platform should include interactive components such as user reviews and ratings, a wishlist for future downloads, and previews of audiobooks. You must be able to understand Amazon S3 to Woocommerce. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in e-commerce and subscription-based website development. They should also have experience with integrating multiple payment gateways and implementing user-interactive features. Creativity in delivering an engaging and intuitive user interface will be highly...

    €84 Average bid
    €84 licitátlag
    162 árajánlat

    ...customizing WooCommerce for specific order needs, online payment integration, SEO optimization, hosting setup, and ensuring responsive design. The website needs to be multilingual with English, French, and Arabic. The existing translation issues primarily stem from incomplete translations added manually using PHP and JavaScript. Specific tasks include: Fixing incomplete translations across the site. Customizing WooCommerce forms for pickup and delivery orders. Setting up and enabling secure online payments. Optimizing the site for SEO. Ensuring the site is fully responsive across all devices. Migrating the site from localhost to a live server, including hosting setup and domain configuration. The ideal candidate would have: Extensive experience with WordPress and Wo...

    €384 Average bid
    €384 licitátlag
    156 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to revamp my current branding elements, specifically the logo, fonts, and main woocommerce banner. The primary focus will be on redesigning the logo to a minimalist style that incorporates both an icon and text. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job include: - A strong portfolio of minimalist design work - Graphic design experience with branding - Proficiency in designing logos that blend text with symbols - Ability to refresh other branding elements including fonts and banners - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback

    €79 Average bid
    €79 licitátlag
    240 árajánlat

    ...y de compras de los productos. Cambiar algunas imágenes aunque yo dispongo de muchas, pero algunas que transmita lo que hacemos y para quien va dirigido, como el producto le puede ayudar, ventajas, seguridad y tranquilidad que le dará al usar el producto, mejorar también los textos y simplificar la navegación entre las paginas o que sea fácil de leer, ver y entender. La web esta creada por WooCommerce con elementor, porque me defiendo algo y me sirve para que yo pueda hacer el mantenimiento o cambios de imagen o texto y puede tener en total alrededor de 22 paginas. Todos los plugins son la versión gratuita ya que es un proyecto que estoy arrancando y no quiero meterme el pagos mensuales o anuales, necesito todo que sea gratis. Hacer e...

    €409 Average bid
    €409 licitátlag
    89 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced eCommerce professional to oversee my wordpress site. The role will encompass product listing and updates, order and inventory management, and devising a comprehensive marketing strategy. The ideal candidate will also manage and implement engaging social media campaigns and effective SEO practices to increase site visibility and sales. Prior experience with WooCommerce is essential, and a proven track record in eCommerce management is preferred.

    €367 Average bid
    €367 licitátlag
    168 árajánlat

    ...WordPress/WooCommerce site is currently experiencing some plugin conflicts or errors, and I'm seeking a skilled professional who can identify and resolve these issues swiftly. The specific plugins causing problems are unknown to me, but the site is experiencing a range of issues, from loading problems to checkout process hitches. Key tasks: - Troubleshoot and fix plugin conflicts/errors on the site - Update the integration between SparkShipping EDI software and our drop shipping vendor - Reupdate product listings from our vendor using EDI/API integration with SparkShipping addon - Integrate the website onto Google Shopping The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in EDI integration and dropshipping software, with a solid understanding of WordPress/Woo...

    €513 Average bid
    €513 licitátlag
    322 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional web designer to create an e-commerce site for me that will sell digital products. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing e-commerce websites - Familiarity with selling digital products online - Ability to create an appealing, user-friendly interface ...Requirements: - Experience in designing e-commerce websites - Familiarity with selling digital products online - Ability to create an appealing, user-friendly interface - Understanding of SEO best practices to improve site visibility - Skills in integrating secure payment systems The platform for this website hasn't been decided yet, so a good knowledge of various e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento would be beneficial. Please include a portfolio of relevant wo...

    €3524 Average bid
    €3524 licitátlag
    164 árajánlat

    Seeking a WordPress expert with Elementor experience for a few minor changes on my site. Key tasks include: - Adding a corporate and professional styled WooCommerce subpage using Elementor. - Installing a 'Call Now' button in the footer. - Ensuring the website is responsive, specifically focusing on text and images. -Need to do some changes in 2-3 banner images. Ideal candidates should have a solid understanding of Elementor, WordPress, and responsive design.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 licitátlag
    80 árajánlat

    ...integration with the WordPress/WooCommerce cart system. Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile devices with smooth swipe gestures. Responsive layout for desktop and tablet views. Customizable Settings in WordPress Admin Panel: Ability to upload videos and associate them with products in WooCommerce. Options to customize video playback behavior (e.g., autoplay, loop). Customizable bottom info section (font, size, colors, etc.). Performance Optimization: Lightweight and fast-loading for smooth user experience. Efficient caching and optimized database queries. Optional Features (Bonus): Video analytics: Track views and interactions. Social media share buttons for each product. Technical Requirements: Must be compatible with WordPress 6.x and WooCommerce. Adhe...

    €293 Average bid
    €293 licitátlag
    58 árajánlat

    I need it within 24 hours max I need an experienced WooCommerce developer to help me edit my product setup plugin. The specifics of the modifications haven't been determined yet, so I would appreciate your expert input. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce and WordPress. - Proficiency in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. - Familiarity with WooCommerce plugins and their customization. - Good understanding of e-commerce user experience. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on.

    €8 - €16
    €8 - €16
    61 árajánlat

    I need someone to help me upload products to my WooCommerce website. I have all the images, they will need to be resized and compressed to keep the under 100kb. The products will need to be added to multiple categories, which I have already set up. Product Categories: - Fencing: 5 collections and 4 sizes in each collection. These will need to be tagged into sizes and colour categories. - Decking Panels: 2 types, 5 colours, and 2 different sizes. - Cladding: 4 types, both interior and exterior. You will need to copy prices from another website and write a small, factual and informative product description for each item. SEO keywords will be provided by me. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - WooCommerce expertise - Image editing skills - Copywriting - Attention to...

    €121 Average bid
    €121 licitátlag
    161 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create a personalized website for my T-shirt brand. The reference website is provided here: Key Requirements: - The project page needs a 360-degree rotation feature, allowing users to view the T-shirts from all angles. - A WordPress-based backend tool to manage product details, with real-time updates reflected on the main page. This tool should also incorporate order tracking and customer feedback systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce - Experience in creating interactive 3D visualizations - Understanding of inventory management systems - Able to integrate customer feedback mechanisms - Excellent web development skills, with a portfolio of similar projects

    €267 Average bid
    €267 licitátlag
    131 árajánlat in WooCommerce who can help me associate IMEI numbers with our stock of mobile products. This project involves the following tasks: - Associating IMEI Numbers: We sell mobile products, for instance, the Samsung Ultra 4. For this SKU, we have variations based on color, storage, and location. We have a stock of 120 units for a specific variation and we need to associate 120 unique IMEI numbers with this stock. This requirement extends to all our products, not just the Samsung Ultra 4. - IMEI Information Display: I need the IMEI numbers to be available to customers after purchase. The IMEI numbers should not be visible on the product page, but rather accessible to the customer post-purchase. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with WooComm...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 licitátlag
    206 árajánlat

    I'm looking to ...initiative is to drive more traffic to my website. Ideal Affiliates: - My target affiliates for this program are primarily bloggers and influencers. Their reach and influence will be pivotal in promoting my brand and products. Content for Promotion: - I want affiliates to utilize sponsored posts as a means of promotion. This will ensure that the content is tailored and aligned with my brand message and product offerings. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify and the Jaka App is a must. - Prior experience in setting up affiliate marketing sections on e-commerce platforms will be highly regarded. - Strong understanding and connections with bloggers and influencers will be a plus. - Excellent communication skills to liaise with affi...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer or an ecommerce specialist to cre...dedicated to selling physical goods. Key Requirements: - The online store needs to have integration with Square as the primary payment gateway. - Essential features of the store include: - A system for user reviews on products. - A shipping calculator to provide accurate shipping costs to customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or custom solutions. - Experience with Square payment gateway integration. - Knowledge of implementing user review systems and shipping calculators. - Strong understanding of physical goods eCommerce and inventory management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on. I look f...

    €183 Average bid
    €183 licitátlag
    181 árajánlat

    Hello I need an experienced WordPress developer who can assist me with importing custom attribute variations into my WP site using the WP All Import plugin. I have a standardized Excel file ready, but I am struggling with mapping the data to the appropriate WP All Import fields. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with WordPress and WP All Import plugin - Proficiency in mapping Excel data to WP All Import fields - Ability to work under tight deadlines I would like to have this issue resolved as soon as possible, preferably today or tomorrow. Your quick response and expertise will be highly appreciated. I have later more Projects similiar to that. Thank You

    €114 Average bid
    €114 licitátlag
    148 árajánlat

    ...professional to create a WordPress website with Woocommerce for my company that manufactures metal products. The primary objective of this site is to facilitate online sales of our products. Key Requirements: - Design & Development: A clean, user-friendly, and responsive design that showcases our products and facilitates easy navigation for potential customers. - Woocommerce Integration: Full integration of Woocommerce to handle our online sales seamlessly. - Payment Gateway: Implement Mercado Pago as our sole payment method. Previous experience with Mercado Pago is a plus. - Fixed Product Options: All our products have fixed options, hence no need for product customization features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and Woocommerce...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 licitátlag
    275 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an expert in e-commerce to create a virtual store primarily selling services. The platform choice hasn't been decided yet, so proficiency in Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento would be an advantage. Key Features: - General product sales: Although the store is service-centric, it should have the capability to sell physical goods and digital products as well in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in e-commerce platform development and management. - Proficiency in Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. - Strong understanding of service-oriented e-commerce stores. - Ability to create a flexible platform for diverse product types.

    €459 Average bid
    €459 licitátlag
    178 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an expert in e-commerce to create a virtual store primarily selling services. The platform choice hasn't been decided yet, so proficiency in Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento would be an advantage. Key Features: - General product sales: Although the store is service-centric, it should have the capability to sell physical goods and digital products as well in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in e-commerce platform development and management. - Proficiency in Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. - Strong understanding of service-oriented e-commerce stores. - Ability to create a flexible platform for diverse product types.

    €152 Average bid
    €152 licitátlag
    212 árajánlat

    As an E-commerce business owner, I need a highly skilled WordPress developer to create a professional, user-friendly website via my Hostinger account. The primary goal of this site is to increase sales through an integrated product catalog using WooCommerce. Key Requirements: - Design: The website must be responsive and mobile-friendly, aligning with my branding. - Catalog: A seamless integration of a product catalog using WooCommerce is essential. - Setup: Domain setup and SSL configuration must be handled. - Performance: The website should be SEO-friendly and optimized for fast loading speed. Please provide examples of your previous WordPress projects, along with your estimated timeline and cost for this project. Your expertise in developing e-commerce sites and understan...

    €262 Average bid
    €262 licitátlag
    192 árajánlat

    ...class is needed in your theme css. WARNING: Found echo $ in the file woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php. Possible data validation issues found. All dynamic data must be correctly escaped for the context where it is rendered. Line 39: <?php echo $readonly ? 'readonly='readonly'' : ''; ?> REQUIRED: Could not find the file in the theme. REQUIRED: .ds_store . .eslintrc .gitignore Hidden Files or Folders found. INFO: More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. Text domains that are unrelated to the theme are not allowed and must be removed. Packaged PHP libraries (i.e. TGMPA), frameworks and plugin template text domains are allowed. The domains found are woocommerce, wow-cloth, cloth REQUIRED: This...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 licitátlag
    227 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned WooCommerce specialist to develop a site similar to The site will sell sports equipment accessories, and I aim for it to be SEO-optimized on a per-product basis. Key Requirements: - Create a WooCommerce site mirroring the referenced one. - Implement easy product upload functionality. - Optimize site speed for quick loading times. - Competitive pricing, delivery timeline, and WooCommerce experience are crucial. User Navigation: - Users should be able to filter products by categories. Content: - I have all the product content ready, including images and descriptions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce. - Ability to implement SEO strategies effectively. - Proficiency in creating fast-loading eCommerce

    €431 Average bid
    €431 licitátlag
    405 árajánlat

    I need to enhance my automotive dealership website built on WooCommerce and Elementor. Key tasks include: - Adding car body types (Sedan, SUV, Truck) as icons on the homepage - Each icon should link to the respective "Car Type" product attribute - Implementing a carousel that features 6 to 8 different car types Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in WooCommerce, Elementor, and Carousel - Experience in eCommerce website development - Ability to implement interactive website features - Understanding of automotive industry body types No custom icon design is needed, pre-designed icons can be used. However, I am open to suggestions if you have any.

    €36 Average bid
    €36 licitátlag
    121 árajánlat

    ...Sécurité SSL : Protocole HTTPS pour sécuriser les échanges. Pour un site e-commerce : • Panier d’achat et gestion des paiements (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). • Système de gestion des stocks. • Avis clients et évaluations des produits. Pour un site interactif : • Chat en direct ou chatbot. 3. Choisir la bonne technologie • WordPress : Idéal pour la plupart des sites (vitrines, blogs, e-commerce via WooCommerce). • Shopify : • Développement personnalisé : • utiliser des frameworks comme Laravel, React, ou Vue.js. 4. Design et expérience utilisateur (UX) • Identité visuelle cohérente : Logo, couleurs, typographie. • CTA (Call-to-Action) :...

    €452 Average bid
    €452 licitátlag
    152 árajánlat

    ...Sécurité SSL : Protocole HTTPS pour sécuriser les échanges. Pour un site e-commerce : • Panier d’achat et gestion des paiements (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). • Système de gestion des stocks. • Avis clients et évaluations des produits. Pour un site interactif : • Chat en direct ou chatbot. 3. Choisir la bonne technologie • WordPress : Idéal pour la plupart des sites (vitrines, blogs, e-commerce via WooCommerce). • Shopify : • Développement personnalisé : • utiliser des frameworks comme Laravel, React, ou Vue.js. 4. Design et expérience utilisateur (UX) • Identité visuelle cohérente : Logo, couleurs, typographie. • CTA (Call-to-Action) :...

    €449 Average bid
    €449 licitátlag
    152 árajánlat