1000 company namesmunkák
Üdv! Magyar anyanyelvű szabadúszó copywritereket keresek potenciálisan hosszú távú együttműködésre. Elsősorban szerencsejáték és online sportfogadás témában kellene különböző magyar nyelvű írásos tartalmakat készíteni, a megadott instrukciókat követve. Jelenleg körülbelül összesen heti 1000-4000 szót kitevő mennyiségű tartalomra van szükségem. Teljesen kezdő szabadúszókra is nyitott vagyok. Ha tudsz, kérlek mellékelj általad írt szöveget a bidhez. Díjzás: feladattól függően 7,50 USD - 8,50 USD / 1000...
Kedves Dóra! Egy jógastúdió Facebook csoportjának újraélesztésben kérnénk a segítséged. Nemrég kerültünk a stúdióba és azt látjuk, hogy hiába van több mint 1000 követője, szinte semmilyen visszhangja sincs a post-jainknak. Szerettünk volna fizetős hirdetést feladni, de nem sikerült. Az első beszélgetésünkkor (07.14 csütörtök 14 és 16 óra között vagy 07.15 péntek 10 és 12 óra között esetleg most hétvégén egy óra) erre szeretnénk összpontosítani. Jó valamelyik időpont neked? Üdv,...
Kedves Krisztina! Egy jógastúdió Facebook csoportjának újraélesztésben kérnénk a segítséged. Nemrég kerültünk a stúdióba és azt látjuk, hogy hiába van több mint 1000 követője, szinte semmilyen visszhangja sincs a post-jainknak. Szerettünk volna fizetős hirdetést feladni, de nem sikerült. Az első beszélgetésünkkor (07.14 csütörtök 14 és 16 óra között vagy 07.15 péntek 10 és 12 óra között) erre szeretnénk összpontosítani. Jó valamelyik időpont neked? Üdv, Timár Tibor
Egy magazin portált készítünk. A keretünk és az elképzelésünk 600-1000 szavas cikkek. A témák Ház és kert , Életmód, Természet stb rovatok. Nem bulvárt de nem is szakértői portált készítünk. Könnyed, olvasmányos de azért informativ cikkeket képzeltünk el. Kizárólag magyar nyelven!
Akármilyen régi, magazinba való cikkeket keresek nagy tételben. 600 Ft-ot tudok fizetni 1000 szavanként. Az ideális hosszúság 300-350 szó/cikk.
Szia! Olyan szövegíróra van szükségünk, aki hosszabb, 1000-1500 szavas szakmai cikket közérthetően meg tud írni adott témában (pl bölcsességfog eltávolítása) megadott guide alapján, valamint rövidebb, 500 szavas cikkeket is képes logikusan felépített keretek közé zárni. Hosszútávú együttműködésre keresünk írót, tehát folyamatos megrendeléseink lesznek. 1. Milyen karakteráron dolgozol? 2. Tudnál referenciát küldeni? Köszönettel: Benjámin
Szia! Olyan szövegíróra van szükségünk, aki hosszabb, 1000-1500 szavas szakmai cikket közérthetően meg tud írni adott témában (pl bölcsességfog eltávolítása) megadott guide alapján, valamint rövidebb, 500 szavas cikkeket is képes logikusan felépített keretek közé zárni. Hosszútávú együttműködésre keresünk írót, tehát folyamatos megrendeléseink lesznek. 1. Milyen karakteráron dolgozol? 2. Tudnál referenciát küldeni? Köszönettel: Benjámin
Üdv! Angol-magyar fordítóra van szükségem könnyebb webszövegek lefordítására. Egy-egy szöveg kb. 1000 szó, s folyamatos munka lenne. Kérem a licitnél 1000 szóra add meg a licited. Köszi!
Kedves Barothi L.! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket! Csatolom az első 5 dokumentumot, mely már véglegesnek mondható. Összesen kb 1000 szó, elsőként kérlek ezeket fordítsd le románra. Ezt követően küldöm majd a továbbiakat is. Épp dolgozunk rajta.
Kedves Erika! Lakberendezéssel kapcsolatos blog írási projektemhez keresek együttműködőket. Többféle megoldáson gondolkodunk: - Nagyobb cikkek 1000-1500 szavasak - Sales jellegű, szórakoztató tartalmak (sok kép, és max. 500 szó) Első körben 2 nagy és 5 kisebb cikkre lenne szükségünk, ha az elvárásoknak megfelelő, akkor hosszabb távon is számítanánk a munkára. Mit gondolsz? Üdv, Gergő
Itt szeretnélek inkább felbérelni, mert igy olcsóbb. Legyen $10 először, két 1000 szavas cikkre. Az első témát mindjárt mondom is! :)
Hello Attila, ahogy látom, németül is beszélsz, érdeklődnék, hogy mennyi időt vesz igénybe nálad napi 2000 szó megírása, magyarul. Napi 2 rövid cikk, 500 szó, ezek jellemzően hírek, nem egyszerű fordítás, 3 német hír alapján kell egy újat írni, és 1 800-1000 szavas tartalmasabb leírás, ami a németországi magyaroknak segít a mindennapi életben.
Szervusz Tamás egy php-linux micro project-et kellene megoldani. Egy mysql táblában vannak domének és a http status code-jukat kellene lekérdezni, de egyszerre futtatni (mondjuk) 1000 egyforma php szkriptet.
...dogecoin-tól-1000 dogecoin-ig LTC esetében 2500 litoshi-tól- 100000 litoshi-ig állítható lenne százalékos arányban mindenhol mekkora eséllyel nyerhetőek meg az összegek szükség lenne 3 progressive jackpot-ra is BTC DOGE LTC ami növekményes lenne minden pörgetés után hozzáadna százalékosan valamennyi összeget naponta 5x adna jackpotot véletlenszerűen. A kerekekről néhány szó: először Bitcoin kerék utána Dogecoin kerék és utoljára Litecoin kerék a felhasználók pörgethetnek 15 percenként 1x ,minden keréken 3 külön szá...
Bizonyos szempontból szűkített ingatlan kínálat találati listára formaüzenet küldése. Az ajánlatot 1000 üzenet kiküldésére kérem.
Szia! Kato Kata vagyok, a jogaink egyesulet alelnoke. A kovetkezo feladatokra keresek egy designert: * az egyesulet logoja * ”Jogi Kisokos” c konyvunk boritoja * 14 ikon a konyv egy-egy fejezetehez * egy nevjegykartya design Az egesz munkara maximum 1000 lejunk van, viszont nagyon fontos hogy tudj szamlat kiallitani. Varom a valaszod! Kata
...plasztikkártya, szórólap, és a telefonos applikációnk, illetve egyéb reklámanyagok arculatának a megtervezésére mindenképpen szükségünk van azonnal, de a lista később bővülhet további feladatokkal. Amennyiben úgy érzi, hogy tudna nekünk segíteni, kérem, küldjön nekünk referenciákat és egy részletes árajánlatot is. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődést, és további szép napot kívánunk Önnek! Our company needs a designer with references to make our whole design. We need the design now of a box, plastic card, flyer,...
kell nekem az oldalamra +1000 rajongo..magyar nyelvuek
A feladat: írj összesen 5x1000 szót: minden csoportban az első szót ki lehet találni a többi 4-ből. További részletek privátban. Példa: lámpa: fény, áram, olvasás, világítás Szükséges: -egy modern böngésző vagy bármilyen táblázatkezelő -sok kreativitás 1000 nem kevés, kérlek csak akkor jelentkezz, ha meg tudod csinálni. A projektre 1 hét áll rendelkezésre, szerdai kezdéssel.
A feladat: írj összesen 5x1000 szót: minden csoportban az első szót ki lehet találni a többi 4-ből. További részletek privátban. Példa: lámpa: fény, áram, olvasás, világítás Szükséges: -egy modern böngésző vagy bármilyen táblázatkezelő -sok kreativitás 1000 nem kevés, kérlek csak akkor jelentkezz, ha meg tudod csinálni. A projektre 1 hét áll rendelkezésre, szerdai kezdéssel.
QAWFafAFafsaffgsgfsagfsafsa vdklmnásldknsad'nksa;dl dfb'lsa bks b'ls bvlk;SBVKsbvSBVSnb'sBKL SA B SAB SA BDSA B SAB ASDBADSB BDSA SA DS SD BDS dsfbsB
I will provide names, address, phone, email, etc. etc on a pdf file. I need the information put in an excel spread sheet under company, contact, phone, mobile, fax, email, address, city, state, ID each set will be given a specific ID. some names an email will need to be entered There are approximately 500 or so names. maybe less maybe more one set will be on the internet to scrape the other are on pdf.
I'm seeking a professional designer to create a unique logo for my trucking company, intended for shirt printing. The design should feature a playful yet sophisticated blend of cartoonish and realistic styles. Key Elements: - The logo should say "I'm truckin Baby!" - It should depict an infant/baby elbow slightly hanging out the driver window, with one hand on the wheel, looking out the window with a pacifier in his mouth. Color Scheme: - The logo should utilize a dark and bold color palette. Think strong colors that stand out, yet maintain a sense of professionalism. Primary Use: - The logo will primarily be printed on shirts, so it should be designed with this in mind, ensuring it will be clear and visually appealing on fabric. Ideal Candidates: - Prior exp...
We are looking for a qualified chartered accountant to complete and file (submit) a set of accounts for our UK registered Limited to Companies House UK and HMRC. Must have experience of UK accounting system plus personal and corporation tax. The ideal candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English. 1. Which body/organisation are you certified with? 2. How much practical experience do you have of the UK system? Thank you
I need a professional web developer to create an informative website for my company. It should clearly outline our services while also being user-friendly and appealing. Key Requirements: - Design and develop an "About Us" page to provide background on our company - Create a "Services" page detailing the variety of services we offer - Develop a "Contact Us" page with integrated contact form - Set up an online appointment booking feature - Design a "Products Catalog" page - Include a "Our Clients" page to showcase our partnerships - Implement a "Work With Us" page for potential recruits - Provide a link to our Water Damage Division Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing informational websites...
...Google AdWords expert to develop a campaign aimed at generating leads and boosting sales for my HVAC company in the greater Houston TX area. I will give you keywords that work and you will make more keywords out of them by adding the cities names that are located in our service area to the backside of the keyword provided, you will also create new keywords by adding the zipcode of the areas serviced to the back of the keywords provided. Key Objectives: - The primary goal of the campaign is to generate leads that can potentially convert into sales. - The campaign will be aimed at all types of customers: residential, commercial and property management companies. Services Offered: - My HVAC company provides comprehensive Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning se...
I'm looking for a seasoned online marketing professional with a strong focus on Social Media Marketing, primarily on all social media sites including all the popular ones first, to help generate leads for my HVAC business in the greater Houston Texas, USA area. Keywords will be provided with instruction for creating more keywords by taking the provided keywords and putting benind those keywords the town name, then create more keywords by putting the zip code behind the town name, then more keywords by putting near townname and again more keywords by putting near zip code behind keywords and so on. we also have a website with a form where the customer can submit pictures as well as notes on shanesac.com. NO CONTACT OUTSIDE OF FREELANCER WILL BE TOLORATED! Key Responsibilities: - De...
I need a speedy turnaround on a simple, professional and corporate styled 4-page WordPress website for my driveaway company. The pages should include Home, About Us, Services, and Contact. Key Requirements: - Pages: Home, About Us, Services, Contact - Style: Professional and corporate - Functionalities: Contact form and driver application form Ideal Skills: - WordPress proficiency - Experience in creating corporate-styled websites - Knowledge in implementing simple forms on WordPress
We are seeking a UK resident to act as a nominee director for our consumer electronics business. This role requires the individual to be my representative for a full 12 months. Background Party A (either a company or individual, from our side) requires a nominee director for our company account verification purposes. Party B agrees to act as Party A’s nominee director during the term of this Agreement. Party B will only be a nominal director and will not participate in the actual management or decision-making of Party A’s business. Both parties agree to the terms of this Agreement under UK law. Article 1: Nominee Director Services 1. Party B agrees to act as Party A's nominee director for the term of this Agreement. Party B will serve only as a nominal dir...
I'm seeking freelancers with connections to Non-Profits for a unique ongoing fundraising proposal. This is a 40-year-old, debt free, US-based consumer product company, with a special offer for non-profits. (This absolutely is not a MLM scheme) The goal is to make donations a part of the monthly grocery budget rather than an out-of-pocket expense, while creating a winning situation for the freelancer, the non-profit and the donor. The products are healthier, eco-friendly, cost-saving, effective and are made in the USA . Key Aspects: - Non-profit Focus: Specifically looking to collaborate with eco-friendly, wellness-focused individuals who are concerned with the many toxic chemicals found in everyday products. Ranging from cleaning/laundry, personal care, denta...
We are a growing e-commerce company managing multiple brands since 2016. We’re looking for an SEO Product Launch Specialist to join our team remotely. We are looking for full-time, long-term options. Payment: Between $700 and $1000 monthly Key Qualifications: - Must be located in one of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain or the USA. - Conduct detailed research to analyze competitor listings and identify opportunities to optimize our product listings. - Write clear and engaging product listings that resonate with customers. - Perform comprehensive keyword research and create keyword strategies. - Ensure listings...
Fantasy style company Logo See example attached. I like the wizard image. The name is mis-spelt here. Company is called 'SPELL CASTERS' we do 3D printing for miniature figures
I'm looking for a logo for my jewelry company that embodies a classic style, with components that reflect the uniqueness and charm of our brand. The ideal candidate will have experience in creating timeless yet engaging designs. Key Elements: - Incorporate our company name into the logo - Use of letter beads to add a distinctive touch (see my current logo attached here) Font Preferences: - Use a fun and recognizable font that's easily legible. - Serif, Sans-serif, or Script options should be explored, but the final design must prioritize legibility. -I want the name to be able to stand alone so that it can be engraved very tiny, as well, onto the little gold coins that are on my jewelry Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for...
I'm looking for a modern styled logo for my company. We like blue, grey, white colours but would look at any We would like a hexagon shape, with either the letter A in the middle Example attached of something we quite like. Business is called ANCHORAGE MUSIC and is a music company
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. ...
I'm in need of a captivating and trendy brand name for my sustainable clothing line aimed at young adults. The name should embody the principles of sustainability, while also appealing to the modern, stylish adult. Key Requirements: - The name should be trendy and resonate with the current fashion landscape. - It must subtly or overtly convey the values of sustainability. - The ta...- The name should be trendy and resonate with the current fashion landscape. - It must subtly or overtly convey the values of sustainability. - The target audience is adults, so the name should have a certain level of sophistication. Ideal Skills: - Brand naming experience, particularly in the fashion industry. - Understanding of sustainability in fashion. - Ability to create trendy, appealing names...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me articulate my company's story and values into a clear and compelling pitch deck. The primary goal of this deck is to inform potential clients, so it needs to be persuasive and engaging. Key components to include: - Core values: This is what sets us apart and needs to be emphasized in the narrative. - Future growth plans: We have ambitious goals and we need to convey this vision to our potential clients. - Our offerings: A clear and concise breakdown of what we provide. The format of the pitch deck should be a slide-by-slide breakdown, ensuring that each slide flows logically from the last without the overall presentation becoming cluttered or overwhelming. Ideal skills for this job include: - Excellent storytelling and narrative-...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a modern, professional invoice template for my landscape construction company. The template should incorporate my existing company logo and adhere to a sleek, modern aesthetic. Key Requirements: - The template must include: - My company's address and contact details - An itemized list of services with prices - Payment terms and due date Ideal Skills & Experience: - Strong graphic design skills, with a portfolio demonstrating modern design work - Experience creating business templates - Ability to incorporate existing branding elements into design - Attention to detail and ability to create a clear, easy-to-understand layout
I'm looking for a Power Automate expert to create a workflow that monitors a SharePoint folder for a .csv file. The workflow should open the file, filter it based on text variables in 2 column, and create a new file for each filtered va...email to and send to email addresses linked to each filtered variable . If possible, only selected columns of the original .csv file needs to be included in the output. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Power Automate - Experience with SharePoint and .csv files - Ability to create automated workflows - Understanding of filtering based on text variables - Skills in naming files based on variable names The filtered files should be named by the variable name and date the workflow ran. Email addresses linked to each variable can be stored in a S...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. ...
I am looking for a logo to be designed for a VPS company as well as a FAVICON. Said company is
? Seeking Talented Web Designer for Property Maintenance Services Website! ? Are you a creative and experienced web designer looking for your next project? I am in need of a skilled professional to collaborate with me in designing a website for my property maintenance services. What I’m Looking For: - Creativity & Expertise: Someone who can bring fresh ideas to the table while having a solid understanding of website design principles and user experience. - Collaborative Spirit: I want a designer who values teamwork and will actively seek my input at every step of the project. Communication is key! - Flexibility: I would like to have the opportunity for revisions and changes until we achieve the final product that accurately represents my brand. Key Responsibilities: - Design a...
I'm looking for a seasoned IT sales agent with a strong focus on small and medium businesses to promote our networking engineering businesss . The ideal freelancer for this project will have a proven track record in IT sales, particularly ...in IT sales, particularly with hardware products and networking equipment. Key Responsibilities: - Identify potential small and medium business clients - Promote and sell our networking engineering business - Build and maintain client relationships - Meet sales targets and deadlines Skills and Experience Required: - Previous experience in IT sales, particularly with networking engineering company . - Excellent communication and sales skills - Ability to target and connect with small and medium businesses - Proven track record of meetin...
...controlled, every day 3 credits are placed in a users account - they can send up to those 3 credits, the maximum number of saved credits is 6 - to prevent spammers Information to be collected: User Identity & Basic Info: Captcha to prevent bots Username to be shown on site (Good for anonymity, while also having a recognizable handle) First Name (First names are generally enough for privacy, unless you require full names) Last Name (Consider if this is necessary for initial use—may be optional) Age/Date of Birth (Important for age verification and matching) Gender (This is essential for identity and matching; consider adding “Prefer not to say” or a “Custom gender” option for inclusivity) Gender Seeking (Ideal fo...
Looking for an experienced editor for a 500-1000-word literary flash fiction piece exploring trauma, relationships, and healing. The story follows a character dealing with the physical and emotional scars of past trauma while navigating a new relationship. Requirements: Experience editing literary flash fiction Understanding of how to handle sensitive topics (trauma, abuse) with care Ability to provide detailed feedback on: Pacing and scene transitions Character development Dialogue and narrative voice Technical aspects (sentence structure, word choice) Clear, actionable suggestions for improvement 1-2 rounds of developmental editing with follow-up discussion Deliverables: Line-by-line editorial comments Overall story assessment Specific recommendations for strengthening the p...
I'm in need of a professional lead gen...your application, showing you understand what the deliverables are. Initially I'm looking for 1000, idealling in my own Postcode area "BT" (Belfast- Northern ireland) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data mining and lead sourcing - Excellent communication skills for potential outreach - Prior experience in generating business leads - Familiarity with various industries, particularly technology, healthcare, and finance - Proficient in using lead generation tools and software. Requirements: - The leads must be exclusively business-oriented, spanning across all industries. - Each lead must include the company's email and phone number. - Quality and accuracy of data is crucial. Bid per 1000 entrie...
I'm looking for a professional company secretary to assist with my business. The role will primarily involve: (ONLY MUMBAI BASED COMPANY SECRETARY WITH RELEVANT AVAILABILITY) -Advisory on Security Issuance by NBFC as per Companies Act, RBI Guidelines and relevant provisions -Document Preparation and Management: This includes preparing necessary legal documents and managing their filing. - Compliance Filings and Updates: This will entail ensuring we meet all corporate governance, financial reporting standards and our specific industry regulations. Please note that this role does not require managing or preparing financial reports or internal memos. . Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with corporate governance and compliance -RBI Guidelines related...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) WK COMMERCIAL CENTRE, JALAN BUNDUSAN, 88300 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a cam...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an informational company website. The site should include the following sections: "About Us", "Services", and "Contact Us". Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with creating clean, modern websites - Good understanding of UI/UX principles - Excellent communication skills for understanding and meeting requirements - SEO knowledge for better visibility
I'm in need of assistance with the administrative tasks of my travel company, specifically managing customer inquiries via email. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in customer service - Proficient in email management - Administrative experience - Organisational skills Your role will primarily involve handling customer inquiries that come through our company's email. This will help us improve our response time and customer satisfaction.