100 original professional myspace pagemunkák


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    2,000 100 original professional myspace page munkát találtunk

    Egyedi webshopra szeretnénk HTML landing pageket csinálni. Ehhez keresünk szakembert

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    72 árajánlat

    Induló pólónyomtató webshopomhoz szeretnék készíttetni egyedi pólógrafikákat. Különböző kategóriákban például legénybúcsú, leánybúcsú, horgászos, vadászos, focis, vicces kategóriákban.

    €55 Average bid
    €55 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat
    Véget ért left

    Németországból irok. Elnézést kérlek, a magyarom nem 100%-os. Mi egy Német- reklámicég vagyunk: Magyar vagyok és ezért keresek webfejlesztőt Magyarországban. Tudsz dolgozni html css-vel és php-vel? Ideális, ha a Contau programot is használod. Az XD Adobe-t is ismernie kellene. Érdekelne nekünk dolgozni? vagy tudsz valakit, aki szeretne nekünk dolgozni? Várom a válaszodat. Nagyon köszönöm. Üdvözlett Rüegg Gergely I am from Germany. I apologize, my Hungarian is not 100%. We are a German advertising company: I am Hungarian and therefore I am looking for a web developer in Hungary. ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    Vasaroltunk egy templatet WP es a fooldalon kellene beallitani az altalunk megadott kategoriakat. es a mega menut. A fooldalt kellene ugy formalni ahogy a demoban van csak a mi termekeinkkel es kategoriakkal.

    €124 Average bid
    €124 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat
    Mobil alkalmazás
    Véget ért left

    ...ajánlat alapján. We have a mobile app, which is already in the app store for a while, but the technology behind it makes it quite hard to improve it so as a first step we would like to find someone who rewrites the exact same application in any modern technology (be it native language, or any of the most common crossplatform solutions) User Avatar we can provide the specification and the original codebase(ObjC)...

    €5056 Average bid
    €5056 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    A feladat egy konkrét facebook oldal (üzleti, tehát nem személyes!) idővonalára írni tudó alkalmazás létrehozása. A munkavégzéshez adjuk a hozzáférést, de a teljes metódust a fejlesztőnek kell végigvinnie (app létrehozástól a validálásig). Figyelem! Nem (kimondottan) programozási feladatról van szó, hanem Facebook App létrehozásról!

    €488 Average bid
    €488 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Wordpress landing page
    Véget ért left

    Magyar senior fejlesztőt keresünk. Startup vállakozásunk angol nyelvű landing page-t szeretne létrehozni. Vannak fotók, angol szöveg, templete.

    €185 Average bid
    €185 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logó tervezés
    Véget ért left

    ...brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in its extant logo are very slim and this layout must be used because this is the original logo of this brand (You can see it on the web here: ) • The style of the font at WISIOO should be unique, and the message of the logo has to show the minimal design in architecture • The slogans might help you: Nature inside, Open to life!, Close to nature! You can find the logo of ORAMA among the attached, uploaded files. Have a good design work! A WISI...

    €94 Average bid
    37 pályamű
    Space Heroes
    Véget ért left

    Egy sikeres,80%-ban készek álló játék applikáció fejlesztés kapcsán keresnénk olyan grafikust, aki meg tud rajzolni 100 db magas felbontású karaktert (Herot),a mi igényeink szerint és amelyek később animálhatóak is.

    €1796 Average bid
    €1796 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    ...keletkező híg zagyot olyan mértékben vízteleníteni, hogy az úszó létesítménnyel tetszőleges távolságra szállítható konzisztenciájú legyen. A projekt keretében olyan valós idejű, mobil iszapvíztelenítő rendszert kívánatos kifejleszteni, amely lehetővé teszi a lágyiszap kiemelését, azonnali - szállítható szintű koncentrációra való - víztelenítését és elszállítását. A prototípus tervezett kapacitása 100 t/nap szárazanyag. Kiegészítő információk...

    €2993 - €4988
    €2993 - €4988
    0 árajánlat

    Körülbelül 800 oldalnyi magyar dokumentum már elkészült angol fordítását kellene elolvasni, és egy hivatalos nyilatkozatot írni, hogy a fordítás az eredetivel megegyezik. Oldal...Az iratok külföldi hatóság számára készültek, egy bevándorlásügyi eljárásban lesznek felhasználva. 80%-uk magyar hatósági irat, de vannak köztük magánlevelek, sajtócikkek és más szövegek is. The already finished translation of around 800 pages of Hungarian documents need to be reviewed, and an official affidavit produced, certifying that the translation matches the original. ...

    €99 Average bid
    €99 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Kedves Fordítók! Az alábbi linken letölthető 3 fájl: A "7302367a FOCUS D_20161010" nevű fájl a fordítandó, a másik alsóbb mappában ...dl=0 A "7302367a FOCUS D_20161010" nevű fájl a fordítandó, a másik alsóbb mappában lévő fájl és magyar fordítása csak referenciaként szolgál, ugyanis nagyban megegyezik a jelenleg fordítandó fájllal. Olyan fordítót keresünk aki jártas CAT szoftverek használatában, és fel tudja használni a már elkészült fordítást. Trados szerint az új fordítand...

    €128 Average bid
    €128 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    ...minden olyan linket, amely nem felel meg az alábbi feltételeknek. Feltételek: - a backlinknek permanent, one-way backlinknek kell lennie. - a linkeket különböző témájú weboldalakon kell építeni - minden linkelő oldalnak értelmes MAGYAR tartalommal kell bírnia - az URLre mutató backlinkek azonnal aktívnak kell lenniük, elvárás, hogy a keresőmotorok pár napon belül felvegyék - minimum Google Page Rank 3 - blog hozzászólások kizárva - linképítő oldalak, aggregátor oldalak, ömlesztett linkekkel operáló oldalak kizárva - oldalanként/domainenként csak ...

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    a projektek közzététele. Próbálja ki ma! Kapjon árajánlatokat képzett szabadúszóinktól akár perceken belül! Nézze meg a szabadúszók profilját és értékeléseit, és chateljen velük akár azonnal! Csupán 3%* jutalék fejében, kedvenc szabadúszója még ma hozzákezd projektjéhez! Csak akkor fizessen a freelancernek, ha 100%-osan elégedett. *minimális díjak felmerülhetnek. További Információ Milyen munkára van szüksége? Projekt neve: Egy domain és kereskedő kisebb birodalom megép&ia...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ...Kötetlen munkaidő - Akár otthonról is végezhető - Stabilan növekvő, tervezhető nemzetközi jövedelem - Etikus, támogató közösség - Folyamatos elismerések - Személyiségfejlődés - A munkavégzéshez szükséges teljes nemzetközi háttér, know-how - Folyamatos szakmai fejlődés, Online képzéstámogató rendszer - Előképzettséget nem igényel Elvárások: - Terméktapasztalat (utazási keret megvásárlása, mely 100%-ban leutazható) - Taníthatóság, változásra való hajlandóság - Ny...

    €550 - €3582 / hr
    €550 - €3582 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Néhai nagyapám írógéppel gépelt önéletrajzának digitalizálására keresek valakit. A projekthez mellékelem az eredeti lapok beszkennelt változatát, valamint karakterfelismerő szoftverrel létrehozott dokumentumokat a szkennelt képek alapján. A feladat: Az eredeti szöveg és a digitalizált dokumentum összevetése és javítása. Sajnos a karakterfelismerő program nem tud 100%-os pontossággal automatikusan dolgozni, ezért van szükség az ellenőrzésre. Emellett az eredeti dokumentumok javításai és egy-egy ékezetes karakter hiánya okozza ezt a probl&eacu...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat
    Web Page , HomePage
    Véget ért left

    Egyenlőre weblap vázlatokat keresek, vagyis csak dizájnt. Az index-t kellene elkészíteni, vagyis a HOME Page-t, mivel a projekt nem nagy így az árazása sem. De amennyiben a munka elnyeri tetszésem , úgy az egész weboldalt ami 3 oldalból fog állni. A weboldal témája PCB gyártás és beültetés. példa: Kezdőlapra nem szeretnék semmi extrát kirakni csak , hogy árajánlat kérést, Modern FLAT design-t keresek. Amennyiben , van mód rá úgy 4 box-t ami tartalmazza a következőket. 1. PCB 2. Stencil 3. webshop 4. Assembly

    €25 Average bid
    €25 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    Frissen indult facebook oldalra lenne szükség 100-150 magy like-ra

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I need to proofread a translation made in Hungarian to make sure it's perfect from a native Hungarian speaker. It's a 14 page document with product descriptions for a website. The original site is in Romanian: biovita.ro. I would like to have this ready by the end of the day today.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    Create a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS Page

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    3 reszponzív HTML Landing Page-t kell elkészíteni (minta alapján), és összekötni külső szolgáltató hírlevélküldő rendszerével. 3 Köszönőoldal is kell, amely a feliratkozóknak megjelenik.

    €161 Average bid
    €161 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    Kedves Jelentkezők! iOS platformra fejlesztett játékunk fordításához keresünk embereket az alábbi területekre: -lengyel -román -cseh -görög ASO alapszintű ismerete előny. Feladatok: - 3-5 név alternatíva, hogy tesztelhessük kereső optimalizálásra - Meglévő magyar leírás lefordítása - Kulcsszavak írása, kevésbé releváns szavakat is (későbbi helyettesítéshez) (összesen 100 karakter kerül be, 200-300 karaktert várunk) Cégünk régóta vezeti a magyar mobilpiacot, hosszú távú kapcsolatra építünk, meg...

    €41 Average bid
    €41 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    A jó arculat nem egyszerűen szép, hanem hatékony: költségeket spórol neked, mert a hirdetéseidet is optimalizálja. Mit kapsz a Facebook arculat átadásakor? Ha most rendeled a komplex Facebook arculattervezés csomagunkat, akkor a következőket kapod: Megtervezzük Veled a designt, és Facebook-marketing kompatibilissá tesszük. Egységes, céges keretet adunk, amit minden képhez és mérföldkőhöz használhatsz.f

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a Freelancer who can do this project in a very short space of time. Basically, You need to get the best position in Google SERP that is possible for the website (1-3#) ( for the following keywords: online, penztargep, onlinepenztargep in Hungary ) without any black SEO that could lead to penalty. Since it is not an overcrowded keyword, please bid low. And in the private message, please let me know, who are you going to accomplish the task (not the whole process, just some information). Our treasury told me that I can only pay you if the work is done correctly. ---------- Egy szabadúszót keresek aki nagyon rövid idő alatt meg tudná csinálni ezt a projektet. Tulajdonképpen, a lehető legjobb pozíciót kellene e...

    €162 Average bid
    €162 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    The ShowRoom arculat
    Véget ért left

    Budapest legújabb modern lakberendezési áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográfia, cégtábla, üzlet installációk A márka neve: The Sh...lakberendezési tárgyak iránt. • Különösen fontos a design iránt elkötelezett, fiatal urbánus értelmiségi réteg, • Azok, akik segítségét kérnek lakásuk, irodájuk berendezéséhez Megjelenés: Modern, letisztult, minőségi, elegáns Határidő: Szeptembe...

    €404 Average bid
    €404 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    ...create precise tablatures? is looking for talented ProTab writers who can deliver Guitar Pro files that are perfectly synchronized with the original track. What will you do? As a Protab writer, you will transcribe songs and create interactive Guitar Pro files (GPX/GP5). These files will be used on to provide musicians with an accurate play-along experience, ensuring the tab stays in perfect sync with the original recording. Your tasks: ✔ Transcribe guitar and bass parts with correct notation and techniques from a youtube/vimeo video that we provide you. ✔ Ensure precise timing and synchronization with the original track ✔ Add dynamics, articulation, and other musical details ✔ Deliver high-quality Guitar Pro files (GPX/GP5) What do we expect from you? ? Exper...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an experienced cold caller fluent in English to handle objections effectively and schedule appointments based on calls made. The focus of these calls will be in the marketing industry, targeting primarily business owners. Your primary objective will be to schedule appointments, with the overarching goal of generating leads for our team. Key Responsibilities: - Making a minimum of 100 calls a day in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) - Managing and overcoming objections with potential clients - Scheduling appointments based on successful interactions Payment Structure: - Initial payment of $50 per appointment scheduled - Transitioning to hourly payment after 5-10 appointments Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cold calling, particularly within the marketi...

    €138 - €413
    €138 - €413
    0 árajánlat

    I'm launching a new business and in need of a modern style, minimalist logo for a social media company. The design should be a combination mark, incorporating both text and an abstract symbol or image. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Brand identity - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) From this logo we would like it to be a double job, and have the winning candidate also design the website. So website examples of work are required to see, and proficiency in web design is also required. The website will need to be updateable via a backend such as Wordpress Information the website needs is simply 'About Us' 'Who We Work With' and 'Contact Us' Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project&#...

    €169 Average bid
    €169 licitátlag
    147 árajánlat

    Hi i am looking for someone who can create fully seo optimized one page event website from scratch. The page must be uunique and don't need to redirect from page/post to homepage because if we do this search engine will not rank it. So create a even website from homepage then if someone visit or google rank it to my then it will directly open to my homepage which is only one page website. And also need to optimizes with the keywords that i want to rank for. To do this which woule be the best is ti wordpress, css or directly through cpanel. Also this will be pre-template, so later i can edit it, and or re-use in another domain for another website with different keywords. My budget is $20 Here is the website design must be look a like- Visit this link-

    €21 Average bid
    €21 licitátlag
    33 árajánlat

    We are seeking a talented link builder specializing in health and medical niche for our website. The ideal candidate will have experience in creating effective link-building strategies, conducting outreach, and securing high-quality backlinks. Responsibilities: • Develop and execute link-building strategies that support overall SEO objectives. • Research and identify high-quality websites, blogs, and online communities for backlink opportunities. • Build and maintain relationships with webmasters, editors, and industry influencers. • Verify that linked domains do not conflict with company policies or affiliate restrictions. • Negotiate partnerships and secure strategic link placements. • Monitor backlink performance, analyze data, and identify areas for im...

    €330 Average bid
    €330 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    ...Marketing tools ( like email marketing and funnels) for 3 months. is of 100 dollars 4. Support from the community and coaches. #2—> PAYMENT 1. ILL pay you ₹30,000 for the first project. 2. If you bring 30 sales within a month, then you'll build trust, and I will pay you more for the next projects( which are much more difficult to upsell). 3. I won't pay you if you don't bring sales within the time frame. #3—> MY EFFORTS 1. I won't do any work for these sales 2. I'll only provide you the link to promote 3. And do the payment on time. 4. I'll also create a milestone of 500 inr to secure the deal. #4–> CONDITIONS 1. don't spam the link 2. Don't paste the link in ads ( if you use ads then create a landing ...

    €303 Average bid
    €303 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional 3D designer to create 8 unique moderate-detail cross-section renders of Hydronic underfloor heating systems. The designs should be from a side view perspective, similar to some examples I can provide. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with creating mechanical or heating system models - Ability to conceptualize and create original designs from provided examples - Good understanding of moderate level detail in engineering designs the attached brochure is our brand using a competitors cross sections as place holders Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your application.

    €416 Average bid
    €416 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    ...Long-Term) We are seeking a skilled English-to-Hindi dubbing artist for our entertainment-focused YouTube videos targeted at teenagers. The content is lively, energetic, and engaging, so we need a dubbing artist who can match this tone perfectly. Requirements: ✔️ Proficiency in both English and Hindi with excellent comprehension. ✔️ Ability to convey the intended tone, energy, and emotions of the original audio. ✔️ Excited and energetic voice style to engage teenage audiences. ✔️ Experience in voice acting or dubbing is preferred. ✔️ Capability to deliver high-quality studio-like audio recordings with clear pronunciation and no background noise. Additional Details: Freelance & Part-Time: This is a long-term opportunity. Timely Delivery: Must be able to deliver work withi...

    €192 Average bid
    €192 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I need some modifications on an image. Specific Tasks: - Remove the kangaroo from the image and replace it with the Raider logo from the second picture. The logo should be applied in the same style as the current image. - Eliminate the text "Royal Australian Regiment" and replace it with "Royal Australian Memes". - Change the phrase "Duty First" to "Beers First". The original image is in JPEG format and the Raider logo is also in JPEG. Please ensure that the logo is seamlessly integrated into the image. Ideally, you should have experience with image editing software such as Photoshop or GIMP. Attention to detail is crucial for this project.

    €6 Average bid
    14 pályamű

    I'm in need of a skilled web developer to create a professional and corporate styled website for my manpower supply business in Saudi Arabia. The site should be well-structured with the following core pages: Home, About Us, and Services. Key Features: - A dedicated section for Job listings which will allow potential clients to view the available manpower options. - A Contact form for client inquiries and communications. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio in creating professional, corporate websites. Experience in designing job listing pages is a definite plus. A keen understanding of clean, user-friendly design is essential as I want the site to be easy to navigate.

    €47 Average bid
    €47 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a spokesperson with a clear American English accent for a 1-3 minute video testimonial promoting my services. I'll supply the script, and I expect the final product to sound both natural and professional. Requirements: - A professional and formal tone - Recording in a neutral background - No specific clothing preferences, but must look presentable The ideal candidate for this project should have: - An American English accent - Experience in video recording and testimonial delivery - Ability to convey a professional and formal tone I prefer non-local providers, so please refrain from bidding if you're local. Please be aware that this project has a fixed budget. If you're interested, let me know!

    €12 Average bid
    €12 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    I need a set of around 100 PowerPoint slides covering various fundamental programming topics. The slides will be used for a 3-hour presentation, so they should be well-structured and engaging. Topics to be covered include: - Introduction of programming - Arrays - Loops - Conditions - Compilers and IDE - JavaScript - Functions The slides should: - Include theoretical basics of each topic - Conclude with a quiz - Contain practice exercises - Complete with a simple project task Please ensure: - No AI-generated content is used - The PPT includes notes and answers Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in programming and teaching experience - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple way - Creativity in designing engaging and educational co...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a seasoned content writer to craft detailed, professional product descriptions for my website. The primary aim of these descriptions is to provide comprehensive information about my products. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing product descriptions - Ability to convey detailed product information in a professional tone - Excellent writing and grammar skills The ideal candidate will have a knack for transforming technical product specifics into engaging, informative content that reflects a professional tone. Experience in SEO and sales-oriented writing is a plus, but the main focus is on clarity and professionalism.

    €56 Average bid
    €56 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    website landing page creation per details

    €77 Average bid
    €77 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a talented poet with a penchant for free verse to help me with a creative writing project. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of poetic devices and the ability to craft intricate, thoughtful pieces of poetry. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in creative writing, particularly poetry - Exceptional command of the English language - Abi...The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of poetic devices and the ability to craft intricate, thoughtful pieces of poetry. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in creative writing, particularly poetry - Exceptional command of the English language - Ability to understand and use poetic devices effectively - Experience in writing free verse poetry - Creativity and origi...

    €437 Average bid
    €437 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat
    5-Page Wix Website Development
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a 5-page Wix website for my business. The site will need to include the following pages: - Product - Solution - Industry - ContactUs - AboutUs we will provide content to put into the wix pages. we need to see your actual work before hire you. are you ready for the test? you can do the product page. If we like it, we hire you and continue the rest of the project. If we don't like it, we don't hire. we will provide you some reference websites where you can get content from. This is a fixed-budget project with a budget of $25. If we are satisfied with the quality of work, we will consider hiring for future projects. Please note, we are not accepting auto bids

    €52 Average bid
    €52 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat

    I require a professional translator fluent in both English and Tajik for a legal agreement. The document in question is a deduction agreement, and its translation is crucial for our understanding and compliance with its terms. Key Requirements: - Top-notch translation from English to Tajik, ensuring all legal terminology is accurately conveyed. - Prior experience in translating legal documents, particularly deduction agreements, is highly desirable. - A keen eye for detail and ability to maintain the original document's intent, tone, and style. - Confidentiality and professionalism, as the document is sensitive in nature. This is a one-time project, but if the work is well done, I will likely require your services for future translations. 134 words only

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat
    Professional FB Ad Creatives Design
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create 4 high-engagement Facebook ad creatives for my Company Registration Services. The primary goal of these ads is lead generation, and they need to reflect a professional tone. Key requirements: - Incorporation of our company logo and service icons - Expertise in designing for Facebook's ad platform - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging ad creatives Ideal skills include graphic design, understanding of Facebook's advertising guidelines and lead generation strategies. Experience in creating professional ad content for service-based companies will be a plus. Please provide examples of previous Facebook ad creatives you have designed.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat

    SEO - On page and off page 10 keywords + 350 backlinks + 4 articles in a month

    €60 Average bid
    €60 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled animator who can transform my logo into a professional and sleek 3D animation. This animated logo will primarily be used for video intros and outros, so it needs to be high quality and visually compelling. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in 3D animation and a portfolio that demonstrates a knack for creating polished, professional-grade animations. Key requirements: - Expert in 3D animation - Prior experience in logo animation - Ability to deliver high-quality, polished work - Understands the need for a professional and sleek aesthetic

    €15 Average bid
    €15 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled T-shirt designer with a knack for graphic-heavy designs. The theme is nature-inspired, so the design needs to incorporate elements of our beautiful planet. Key Requirements: - Graphic-heavy design style - Nature-inspired theme - Inclusion of plants and landscapes - Creativity and original ideas Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong understanding of T-shirt design principles - Portfolio showcasing similar design styles - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality

    €26 Average bid
    €26 licitátlag
    33 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a fashion designer to create an Old Money aesthetic clothing collection for my upscale brand. The collection will encompass a wide range of menswear and womenswear, inspired by the sophisticated style of the 1950s. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive line of elegant, timeless pieces including dresses, suits, and accessories. - Ensure all designs encapsulate the essence of the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Select and incorporate appropriate high-quality fabrics such as Silk, Wool, and Cotton into the designs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in fashion design, particularly in menswear and womenswear. - Deep understanding and appreciation for the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Experience working with high-quality fabrics. - Strong creative vision...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    I need a professional proofreader to review an italian landing page that has been automatically translated via WPML in English, German, and French. The primary aim of this landing page is to generate leads, targeting primarily business professionals. Ideal Skills: - Native-level proficiency in English, German, and French - Experience in proofreading for business-oriented content - Understanding of lead generation strategies and language Proofreader will have access to WPML to direct edit content. Content to proofread is in italian and quite small, about 800 words per language.

    €35 Average bid
    €35 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    Description: I'm seeking a video translator and editor to assist with creating multilingual versions of gaming YouTube Shorts. The primary task involves minimal editing work since I will handle the main editing of the original video. Responsibilities: Replace the original Spanish audio with the provided audio tracks in other languages (English, Portuguese, German, French, Hindi, Japanese, Indonesian, and Russian). Trim silences and synchronize the audio with the visuals. Generate and add subtitles for all versions except Japanese. Stretch or trim video clips if necessary to match the duration of the new audio tracks. Project Details: Volume: 15 to 30 videos per month depending on the content schedule. Expected translations per video: English, Portuguese, German, ...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat