5'x2' Company Banner

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 238
  • Nyertes: Vectorhub

A verseny összegzése

I'm looking for a banner featuring the elements listed below.

The first few elements are the most important and should be prominent/large. The last few elements should be secondary and smaller.

* P Carey Hort Sales, LLC logo (4 different art files attached)
* pchortsales.com (actual website address)
* QR code (two variations attached)
* Patrick & Tammy Carey
* 502-693-4947 & 502-216-9122
* pat [at] pchortsales.com (Freelancer won't let me type it in the description but I need the actual email address)

Towards the bottom I also need these three logos somehow. I'm trying to get my hands on better, high resolution artwork. I know what I attached isn't very good. I'm sorry. Please use as a placeholder if you can.

* National Nursery Products
* The Nursery Stock Market
* J Frank Schmidt & Son Co

We plan on printing the banner at 5' x 2'.

Thank you.

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“The best compliment that I can give Uduwarage is that I have been using Freelancer for 10, maybe 15+, years and his banner might be my favorite all time deliverable from any contest. (With all due respect to the many great people who I have worked with on here before, of course.) Thank you Uduwarage. I can't wait to work together again soon.”

Profilkép jamesrreed, United States.

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