write VBA code to normalize data and move rows
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $50
- Beérkezett pályamű: 10
- Nyertes: IgeS
A verseny összegzése
I recorded a video at the link below explaining exactly what I need done.
To summarize, I need a VBA code to reorder the columns of raw data files and to split one column in specific. THEN I need a VBA code to normalize the data in a few columns to always be "Proper" format, and a few columns to always be "Upper" format.
The first entry that has a working solution will be awarded. I understand there are multiple ways this can be done. I'm not picky - I just need to reduce the amount of time spent and the risk of creating manual errors. This is time sensitive and will be awarded accordingly.
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“Awesome freelancer! Super creative and has a good grasp on finding solutions”
revamp365, United States.
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