Wedding Invitation Design Needed
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $20
- Beérkezett pályamű: 147
- Nyertes: khushishykh8905
A verseny összegzése
I'm in need of innovative and unique wedding invitation ideas. You have the freedom to explore any style, color scheme, or design elements. Your creativity is key, and I encourage you to surprise me!
Key Details:
- The invitations will have 4 different locations and 4 different dates, so the text will need to be slightly flexible.
- A spot needs to be set aside for a QR code
Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Graphic design
- Creative thinking
- Experience with invitation design
Ajánlott készségek
Munkaadói értékelés
“Khush was happy to accommodate my many requests in a timely manner. I really appreciated working with him.”
willdeng, United States.
A verseny legjobb pályaművei
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
elenab99 Serbia
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
Rakib604 Bangladesh
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
mwjm1974 Pakistan
hasanahmed4849 Bangladesh
hasanahmed4849 Bangladesh
mwjm1974 Pakistan
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
Flyhigh71 India
khushishykh8905 Pakistan
khurramz1 Pakistan
akbarkh701 Pakistan
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