Design Me a Logo
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $60
- Beérkezett pályamű: 9
- Nyertes: ni3019636
A verseny összegzése
Hi, everyone! I have a psychotherapy private practice, and I'm looking for someone to design the logo for my website. I have one right now that's almost circular in shape, and I'd like the new one to be more horizontal and interesting. I don't want anything too complicated; ideally something simple, clean, and classic. I'd like it to have two fonts. At the moment, I'm thinking that it'd be nice if one of the fonts were a cursive script of some kind, but I'm open to suggestions, of course! My website is pretty clean; there's not too much clutter. The main colours of my website are white, black, grey, and light pink. Please see the attached pink palette; the pink that is on my website is the second pink in the image. I'd like the logo to be on the lighter side; not much black except in the text.
The name of the company is: Lia Reed Psychotherapy
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