Design a Logo

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $190
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 123
  • Nyertes: darelbanua

A verseny összegzése

Needing logo done for new company startup. Companies name is River El Dorado Investments. (meaning River of Gold) Company will specialize in domestic (USA) and international investments. Logo should reflect Strength, Stability, Growth. A company you would want to invest your money with and make great returns. I would like to see "the river of gold" used creatively someway in the logo. Thanks!

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“Darel was great to work with. Through revisions he was always understanding and quick to respond back with any questions or changes I had. Would hire again and thank you!”

Profilkép RSchoepf, United States.

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • RSchoepf
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 6 év telt el

    Thank you for all the entries. Appreciate all the work you have each done. I'll decide a winner in a couple days.

    • 6 év telt el
    1. pronceshamim927
      • 6 év telt el

      please again check the entry #149 ,#150 .If you award me I will give you the all source file with ai,eps,psd etc and which is your need.I hope you are right choice.

      • 6 év telt el
    2. pronceshamim927
      • 6 év telt el

      please again check the entry #149 ,#150 .If you award me I will give you the all source file with ai,eps,psd etc and which is your need.I hope you are right choice.

      • 6 év telt el
  • ericsatya233
    • 6 év telt el

    please check #143 #144

    • 6 év telt el
  • reddmac
    • 6 év telt el

    #128 . :)

    • 6 év telt el
  • mr180553
    • 6 év telt el

    please check #120 #121

    • 6 év telt el
  • reddmac
    • 6 év telt el

    #92 . Thanks. :)

    • 6 év telt el
  • deponnath12
    • 6 év telt el

    please check #83 #84

    • 6 év telt el
  • Joseph0sabry
    • 6 év telt el

    Please check #76 #77 .thank you sir

    • 6 év telt el
  • Joseph0sabry
    • 6 év telt el

    Please check #65 #66 #67 #68

    • 6 év telt el
  • RSchoepf
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 6 év telt el

    Thank you Joseph, Gobinda and Soniya. Went through and ranked updates. There is some really good looking logos here and appreciate all that proposing ideas. In looking at the logos I know the color orange really pops and is attractive in a logo but it does not really communicate financial services or stability to me. I don't mind some orange being in a logo but try to steer clear of that. Thanks!

    • 6 év telt el
    1. faisalaszhari87
      • 6 év telt el

      Good Luck

      • 6 év telt el
  • Joseph0sabry
    • 6 év telt el

    Please check #43 #44 #45 #46 #47 #48

    • 6 év telt el
  • kingabir
    • 6 év telt el

    Please check entry: #34 #35 #36

    • 6 év telt el
  • skaydesigns
    • 6 év telt el

    Please check entry no #30 #31

    • 6 év telt el
  • reddmac
    • 6 év telt el

    prepping original artwork...joining very soon... :)

    • 6 év telt el
  • RSchoepf
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 6 év telt el

    Thanks for early ideas! I updated the description to clarify that the companies name is "River El Dorado" and do not want river of gold anywhere on the actual business card, though that is what River El Dorado means as a mixture of English and Spanish words River in English meaning flowing water and El Dorado Spanish meaning Gold. Appreciate it!

    • 6 év telt el

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