Creative Web Design for Dream Group

  • Állapot: Open
  • Díj: $100
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 95

A verseny összegzése

We desire website design for our company: Dream Group.

Dream Group is a group of companies with the following services:

Dream Tech Services: Development, production and publishing of software.

Dream Academy: Technology training and educational services in Artificial Intelligence.

Dream Transport Services: Private and commercial transport services.

Dream Jobs: Career guidance, recruitment and selection of personnel for clients via employment agencies and other employment services.

Dream Developers: Real estate construction services.

Dream Homes: Purchase, sale and rental of homes.

For this contest, we do not limit the creativity and design options. We will only proceed with the most creative website design for our corporate brand. We have no color or font limitations. At the moment, we have no logos, except for Dream Academy. We will share the logo after the project starts. We have no logos for all other services. You have the flexibility to create a single page with individual sections for all our services, or a landing page which links to individual pages for each service. You have the flexibility to create simple HTML pages, but we will better appreciate a wordpress template. However, simple HTML pages will also be sufficient.
You have the flexibility to create a design with only images, however, a design with animations will be preferred.

For more information, feel free to reach out.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

További hozzászólások

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