COP SWAP Logo Design
- Állapot: Closed
- Díj: $100
- Beérkezett pályamű: 985
- Nyertes: abiul
A verseny összegzése
I'm looking for a creative graphic designer to develop a COP SWAP logo based on the provided logos and in the style of the US COPS series.
Key Elements:
- The logo should incorporate two hands giving a handshake.
- One arm must have a police badge and the other a sheriff star.
- The words 'COP SWAP' need to be included within the patch.
- The Logo should look like the US COPS logo
Styling Details:
- The logo text should be bold and strong.
- The color scheme is traditional Red, White and Blue.
- The overall shape of the logo should resemble a shield.
Ideal Candidates:
- Strong background in graphic design, specifically logo creation.
- Familiarity with police-themed designs will be an advantage.
- Excellent understanding of color schemes and design patterns.
Ajánlott készségek
Munkaadói értékelés
“He is a great guy”
benram94, United States.
A verseny legjobb pályaművei
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abiul Bangladesh
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