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Victory M.



Expert ghostwriter/crafting compelling stories

$60 USD / óra
Nigeria (2:33 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: október 16, 2024
$60 USD / óra
*Job Title:* Ghostwriter *Job Summary:* Highly skilled and versatile ghostwriter sought to create engaging, high-quality content for various clients across multiple industries. As a ghostwriter, you will research and write compelling articles, blog posts, books, and other written materials while maintaining the client's voice and style. *Responsibilities:* - Research and write well-structured, informative, and engaging content - Collaborate with clients to understand their goals, tone, and style - Conduct interviews with subject matter experts (as needed) - Edit and revise content to ensure accuracy and quality - Meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work - Maintain confidentiality and anonymity *Requirements:* - Proven experience as a ghostwriter or writer - Strong research and interviewing skills - Excellent writing, editing, and communication skills - Ability to adapt to various styles and genres - Strong organizational and time-management skills - Bachelor's degree in English, Communications, or related field *Preferred Qualifications:* - Portfolio showcasing writing versatility - Experience with content management systems (CMS) - Knowledge of SEO principles - Familiarity with style guides (APA, Chicago, MLA) *What We Offer:* - Competitive compensation - Flexible, remote work arrangement - Opportunity to work with diverse clients and projects - Professional growth and development If you're an exceptional writer with a passion for storytelling and versatility, we'd love to hear from you!
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