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Saurav K.
$17 USD / óra
India (8:49 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: január 18, 2015
$17 USD / óra
Hello there, I speak for a handful of innovative individuals who are pleased to list their skills on Freelancer. We offer a wide range of custom web solutions and IT services that may be tailored to your company's demands while also saving money. Delivering solutions that capture your imagination and enable us to forge enduring business ties is our mantra. In addition to e-commerce creation and maintenance services, we provide our employers with Wordpress, HTML5, PHP solutions, SEO, logos, graphics, brochures, brand identity, AWS,GCP implementation and much more. Our reviews do the talking for us.
Dear employers, Our working time is around 8-10 hours, and I am available around 16 hours on weekdays. Average response time is 1-15 minutes on weekdays, and there may be a delay on Sundays in response. Thanks for your patience. Hope to hear soon!
As for the bad reviews in the profile, please provide all details before starting and do not blame later for disputes. Regards
I already worked with Surav in the past, and that is why I asked him to support this Project as well.
Great value for money and trustfull and reliable.
I highly recommend him.