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Felhasználó avatár

Jenus P.



Architectural | Structural | Permit Drawing | PE

$50 USD / óra
United States (9:13 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: január 19, 2025
$50 USD / óra
I am part of a team with strong knowledge that enables us to design modern and creative buildings that meet our clients' requirements. We are an engineering team with licensed engineers located in multiple U.S. states providing civil, architectural and structural engineering services. Our team places customer satisfaction above all else. We are committed to building long-term relationships with our customers and go the extra mile to ensure their success. Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We are familiar with U.S. building codes as well as international building codes and can provide signed and sealed civil and architectural drawings, structural drawings, and structural calculation reports for city permits. The quality of our work is top-notch and we will not disappoint you. ✔ Civil & Structural Engineering design and drawing for city permit. ✔ Architectural Plan and permit drawing for city permit. ✔ Structural Analysis, details, calculations report. ✔ Mechanical Engineering design and drawings for permit. ✔ MEP Engineering Design of Residential, Industrial and Commercial projects. ✔ Stamp for permit. ✔ CAD modeling (SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor, Fusion360) ✔ Engineering drawings ✔ Engineering analysis ✔ Technical writing
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