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Felhasználó avatár

Utibe O.



AI model developer

$30 USD / óra
Nigeria (6:25 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: november 22, 2024
$30 USD / óra
I’m an experienced AI model developer with a strong background in building and deploying machine learning models for practical applications. I specialize in working with popular frameworks like Hugging Face and OpenAI, and I’m skilled in optimizing models for seamless integration and efficient performance. My expertise spans across cloud platforms like Azure, allowing me to deliver scalable solutions suited for product development. With a commitment to staying updated on the latest advancements in AI, I’m focused on developing models that are not only technically robust but also aligned with business goals. I pride myself on clear communication and ensuring timely delivery, making me a reliable partner for projects that leverage AI to drive innovation.
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Customer Service Representative
aug., 2023 - jún., 2024
10 hónap, 29 nap
Start Innovation Hub
aug., 2023 - jún., 2024
10 hónap, 29 nap
No Description Provided



Program Manager
She was good at her work. She has a good working relationship and committed to what she does. Always willing to learn new things and adapt to the working environment. Open to new ideas and have the ability to work even under pressure. She works well with team members and is always willing to take up any assignment even when it is urgent. I strongly recommend her to any organization.
aug., 2023 - jún., 2024
10 hónap, 29 nap



Program Manager
Utibe is a go getter, humble and submissive. Always ready and willing to work even when under pressure. She is accommodating and works well with team members. She is open to new ideas and has good communication skills. She has the ability to tutor and can deliver even in a short notice. I recommend her for any position in her skills set.
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