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Danko T.



Experienced Blockchain & Full Stack Developer

$32 USD / óra
Bulgaria (5:20 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: augusztus 14, 2024
$32 USD / óra
Blockchain Development | Smart Contract | NFT Development | Crypto Exchange Development | Wallet Development | Token Development | Web3 Development I am a senior blockchain architect and developer who helps startups and established companies develop highly-efficient blockchain solutions. I thoroughly understand the requirements, vision, and plans of clients to deliver high-quality blockchain development services. I possess a thorough understanding of the entire SDLC, with significant expertise in business requirement mapping, technical documentation, application design and development, integration, testing, and troubleshooting. I have strong problem-solving and communication skills in addition to my technical expertise, which has been helpful in my role as team leader on multiple blockchain initiatives. I enjoy working in agile development environments and do well under pressure, routinely completing projects on time and at a high standard. Here’s a brief summary of our key areas of expertise (End-to-End Blockchain Ecosystem Development): Custom Blockchain Development Blockchain App Development Industrial Blockchain Solutions MVP and PoC Development Enterprise Solutions Development Smart Contract Development Crypto Exchange Development NFT Development DApps Development Crypto Wallet Development Metaverse Solutions STO/ICO/IDO/IEO/IGO/INO Development DeFI Solutions Development (Borrowing, Lending, etc.) Web3 Solutions Development We use a wide array of technologies to develop web3 and blockchain solutions Token Development Standards - ERC, TRC, BEP, and more Blockchain Platforms - Ethereum, Hyeperledger, Solana, Stellar, Tron, Polygon, Algorand, Binance, and more Programming Languages | Rust, Solidity, Vyper, Go, and more Technologies for Full-Stack Development: Node.js, Java, PHP, Python, React.js, Angular.js, CSS, HTML, Vue.js, Flutter, React Native, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis By collaborating, you can expect to achieve the following goals: Deploying well-written and secure smart contracts Developing web3 native applications with excellent user experiences Establishing a successful web3 business with long-term effects For the communication of the blockchain development project, we employ a variety of project management technologies. ⦿ Upwork Message Board ⦿ JIRA ⦿ Trello I have experience with a variety of business solutions, and I constantly keep my attention on my client's ideas and vision and work to make them a reality. Let's talk about how our perspective and experience can benefit your project. Just send me a message!
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